

Research on the Logistics Mode and Operation Mechanism of Railway Freight Transportation Embedded in Social Logistics

【作者】 路海平

【导师】 鞠颂东;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,我国物流行业发展迅速,但铁路货运占全国物流份额逐年下降,高附加值、高运价率货源逐年下降。随着2009年物流业被国家列入十大调整与振兴产业,以及2011年的《铁路“十二五”物流发展规划》等相关文件的出台,铁路货运发展前景良好;加之,当前现代物流网络理论的发展(特别是网络分析方法)为本研究提供了重要工具,铁路货运嵌入社会物流系统的时机和条件已经完全具备。本文在此背景下,主要研究以下四方面内容:(1)本论文综合分析了我国铁路货运组织方式的改革方向及其发展趋势。论文分析了我国铁路货运的优势与不足,以及历次体制改革的经验。认为我国铁路货运改革方向和路径应当是加速嵌入社会物流系统中,通过协调与配合其他物流形式,为客户提供全程物流和一体化解决方案。(2)本论文较为系统地概括了基于网络嵌入性的铁路货运嵌入社会物流的模式。提出铁路货运嵌入社会物流系统的四种嵌入模式、三个嵌入过程,通过分解物流价值活动,设计了横向嵌入与纵向嵌入的价值定位。(3)本论文研究分析了基于结构洞理论的铁路货运嵌入社会物流的网络结构。依据联合介数中心度(Joint Betweenness Centrality),分析两个群体间的连接优化,结论认为铁路货运节点与其它节点的连接应选择联合介数中心度的值较大而其标准差较小的节点、最短路径长度较长的线路进行嵌入,这样可以通过增加捷径路径可改善中枢节点的连接性,以及减轻和均衡中枢节点的负荷,从而提高网络的整体容量。(4)本论文较为系统提出基于网络桥理论的铁路货运嵌入社会物流的运作机制。研究认为铁路货运在嵌入社会物流系统时,要争取占据结构空洞的节点,通过网络桥的强连接带来有效的信息共享、弱连接带来更有效的知识共享;通过合作博弈优化协作的利益分配模型和协作让利模型;依据委托代理理论,建立动态协调的网络信任治理机制;通过提高斯蒂格利茨信誉租金作为重复交易的信誉保障,解决逆向选择问题。本文的研究成果对铁路货运以及物流行业整体的资源整合、效率提升、服务创新具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s logistics industry, the rail freight share of the national logistics declined gradually, especially the high value-added freight. Many documents, like "Ten adjustment and revitalization plan industry" and "The railway logistics "12th Five-Year development planning" gives a good prospects for rail freight development. The development of modern logistics network theory (especially network analysis method) provides an important tool for the study and practice, The timing and conditions of the rail freight embedded in social logistics system has been fully equipped. Now, we will studied the following four problem of rail freight embedded in social logistics system.Firstly, the direction and trend of China’s rail freight reform. This thesis analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of China’s rail freight, and the experience of the previous system reform, and drow the conclusion that the reform direction and path of China’s rail freight should be accelerated embedded in social logistics system through coordination and cooperation with other logistics to provide full logistics and integrated solutions for customers.Secondly, embedded model of rail freight logistics based on the network-based embedded theroy. We proposed four mode and three process of the embedding, and designed the horizontal embedded value and vertical embedded value model based on the logistics value decomposition.Thirdly, structure of Rail freight logistics network based on the theory of structural holes. We optimize the connection between the two groups based on the Joint Betweenness Centrality, and draw the conclusion that connected node rail freight with the other nodes should be selected at the big joint betweenness centrality with smaller standard deviation, and the longer shortest path. thus the overall capacity of the network will be improved without increase of node capacity.Forthly, operating mechanism of the rail freight embedded in social logistics based on the network bridge theory. Rail freight need to strive to occupy the empty node structure, to bring more effective information-sharing by strong connection, and more effective knowledge sharing by weak connection. We can build the collaboration interests optimization through the cooperative game theory, establish a trust mechanisms with dynamic coordination, based on the principal-agent theory, and build safeguard mechanisms of repeated transactions by raising the rent of Stiglitz to solve the problem of adverse selection.The research of this thesis will do many benefit to the rail freight and logistics industry in resources integration, efficiency promotion, and service innovation, which has important theoretical and practical significance.


