

Research on Formation Mechanism and Agglomeration Effect of High-tech Industrial Cluster

【作者】 胡珑瑛

【导师】 叶元煦;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高技术产业是指知识、技术密集,具有高附加值,对相关产业波及和带动效果显著的产业。高技术产业的迅速发展,给世界带来深刻的变化,成为当代社会经济发展的强大动力。因此,发展高技术及其产业成为许多国家推动经济增长、提高国际竞争力的战略决策。随着经济全球化浪潮的涌动,加速了知识、技术、信息、资金等要素在全球的转移与扩散,也推动了国际地域分工进程。在这种背景下,许多产业,特别是高技术产业在全球范围内组织和配置资源的过程中,也选择某些特定的地域聚集、发展,从而形成高技术产业群。在产业群中,企业之间联系紧密,既竞争又合作,形成高度灵活的专业化生产协作网络和技术创新网络,增强了企业的技术创新能力,促进了高技术产业的发展,也大大地提升了区域的竞争优势。传统的产业空间聚集理论是基于企业的相互接近和由于物流减少所带来的成本节约和收入增加,很难正确解释高技术产业的空间聚集现象。因此,研究探讨高技术产业群的形成机理、聚集效应,对于制定高技术产业发展政策,优化高技术资源配置,推动高技术产业群的发展和竞争力的提升,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文的目的是,在借鉴国内外产业空间聚集理论的基础上,结合高技术产业的特点,通过深入地调查分析,研究探讨高技术产业群的形成和发展理论,提出相应的管理理论和政策框架,为促进高技术产业的发展提供理论依据。本文综述了国内外关于产业聚集研究的成果,在此基础上,首先,对高技术产业群的内涵、特征、功能等进行界定,从区位条件、智力资源、地域文化、金融环境、制度因素和聚集效应等方面,分析影响高技术产业群形成的因素,在此基础上,对高技术产业群进行系统分析,应用自组织理论揭示高技术产业群形成和发展的运动规律。第二,分析高技术产业群形成聚集经济效应的内在成因,并分析了范围经济效应、生产效率提高效应和创新效应三种表现形式的聚集效应。第三,运用分形理论对高技术产业聚集效应进行了探讨,并分别从产业群聚集对知识溢出效应、学习效应和共同市场效应等聚集效应的作用机理,建立相应的理论框架。最后,对高技术产业群创新网络的创新机制进行分析,建立基于支持向量机(SVM)的高技术产业群创新网络效应评价模型。

【Abstract】 High-tech industry is the industry having dense knowledge and technology,high additional value and affecting and driving role to other industry. The rapiddevelopment of high-tech industry causes the deep change of world and is apowerful motive force of social and economic development. Thereforedeveloping high-tech industry is a strategic decision of many countries promotingeconomic growth and raising international competitive force. The economicglobalization speeds the transfer and spread of knowledge, technology,information, funds etc. and promotes international region division. The manyindustries, especially high-tech industry, choose the specific regionagglomeration and development to form industrial cluster in the course oforganization and disposition resource in world scope. In industrial cluster theenterprises related closely is both competition and cooperation each other and thevery flexible production and innovation network are formed. This networkstrengthens the enterprise innovation ability, promotes high-tech industrydevelopment and regional competitive advantage. Researching high-techindustrial cluster formation mechanism and agglomerative effect has veryimportant theory and reality significance to laying down high-tech industry policy,dispose high-tech resource, promoting high-tech industry development and regioncompetition force. On the basic of industrial agglomeration theory at home andabroad, purpose of paper is studying the theory of high-tech industrial clusterformation and development, putting forward management theory and policy,providing theory for promoting high-tech industry development by investigationand analysis.This paper, based on reviewing research achievements at home and abroadabout industrial agglomeration, firstly defines high-tech industrial cluster and itscharacter, analyses the factors of influencing its formation from the locationcondition, intellect resources, regional culture, financial environment, systemfactor, agglomerative effects and so on respects, and puts forwardself-organization mechanism of high-tech industrial cluster formation anddevelopment, which including motive force mechanism, self-breeding mechanism, self-regulation mechanism of high-tech industrial cluster. Secondly, this paperanalyses the inherent causes which the high-tech industrial cluster comes intobeing the agglomerative economical effects, and probes into the threemanifestations of agglomerative effects including the scope economic effects, theproduction efficiency improving effects and the innovation effects. Thirdly, theagglomerative effects of high-tech industrial cluster were discussed with thefractal theory. And then, this paper establishes corresponding theoretical frameworkfrom the mechanism of agglomerative effects for the knowledge spillover effects, thelearning effects and the common marketing effects. Finally, this paper analyses theinnovative mechanisms of the high-tech industrial cluster innovation network,and establishes the evaluation model for the high-tech industrial cluster innovationnetwork effects based on the support vector machine


