

Design of High-speed Composite Boat Structure under Slamming Load and Fabrication on Boat Structure

【作者】 施军

【导师】 赫晓东;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 工程力学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 复合材料高速船艇发展可以满足三个层面的需求:高速航运、私人海上运动的发展需求;海上能源开发、缉私、求助等工作需求;沿海和临海军事巡逻及海上应急突发事件的需求。尽管复合材料高速船艇应用前景广阔,但国内外现行规范只是对结构设计提供要求,无法保证结构设计最优性。国外几家快艇设计公司也不愿公布船艇结构设计核心技术。以上原因促使我国复合材料高速船艇发展必须依靠自有技术,因此本文开展了复合材料高速船艇结构设计与建造研究工作。考虑到30节以上船艇主要承受砰击荷载,论文结构设计主要设计荷载为砰击荷载。基于内聚力理论模型,采用有限元分析技术对复合材料层合板分层规律进行研究。在计算过程中,研究了层合板结构分层发生位置及先后顺序规律。而且,层合板铺层厚度、铺层角度以及树脂剥离强度对分层影响也进行了研究。提出了整船复合结构设计概念,并对局部砰击结构进行了研究。首先利用有限元计算,评价了三种船体结构形式,静态力学研究表明:泡沫夹层结构性能最优。按照结构设计,建造1米长实船试件,在重量一致前提下,应用跌落试验对结构抗砰击性能进行研究。结果表明:泡沫夹层结构抗砰击性能最优,与静态力学分析结果一致。同时,芳纶与玻纤编织的混编纤维可以增强结构抗砰击性能。通过结构分层研究表明,骨材与船板人工二次粘结使结构性能不连续,最终导致了横骨材附近大量分层破坏。研究了船体真空辅助成型工艺过程,对工艺中树脂流动形式、流动速度以及缺陷产生原因进行分析。根据树脂流道,合理设计进/出胶口位置,实现了泡沫夹层板与骨材一次性灌注。根据固化成型工艺力学--固化动力学模型和热-化学模型,利用有限元获得了船体截面在固化周期内温度场与固化度场分布。结合热-弹性力学模型,实现了船体在固化成型全过程的温度场、固化度场、应力场以及变形稳定性分析。根据水动力学理论,通过船模水池试验数据,最终获得优异船体水动力线型,完成了船体结构设计与制造。带有断级的实船截面跌落试验表明,断级设置不仅改善了船体水动力学性能,而且提高了船体抗砰击荷载能力。实船试航的速度测试验证了复合材料快艇具有70Kn航速,创造了中国最快的船艇记录。

【Abstract】 The development of FRP fast boats can satisfy three demands: the developingdemand of fast shipping and the pleasure actions on the sea, the working requirements ofthe offshore energy exploitation, anti-smuggler and rescue missions, the military offshorepatrol and fast respond at emergency. Although the FRP fast boats can be widely used inmany fields, the present domestic and abroad classifications only emphasize therequirements on the construction design and cannot guarantee the optimum of the hulldesign. Some abroad companies don’t want to share the key design points with the othercompetitors. Therefore, the development of China FRP fast boats must depend on owntechnology. This article is focus on FRP fast boats construction design and manufacture.Considering the boats above30knots mainly bear the slammingload, the main designload of this article is the impact load.Based on the Cohesion model, finite element analysis is performed for the law ofdelamination. During the calculation process, the delamination location of the plate andthe delamination sequence of delamination in thickness direction are studied. Meanwhile,the thickness and ply angle of laminated plate are studied for the effect of delamination,peel strength of the matrix is also investigated in this section.Put forward the concept of the whole ship design of composite structures, and localanti-slamming design is studied in this section. The finite element method is to evaluatethree hull structures, and the calculated results show that foam sandwich structure has thebest performance. In accordance with the structural design, construction1meter longboat structure specimens, the drop test is to elevulate the performation of three structuredesign with the same weight. The results show that foam sandwich structure has the bestperformance of anti-slamming, which mechanical analysis results is confirmed.Meanwhile, mixed woven kevlar fiber and glass can enhance the performance of anti-slamming. The results also show that horizontal stiffeners with artificial secondarybonded aggregate structure lead to discontinuity properties of the structure, largedelamination field occure near horizontal stiffeners.Vacuum assisted resin technology of the hull was studied. During the hull vacuumassisted molding process, resin flow, flow speed and defects are studied in the analysis.According to resin flow, and the design import/export location resin, foam sandwichpanels with vertical stiffeners is successful one-time infusion. Based on curing kineticsmodel and the heat-chemical model, the finite element is performed for temperaturefiled and the degree of cure field during the curing cycle. Based on thermal-elasticmodel, stress and strain field, deformation, are achieved with fininte element analysis. According to the hydrodynamic theory, excellent linear hydrodynamic hull areachieved by drag test pool. The structures are improved for slamming loads by thoughdynamic transient analysis of the hull. And the composite hull was prepared. Drop testshows that the hull with step-fault zone can improve the load capacity of slamming loadwhich is better than the hull. Speed testing is done for the validation of the compositesvessel having70Kn speed.


