

Research on the Establishment of Incorruptible Culture Construction Evaluation Indexes System in Universities

【作者】 邹丽梅

【导师】 陈文斌;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系可以揭示高校廉政文化建设的标准,拓展高校廉政文化建设研究的领域,为高校廉政文化建设的改革创新提供依据,是加强高校廉政文化建设管理的需要。论文从高校廉政环境文化建设、高校廉政精神文化建设、高校廉政行为文化建设和高校廉政制度文化建设四个大方面设定评价指标和评价标准,力求全面、准确地反映高校廉政文化建设的效果,并通过对实证研究结果的分析,提出高校廉政文化建设的对策,找到高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系运行的效果和不足之处。对高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系的基础理论进行了梳理,确定了高校廉政文化建设评价指标的内容框架。论文从廉政文化和高校廉政文化的内涵入手,分析了马克思主义的廉政理论,确定了高校廉政文化建设的内容、原则、功能和意义,提出了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系的概念、构成和功能,评价指标体系的构成包括指标体系的目的、评价主体、评价对象、指标体系的时间视角和空间视角,高校廉政文化建设评价指标主要分为主观指标和客观指标,提出了构建指标体系的方法,专家调查法、参照单位分析法和层次分析法。对当前高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系中存在的问题和原因进行了分析。论文从高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系的提出及发展入手,分析了当前高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系中存在的主要问题,从指标评价范围、指标评价标准、指标权重的配置及指标体系的实际运行几个方面提出问题,分析了影响评价指标体系构建的原因,指出了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系构建的必要性,为论文进一步展开高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系的研究提供了思路。基于专家调查法、参照单位分析法和AHP法建立了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系。论文通过专家咨询和材料分析法初步提出选取的指标,从高校廉政环境文化建设、高校廉政精神文化建设、高校廉政行为文化建设和高校廉政制度文化建设角度确定高校廉政文化建设评价指标;再进行评价指标的筛选,筛选主要通过专家调查法进行,分析调查问卷的信度及效度、分析专家的权威性,根据参照单位分析法对专家评分资料进行量化处理,然后修改初选指标,确定最终指标;根据高校廉政文化建设要求确定指标评价标准;依据AHP法确定高校廉政文化建设评价指标权重值。论文根据高校廉政文化建设评价指标制作了评价指标权重的专家调查表,根据此专家调查权重表进行调查,将专家反馈的数值按照层次分析法的计算规则分层次进行了数值计算,进行一致性检验和最后的一致性验证,确定了最终二级指标的权重值和三级指标的权重值,来反映不同指标影响高校廉政文化建设的重要性程度。对六所高校的廉政文化建设状况进行实际调查。论文对北京市某高校、天津市某高校、上海市某高校、江苏省某高校、浙江省某高校、湖北省某高校进行问卷调查,得到这六所高校廉政文化建设的总评对比分数和六所高校的廉政环境文化建设分数、廉政精神文化建设分数、廉政行为文化建设分数和廉政制度文化建设分数;将每所高校廉政文化建设评价指标各选项的平均分进行排序,对比各高校排名前十五名的选项,找到六所高校前十五名选项中的共同选项,进而分析高校廉政文化建设的成效;对比各高校排名后十五名的选项,找到六所高校后十五名选项中的共同选项,进而分析高校廉政文化建设的不足,针对找到的问题,提出高校廉政文化建设的对策。

【Abstract】 Incorruptible culture construction evaluation in universities can reveal the value of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities, expand the Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities in new areas of research, provide the basis for innovation of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities, and strengthen the management of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities. The paper evaluated four aspects, including incorruptible environmental culture in universities, incorruptible spirit culture in universities, incorruptible behavior culture in universities, and incorruptible system culture in universities. The paper determined the evaluation index and the levels of evaluation criteria, in order to determine the incorruptible culture construction in universities comprehensively and accurately. The paper proposed the solution countermeasure through the analysis of the results of the evaluation, in order to establish Incorruptible culture construction evaluation systems in universities with the combinations of vertical and horizontal.The paper put forward the basic theory of the evaluation index system of incorruptness culture construction in universities, and then determines the content and framework of incorruptness culture in universities evaluation. Papers started from the content of incorruptness culture and incorruptness culture construction in universities, analyzed Marxist-Leninist theory of cheap government, determine the concept, principle, and function of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities. The elements of the indexes system included evaluation objectives, evaluation of subject and object, evaluation of time space view, of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities. The paper determined the classification of indexes, which included the positive and the passive indexes. The paper determined the methods of construction indexes system, that is the method of expert investigation and the method of Radit and AHP.The paper analysed the problems and reasons on the establishment of the evaluation index system of incorruptness culture construction in universities. The part start from the incorruptness culture construction evaluation index in universities proposed and development, determined the necessarily of incorruptness culture construction evaluation index in universities, analyzed the main problems of incorruptness culture construction evaluation index in universities. The paper analyzed from index assessment scope, evaluation criteria, index weight configuration, index system operability and empirical index system. The paper analyzed the reasons to effect incorruptness culture construction evaluation index in universities. Follow-up is expanded along the ideas of the college the ICAC culture construction index system problems. The paper is to establish the evaluation index system of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities according to the method of expert investigation and AHP. Paper selected indicators through consulting and material analysis, then screened index of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities by method of expert investigation questionnaire, analyzed the reliability and validity, the authority of experts, quantized the information of expert score, then modified the primary index, finally determine the final index. That is to say, paper determine the index from incorruptible environmental culture construction in universities, incorruptible spirit culture construction in universities, incorruptible behavior culture construction in universities, and incorruptible system culture construction in universities. The paper established the evaluation index weight of University culture according to AHP. Paper made weight of evaluation indexes expert questionnaire according to index system of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities, surveyed expert questionnaire, calculated expert feedback value according to AHP calculation rules respectively, tested for consistency and final consistency verification,then determined the weight value of experts had determined, and then determined the two grade index weights and three grade index weights, to reflect the degree of importance of different index influence the status, so that can prevent the practice of most of the theoretical studies had implied, which is the mean of distribution.The paper conducted a questionnaire survey to the six universities. The paper surveyed to a university in BeiJing, a university in ShangHai, a university in TianJin, a university in JiangSu, a university in ZheJiang, a university in HuBei, and had the contrast scores Incorruptible Culture Construction of six Universities, the scores of Incorruptible environment Culture Construction in Universities, the scores of Incorruptible spiritual Culture Construction in Universities, the scores of Incorruptible behavior Culture Construction in Universities, the scores of Incorruptible systems Culture Construction in Universities. Paper sort the66option average, contrast the top fifteen options of every universities, and analyzed advantage of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities; Compare the after the fifteen option of every universities, and analyzed disadvantage of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities. The paper proposed the strategies of Incorruptible Culture Construction of Universities.


