

Study on the WTC in Chinese of Foreign Students and the Impact Factors

【作者】 于晓日

【导师】 徐大明;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 语言学及应用语言学(专业学位), 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于沪宁高校留学生汉语交际意愿的实证研究。通过调查留学生汉语交际意愿的现状、特点及影响因素,我们提出心理、情境及特质三大要素直接或间接影响二语课堂内外交际意愿的假设。依据此假设,本研究具体探讨以下三个问题:一,留学生课堂内外汉语交际意愿的现状和特点;二,背景变量对留学生课内外汉语交际意愿的影响;三,留学生能够感知到的影响课内外汉语交际意愿的主要因素。为了验证上述假设及回答以上研究的问题,我们采用了定性和定量相结合的方法。来自沪宁七所高校的210名留学生参加了定量研究。本研究设计的课内外汉语交际意愿调查表包括五个部分:(1)背景问卷,(2)课外汉语交际意愿量表,(3)课内汉语交际意愿量表,(4)语言学习取向调查表,(5)社会支持调查表。定性研究使用了开放式及封闭式问题、半结构访谈提纲及聚焦写作。本研究主要发现总结如下:首先,210份问卷调查反映出沪宁留学生课内外汉语交际意愿的现状为:两地高校留学生的汉语交际意愿值比较高,介于“可能愿意”和“肯定愿意"之间;上海高校留学生的汉语交际意愿略高于南京;课外汉语交际意愿高于课内,但差异微小。汉语口语水平、焦虑或害怕这两项因素是影响留学生课内外汉语交际意愿最重要的因素。其次,问卷反映出来的留学生较高的汉语交际意愿和我们在现实中观察到的现象有很大出入。现实中留学生使用汉语主动与他人进行交际活动并不总是经常发生,大部分留学生不具备主动与他人交际的意愿。这种客观与主观的矛盾恰恰反映出交际意愿是一种心理上的虚拟的意愿,而非现实的交际活动,要想将这种虚拟的意愿转变为实际的交际活动,要靠人为的干预,这种干预就是要在对外汉语课堂上采取任务型教学法。第三,定量和定性研究结果表明,心理、情境及特质因素对留学生课堂内外汉语交际意愿产生直接或间接影响。通过回归分析,我们考察了客观背景变量、主观情感变量和情境变量与汉语交际意愿的内部关系,研究证实:1.客观背景变量是影响留学生汉语交际意愿的外在因素。性别、国籍、专业、学历对留学生的汉语交际意愿无显著影响;年级对留学生的汉语交际意愿具有显著影响,并呈现负相关,高年级组的留学生内部汉语交际意愿的差异性较大,我们认为,这一现象与中高级水平的学习者处于学习的“高原期”有关。2.情感变量是影响留学生汉语交际意愿的内在因素。通过考察动机、交际能力的自我评价、焦虑、语言态度和汉语口语水平的自我评价五项情感变量与留学生汉语交际意愿之间的相关性,我们发现:五项情感变量均与留学生的汉语交际意愿显著相关,其中动机、语言态度和汉语水平的自我评价均与课内外汉语交际意愿存在正相关的关系,这三项变量在一定程度上对交际意愿具有正预测力。影响课内和课外的情感因素对交际意愿的影响力基本一致。因此,帮助学习者建立正确的情感倾向是提高汉语交际意愿的关键所在。3.交际意愿还受抑制心理、对语言学习的看法和过度监控等因素的影响。沪宁高校留学生的认知方式呈现出明显的被动性与过度监控性,导致他们用汉语进行主动交流的意识与能力较差。第四、我们评估了语言学习取向和社会支持对留学生汉语交际意愿的影响,研究表明:1.在工作、学习成绩、知识、旅行和友谊取向中,工作取向和学习成绩取向是与留学生的汉语交际意愿联系最紧密的两个取向,并与交际意愿呈现正相关。2.在交际意愿与社会支持的分析中,父母、兄弟姐妹和老师的支持与留学生的汉语交际意愿呈现正相关,并对交际意愿有正面的预示作用。换言之,家人和老师的支持是提升留学生汉语交际意愿的强大动力。研究启示为,要将留学生高度的、潜在的交际意愿转化为更多的练习汉语的机会,以简化汉语学习的程序,就要争取尽量多的社会支持。在定性和定量研究的基础上,本文提出对留学生交际意愿的培养是对外汉语教学的首要目标;根据留学生普遍存在以任务为导向的的学习特点,我们提出,要将留学生较高的、潜在的汉语交际意愿转化为现实中的交际活动,只有开启任务型教学,才能做到真正以学习者为中心。

【Abstract】 The article is a empirical study on the WTC in Chinese among foreign students in the colleges from Shanghai and Nanjing areas. Through investigating current situations, characteristics and influential factors of WTC in Chinese among the aforesaid students, we propose that three elements, psychology, situation, and particularity, would directly or indirectly affect their bilingual WTC inside and outside class. Based on such presumption, the study aims at discussing the following three questions:1. Current situations and characteristics of foreign students’WTC inside and outside class;2. Influences of background variables on the WTC of foreign students in Chinese inside and outside class; and3. Main factors on affecting the WTC in Chinese inside and outside class those foreign students can be aware of.In order to validate the aforesaid presumption and answer the questions above, we have adopted a method combining qualitative with quantitative.210foreign students from7colleges in Shanghai and Nanjing areas participated in the quantitative research. The questionnaire designed in the research for investigating the WTC in Chinese inside and outside class comprises the following five parts:(1) background questionnaire;(2) survey sheet of WTC in Chinese outside class;(3) survey sheet of WTC in Chinese inside class;(4) questionnaire on language studying orientation; and (5) questionnaire on social support. Qualitative research has used open and closed questions, half-structure interview outline and focus writing.Main findings of this research are concluded as follows:First of all,210questionnaires have reflected the current situation of WTC in Chinese among foreign students inside and outside class in Shanghai and Nanjing areas:the WTC in Chinese of the foreign students in colleges in the two cities is quite high, between "probably will" and "definitely will"; the WTC in Chinese of the foreign students in Shanghai is slightly higher than Nanjing; the WTC in Chinese outside class is higher than inside class, but the difference is tiny. The two factors including oral Chinese level and anxiety or fear are the most important factors that affect the WTC of foreign students in Chinese inside and outside class.Secondly, the relatively high WTC of foreign students in Chinese reflected on the questionnaires is quite different from what we observed in reality. We found that it did not occur often that foreign students actively talk in Chinese with others in reality; most of the foreign students do not possess the WTC with others. This kind of objective and subjective conflict exactly shows that the WTC is only psychological willingness instead of real communication activity. Changing such virtue willingness to actual communication activity depends on intervention,this kind of intervention is to adopt the task-based teaching method in teaching Chinese as a foreign langrage.Thirdly, the quantitative and the qualitative research results have provided that psychology, situation and particularity factors generate direct or indirect influences on the foreign students’WTC in Chinese inside and outside class. Through regression analysis, we have checked the internal relationship between the objective background variable, subjective sentiment variable, situation variable and the WTC in Chinese. The studies have proved:1. Objective background variable is the external factor that influences the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese. In such six objective background variables, gender, nationality, profession and education background have no prominent influences in the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese; Grade prominently affects the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese, and appears a negative correlation. Senior foreign students show quite large difference in WTC in Chinese internally. We think that such phenomenon is related with the students of medium and high level being in a "plateau period" of studying.2. Sentiment variable is the internal factor that influences the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese. Through investigating the dependency between the five sentiment variables including motivation, self-assessment of communication ability, anxiety, language attitude, self-assessment of oral Chinese level and the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese, we have found:all the five sentiment variables are prominently related with the foreign student’s WTC in Chinese, in which motivation, language attitude and self-assessment of Chinese level have positive correlation with WTC in Chinese inside and outside class, and this three variables have positive predictive power to the WTC on certain extent. Influences of sentiment factors inside and outside class are basically the same to the WTC. Therefore, the key to improve the WTC in Chinese is to help the student establish correct sentiment inclination.3. The foreign students’ WTC is also affected by the inhabitation, comments on language studying and progress monitor. The recognition methods of foreign students in colleges in Shanghai and Nanjing areas appear obvious passivity and excessive monitoring, leading to their low consciousness and poor ability of actively communicating in Chinese.Fourthly, we have assessed the influences of language studying orientation and social support on the WTC of foreign students in Chinese. Research has shown:1. Among working, studying scores, knowledge, traveling and friendship, working and studying scores are the two subjects that have the closest relation with the foreign students’ WTC in Chinese, and appear positive correlation with the WTC.2. In the analysis on WTC and social support, supports from parents, siblings and teachers appear positive correlation with the foreign students’ WTC in Chinese, and have positive predictive function on the WTC. In other words, support from family and teacher is the strong power to promote WTC in Chinese of the foreign students. As a result, in order to transfer the foreign students’ high and potential WTC to more opportunities of practicing Chinese and to simplify the progress of Chinese studying, social support shall be obtained as much as possible.On the basis of qualitative and quantitative researches, the article has put forward that the cultivation on the foreign students’ WTC is the primary target of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. According to the task-oriented characteristics of foreign students, the article suggests that in order to transfer relatively high and potential WTC in Chinese of the foreign students to activities in reality, we need to carry on task-based teaching method and take the learners as our focus.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1437

