

Research on the Industrial Organization of Chinese Feed-processing Industry

【作者】 张锋

【导师】 刘俊浩;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 饲料加工业是联系上游种植业和下游养殖业,具有较强产业关联性和带动性的行业。发展饲料加工业有助于粮食的加工、转化和增值,对养殖业的健康发展具有重要意义;可以带动整个饲料工业发展,有利于促进农业结构调整优化和提高农民收入水平,有利于满足人们消费需要和提高人们生活水平。自上世纪70年代以来,中国饲料加工业在经过从无到有的发展历程并取得巨大成就的同时,也面临着市场集中度较低,市场过度竞争,行业利润率较低等问题。如何提高市场集中度是规范市场竞争,增加饲料加工业效率和绩效的关键因素。按照传统产业组织理论的观点,有效竞争状态是处于过度分散和绝对垄断之间的一种产业组织形式。两种极端状态都有向中间有效竞争状态转移的产业动力。然而,这与我国饲料加工业市场过度分散和中小饲料加工企业层出不穷的现状相矛盾。我国作为特殊的“新兴市场经济体+制度转轨”的国家,发展于新古典自由主义经济环境基础上的西方传统产业组织理论对我国饲料加工业的适用性,受到“水土不服”的质疑和挑战。因此,本文以产业集中度低问题作为切入点,从我国制度因素角度分析和解释饲料加工业产业组织问题。本文从规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析和定量分析相结合、理论分析与案例分析相结合的角度,综合运用新制度经济学、产业组织理论和计量经济学等相关方法,来研究我国饲料加工业产业组织现状。文章共分为9章,其主要结论和成果如下:第一章,绪论。本章主要介绍研究的背景意义、文献综述、研究的思路与方法、论文的主要研究内容和创新点。第二章,我国饲料加工业发展现状的一般分析。首先,回顾了我国饲料加工业发展的三个阶段,并简要介绍了各阶段的特点。其次,分析了我国饲料加工业发展的宏观环境、配套行业和上游种植业及下游养殖业的发展情况。最后,分析了当前我国饲料加工业所取得的成绩和存在的问题。第三章,测定我国饲料加工业的集中程度和判定市场结构类型。首先,测度了我国和各省区市饲料加工业的市场集中程度,表明我国饲料市场处于过度分散状态,且属于原子型和高度分散型市场结构。其次,分析了我国饲料加工业区域性特征的成因、结构划分及其与产业组织研究的关系。最后,通过一个时间序列回归模型,验证了我国饲料加工业市场集中度与市场利润率存在显著的正相关关系,说明了我国应该提高饲料加工业的市场集中度。第四章,中国饲料加工业区域性分散市场中交易的微观逻辑。首先,分析了传统产业组织理论并不适于解释我国饲料加工业的产业组织现状,并提出制度因素视角。其次,归纳总结了影响我国饲料加工业产业组织的相关制度因素。最后,在制度环境下,以利益集团理论、契约理论和交易费用理论解释了我国饲料市场交易的微观逻辑。第五章,中国饲料加工业区域性分散市场结构的产业成因分析。本章分析了饲料技术特性和饲料经营特征,进而从制度影响下的产品差别化、规模经济性、市场进出壁垒和市场容量四个方面分析了我国饲料加工业过度分散市场结构的产业成因,并说明了这四个方面因素的作用方式。第六章,制度环境下的中国饲料加工企业市场行为实证分析。本章测度了饲料市场的市场势力情况,分析了制度环境下饲料加工企业的价格行为和非价格行为正是我国饲料加工业的制度环境影响企业的行为逻辑,进而决定了企业的这些具体行为方式,而企业行为又形成特定的产业组织特征。第七章,中国饲料加工业产业组织绩效与效率分析。本章介绍了效率、绩效、企业绩效和市场绩效的含义和测量方法,运用因子分析法测度了我国饲料加工业的市场绩效,运用Malmquist生产率指数和数据包络分析方法测度了其效率情况。第八章,中国饲料加工业市场结构、效率与市场绩效的综合分析。本章介绍了产业组织市场绩效来源的两个假说:市场力量假说和效率结构假说,并验证了我国饲料加工业符合效率结构假说,最后测度了制度环境、市场集中度与饲料加工业效率的关系。第九章,研究结论与政策建议。综合提出全文研究结论,并提出相应政策建议。通过本文系统性的研究,我们可以发现:制度环境影响下的区域性分散市场结构是形成中国饲料加工业较低市场集中度现状的主要原因。我国特殊的制度环境对西方传统产业组织理论在我国饲料加工业的应用过程中产生修正作用,改变了饲料加工业市场结构的作用方式和饲料加工企业的市场行为方式,这是阻碍我国饲料加工业提高效率和绩效的主要障碍。本文的研究视角和结论对于研究我国与饲料加工业具有相似制度环境的行业,尤其是我国涉农行业的产业组织问题,具有重要参考价值。

【Abstract】 Feed-processing industry is an industry, with strong industrial relevance and driving force,associates with upstream crop farming and Downstream aquaculture. The development ofFeed-processing industry helps grain processing, transformation and appreciation and makesgreat significance to the healthy development of the aquaculture industry. It can promote thedevelopment of the whole Feed industry, adjust and optimize the structure of agriculture,improve the income level of farmers, and conducive to meet the consumption needs of peopleand to improve the people’s living standards. Since the1970s, chinese Feed-processing industryhas gone through the course of development from scratch and made tremendous achievements,while come across some questions, such as low market concentration, excessive competition inthe feed market, low industry profit margins, and so on. How to improve the degree of marketconcentration is the critical factor to standardize the market competition and to improve theefficiency and performance of Feed-processing industry.In accordance with the points of the traditional industrial organization theory, the effectivecompetition status is an industrial organization form between the excessive fragmentation statusand absolute monopoly status. Two extreme statuses have industrial power to shift to the middlestatus of effective competition. However, this kind of situation contradicts the status ofFeed-processing industry in our country, where exists excessive fragmentation market and anendless stream of small and medium-sized feed processing enterprises. As China is a specialcountry with Emerging market economy and Institutional transformation, the Western traditionalindustrial organization theory, which based on neoclassical liberal economic environment, isquestioned and challenged for lack of acclimatization to explain Feed-processing industry in china.As a result, this paper takes the low industrial concentration problem as a breakthrough point, andanalyses and explains the industrial organization of Feed-processing industry in view ofinstitutional factors.In views of combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis, combination ofqualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and combination of theoretical analysis and caseanalysis, the thesis studies the industrial organization of Feed-processing industry in china bycomprehensive application of neoinstitutional economics, industrial organization theory,econometrics, and so on. The paper can be divided into nine chapters, whose main conclusionsand achievements are presented as follows:The first chapter, introduction. This chapter introduces the significance of researchbackground, literature review, research ideas and methods, main contents.The second chapter, the general analysis of the development of our country`sFeed-processing industry. Firstly, the chapter reviews the three developmental stages and makes briefly introduction to the characteristics of each stage. Secondly, the chapter analysesmacroeconomic environment, supplementary business, the development of upstream crop farmingand Downstream aquaculture. Finally, the chapter analyses performances and problems of ourcountry`s Feed-processing industry.The third chapter, measure of the concentration degree and determination of the type ofmarket structure of our country`s Feed-processing industry. Firstly, the chapter measures thedegree of market concentration of Feed-processing industry in the whole country and eachprovince. Secondly, the chapter analyses the causes of regional characteristics, divided structureand relationship with industrial organization of our country`s Feed-processing industry. Finally,with a Time-series regression model, the chapter checks that there is a significant Positivecorrelation between the market concentration and market margin in our country`s Feed-processingindustry. That is to say, our country should Increase the market concentration of Feed-processingindustry.The fourth chapter, the micro-logic of the transaction in the regional decentralized market ofFeed-processing industry in China. Firstly, the chapter analyses that the traditional industrialorganization theory is not suitable for explaining the industrial organization of our country`sFeed-processing industry and raises the view of insitutional factors. Secondly, the chapter inducesand summarizes ralative insitutional factors, which have impact on the industrial organization ofour country`s Feed-processing industry. Finally, under the institutional environment, the chapterexplains the micro-logic of the transaction in our country`s Feed-processing industry, by interestgroup theory, contract theory and transaction cost theory.The fifth chapter, industrial causes of regional decentralized market of Feed-processingindustry in China. The chapter analyses the technical and operating characteristics of feed. Andthen, the author anlyses the industrial causes of regional decentralized market of our country`sFeed-processing industry from Product differentiation, economical efficiency of scale, Marketaccess barriers and Market capacity under the impact of institutional environment, and expains themode of action of these four aspects above.The sixth chapter, empirical Analysis of feed processing enterprises`marketable behaviorunder institutional environment. The chapter measures forces in feed market, analyses feedprocessing enterprises`price behavior and non-price behavior under institutional environment.Nothing else than institutional environment, which affect enterprises`behavioral logic andproceed to determine specific behaviors, which form specific industrial organization features.The seventh chapter, the performance and efficiency analysis of the industrial organization ofour country`s Feed-processing industry. The chapter introduces the meaning and measuringmethod of efficiency, performance, enterprise performance and market performance, measuresthe market performance of our country`s Feed-processing industry by factor analysis, andmeasures its efficiency by Malmquist Productivity Index and Data Envelopment Analysis method.The eighth chapter, the comprehensive analysis of market structure, efficiency andperformance of Feed-processing industry in China. The chapter introduces two hypothesis,Market-power hypothesis and Efficient Structure Hypothesis. Afterwards, it is tested that ourcountry`s Feed-processing industry fits the Efficient Structure Hypothesis. Finally, the chaptermeasures the relationship among institutional environment, market concentration and efficiencyof Feed-processing industry in China.The ninth chapter, conclusions and policy suggestions. Synthetically, the chapter raisesresearch conclusions of the whole thesis. Correspondingly, it puts forward some policysuggestions.Through systematic research in this article, we can find that regional decentralized marketstructure under the influence of institutional environment is the main cause to low marketconcentration of Feed-processing industry in China. It`s our country`s specific institutionalenvironment that revise the Western traditional industrial organization theory, when the theory isapplied to our country`s Feed-processing industry. And the revise refers to modification of theaction mode of market structure and enterprises`marketable behavior in feed processing industry.It`s main obstacles that hinder our country`s Feed-processing industry to improve the efficiencyand performance. The perspectives and conclusions of the thesis have significant reference valueto research our country`s industries, which have institutional environment similar withFeed-processing industry, particularly, when it comes to industrial organization issuses of ourcountry`s agriculture-related industries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

