

Application of Capillary Electrophoresis for Determination of Active Components in Tea Samples

【作者】 王清萍

【导师】 林金明;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 分析化学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文开展了毛细管电泳技术在茶叶实际样品中的应用研究,以茶水中多种氨基酸、有机酸以及维生素分离检测为主要研究目标,建立了茶水多种氨基酸、有机酸以及维生素的毛细管电泳分析新技术。结合毛细管电泳简便、快速的特点,建立水样中金属离子、无机盐的分离分析方法,应用于茶水以及环境水样中无机离子的分析。本论文共分为八章,分述如下:第1章,介绍毛细管电泳技术原理、特点及其展望;综述了茶叶中有效成分的分离分析方法以及环境水样中金属离子分析方法、现状与进展;简要介绍了本论文的研究目的与内容。第2章,建立了非衍生化毛细管区带电泳直接紫外检测法同时分离测定精氨酸(Arg)、色氨酸(Trp)、苯丙氨酸(Phe)和酪氨酸(Tyr)四种氨基酸,并应用于不同发酵过程的11种实际茶叶样品中Arg、Trp、Phe和Tyr含量的测定。结果令人满意。该方法可以为茶叶的质量评估提供借鉴。第3章,建立了一种简单、快速的非衍生化毛细管电泳-间接紫外方法测定茶叶中赖氨酸(Lys)、脯氨酸(Pro)、亮氨酸(Leu)、丙氨酸(Ala)、组氨酸(His)、苏氨酸(Thr)、蛋氨酸(Met)、丝氨酸(Ser)和甘氨酸(Gly)等九种氨基酸。并将此方法成功用于不同发酵茶样中这九种氨基酸的实际含量测定。第4章,研究了毛细管区带电泳法分离测定抗坏血酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸、没食子酸、原儿茶酸五种有机酸最佳电泳分离条件。建立了可以有效地分离检测以阴离子形式存在的上述有机酸新体系,并应用于茶水中有机酸的分析。第5章,建立了能同时测定VB1、VB2、VB6、VC四种维生素的毛细管电泳新方法。该法有望推广到各种茶叶、蔬菜等富含维生素的物质的测定。第6章,建立了简单、有效的毛细管电泳技术分离K+、Ca2+、Na+、Mg2+、Zn2+五种无机离子新方法。并用于西湖龙井茶水与矿泉水中无机离子的分析测定。第7章,采用在柱络合使阳离子负电化,建立了一种方便、有效、简单、快速、同时分离水中磷酸根和钙离子新方法。并成功应用于环境实际水样中HPO42-和Ca2+分析。第8章,用2,6-吡啶二羧酸(2,6-PDCA)与Cr(III)在柱络合反应形成[Cr(PDCA)2]-络阴离子,建立了一种方便、有效、简单、同时快速的分析水中Cr(III)和Cr(VI)的新方法。并成功用于实际废水中不同形态铬离子组份的测定。

【Abstract】 In the area of analysis science, capillary electrophoresis (CE) has made anothersignificant progress after liquid chromatography,which play an extraordinary role inthe process of analysis and determination of complex samples. In this paper, CE wasapplied to the analysis of amino acids, low molecular organic acids and some vitaminsin tea water samples. Combining with the highly efficient separation of CE, theanalytical methods for some metal and inorganic ions in environmental water sampleswere also developed. This paper aimed to improve the capillary electrophoresismethod and enlarges the application fields. The dissertation consists of eight chapters.In Chapter1, The principium, characteristic and progress capillaryelectrophoresis technology were reviewed. The progress of separation and analysis ofactive components in tea and ion analysis of environmental water by CE werereviewed. The objective and content of this dissertation were described in brief.In Chapter2,Four important amino acids, arginine (Arg), tryptophane (Trp),phenylalanine (Phe) and tyrosine (tyr) were simultaneously separated successfully anddetermined by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using direct UV detection. Themethod was applied to the determination of Arg, Trp, Phe and tyr in eleven teasamples with different fermentation tea samples. The results were satisfied. Itprovided some beneficial reference to evaluation quality of tea.In Chapter3,a general method based on capillary zone electrophoresis wasdeveloped for determination lysine(Lys), proline(Pro), leucine(Leu), alanine(Ala),histidine(His), Threonine (Thr), methionine(Met), serine(Ser), glycine(Gly) nineamino acids. Acid hydrolysis was used for sample preparation. The method issatisfactory in the measurement of Lys, Pro, Leu, Ala, His, Thr, Met, Ser and Gly inthe manufacturing process of tea products. It indicated that the method is available todetermine amino acids in teas and evaluation for the quality of teas well. In Chapter4,Capillary electrophoresis with direct ultraviolet UV detection forseparation and determination of five organic acids, including ascorbic acid,chlorogenic acid,caffeic acid, protocatechuic acid and gallic acid,were developed.The five organic acids existed in negative ion forms were separated in65mmol/Lborate buffer at pH9.18, separation voltage of20kV and detection wavelength at263nm. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the analysis of spikedChennianpuer tea samples.In Chapter5, a rapid, convenient, sensitive and reproducible capillary zoneelectrophoresis for determination of vitamin B1, B2, B6, C was developed. Theproposed method has been successfully applied for determination of the Biluochun tea.This method may be used in tea, vegetables and other vitamin-rich substances weredetermined.In Chapter6, a rapid, convenient, sensitive and reproducible capillary zoneelectrophoresis for the determine of K+, Ca2+, Na+,Mg2+and Zn2+five metal cationswas developed. The proposed method has been successfully applied for determinationof the Longjing tea and Baiyan mineral water in real samples.In Chapter7, capillary zone electrophoresis with UV detection at214nm wasdeveloped for the simultaneous determination of phosphate and calcium in waters,The results showed that reasonable resolution with low interference from other ionspresent in the water was achieved. The method was successfully applied to theanalysis of HPO42-and Ca2+in waters, which provided a fast and simple procedurethat required no modification of the CE instrument.In Chapter8, capillary zone electrophoresis with UV detection using2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate (PDCA) as the electrolyte was developed for thedetermination of Cr(III)and Cr(Ⅵ). The proposed method was demonstrated for thedetermination of chromium species in wastewaters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

