

Study on the Construction of Social Organizational in Harmonious Society

【作者】 汪春翔

【导师】 罗来武;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会组织是构建社会主义和谐社会建设的生力军,社会组织建设是促进社会和谐发展的有效途径和关键步骤。经过改革开放三十多年特别是近十年的稳步发展,我国已基本形成了遍布城乡、门类齐全、层次不同、覆盖广泛的社会组织格局。社会组织在参与公共管理、提供社会服务、开展公益活动、维护社会稳定、保护生态环境、促进经济社会发展和扩大对外交往等方面都发挥着重要的作用。在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中,如何总结实践经验,抓住发展机遇、克服既有障碍,进一步探索社会组织建设的实践规律和前进方向,促进社会和谐,是当前值得深入研究的重要课题。社会组织建设需要正确的价值导引和科学的理论指导。中国传统社会组织建设的思想精华和西方有关社会组织发展的理论文明成果为我国社会组织建设提供了丰富的思想来源。马克思主义经典作家和中国共产党历代中央领导集体的相关社会建设思想为我国社会组织建设提供了重要理论指导。马克思主义社会共同体理论认为,社会组织发展符合人类社会文明进步的发展方向,是实现社会和谐的重要途径。马克思主义社会共同体理论为我国社会组织建设奠定了坚实的理论基础,指明了前进的方向。中国共产党坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合,在社会主义建设、改革实践中形成了一系列社会组织建设思想,为我国社会组织建设提供了科学理论指南。党的十八大确立的社会组织建设战略决策,则为我国社会组织建设提供了最新理论指导。继承历史传统,直面现实问题,是把握机遇推进社会组织建设进程的重要前提。中国很早就有以血缘、地缘、业缘等为基础的社会组织形式,虽然它与现代意义上的社会组织内涵不同,但其凝聚功能、自律功能、服务功能和扶助功能等对当时社会发展的促进作用成为了今天社会组织建设宝贵的历史资源。新中国的成立,为社会组织的建设和发展提供了新的社会条件和制度基础,但计划经济体制使社会组织失去了赖以生存的生产关系,也阻碍了社会组织的发展。改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制的确立,为社会组织的发展提供了物质基础、发展空间、各种机会和资源,使社会组织获得了前所未有的发展。但同时,社会组织建设也依然面临体制、机制、制度和环境的制约,自身能力建设不够等突出的问题。直面现实,如何化挑战为机遇,是进一步推进社会组织建设进程的关键。推进社会组织建设,促进社会和谐是一项伟大的系统工程,需从宏观战略高度把握其基本要求和内在规律。合理定位中国共产党、政府和社会组织角色,建构社会组织与中国共产党的和谐互动关系、与政府的新型合作伙伴关系,是充分发挥社会组织建设作用的前提和基础。社会主义初级阶段的国情决定了当前我国社会组织建设需把握有序发展的原则、法治的原则和自治的原则。社会组织是和谐社会的重要社会基础,构建社会主义和谐社会,需要充分挖掘社会组织动员社会资源、提供社会服务、协调社会关系、民主咨政、维护社会稳定和生态环境保护等功能,同时,也需要提供和强化社会组织建设的法律、制度、政策和资金等方面的支撑和保障。加强社会组织建设,促进社会和谐,重在实践。英美等西方国家社会组织发展的成功经验以及有着同样东方文化传统的韩国社会组织发展历程为我国社会组织建设提供了实践路径借鉴,国内先行先试地区社会组织建设的成功实践也为我国社会组织建设积累了经验、提供了启示。党的十八大确立的建立现代社会组织体制的社会组织建设战略目标为我国社会组织建设提供了新的思路和实践方向,围绕这一目标,改革体制内的社会组织,培育和扶持社会组织的发展、提高监管能力、加强社会组织自身建设等措施是当前我国社会组织建设切实可行的实施路径。

【Abstract】 Social organizations are the main force in the construction of harmonious societyof socialism, and the construction of social organizations is an effective way as wellas the key step to promote the harmonious development of the society. After thirtyyears of reform and opening-up, particularly as the result of steady developmentduring the past decade, a wide range of social organizations of various categories anddifferent levels have been formed all over China. These social organizations areplaying important roles in conducting public management, providing social services,carrying out public welfare programs, maintaining social stability, protecting theecological environment, promoting economic development and enhancing foreignexchanges. In the process of building a socialist harmonious society, ways to makeuse of experience from practice, to seize opportunities, overcome the existingobstacles, to further study the nature of the construction and development of socialorganizations and to promote the harmonious society are obviously important issuesworthy of further study.The construction of social organizations needs the guidance of correct values andscientific theory. Legacies of Chinese traditional ideas on construction of socialorganizations and Western theoretical achievements in the area of social organizationdevelopment are sources of theoretic bases for the study of construction of socialorganization in China. The thought by classic writers of Marxism and ChineseCommunist Party collective leadership over generations provides importanttheoretical guidance to the construction of social organizations in china. Adhering tothe basic principle of the Marxist and putting the theory into Chinese reality, theChinese Communist Party has developed a series theories for the construction ofsocial organization in the process of reform and practice, providing a scientific andtheoretic guidance to the social organization construction in china. The strategyestablished by The18thNational Congress of CPC on social organization constructionprovides theoretic guidance for the social organization construction in china.Inheriting the historical tradition and facing the reality are important premises tograsp the opportunity to enhance the construction of the social organization. Social organizations based on blood relationship, geography, industry came into being inChina long ago. Though their connotation is different from that of social organizationsin modern sense, their cohesive function, autonomic function, service function and thesupport function surely helped the development of the society at that time, which hasbecome the valuable historical resources for social organization construction today.The founding of new China brought about social conditions and institutional basis forthe construction and development of social organizations, but the planned economicsystem destroyed the production relations which resulted in the existence of socialorganization, thus hindering the development of social organizations. The reform andopening-up and the establishment of socialist market economy system provide thematerial basis, development scope, a variety of opportunities and resources for thedevelopment of social organizations; social organizations have experiencedunprecedented development. But at the same time, the construction of socialorganizations are still facing the obvious problem of restriction from system,mechanism, regulations and environment and the problem of inability ofself-improvement. Facing the reality and turning challenges to opportunities aretherefore the key to further promoting the construction of social organizations.The development of social organization construction, social harmony is a greatsystematic project, which needs the full understanding of its basic requirements andinternal rules from the macro-strategic perspective. Suitably positioning roles ofChinese Communist Party, government and social organizations, establishingharmonious interaction relationship between social organizations and the CommunistParty of China, and new partnership relationship between social organizations andthe government are the premises to fully play the role of social organizationconstruction. The real situation of socialism on primary stage requires the socialorganization construction in China should be carried out with principles of orderlydevelopment, adhering to law and autonomy. The social organization is an importantsocial foundation of harmonious society, and building a socialist harmonious societyneeds the mobilization of social resources, social services, social coordination, policyadvocacy and influence of political consultation, democratic political consultation,social stability and ecological environmental protection and other functions. Supports in terms of law, system, policy and funding are also necessary.To strengthen the construction of social organizations and promote socialharmony, it is important to practice. The successful experience about the developmentof social organizations in Britain, the United States and other western countries, andthe development course of the social organizations in South Korea with the sameeastern traditional culture as ours provide us with useful reference. The successfulpractice of social organization construction in experiment areas in China has alsoprovided enlightenment and accumulated experience for the construction of socialorganizations in China. The strategic objective established by the18thNationalCongress of CPC on the construction of social organizations proves to be new andgreat opportunities for organization development, and it also provides new ideas forour social organization construction practice. To reach this goal, it is necessary andpractical to conduct reform of social organizations within the existing system, tofoster and support social organization development, to improve the supervision ability,to promote the healthy development of social organizations, and to strengthen theself-improvement of social organizations.


