

Research on Key Problems of Dynamics of Helicopter Tail-Drive Transmission System

【作者】 朱自冰

【导师】 朱如鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在直升机工业化发展的几十年历程中,曾经多次因尾传动系统动力学问题而差点扼杀了型号的研制。因此,为了能够更好地获得尾传动系统的振动特性及尾传动系统对整个直升机传动系统振动特性的影响,本文针对直升机尾传动系统中传动轴弯曲振动和扭转振动、锥齿轮动力学特性、球轴承载荷分布特性等4个关键问题开展研究,试图解决传统方法在工程应用中的障碍,开发具有实用价值的尾传动系统动力学分析方法和手段。主要研究内容包括直升机尾传动系统中锥齿轮传动的动力学特性、球轴承的载荷分布、直升机尾传动系统弯曲振动和扭转振动的建模与分析。(1)建立了含弹性辐板锥齿轮传动系统的多自由度弯曲-扭转-轴向移动耦合振动三维动力学模型。分析了辐板阻尼对锥齿轮传动系统的幅频特性的影响,提出了合理的辐板阻尼系数选择范围;计算了齿轮副的啮合阻尼系数和辐板阻尼系数对系统运动分岔特性的影响。(2)构建了低速和高速球轴承的力学分析模型,确定了载荷分布计算的方法和流程;分析了负荷和径向游隙对低速球轴承载荷分布的影响;探讨了负荷、转速和材料等参数对高速球轴承载荷分布的影响规律。(3)建立了直升机尾传动系统的弯曲振动解析模型,分析了轴段数和刚度对直升机尾传动系统固有频率的影响,为传动轴系的实际设计提供了理论依据;基于有限元法,对直升机尾传动系统的固有频率、振型和弯曲振动谐响应特性进行了分析,并利用直升机尾传动系统模拟试验台,对直升机传动系统的弯曲振动进行试验验证。(4)建立直升机尾传动系统的扭转振动解析模型,分析了主要参数对扭转振动特性的影响;基于有限元法,对直升机尾传动系统的扭转振动谐响应进行了分析,研究了轴的扭转刚度和齿轮啮合刚度对系统扭转动态特性的影响。目前,本文研究的扭转动态特性解析法已成功应用于解决某型直升机尾传系统铁鸟试验台振动问题,显示出本方法具有工程实用价值。

【Abstract】 During the developing process of the helicopter industry, the research work has been almoststopped because of the dynamics of the tail drive system. In general, it could help to detect thevibration characteristics of both the tail drive system and the whole drive system of the helicopterthrough investigating the dynamics of the tail drive system. In order to solve the problem of theconventional method in the engineering application and develop a new method with practical value,the dynamics problem of helicopter tail drive has been researched, including dynamic characteristicsof bevel gear drive, load distribution of ball bearing, modeling and analysis of flexural vibration andtorsion vibration for helicopter tail drive system. The mail contents are as follows:(1) Three-dimensional dynamics model of bending-torsion-axial movement coupled vibrationwith multiple degrees of freedom is established for bevel gear transmission with elastic web plate. Theinfluence of the web damping on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the bevel geartransmission system is analyzed. Accordingly, it is proposed to select a reasonable range of webdamping coefficient. At the same time, the influence of both the meshing damping coefficient and theweb damping coefficient of gear pairs on the bifurcation characteristics of the system movement werediscussed.(2) The mechanical model is established with the low-speed and high-speed ball bearing. Thecalculation method and processes of load distribution are determined. The influence of load and radialinternal clearance on the load distribution of the low-speed bear is analyzed. Meanwhile, the effect ofloading, rotational speed and materials on the load distribution of high-speed bear is studied.(3) The bending vibration model of helicopter tail drive system is founded based on the analyticmethod. The influence of shaft sections and stiffness on the natural frequency of the helicopter taildrive system is studied, which could provide a reference for designing the drive shafts. An analysis iscarried out for detecting the natural frequency, vibration mode and bending vibration harmonicresponse characteristics of helicopter tail drive system. A proof-testing experiment is conducted toresearch the flexural vibration of helicopter tail drive system.(4) The torsion vibration model of helicopter tail drive system is founded, and the torsiondynamic behavior of shaft is analyzed with main parameters. The influence of shaft torsion stiffnessand gear meshing stiffness on the torsion vibration dynamic characteristics of tail drive system isstudied using finite element analysis. The method in this investigation has been utilized successfullyto solve the vibration problem of the testing platform of tail drive system of helicopters, which indicates the certain engineering value of the method.

【关键词】 动力学尾传动轴系锥齿轮轴承
【Key words】 DynamicsTail drive systemShaft systemBevel gear driveBearing

