

Preparation of Novel Polymer-based Capillary Monolithic Columns and Application in Electrochromatography

【作者】 王晓春

【导师】 谢增鸿;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 食品安全与药物化学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 有机聚合物整体柱由于其简单的合成步骤,可靠的色谱性能,广泛可供选择的基质和单体,方便控制表面化学性质和电渗流方向,而且pH值应用范围宽,生物兼容性好等特点,是毛细管电色谱(CEC)发展领域里的一个重要课题。目前整体柱主要应用于反相毛细管电色谱模式,但对于极性、强极性化合物和碱性物质的分离仍是需要解决的难题。本文制备了多种新型的有机聚合物毛细管电色谱整体柱,系统阐述了它们各自的分离机理,为极性化合物和碱性物质的分离提供了新的方法。在本论文中,主要包括以下内容:1.针对极性化合物分离困难的问题,制备了一种新型的极性有机聚合物整体柱,首次应用于亲水作用毛细管电色谱(HI-CEC)模式。该整体柱含有丰富的极性基团,在高乙腈比例条件下以亲水作用模式成功分离了极性的中性和带电化合物。详细讨论了极性化合物在该整体柱上的分离机理,对于极性的带电化合物,其分离机理主要以亲水作用为主,同时还有静电相斥作用和电泳作用的影响;而对于中性化合物,亲水作用则是其主要的保留机理。2.通过热共聚合带羟基基团的甲基丙烯酸-2-羟基乙酯(HEMA)单体和季戊四醇三丙烯酸酯(PETA)交联剂,首次制备了一种新型极性的中性聚甲基丙烯酸酯类整体柱,制得的整体柱固定相包含丰富的极性基团,可以产生较强的电渗流,并应用作为HI-CEC固定相。由于该固定相表面不带电,避免了与碱性物质之间的静电吸附,从而有效地分离核苷和碱基,并且没有峰拖尾现象,分离机理是一种典型的HI保留机理,柱效达140000plates/m。该研究有效地解决了极性和碱性物质的分离问题。3.一步原位聚合3-[N,N-二甲基-[2-(2-甲基丙-2-烯酰氧基)乙基]铵]丙烷-1-磺酸内盐(SPE)、乙烯基磺酸(VS)单体和PETA交联剂,制备了一种新型的基于sulfoalkylbetaine两性基质整体柱。在聚合反应液中引入带电单体VS,可以提供大且稳定的EOF,从而首次应用于CEC模式。中性和碱性的极性物质在整体柱上得到很好分离,且无峰拖尾现象。在加压毛细管电色谱模式下进行表征,对于中性物质硫脲的柱效达145000plates/m,碱性胞苷的柱效达132000plates/m。4.制备了一种新型的亲水作用和强阴离子交换混合模式整体柱。采用的含有丰富极性基团的SPE功能单体提供极性位点,季铵单体被用于产生电渗流和提供阴离子交换作用。详细讨论了极性化合物在该整体柱上的毛细管电色谱分离机理。有效地分离了苯酚类、苯甲酸衍生物、碱性的核苷和碱基、核苷酸等极性物质,并成功应用于结构相似多肽的分离。5.首次采用一步聚合的方法制备了基于苯乙烯基质的反相/强阴离子交换混合模式毛细管电色谱整体柱。研究表明,该整体柱采用N,N,N-三甲基乙烯基苯甲氯化铵为功能单体,能够产生稳定的电渗流并提供强阴离子交换位点。详细探讨了溶质与固定相之间可能的保留机理,有效分离了烷基苯同系物、环境雌激素、苯胺和氟喹诺酮类药物。

【Abstract】 The polymer-based monoliths are highly favorable and widely adoptedattribute to some advantages such as chemical stability over the entire pH range,fast and simple preparation, flexible modification of the supports, and goodreproducibility. The polymerization mixture may also be prepared using a widevariety of monomers, allowing a nearly unlimited choice of both matrix andsurface chemistry. Thus far, the vast majority of CEC separations haveconcentrated mainly on the separation of non-polar and neutral analytes in areversed-phase (RP) mode. The separation of polar solutes and basic compoundsis still a difficult work in RP mode. To achieve highly efficient separation of polarsolutes and basic compounds, several capillary electrochromatography monolithswere prepared in this thesis. The separation mechanisms of these monoliths werealso discussed in detail. Main points of this thesis are listed as following:1. To separate the polar compounds, a hydrophilic interaction-capillaryelectrochromatography (HI-CEC) monolith was firstly prepared. The separationmechanism of the monolithic column was discussed in detail. It was found thatthe separation mechanism of charged solutes could be attributed to a mixedmode of HI and weak electrostatic interaction, as well as the effect ofelectrophoresis, while the separation of neutral solutes was based on thehydrophilic interaction at high ACN content.2. A polar and neutral polymethacrylate-based monolithic column wasprepared by in situ copolymerization of a neutral monomer2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) and a polar cross-linker pentaerythritol triacrylate(PETA). A typical HI-CEC mechanism was observed on the neutral stationary phase. The absence of fixed charges on the surface of the neutral monolithallowed the efficient separation of basic nucleic acid bases and nucleoside, andwith column efficiency greater than140000theoretical plates/m.3. A novel monolithic column with covalently bonded zwitterionicfunctional groups was prepared by in situ copolymerization ofN,N-dimethyl-N-methacryloxyethyl N-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium betaine(SPE), vinylsulfonic acid (VS) and PETA. The VS enabled the production of anelectroosmotic flow (EOF), thus the monolith can be firstly used as a stationaryphase in CEC mode. The column efficiencies greater than145000theoreticalplates/m for thiourea and132000theoretical plates/m for cytidine wereobtained. The separation mechanism of charged polar solutes was attributed to amixed mode of HI and electrostatic interaction, as well as electrophoresis.4. A capillary electrochromatography monolith with mixed mode of HI andstrong anion-exchange was prepared. While SPE functioned as the polar ligandprovider,(3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammonium chloride (APTA) wasemployed to generate EOF. The APTA served at the same time as theanion-exchange sites of the monolith. Diverse series of neutral and ionicsamples, such as phenols, benzoic acid derivatives, basic nucleosides and bases,nucleotides and peptides were well separated on this monolith.5. A novel cationic polystyrene-based monolithic column was prepared by asingle polymerization step. Vinylbenzyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (VBTA),which was firstly used in CEC, provided an EOF under the wide pH range. Theacidic, neutral and basic analytes were successfully separated on the novelmonolithic column. The separation mechanism of charged solutes was attributedto a mixed mode of RP and strong anion-exchange, as well as electrophoresis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

