

Conservation Effects Assessment of Zhalong Nature Reserve Based on Red-crowned Crane Protection

【作者】 冯晓东

【导师】 邹红菲;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 基于1979-2012的数据,通过动物、种群、人的层面从宏观、微观的角度对基于丹顶鹤保护的扎龙保护区保护成效进行了分析,主要研究内容包括(1)丹顶鹤种群保护成效分析;(2)丹顶鹤种群遗传多样性保护成效分析;(3)丹顶鹤生境保护成效分析;(4)丹顶鹤观赏旅游与保护教育成效初步分析。(1)丹顶鹤种群保护成效自然保护区建立至今,丹顶鹤野生种群数量先升后降,近十年来呈大幅度波动下降状态;营巢数量的变化趋势与种群同步。分布区面积先增后降,分布区域先由东南向西北偏移,后渐向局址区域集中;繁殖种群表现出由聚集分布向非聚集分布即随机分布或均匀分布过渡的趋势。种群数量与水鸟鸟类群落的丰富度显著正相关、与多样性和均匀性高度正相关。大面积火烧和大面积湿地补水是环境质量变化的主要影响因素之一,野生丹顶鹤种群尚能通过微调其空间分布型的方式适应环境质量的变化,大面积火烧能促使丹顶鹤繁殖种群聚集分布,大面积湿地补水能促使丹顶鹤繁殖种群偏离聚集分布。自然保护区建立至今,人工辅助繁育种群的孵化成功率一直高于野生丹顶鹤,年均为77.41%;孵化成活量整体呈上升趋势,总计孵化914只,年均约27只,近十年来维持在30-50只之间;2002年以来,训飞规模在逐年提高,近年来维持在每年100-120只;共放飞117只,年均约8只,放飞数量逐年提高,近年来维持在每年10只以上。(2)丹顶鹤种群遗传多样性保护成效在扎龙自然保护区,其野生群体和人工辅助繁育群体都表现出了相对较高的期望杂合度和等位基因丰富度,表明无论是就地保护的野生种群还是人工繁育种群目前还维持一个相对较高的遗传多样性水平。尤其重要的是人工辅助繁育种群基本维持了与野生种群相当的遗传多样性水平,并没有与野生种群发生遗传分化。因此,在扎龙自然保护区发展人工辅助繁育种群对整个扎龙保护区野生丹顶鹤种群的保护和恢复是非常必要的。从种群遗传多样性保护的角度讲,在扎龙自然保护区丹顶鹤种群其保护成效是显著的。(3)丹顶鹤生境保护成效自然保护区成立以来,土地面积和主要环境气候因子变化明显。保护区内的芦苇沼泽面积呈波动式地上升趋势,水域面积呈下降趋势,草原面积呈下降至稳定趋势。年均温呈规律波动式的上升趋势,平均为4.31℃;年日照时数年度变化不明显,平均为2828.93时;年降水量稍降,平均为437.06mm;年蒸发量呈明显的下降趋势,平均为1374.67mm;相关分析表明:年降水量与年蒸发量、年日照时数均呈实负相关关系;湿地生态补水以来,保护区内芦苇沼泽面积、明水面(湖泡与河流)面积均呈大幅度波动式地上升趋势,但尚未达1999年的状态;补水前后,鸟类的种类分布截然不同,相似性为0.4355;鸟类群落的丰富度、均匀度和多样性间的差异显著(P<0.05),补水后明显低于补水前。从保护区的功能区划来看,经历了总面积、空间分布、功能区类型、功能区面积等方面的巨大变化;功能区划的基本依据以核心区能大致涵盖丹顶鹤的空间分布为主,目前保护区核心区基本涵盖了丹顶鹤的分布区(96.58%)。(4)丹顶鹤观赏旅游与保护教育保护成效1982年开展旅游以来,保护区的游客量和海外游客量均呈上升趋势。目前,游客客源市场健康稳定,集中于本省、周边毗邻各省及远距离出游力较强的上海、北京、江苏、浙江、天津等5省、直辖市;客源地与距离呈反比,向远距离区域辐射,外省多集中于北京、河北、广东、辽宁等出游大省。旅游动机整体上以扎龙的主题旅游(观鹤活动、亲近自然)为主,比例逐渐上升。与2003年相比,目前保护区游客的滞留时间明显变长,平均为122分钟;滞留的时间分布没有变化,与保护区主题旅游产品即丹顶鹤放飞活动的时间范围同步,为上午10:00-12:00和下午14:00-15:00;滞留的主要景点没有变化,以放飞区、成体鹤、旅游商店、望鹤楼、标本馆为主,各主要滞留景点的滞留时间明显变长。分析发现,保护区丹顶鹤观赏旅游与保护教育已见成效,主题旅游产品已在游客中得到了认可:游客量逐年稳定增加、客源市场稳定并向出游力大省辐射跨进、游客的旅游动机与保护区保护教育的目的基本吻合、滞留时间明显变长、滞留的时间分布与主题旅游产品即丹顶鹤放飞的时间段吻合、滞留的空间分布以丹顶鹤放飞区为主体、经济收入也明显增加。(5)综合分析表明:由于各种环境因子及人类干扰活动的影响,建区以来至二十世纪末,保护区内野生丹顶鹤种群(含繁殖种群)在数量、分布(面积与区域)等方面变化较大,数量下降,分布区偏移并变大;区内不同土地资源类型面积如芦苇沼泽、水域和草原等面积均呈下降状态;同时,区内的主要环境气候因子变化也较大,年均温升高、年降水量和年蒸发量均下降。这些因素都直接或间接地影响着丹顶鹤种群及其栖息生境,其中能人为控制的利于湿地恢复的干扰因素有大面积火烧和大面积湿地补水。2001年保护区开始湿地生态补水,自湿地补水以来,芦苇沼泽面积增加,丹顶鹤种群(含繁殖种群)在数量、分布上有响应,数量出现历年来的峰值,大面积湿地补水对湿地恢复及丹顶鹤种群的保护起到了一定程度的积极作用,但尚未达到建区时的状态;相应地,基于丹顶鹤的空间分布,保护区也进行了新的功能区区划。同时,保护区也通过人工辅助繁育丹顶鹤种群进行了训飞、放飞等补充壮大野生丹顶鹤种群方面的尝试,在孵化成功率、训飞规模和放飞规模及放飞成效方面均有了初步的成绩,且趋势良好。种群遗传多样性保护成效显著,人工辅助繁育种群对该区域丹顶鹤种群恢复将起到很好的积极作用。此外,保护区主题旅游产品即丹顶鹤放飞项目已得到游客的认可,并取得了一定的环境教育效果和较为显著的经济收益。基于上述研究结果,提出如下管理建议:(1)开展野生丹顶鹤种群数量的年度调查工作;(2)科学补水、严控火灾;(3)人工繁育时应考虑遗传多样性指标;(4)尽快完善宣教中心的功能。

【Abstract】 Based on these data from1979-2012, conservation effects of Zhalong nature reserve based on Red-crowned crane conservation was conducted from animal, habitat, human field of macro and micro view. Research contents include (1) conservation effects of Red-crowned crane population;(2) protection effects of population genetic diversity;(3) conservation effects of Red-crowned crane habitat;(4) conservation effects of conservation education and sightseeing based on Red-crowned crane.(1) Conservation effects of Red-crowned crane populationFrom1979, it took a first rising and drop trend for wild Red-crowned crane population, and so nest number do. The distribution area also the same trend, the position changed from southeast to northwest, then focus on the site of management bureau. The breeding population took a trend from clumped distribution to non clumped distribution namely uniform distribution or random distribution. There was notable positive correlation between Red-crowned crane population and richness of avian community, high positive correlation between Red-crowned crane population and diversity, uniformity. Large area fire hazard and wetland irrigation influenced environmental quality of wetland, and wild Red-crowned crane can adopt the environment changed by fine adjustment its spatial distribution pattern.From1979, hatching success of assisted breeding population was always higher than wild population for Red-crowned crane, and was77.41%of annual average. Incubation survival quantity took a rising trend, total up914,27of annual mean. The population maintained30-50for last decade. From2002, the training fly scale always increased year by year, it has maintained100-120recently. The total number of releasing population was117,8of annual mean, and increased year by year, maintained more than10recently.(2) Protection effect of population genetic diversity for Red-crowned craneIn Zhalong nature reserve, its wild population and artificial assisted breeding population both show relatively high expected heterozygosity and allele abundance, which shows that no matter the wild population in situ conservation or artificial breeding population still maintains a relatively high level of genetic diversity at present. It’s important particularly that artificial assisted breeding population maintains quite high genetic diversity level with wild population basically, and don’t have a genetic differentiation with wild population. So it’s necessary to develop artificial assisted breeding population to wild cranes protection and restoration in the zhalong nature reserve. From the point of population genetic diversity protection, the protection effects of Grus japonensis population is significant in zhalong nature reserve.(3) Conservation effects of Red-crowned crane habitat From1979, it took a obvious change on land types area and main environmental climate factor. The area of reed marsh in the reserve took a rising trend with fluctuation, and water body decreasing, so grasslands do. an average annual temperature rose high with rules,4.31℃. Annual sunshine duration took no obvious change,2828.93h. Annual rainfall (437.06mm) and annual evaporation capacity (1374.67mm) all decreased. The analysis shows that there were obvious real negative correlation between annual rainfall and annual evaporation capacity, annual sunshine duration.From wetland irrigating, the area of reed marsh, water body (lake and river) in the reserve was the rising trend. But, it was lower than1999. It was great different on avian species after wetland irrigation, and the similarity was0.4355. Richness, Uniformity and Diversity of avian community were lower than these value before wetland irrigation (P<0.05).From function zone planning view, it took a great change on total zone, spatial distribution, function zone types, function zone area. The basic standard of function zone planning was the zone that can include the spatial distribution of Red-crowned crane. Now, core zone in the reserve could include the spatial distribution of Red-crowned crane (96.58%)(4) Conservation effects of conservation education and sightseeing based on Red-crowned craneFrom1982, tourists and tourists oversea had the rising trend. Now, tourist generating region was health and stable, and mostly focused Heilongjian province, adjacent to the province, and these province with big travel for example Shanghai city, Beijing city, Jiangsu province, Zhejiang province and Tianjin city. The theme tourism products namely watching crane and stepping into the nature were the main tourist motive, and took a nice trend.Compared with2003, detention time had obvious long in the reserve, namely122minutes. The temporal distribution of detention had no obvious change, and consistent with the theme tourism products namely training fly of Red-crowned crane (am10:00-12:00and pm14:00-15:00). The spatial distribution of detention had also no obvious change, and training fly zone, adult crane, shop, watching bird building and specimen hall were the main detention landscape, and the detention time on these landscape was longer than2003.The analysis shows, the conservation effect of conservation education and sightseeing based on Red-crowned crane in the reserve got some gains, and the theme tourism products has already got the nod:tourists is increasing stably, tourist generating region is on stable and cross into the province with big travel, tourist motive was consistent with the purpose of conservation education in the reserve, detention time of tourist had obvious long, temporal distribution of detention was consistent with the training fly time of assisted breeding Red-crowned crane, spatial distribution of detention was the zone of training fly for Red-crowned crane and tourism income was obvious. (5) Comprehensive analysis shows that due to all kinds of disturbance elements, wild Red-crowned crane population including breeding population in the reserve took a great change at population number and spatial distribution from1979to2000, population number decreased and spatial distribution zone moved and increased. Different land type area for example reed marsh, water body and grasslands all decreased. Main environmental climate factor all took a great change, an average annual temperature rose high, annual rainfall and annual evaporation capacity all decreased. All these elements directly or indirectly influenced Red-crowned crane population and its habitat. Of these, large area fire hazard and large area wetland irrigating can be controlled by human.In2001, the reserve started irrigating water into wetland. From then to now, reed marsh area is increasing, and Red-crowned crane population gave the positive effects at population number and spatial distribution. Large area wetland irrigating had the positive role to wetland recover and Red-crowned crane population conservation. But, it still low than1979. Accordingly, the reserve has also carried out scientific planning of function zone based on the spatial distribution of Red-crowned crane.Meanwhile, the reserve also carried out the project by releasing assisted breeding population into wild population for Red-crowned crane, and got some good gains at hatching success, the dimensions of training fly population, the dimensions of releasing population and releasing effect.It was obvious conservation effects at genetic diversity conservation, and assisted breeding population had positive effects to wild crane population.In addition, the theme tourism products namely Red-crowned crane flying has already got the nod, and made the effect of environmental education and economic gains.Basing above result, we put forward the following management suggests:(1) carry out the annual survey on wild Red-crowned crane population;(2) scientific wetland irrigating and strict control fire hazard;(3) should think about the indicator of genetic diversity at the course of assisted breeding Red-crowned crane;(4) improve the function of propaganda and education center as quickly as.


