

Research on Key Technology of Wireless Multimedia Communication for Mine Rescue

【作者】 郑学召

【导师】 邓军;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 矿井应急救援通信装备是矿井救护队抢险救灾过程中不可缺少的设备,但由于煤矿空间、环境条件的制约,在灾区救援过程中最大限度的减少救护队员的携带重量和通讯工作维护量是极为重要的。因此,研究矿井救援无线多媒体通信数据在井下传输过程中的衰减及采集传输方法和设备本质安全特性等关键技术,开发出适合井下应急救援的无线多媒体通信系统,实时、准确地把灾区救援过程中的信息及灾后信息传送到井下救护基地和地面救灾指挥部及各级救援指挥中心,具有重要的现实意义。本论文从矿井灾害发生后井下的特殊环境出发,采用理论分析、依靠西安科技大学矿井安全生产模拟实验巷道和兖矿煤业股份有限责任公司鲍店矿井下巷道进行大量模拟实验和模拟计算相结合的方法,对矿井救援无线多媒体通信进行如下研究:首先,研究矿井救援无线多媒体通信的无线Mesh组网过程中的信号衰减机理和通信频段之间的关系,得出矿井无线多媒体通信在井下不同断面形状巷道、井下拐弯、井下支柱、井下巷道的粗糙度等环境中的无线衰减规律,借鉴地面先进的MIMO技术和OFDM无线技术相结合的方法来控制和减少无线信号的衰减,达到井下无线多媒体通信稳定传输的目的。其次,基于H.264编码的双码流网络视频服务器技术,对井下多媒体信息的进行同步采集技术进行了研究,利用Microsoft VisualC、双码流网络视频服务器配套SDK、微软基础类(MFC)等软件开发工具,开发了具有搜索发现服务器设备地址,红外摄像仪视频监测,视频录像,音频对讲传输,控制信号发送,传感器采集数据显示,报警提示的视音频和环境参数同步采集传输的软件系统。最后,根据井下应急救援过程中的所处的爆炸环境,以GB3836.4-2010爆炸性气体环境用电气设备和电气防爆原理为基础,研究多媒体通信设备电路的本质安全型控制方法和采用先进的保护电路芯片和多重保护电路控制,创造性的提出了通过缩短保护电流关断时间来控制火花能量的方法,将关断时间控制160ns以内,解决了井下救援过程中大容量电池的本质安全型防爆问题。结合以上相关研究,研制了一种具有Mesh组网功能的矿井救援无线多媒体通信系统,提出了矿井救援无线多媒体通信系统的技术指标。并通过现场应急救援实践,验证了矿井应急救援多媒体通信的技术指标,为进一步完善矿井应急救援无线多媒体的关键技术提供研究基础。研究结果可为进一步提升我国矿井应急救援通信的技术水平,为研制出适合矿山救护队员使用的救援多媒体通信装备提供理论指导。

【Abstract】 Mine emergency rescue communications equipment is indispensable for the minerescue team in relief process,but due to the coal space and the constraints of environmentalconditions,it is extremely important to minimize the carrying weight and communicationsmaintenance of the ambulance crew in the disaster relief process. Therefore,researching theattenuation and transmission methods of wireless multimedia communications data formine rescue in the process of underground transmission and the key technology ofintrinsically safe characteristics of the device,developing the wireless multimediacommunication system for underground emergency rescue, and transferring thereal-time,accurate information in the disaster relief process and the information afterdisaster to the underground ambulance base, ground relief headquarters and rescuecommand centers at all levels,have important practical significance.In view of the special underground environment after mine disasters, the thesisstudies wireless multimedia communications for mine rescue by theoretically analyzing alarge number of simulation experiments and simulating calculations in the mine safetyproduction simulation roadway of Xi’an University of Science and Technology andBaodian mine roadway of Yanzhou Coal Mining stock limited liability company.Firstly, the relationship between the signal attenuation mechanism and thecommunication bands in the wireless Mesh networking of wireless multimediacommunications for mine rescue was studied and the wireless attenuation was not found inunderground roadways of different section shapes, underground turning,undergroundpillars and rough degrees of underground roadway. Combining the advanced MIMO andOFDM wireless technology could control and reduce the attenuation of the wireless signal,achieving stable transmission of the underground wireless multimedia communications.Secondly,the synchronization and acquisition techniques for underground multimediainformation was studied via the H.264-encoded dual-stream network video server technology. A new software was developed using the Microsoft Visual C,dual-streamnetwork video server supporting the SDK,the Microsoft Foundation Classes(MFC)software development tools. The software was endowed with the functions of searching theserver equipment address,infrared camera video monitoring, video,audio intercomtransmission,control signal transmission,the sensor data acquisition and display,video andaudio alarm, synchronous acquisition and transmission of environmental parameters.Finally,based on the GB3836.4-2010.electrical equipments used in explosive gas andelectrical explosion-proof principle,the intrinsically safe control methods of multimediacommunication device circuit and the use of advanced protection circuit chip and thecontrol of the multiple protection circuit were studied. It’s proposed that shortening theoff-time of protection current could control the spark energy. With the off-time in less than160ns,the intrinsical safety of explosion-proof of large-capacity battery in the undergroundrescue process can be achieved.In summary, a wireless multimedia communication system with Mesh networking formine rescue was developed and the technology indicators of wireless multimediacommunication system for mine rescue were proposed. And the on-site emergency rescuepractice verified the technical indicators, paying way for further improving the keytechnology of the mine emergency rescue wireless multimedia. The results can furtherenhance the technical level of the mine emergency rescue communications in ourcountry,providing theoretical guidance for developing multimedia communicationsequipment suitable for mine rescue team members.


