

Ecosystem Service Functions of Bamboo Forests Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data in Fujian Province, Southern China

【作者】 张华

【导师】 范少辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 竹林不仅具有重要的经济价值,还具有水源涵养、土壤保持、固碳释氧等重要服务功能。目前,竹林生态系统服务研究主要集中于样方尺度的野外试验监测研究,缺乏基于ARCGIS等空间技术的区域或全国尺度的研究。本研究以福建省竹林资源二类清查2010年度更新数据为基础,结合已有研究成果及气象、土壤、DEM等空间数据,利用ARCGIS软件,系统研究福建省竹林碳储量、产品供给、水源涵养、土壤保持和固碳释氧服务空间格局及其与主要环境因子的变化规律,旨在为福建竹林培育与经营、生态效益补偿、生态系统服务调控及竹产业布局提供数据支撑。主要研究结果如下:(1)碳储量:福建省竹林生态系统总碳储量达159.82×106t,竹林平均碳密度为146.56t·hm-2,均以土壤层为主体。竹林碳储量在地区和竹种间差异显著,整体表现为西部高于东部,毛竹林碳储量最高。竹林碳密度和碳储量随海拔、坡度变化分别呈现出以500-600m和25-35°为最高的单峰型变化。不同坡向、不同坡位间竹林碳密度差异不明显,但碳储量差异显著。福建省竹林碳储量价值达138.72×108元,其中土壤碳储量价值为109.21×108元,约占总价值的78.73%。(2)产品供给:福建省竹林年净初级生产力达226.16×105t·a-1,竹林单位面积年净初级生产力为20.59t·hm-2·a-1。竹林产品供给总价值达168.963×108元·a-1,单位面积竹林供给价值为1.575×104元·hm-2·a-1。各区县竹林年净初级生产力和产品供给价值呈现以闽北建瓯市和闽中永安市为中心向周边逐步降低的格局;竹林单位面积年净初级生产力及其产品供给价值呈现东部高于西部、南部高于北部格局。竹林年净初级生产力和产品供给价值在海拔、坡度、坡位等地形因子间差异显著,主要源于500-1000m、25-35、下坡和北坡的竹林;单位面积竹林年净初级生产力及其产品供给价值随海拔、坡度和坡位增大而降低。(3)水源涵养:福建省竹林涵养水源5.41×108t·a-1,以土壤层占主导,综合调节能力平均为50.43mm。竹林水源涵养功能整体呈现西高东低的分布格局。竹林水源涵养总量随海拔升高呈先上升后下降态势,但蓄水能力则随海拔升高而降低。竹林水源涵养量和水源涵养能力在1535°坡度范围内最高,且在小于35°坡度范围内随坡度增加而缓慢增加。竹林水源涵养量和水源涵养能力在阴坡较高,阳坡较低。坡位方面表现为下坡竹林水源涵养功能较好。福建省竹林生态系统年均水源涵养价值约为554.7×108元·a-1。(4)土壤保持:福建省竹林年保持土壤量25.26×108t·a-1,占潜在土壤侵蚀总量的98.78%,在空间分布上整体呈现显著的西高东低态势。竹林单位面积土壤保持能力空间差异较小,平均为2358.39t·hm-2·a-1。土壤保持量随海拔升高变化呈先上升后下降的正态分布,土壤保持能力则随海拔升高呈逐渐上升趋势,随坡度增加几乎呈线性增长,与坡向无明显关系。福建省竹林年土壤保持价值约为1097.67×108元。(5)固碳释氧:福建省竹林年固定CO2和释放O2量分别为3686.35×104t·a-1和2691.26×104t·a-1,单位面积竹林年固定CO2和释放O2量分别为34.36t·hm-2·a-1和25.09t·hm-2·a-1。各区县竹林固碳释氧功能整体呈西高东低、北高南低的分布格局,但单位面积竹林固碳释氧功能正好相反。固碳释氧总量和单位面积竹林固碳释氧量在竹种上分别以毛竹林和麻竹林最高;在土壤类型上,分别主要来自红壤区竹林和黄色砖红壤性红壤竹林;在地形上,固碳释氧总量主要集中于500-1000m海拔、25-35°坡度、下坡和北坡的竹林,单位面积竹林固碳释氧量分别随海拔和坡度的增加而降低。福建省竹林年固碳释氧总价值为133.88×108元·a-1,单位面积竹林年固碳释氧价值为1.248×104元·hm-2·a-1。(6)服务总价值:福建省竹林生态系统服务总价值达195.521×109元·a-1,单位面积竹林生态系统服务价值达18.225×104元·hm-2·a-1。竹林服务总价值和单位面积竹林服务价值在竹种上分别以毛竹林和绿竹林最高。不同地形因子间竹林服务总价值差异显著,但单位面积竹林服务总价值差异较小。竹林服务总价值在海拔、坡度和坡位上,主要来自500-1000m、25-35°和下坡的竹林,在坡向间差异较小。单位面积竹林服务价值一般以低海拔、低坡度的竹林为高。在土壤类型上,红壤区竹林约占竹林服务总价值的80.0%。本研究所得结论可为福建省实施竹林生态效益补偿、实现竹林生态效益和经济效益共赢,以及竹产业布局等宏观决策提供科学支撑。

【Abstract】 Bamboo forest is not only functioned with economic values, but also functioned withimportant ecosystem services, e.g. water conservation, soil conservation, carbon fixation andoxygen release. Currently, studies on ecosystem services function are mainly concentrating onfield investigation at sample plots scales, lacking of spatial techology like ARCGIS-basedstudies on bamboo forest ecosystem services at regional or national scale.In view of the above, based on the updated secondary forest resource inventory datain2010, existing research results and meteorology, soil and DEM data, and so on, with the spatialanalysis software-ARCGIS, systematic research was carried out to study the spatial patterns ofcarbon storage, product supply, water conservation, soil conservation and carbon fixation andoxygen release services and its variations with environmental factors to privide theoretical database for bamboo forest cultivitation and management, ecological compenstation, ecoysystemservices regulation and bamboo forest industry layout. The results were shown as follows:(1) Carbon storage: the total carbon storage of bamboo forest ecosystem in Fujianprovince was159.82×106t, the average carbon density was146.56t·hm-2, mainly stored in soil.The carbon storage of bamboo forest significantly differed in regions and species, and thecarbon storage of bamboo forest was greater in the western part of Fujian Province than that inthe eastern part. The carbon storage of Phyllostachys heterocycla forest ranked first among allbamboo species. Both the carbon density and carbon storage followed a single peak curvealong increase of elevation and slope, and the peak value was observed at elevation of500-600m and slope of25-35°, respectively. Carbon density of bamboo forest did not differsignificatny in different slope aspects and slope positions, however, carbon stock wassignificantly different. The total economic value of carbon storage was¥138.72×108, in whichsoil carbon storage value was¥109.21×108, accounting for78.73%.(2) Product supply: the net primary productivity of bamboo forest averaged226.16×105t·a-1in Fujian province, and the pre unit area of net primary productivity of bamboo forest was20.59t·hm-2·a-1. The total economic value and per unit area value of product supply was ¥168.963×108a-1and¥1.575×104hm-2·a-1, respectvely. Both the net primary productivity andproduct supply value peaked in JianOu and YongAn city and decreased to other cities. On thewhole, the net primary productivity and product supply values in western Fujian were higherthan that of eastern Fujian, and southern Fujian was higher than that of northern Fujian. The netprimary productivity and product supply value varied significantly with altitude, slope gradient,slope position, and they mainly distributed in altitude of500-1000m, slope gradient of25-35°,and northern and lower slope bamboo forest. The per unit area value of net primaryproductivity and product supply decreased with the increase of elevation, slope angle and slopepositions.(3) Water conservation: the total amount of water conservation was5.41×108t·a-1inFujian province, mainly from soil, and the average comprehensive adjustment ability was50.43mm. The capacity of water conservation in western Fujian province was larger than thatof eastern Fujian province. With the increase of elevation, the amount of water conservation ofsoil layer increased first and then decreased, while the water conservation capability decreasewith the increase of elevation. The amount and capacity of water conservation peaked at slopeof1535°, and at the slope of below35°. Below35°, the capacity increased slowly with inincrease of elevation. The total amount and capacity of water conservation in shady slope waslarger than that of sunny slope. The downside slope position had better water conservationability. The economic value of water conservation in bamboo ecosystems in Fujian provincewas¥554.7×108a-1.(4) Soil conservation: the amount of potential soil erosion and real soil erosion was25.57×108t·a-1, which accounted for98.78%of the potential soil erosion, characterized bylarger in eastern area than that of eastern area. Spatially, the difference of soil conservation perunit area was small with an average of2358.39t·hm-2a-1. The amount of soil conservation wasfeatured with normal distribution of increasing first and then decreaing, but the soilconservation capability linearly increased with elevation, not significantly related with slopepositions. The economic value of soil conservation in bamboo ecosystems in Fujian provincewas¥1097.67×108. (5) Carbon fixation and oxygen release: the amount of annual carbon fixation and oxygenrelease was3686.35×104t·a-1and2691.26×104t·a-1in Fujian province, respectively, and thequantity of annual carbon fixation and oxygen release per unit area was34.36t·hm-2·a-1and25.09t·hm-2·a-1, respectively. On the whole, the carbon fixation and oxygen release capacity inwestern areas was larger than that in eastern areas, and the nothern areas larger than thesouthern areas, while the quantity of per unit area was oppsitie trendency. The total amount andthe amount per unit area were highest in Phyllostachys heterocycla and Dendrocalamuslatiflorus forest. Considering soil types, the total amount of carbon fixation and oxygen releasewas mainly distributed in bamboo forest on red soil; considering terrain, the total amount ofcarbon fixation and oxygen release was mainly concentrated on500-1000m,25-35°, downhilland north slope.The amount of carbon fixation and oxygen release per unit area decreased withthe increase of elevations and slopes. The total economic value of carbon fixation and oxygenrelease was¥133.88×108·a-1, and the economic value of per unit area of carbon fixation andoxygen releasewas¥1.248×104·hm-2·a-1.(6) Total service value: the total economic value of ecosystem services was up to¥195.521×109·a-1, and the value of per unit area was¥18.225×104·hm-2·a-1. The total servicevalue and serve value of per unit area were hightst in Phyllostachys heterocycla andDendrocalamopsis oldhami forest. The total service value was significantly different amongterrain factors, but the service value per unit was relatively small. The servuce values mainlycame from500-1000m,25-35°and downhill bamboo forest, minor difference was observedamong slope aspect. The service value per unit area was higher in low elevation and low slopeof bamboo forest. To soil type, the service value of bamboo forest in red soil amounted80%oftotal service value.The conclusion of this study could provide scientific evidence of ecological benefitcompensation, realizing win-win of ecological benefits and economic benefits, as well aspolicy for macro ecological construction decision.


