

Research on Mobile-based Spatial Data Organization and Adaptive Positioning Map Services

【作者】 张爱国

【导师】 许其凤; 邬群勇;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着移动通信和Internet技术的发展和广泛应用,移动互联技术扩展了传统的Internet空间,正在营造一个更加广阔的移动计算环境,使人们在任何时间、任何地点都能利用移动设备,通过无线方式从互联网获得所需信息。目前,移动空间信息服务,特别是在集成了全球定位系统(GPS,Global Positioning System)的移动设备提供“基于位置服务”的应用服务正在成为研究的热点。本文尝试从移动空间数据组织、移动设备支持的GPS模块定位和移动基站定位出发,结合CGML(Compact GeographyMarkup Language)空间数据的特性,对移动空间数据组织与自适应移动定位地图服务等方面进行研究,并结合实际需求建立相应的原型系统。论文的研究内容和结论如下:(1)移动空间数据组织。在分析空间数据组织管理方法的基础上,提出一种基于移动服务器端和移动终端的分布式移动空间数据组织架构。提出并建立了基于PostGIS数据库的移动空间数据在服务器端的管理和按照九片模型的CGML缓存文件的移动终端组织管理,发展和丰富了移动GIS空间数据管理体系。移动服务器端数据组织为中心数据库,存储位置服务所需的基础地图数据,并运用Ibatis映射工具进行空间数据的查询管理,将有利于提高空间数据的查询检索效率;移动终端则根据应用需求对服务器端的部分数据复制,其空间数据将按照九片模型规则以CGML格式进行缓存组织,便于移动地图可视化。(2)终端CGML缓存的移动地图可视化。在研究现有的移动地图可视化方式基础上,根据所设计的移动缓存数据组织机制,提出一种基于CGML终端缓存文件的移动地图可视化框架,并就移动数据查询、CGML数据缓存、地理坐标到屏幕坐标的转换以及基于CGML缓存文件的移动地图可视化做详细的分析。按照九片模型方式的CGML缓存组织,使得重复地图操作可以直接读取本地缓存的空间数据,降低了移动地图可视化数据对无线网络的过度依赖。同时,移动地图平移的过程中也能预先请求和获取地图数据,减少了地图服务中等待数据的时间。(3)自适应移动位置定位地图服务。在分析现有自适应移动地图服务模式的基础上,提出一种自适应移动定位地图服务架构。该框架包括GPS和基站两种定位方式的精度分析、自适应移动位置定位和移动地图服务器等主要内容。研究和分析了移动GPS和基于MPS移动基站定位两种定位技术在不同条件下的定位精度,从中找到两种定位方式在应用中的精度平衡点,通过该平衡点来实现自适应移动位置定位,并提供对应该位置的地图服务。由于移动地图服务能够根据移动终端的即时位置情况和终端设备性能信息自动地切换选择恰当的定位方式,无需普通用户对定位知识的了解,提高了移动地图服务的大众化应用。(4)自适应移动定位地图服务实践。结合福州市的实际数据,建立了福州市空间数据库、运用MPC MAP TOOL建立了福州市的虚拟无线移动网络、实现了基于MPS的福州市移动基站定位、实现了移动地图服务以及基于CGML终端缓存的移动地图可视化等。然后,对其试验结果与同等条件下广泛使用的Google手机地图的性能进行比较分析,并对比较结果给予评价。通过验证比较分析,本论文提出的自适应移动定位地图服务是可行的,提高了移动地图服务的适用性和效率,特别是对于移动地图重复操作来说,其效果尤为明显。

【Abstract】 With development of mobile communication and internet technology, the erawitnesses universal application of mobile internet technology. The mobile internettechnology broadens environment for mobile computing, which facilitates people’s usageof mobile application and access to information from wireless internet any time and anywhere. Nowadays, spatial information-based mobile service has become hotspot in GISresearch especially in field of LBS (Location Based Service) integrated with GPS (GlobalPositioning Systmem) mobile application. The thesis tries to integrate two positioningmodels (GPS modular positioning and mobile station positioning) supported by mobileequipment and feature of CGML (Compact Geography Markup Language) spatial data andprobes into field of self-adaptable mobile positioning and client-side map visualizationbased on CGML. Furthermore, thsis propose a prototype system according to actualdemand. The content of thesis is structured as follow:(1) Organization of mobile-based spatial data. A strategy of spatial data organizationon both server side and mobile client side is proposed according to methodology of spatialdata management. Spatial data management both on server side based on PostGIS andmobile terminal based on nine-tile model CGML cache mechanism enriches and developssystem of spatial data management. On server side, fundamental geographical data in LBSis hibernated in central spatial database. Data query is accomplished by Ibatis mappingtools, which improves query efficiency. On mobile terminal, spatial data is retrieved fromserver by demand. Retrieved data is structured based on nine-tile model as format ofCGML in terminal cache. Mobile terminal cache mechanism based on nine-tile data modelfacilitates map visualization.(2) Map visualization based on mobile terminal CGML cache mechanism. Mobilemap visualization framework is proposed based on analyst of popular mobile mapvisualization solutions. Core of framework in thesis is mobile terminal CGML cachemechanism. In this section, main components of this framework are discussed in detail,which include mobile terminal data query, CGML caching, transformation betweengeographical reference coordination and mobile screen coordination, visualization ofcached spatial data. Organizing CGML as nine-tile model in mobile terminal cache makes it possible to retrieve spatial data directly from cache without interacting with server,which decreases mobile map visualization’s excessive depend on wireless network.Moreover, concurrent spatial data retrieving from cache while map panning shortenswaiting time during map service invoking.(3) Adaptive positioning map service. In this section, current models utilized inadaptive positioning map service are analyzed first. A framework for adaptive positioningmap service is brought forward. Main contents in this framework consist of adaptivepositioning research, precision analyst of two positioning models (GPS-based positioningand mobile base station positioning) and related applications on map server. Precisionanalyst of two positioning models under different environments is brought forward.According to precision analyst result, there exists an optimal positioning model for everysingle positioning. Optimal positioning selection according to both real-time environmentand mobile performance not only encapsulates positioning realization detail for end-user,but also lowers threshold of mobile map service application.(4) Application of adaptive positioning map service. An adaptive positioning mapservice system is designed and implemented. The system is tested and verified byintroducing real application scenario in Fuzhou city. In this application, spatial database ofFuzhou city is constructed. Fuzhou virtual wireless network is established by utilizingMPC MAP TOOL. MPS mobile base station positioning is realized. Mobile map serviceand map visualization based on terminal CGML cache mechanism are implemented. Acomparing evaluation of performance is brought out between proposed system and Googlemobile map. According to result, the proposed methodology and implementation ofadaptive positioning map service is applicable. The proposed solution not only increasesefficiency of mobile map service but also improves universal applicability. Especially, theperformance improvement is highlighted in panning map in client side.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】P208;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】253
  • 攻读期成果

