

Efficiency Evaluation and Optimization Path of Agricultural Products Circulation System in China

【作者】 王家旭

【导师】 王德章;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨商业大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的深入和经济的快速发展,我国取得了举世瞩目的成就,已经成为世界第二大经济体,综合国力得到快速提升。我国是世界上人口最多的国家,农业发展对经济发展和社会稳定具有举足轻重的作用,长期以来,我国政府和人民都在努力实现农业生产和流通的现代化转型,但建国以后我国过分注重国家的工业化进程,农业为国家的工业发展提供了大量的资金和原材料,使得农业发展远远落后于工业发展。直到改革开放和家庭联产承包责任制的推广,我国的农业才获得了新的发展机遇。经过多年发展,我国的农产品短缺问题逐步得到解决,农产品结构性过剩问题开始出现,农业发展的矛盾逐步山生产领域转向流通领域,农产品小规模生产与大市场、大流通之间的矛盾成为制约农业发展和农民增收的王要原因,当前的农产品,流通体系无法在现有条件下实现高效效运行。近些年,我国政府十分关注农产品流通产业发展和农产品流通体系优化,将农产品流通新技术、流通模式创新作为优化现有农产品流通体系的突破口。2006年国家发布了《“十一五”时期全国农产品市场体系建设规划》,指出农产品流通体系是沟通农产品生产与农产品消费的桥梁和纽带,是我国农业健康、快速发展的重要保证。随着我国新农村建设的全面推进,要求农产品流通体系高效运行,缩短流通时间,提高流通效率。在这种背景下,如何优化我国现有的农产品流通体系,提高其运行效率,成为我国农业发展中迫切需要解决的问题。高效的农产品流通体系可以正确引导农产品生产和消费,缓解我国农产品小生产与大市场之间的矛盾。合理的农产品流通体系可以实现信息的有效传递,实现农产品交易过程中利益的合理分配,在我国现有的农产品流通体系中,农业生产者并没有得到与农产品价格上涨相应的收入增长,各农产品流通环节层层分享农产品利益,导致农产品生产者利益受损。而高效、现代的农产品流通体系,可以减少流通环节,避免流通主体的投机行为,减低农产品消耗,因此,现代农产品流通体系的构建可以促进农业生产方式转变,保护农产品生产者和消费者的利益。完善的农产品流通体系有助于保障农产品质量,过长的流通环节和流通时间增加了农产品质量监控难度,而高效的农产品流通体系可以减少流通环节,节约流通时间,提高对农产品流通的控制力度,实现农产品质量追溯,保证农产品质量。由此可见,对我国现有农产品流通体系进行优化具有重要的现实意义。本文通过对国内外农产品流通相关领域研究成果进行总结和评述,找到了我国农产品流通体系优化的方向,对农产产品流通相关理论进行梳理,为本文的分析找到了理论支持。在此基础上,回顾了我国农产品流通的演变历程,介绍了国外农产品流通体系构建与优化的成功经验,为我国对现有农产品流通体系进行优化选择提供了相关实践经验。从流通主体、流通客体、流通载体、流通环境和流通模式等方面出发,阐述了我国农产品流通体系发展现状及我国农产品流通体系中存在的问题。运用数据包络分析法和Malmquist指数分析法对我国农产品流通体系进行了效率评价,实证分析结果显示,我国农产品流通体系总体效率不高,东部和中部地区的效率要高于西部地区,技术因素和管理方式是影响我国农产品流通体系效率的重要原因。通过面板数据回归分析方法,对影响农产品流通体系的具体因素进行了分析,实证分析结果显示,信息化水平,政府投入等因索对我国农产品流通体系影响较大,在以上分析的基础上,从壮大农业专业合作社和大力发展农产品冷链物流等方面提出了优化现有农产品流通体系的突破口,提出了相关的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Along with the further reform and opening in China, and the rapid and sustainable developments in the national economic construction, our country has gained the success attract worldwide attention by growing up to the second-largest economy and promoting the comprehensive national power fast. With the largest population in the world, the agricultural developments have played a significant role in both the economical developments and the social stability in China. Our government and people have been working on the modernized repositioning of the production and circulation of the agriculture for a long time. However, after the foundation of PRC. the agriculture has provided sufficient funds and resources to the developments of the national industry which resulted in the developments of the agriculture far behind the developments of the industry, since over attention on the industrialization of our country. Up till the reform and open policy and the promotion of the household contract responsibility system, the development of our agriculture has gained new opportunities. After years of developments, the shortage problem of the agricultural products has been solved step by step and instead the structural surplus problem has begun to emerge. The contradiction of the agricultural developments has gradually shifted from the production field to the circulation field. The contradictions of the relationship among the small production sizes, the huge market and big circulation have become the restriction of the agricultural developments and the increase of the income of the peasants. The current agricultural products circulation system cannot achieve efficient operation under the existing conditions. In recent years, our government had paid great attention on the optimization of the developments for the agricultural products circulation industry and the agricultural products circulation system. The new circulation technologies and innovation in the circulation patterns are believed to be the breakthrough for the optimization of the agricultural products circulation system."The construction planning of the national agricultural product market in the eleventh five-year plan issued in2006, has pointed out that the agricultural products circulation system was the bridge and tie between the production and consumption of the agricultural products, and a very important guarantee for the rapid and healthy developments of the national agriculture. As the comprehensive advancements of the new rural construction in our country, high efficient operational system, shortened circulation time and promoted circulation efficiency in the agricultural products circulation system have become the urgent problems to be solved of the agricultural development in China.A highly efficient agricultural products circulation system will guide the production and consumption of the agricultural products correctly, alleviate the contradiction between the small production scale and the big market of the agricultural products in our country, realize the valid information communication and launch an effective string between the production and consumption of the agricultural products. A highly efficient agricultural products circulation system will also make the proper distribution of the interests possible in the transactions of the agricultural products. In the agricultural products circulation system, the producers do not share the increased income corresponding with the rising agricultural product prices and the corresponding interests and benefits are shared in the layers of the agricultural products circulation system which will cause damages to the interests of the producers. However a highly efficient and modern agricultural products circulation system will lower the waste of the agricultural products by cutting the logistic layers and avoiding the speculations of the principal parts of the circulation. Therefore, the construction of a modern agricultural products circulation system will promote the transformation of the agricultural production methods and increase the benefits for both the producers and consumers of the agricultural products. An improved agricultural products circulation system will help guarantee the quality of the agricultural products due to the circulation time, while a highly efficient agricultural products circulation system will save circulation time by cutting the layers in the system, strengthen the monitor and control over the agricultural products circulation caused by the long circulation How, by reducing the links in the circulation flow, so that the quality of the agricultural products can be tracked and guaranteed. So the optimization of the agricultural products circulation system is of significant importance to our country.This dissertation discovers the direction to optimize the agricultural products circulation system in China, through the summarization and reviews on the research outcome of the agricultural products circulation in the related fields and overviews of the related theories in both domestic and overseas, which provides theoretical supports to the analysis in the dissertation. Based on the above mentioned points, the circulation evolution of agricultural products in China is reviewed and the construction of the agricultural products circulation system and the successful experiences in optimization both at home and abroad are introduce. The current status and the existing problems in the agricultural products circulation system in our country are explored, including the principal part, objects, environments, carriers, patterns and other aspects of circulation. DEA method and Malmquist index method are applied to evaluate the efficiency of the agricultural products circulation system in China and the results of the empirical analysis show that the overall efficiency in China is not high, but the efficiency in the eastern and middle part of China is better than that in the west due to the technical factors and the managerial styles. By applying the panel data regression analysis on the influential factors in the agricultural products circulation system, the influential factors such as the Informatization level and the governmental investment are proved to have major impacts on the agricultural products circulation system in China. Based on the above analysis, relevant proposals and strategies have been put forward and the breakthrough points to optimize the agricultural products circulation system should be proceeded from the aspects including the expansion of the agricultural professional cooperatives and the development of the cold chain logistics.


