

Since the Reform and Opening Up the Ideological and Political Education of College Students Study on Some Problems

【作者】 程婧

【导师】 姚润皋;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放三十多年来,我国处在国际政治经济新格局之中,社会生活发生了巨大变化。与之相适应,我国改革开放以来的大学生思想政治教育先后经历了恢复重建、探索发展、成熟完善和新时期新发展等阶段,锻造和培养了一代又一代具有不同特征的大学生。改革开放初期的大学生伴随着“文革”结束后拨乱反正、批判反思的历史进程成长成熟起来,这一时期大学生的思想政治教育状况与大学生充满“积极人生”的生存状态相适应;改革开放加速发展时期的大学生在其思想成长过程中经历了改革开放的社会激荡和转型,这一时期的大学生思想政治教育深深地打上了大学生处于“转型人生”生存状态的时代印记;全面建设小康社会时期的大学生置身于全面建设小康社会的伟大历史进程,这一时期的大学生思想政治教育贴近着大学生充满“建设人生”生存状态的具体实际;而当前大学生正在其思想成长过程中经历着网络时代、信息社会所带来的人类生活方式的巨大变革,其思想政治教育呈现出与当代大学生“网络人生”生存状态相匹配的时代特色。依据上述不同时期大学生所具有的不同思想政治教育特征,以高校思想政治教育课程改革为例,改革开放以来的高校思想政治教育课程设置同样经历了恢复重建到完善发展的演变进程。十一届三中全会以后,高校恢复开设了马列主义理论课程,坚持对大学生进行正规化、系统化的马列主义理论教育。随着改革开放的全面展开,高校思想政治教育课程探索和改革不断深化,由四门课程(哲学、政治经济学、中共党史、国际共运史)过渡到了五门课程(增加了思想品德课)。这些课程更加全面地适应经济社会发展新形势,在此基础上,初步形成了高校“两课”课程设置的基本格局。1998年6月,教育部公布了高校“两课”的教学方案,即“98”方案。面对全面建设小康社会的机遇和挑战,高校进一步加强以爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育为核心的大学生思想政治教育,加大高校思想政治教育教学改革力度,于2005年制订了高校思想政治理论课程体系新方案(即“05”方案),“05”方案从2006级大学生开始实施。至此,三十多年来高校思想政治理论课程教育教学形成了较为完备和科学的结构,在大学生思想政治教育中发挥着重要的作用。回顾和梳理三十多年来的大学生思想政治教育实践历程,我们可以发现,大学生思想政治教育仍然面临着正在解决、尚未解决和亟待解决的问题和压力。概括来看,改革开放以来大学生思想政治教育至少有五个方面的重大问题,需要引起我们的高度重视。一是关于大学生马克思主义观的构建问题。这是大学生思想政治教育的核心内容。为了积极锻造和培养大学生的马克思主义观,我们在探索大学生马克思主义观的培养方式方法上取得了重要进步和长足发展,但是对于大学生中的马克思主义信仰危机问题也需要认真研究解决。二是关于大学生人生观的构建问题。一方面多数大学生都拥有着积极向上的人生观,另一方面也有少数大学生由于个人主义强烈和过于注重个人利益,以致在大学生中间出现了个人主义思潮的蔓延和人生观的偏差等问题。三是关于大学生价值观的构建问题。多数大学生都拥有国家利益至上、社会责任感强和个人乐于奉献等优秀主流的价值观,但是也有少数大学生把实用主义和物质利益至上思想等作为自己的价值观。四是关于大学生婚恋观的引导问题。大学生在对自由式婚恋观积极认同的同时,也有大学生陷入了“闪婚”、“闪离”式婚恋观的误区。五是关于大学生就业观的引导问题。既有秉持“自主择业”和“自主创业”等积极就业观的大学生存在,也有“蚁族”和“蜗居”式生存等身处“就业难”状况中的大学生存在。三十多年来的大学生思想政治教育,一直在积极面对和解决这些问题,取得了大量的具有鲜明时代特征的成绩,当然这项工作的探索创新是无止境的。纵观大学生思想政治教育三十多年来的发展过程,我们解决了很多重要的问题,积累了丰富的经验。这些基本经验主要包括:发挥英雄模范人物的榜样示范作用、打造大学生思想政治教育的有效载体、培育有渗透力和影响力的大学校园文化、培养有凝聚力和战斗力的高校学生社团、设立有吸引力的大学生思想政治教育“红色网站”、挖掘丰富的大学生社会实践活动、完善贫困大学生的多元资助体系和探索大学生心理健康教育的科学体系等。改革开放以来大学生思想政治教育的宝贵经验也给我们带来了重要启示,主要包括:确立马克思主义在意识形态中的指导地位、大学生思想政治教育要牢牢坚持政治育人、构建完备的大学生思想政治教育工作规范、做好大学生思想政治教育的结构性设计、大学生思想政治教育要紧密结合社会现实、大学生思想政治教育要积极解决大学生的实际问题、大学生思想政治教育要努力推进教育内容的创新和大学生思想政治教育要积极提高实效性和感染力等。这些基本经验和重要启示是对改革开放以来大学生思想政治教育的基本理论和实践经验的概括和总结,既反映了改革开放以来大学生思想政治教育的基本规律,也构成了一个有着内在逻辑关系的体系,为进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育奠定了重要的理论基础和实践基础。

【Abstract】 China has experienced a huge change of society and has been in the new pattern of global economy and politics since Reform and Open up. Meanwhile, the ideological and political education of Chinese College students has undergone four steps:restoration and reconstruction,exploration and development,maturity and perfection,new exploration in new times, and developed so many students with different characteristics in different generations. In the early days of Reform and Open up, the ideological and political education of these college students, who have experienced the onset and the criticism of Culture Revolution, is adapt to the full status of "Active Life" in this period. In the time of accelerated development of Reform and Open up,the ideological and political education of these college students, who have undergone the dramatic oscillation and transformation of society, has been imprinted with the living status of "Transformative Life". In the period of building an overall well-off society, the ideological and political education of these college students, who have been staying in the process of building an overall well-off society, has pressed close to the actual living status of "Constructing Life ".However, current college students have experienced the huge revolution of life style for the effects of network era and information society, as result, the ideological and political education of these college students has been matched with the basic characteristic of "Network Life" for the new college students.According to the different characteristics of ideological and political education of college students in different periods, it is quite clear that the curriculum provision of ideological and political education of Chinese college students since Reform and Open up has experienced historical periods of restoration and development which is based on the reform of political courses in Chinese colleges. After the Third Plenary Session of the11th Central Committee of the CPC, the courses of Marxism and Leninism have been reorganized in Chinese colleges, the ideological and political education has gone back to the orthonormal education of Marxism and orthonormal Marxism education has been deployed in college students. With the full development of Reform and Open up, the courses of Marxism are under the process of continuous exploring and reforming that is from four courses(Philosophy,Political Economy, History of CPC and History of International Communist Movement) to five courses(adding Moral Education),which are more suitable to the new terrain of economy and society. On this basis, there are Curriculum Provision of college "Two Courses" gradually. Faced with the opportunities and the challenges of building an overall well-off society, the Ministry of Education has promulgated a teaching plan of college "Two Courses" in June1998,which emphasizes patriotism,collectivism and socialism in ideological and political education and reinforces the reform of college "Two Courses". After that, the system of college ideological and political education is built up and carried out since2006. During the past30years, the teaching of ideological and political education has a more complete and scientific structure and played important rule in the ideological and political education of college students.Looking back to the experience of ideological and political education in the past30years, it is apparent that we still face many problems and stress in the ideological and political education of college students.Briefly, there are at least five problems which attract our attentions. Firstly,the construction of Marxist worldview in college students which is the basic content of ideological and political education.Although, we have made a great progress in the model of cultivating Marxist worldview in college students,we have also faced the problem of belief crisis which need to be resolved seriously. Secondly, the construction of outlook on life in college students.On the one hand, most of college students have active outlook on life;on the other hand,as result of individualism,a few of number of college students have outlook problems.Thirdly,the construction of values in college students. Most of college students have mainline values,such as national interest first,improved sense of social responsibility and be glad to dedicate.However, a small number of college students regard pragmatism and material interest as their values. Fourthly,guidance of attitudes towards love and marriage.Many college students actively approve of free love and marriage, however, a few of them fall into the mistakes of "Quick Marriage" and "Quick Divorce". Lastly, the guidance of employment view of college students who are active to obtain employment, such as "Self Choosing Occupation" and "Self Starting a Business", as well as have difficult of employment. In a word, the ideological and political education in the past30years are facing these problems and trying to resolve them.In the past30years of ideological and political education, we have resolved many problems and gained wider experience which include:playing the rule of hero,providing effective carrier of ideological and political education, cultivating influential college culture, developing cohesive and fightable club for college students,setting the attractive "Red Website"of ideological and political education for college students, holding various social activities for college students, improving the system of subsidizing impoverished college students and exploring the scientific system of mental healthy for college students. There are also so much enlightenment for us in the past30years of ideological and political education, such as:establishing the guidance of Marxism,holding the importance of political education,constructing full standards of ideological and political education, doing well in the structural design of ideological and political education, meeting the ideological and political education with practice, resolving the practical problems of college students in ideological and political education, advancing the innovations of ideological and political education and improving the effectiveness. Those enlightenment, which are the summarization of the ideological and political education since Reform and Open up, reflect the basic law of ideological and political education, form a inherent system of logic and provide important theoretical basement and practical basis of strengthening ideological and political education currently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

