

The Bird Species Diversity,Population Dynamics of the Endangered Bird Species and Conservation Gap Analysis in the Poyang Lake

【作者】 单继红

【导师】 马建章;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 鄱阳湖地处江西省北部,长江中下游南岸,流域面积达16.2×104km2,是我国最大的淡水湖和国际重要湿地,也是世界重要的候鸟越冬栖息地。为保护越冬候鸟,鄱阳湖区已建立包括鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区、南矶湿地国家级自然保护区、都昌候鸟省级自然保护区在内的各级自然保护区22处。为全面摸清鄱阳湖区越冬候鸟种类、数量及分布,本研究于1998-2011年开展了每年一次的鄱阳湖区越冬水鸟同步调查,记录分布在鄱阳湖区70多个子湖泊中的水鸟种类、数量及空间分布,并结合1982年以来鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区管理局组织开展的保护区内的水鸟监测数据,分析了鄱阳湖区越冬鸟类多样性和濒危鸟类的种群动态;并结合鄱阳湖区气候变化、土地覆盖类型数据、人口密度数据等,分析了影响鄱阳湖越冬白鹤、东方白鹳、灰鹤、小天鹅等珍稀濒危鸟类种群数量与空间分布动态的关键因素。此外,木研究又于2009年冬季和2010年夏季,对鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区鸟类资源开展了全面调查,根据调查结果,使用逻辑斯蒂方程(Logistic Equation)拟合分析了适用于大尺度鸟类资源调查的最小抽样强度,探索了适用于湿地生态系统鸟类资源调查的抽样强度。进而,在全面掌握鄱阳湖区鸟类分布和自然保护区建设现状的基础上,对鄱阳湖候鸟越冬湖泊重要性进行了评估与保护空缺分析。研究结果表明:1、本研究于2009年12月和2010年5月在鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区利用样线法开展了冬季和夏季的鸟类资源调查,以10%的抽样强度进行样线的系统布设,每条样线长3.2km,单侧宽100-200m,共布设样线38条。记录到鸟类14目43科169种,冬季优势种为八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、麻雀(Passer montanus)和山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis),夏季为白鹭(Little Egret)和八哥。结合历史资料,鄱阳湖区鸟类记录累计达338种,国家重点保护鸟类56种,其中国家一级重点保护鸟类有东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)等10种;二级重点保护鸟类有白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)和小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)等46种。2、本研究利用逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)方程较好地拟合了鸟类物种数量与抽样强度之间的相关性,冬季农田生境logistic曲线盛末期拐点值为5.51±0.45,夏季为4.90±0.49,冬季泥滩生境盛末期拐点值为8.27±1.13。这表明,在鄱阳湖湿地生态系统大尺度鸟类调查中,抽样强度不应低于这些盛末期拐点值,否则很多鸟类物种可能会在调查中被遗漏。沼泽生境的盛末期拐点值显著大于农田生境冬季和夏季的盛末期拐点值。生境异质性可能是影响不同生境最低抽样强度的关键因索之一。3、1998年-2011年鄱阳湖区越冬灰鹤种群平均数量为2335±651只,种群数量呈增长趋势。为了分析环境因子对灰鹤种群数量和空间分布的影响,木研究用Spearman相关分析研究了灰鹤数量变化与气象和生境因素的关系,结果表明,灰鹤种群数量与丰水期降水量存在显著的负相关(r=-0.399,p=0.036,n=28)。每年冬季灰鹤在鄱阳湖呈聚集型分布,大湖池、大莲子湖、三湖、汉池湖、企湖、珠湖、南湖(共青)、大汉湖等8个湖泊是灰鹤的重点活动区,74.9±5.6%的越冬灰鹤分布在保护区之外。灰鹤的空间分布与滩地面积存在显著的正相关(r=0.387,P=0.005),与农田面积(r=-0.221,P<0.001)、人口密度(r=-0.343,P<0.001)、村庄数量(r=-0.360,P<0.001)、8月份初级生产力(r=-0.297,P<0.001)、11月份初级生产力(r=-0.065,P<0.001)等环境因子存在显著负相关。滩地面积是影响灰鹤空间分布的重要因子,对灰鹤利用频次的空间变化的解释率为15%,与11月份初级生产力共同解释了灰鹤年平均群体数量空间变化的24.6%。3、1998年-2011年鄱阳湖区东方白鹳越冬种群数量年平均值为2305±326只,2004年、2005年、2010年及2011年种群数量均超过目前其全球种群数量的估计值,但存在较大的年际波动。52个湖泊被记录到有东方白鹳活动,分布点之间的最大距离达180km。其中,达到全球东方白鹳种群数量1%标准以上的湖泊有38个。每年冬季东方白鹳在鄱阳湖呈聚集型分布,沙湖、大湖池、蚌湖和汉池湖越冬东方白鹳数量最多,被东方白鹳利用频次也最高。各湖泊中东方白鹳的年平均数量与利用频次之间存在显著的正相关,但相关性较小(r=0.274,p=0.049,n=52)。自然保护区涵盖了东方白鹳在鄱阳湖越冬的主要湖泊。分布在自然保护区内的东方白鹳占鄱阳湖区越冬种群总数量的64.9±5.5%,但仍有很多重要的越冬湖泊没有被纳入到保护区范围。4、1998年-2011年的监测结果表明,鄱阳湖区分布有稳定的小天鹅越冬种群,越冬种群平均数量为53964±8502只,2005年记录到越冬最大种群,数量112514只。大湖池、大汉湖、赛湖、珠湖、汉池湖、企湖等6个湖分布的小天鹅数量最多,年平均数量均超过4000只。从保护区覆盖情况看,有65.9±5.3%的越冬小天鹅分布在保护区之外。鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区1987-2011年越冬小天鹅数量动态与鄱阳湖年最高水位存在极显著的负相关(r=-0.630,p=0.001,n=25),与秋季十月份平均水位存在显著负相关(r=-0.483,p=0.015,n=25,),与越冬初期十二月平均水位存在显著负相关(r=-0.430,p=0.032,n=25),与丰水期七月份平均水位(r=-0.576,p=0.003,n=25)和八月份平均水位(r=-0.530,p=0.006,n=25)均存在极显著的负相关。年最高水位和12月平均水位是显著的预测因子,这2个因子共同解释了小天鹅种群数量变化的52.4%。5、鄱阳湖区分布有稳定的越冬白鹤种群,种群数量年平均值为3108±849只,2002年冬季达到最大值4004只,从2003年开始鄱阳湖区越冬白鹤数量表现出一定的年际波动,但变化幅度较小。共有46个湖泊被记录到有白鹤活动。其中,达到全球白鹤种群数量1%标准以上的湖泊达25个;白鹤数量接近或超过全球白鹤种群数量的40.0%(即1280只个体)以上的湖泊包括鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内的大汉池、蚌湖和蚕豆湖,以及保护区外的南湖。自然保护区涵盖了越冬白鹤的主要聚集湖泊。分布在自然保护区内的白鹤占鄱阳湖区越冬白鹤种群总数量的66.0±27.3%。保护区外分布的白鹤数量虽然总体呈下降趋势,但仍分布有一定数量的个体。越冬期当年各月气温与降水量与白鹤种群数量变化没有显著的相关性。鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区1983-2011年冬季越冬白鹤种群数量动态变化趋势与与年最高水位(r=-0.389,p=0.037,n=29)、年最低水位(r=-0.414,p=0.026,n=29)、10月份平均水位(r=-0.404,p=0.030,n=29)存在显著的相关性;与7月平均水位(r=-0.526,p=0.003,n=29,图7.5)、8月份平均水位(r=-0.382,p=0.041,n=29)存在显著的相关性。但是仅7月份平均水位是显著的预测因子,仅解释了白鹤种群数量变化的27.7%(R2=0.277,df=28,F=10.322,P=0.003)。6、统计1998-2011年冬季白鹤、灰鹤、白头鹤、白枕鹤、小天鹅、东方白鹳在鄱阳湖各湖泊中的出现频次和群体数量,采用模糊赋值法,对湖区80个湖泊进行重要性赋值,确定了区域鸟类多样性热点地区,并根据保护区分布现状进行了生物多样性保护空缺分析。结果显示,得分最高的三个湖泊为蚌湖、大汉湖和大湖池,均分布在鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内。在80个湖泊中,70.1%的湖泊被涵盖在自然保护区内,其中位于国家级自然保护区内的湖泊仅占22.5%,省级自然保护区内的湖泊占18.8%,县级占28.8%。在重要性排序前30的湖泊中,有12个位于鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内和南矶湿地国家级自然保护区内,即仅40.0%的湖泊被涵盖在国家级自然保护区范围内。

【Abstract】 The Poyang lake is the largest wetland of China and one of the international important wetland, which was famous for the important bird wintering habitat, with about300000-400000migratory birds wintering in the Poyang lake each year. During1998-2011, we conducted simultaneous land survey each year to investigate the species composition, number, and distribution of waterbirds. We also surveyed the summer bird species diversity in the Poyang lake, and used logistic equation to fit the correlation between sample intensity and bird species numer to certainfy the minimum sample intensity of bird survey on large scale in the wetland system.We collected the data on climate, land cover, topography, NDVI, net primary production and human population density, and analyzed the correlation of those environment variables and the population number and distribution of Siberian crane, oriental white stork, common crane, tundra swan wintering in the Poyang lake. Furthermore, we assessed the importance of lakes for wintering birds and conducted gap analysis for rare bird species conservation on the basis of the current status of nature reserves in the Poyang lake.1. In Dec.2009and Jun.2010, using transect method and simultaneous survey methods, we studied the structure of bird community in Duchang Migratory Birds Nature Reserve of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province. We totally recorded169bird species, which belong to43families of14orders, in which there are17species listed as national protected species and5endemic species in China. There were96bird species of36families recorded in summer and135bird species of36families, The bird community was mainly composed of the species of Passeriformes, Charadriiformes, and Anseriformes, accounting for47.4%,13.3%, and9.6%of total number of bird species respectively in winter; in summer, the bird community was mainly composed of the species of Passeriformes, Charadriiformes, and Ciconiiformes, accounting for58.3%,8.3%, and10.4%. There is a significant seasonal shift of bird composition between winter and summer in Duchang Migratory Birds Nature Reserve. In low water period, bird species diversity was highest in the habitat of farmland, followed by grassland, swamp and water area, and lowest in farmland, and Acridotheres cristatellus, Pycnonotus sinensis, sturnus cineraceus, Passer montanus, Streptopelia orientalis were the dominant bird species; in summer, there is no difference between farmland and water area, and Egretta garzetta, Acridotheres cristatellus were the dominant bird species. Combined with the history bird records, there were totally338bird species in the Poyang lake, with56species under national protection.2. The population of common crane wintering in Poyang lake constantly increased from 1998to2011, and the average population size was2335±651, with maximum7640in winter of2011. There was a significantly positive correlation between the change of common crane population size and the precipitation in flood seasons in Poyang lake (r=-0.399, p=0.036), but no significant correlation between the change of common crane population size and the average monthly water level of the wucheng monitoring station either in flood seasons or draught seasons. The wintering common cranes clustered in Poyang lakes. The lakes of Dahuchi, Dalianzihu, Sanhu, Hanchihu, Qihu, Zhuhu, Nanhu (gongqing), Dachahu were the hotspots of wintering common crane. Averagely74.9±5.6%of common cranes wintered outside nature reserves. The spatial distribution of common crane was significantly positively correlated with the area of mudflat habitat, and was negatively correlated with area of agriculture land, human density, village count, net primary productivity of August and November. Mudflat area was an important factor determining the spatial distribution of common cranes, which accounted for15%of the spatial change of occurrence frequency, and combined with the factor of NPP in Nov. accounted for24.6%of spatial change of average number of common cranes.3.52lakes were inhabited by wintering oriental white stork, with farthest distance between these lakes about180km, and in38of those, the number of wintering storks accounted for more than1%of the oriental white stork’global population. The average yearly population of the wintering oriental white storks in the Poyang lakes was2305±326, with the maximum of3789individuals in winter2005. The wintering population in2004,2005,2010and2011exceed the estimated global population size. The number change inside the Poyang Lake Nature Reserve can significantly reflected the dynamic of the whole population dynamic of wintering storks in Poyang lakes (r=0.797, n=13,P=0.001). The number of the wintering storks in Poyang lake showed a significant linear increase (R2=0.443, F=20.708, p=0.000), but exhibited obviously interannual fluctuation. In winter, orient white storks were clumpedly distributed in Poyang lakes. Shahu, Dahuchi, Banghu and Hanchihu were most frequently used lakes and often clustered large crowd of the storks. There was a significantly weak correlation between the occurrence frequency and annual average number of the storks (r=0.274, p=0.049,n=52). We also found most of the inhabited lakes are covered in existing nature reserves, though some lakes outside the reserve were also considerably used by orient white storks.4.The average population size of tundra swan wintering in Poyang lake was53964±8502, with maximum112514in winter of2005. Most of the tundra swan were distributed in such lakes as Dahuchi, Dachahu, Saihu, Zhuhu, Hanchihu, Qihu, with average number about4000in one lake each year. Averagely65.9±5.3%of tundra swans wintered outside nature reserves. There was a significantly correlations between the change of tundra swan population size and the average relative humidity of September, rainy days in September, average water level of August, the highest water level of June, July, August and Octember. Based on the population size trend of the tundra swan wintering in the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve during1987-2011, the climate and water level exerted the same impact as on the population size trend on the whole Poyang lake during1998-2011. The population number dynamics of tundra swan was significantly correlated with annual highest water level (r=-0.630, p=0.001,n=25), the average water level of Oct.(r=-0.483, p=0.015,n=25), the average water level of Dec.(r=-0.430, p=0.032, n=25), the average water level of July (r=-0.576, p=0.003, n=25) and August (r=-0.530, p=0.006, n=25). The annual highest water level and average water level of December totally accounted for52.4%of the population change of tundra swan in the Poyang National Nature Reserve.5. There were46lakes inhabited by wintering Siberian crane. Of them,25lakes with the number of wintering Siberian crane are more than1%of the population number of Siberian crane over the world; the lakes where over40.0%, e.g.1280individuals of Siberian crane inhabited in winter included Dachahu Lake in Jiujiang region, Banghu Lake and Candouhu Lake in the Poyang Lake Nature Reserve. The average yearly population number of the wintering Siberian crane in the Poyang Lakes was3108±849, with the maximum4004individuals in2002winter. On the whole, there was no drastic fluctuation, but the population number showed considerable fluctuation since2003. The Poyang Lake Nature Reserve was the major wintering area of Siberian crane. Since2002, over60%of Siberian crane wintered in the nature reserve (except for2006). Most of the lakes inhabited by Siberian crane have been covered in the nature reserve, where66.0±27.3%of Siberian crane were recorded. However, some lakes outside nature reserve were also considerably used by Siberian crane. The population size dynamic of Siberian crane in the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve during1983-2011was significantly correlated with annual highest water level (r=-0.389, p=0.037, n=29), annual lowest water level (r=-0.414,p=0.026, n=29), the average water level of July (r=-0.526,p=0.003, n=29). Aug (r=-0.382,p=0.041, n=29). Oct (r=-0.404,p=0.030. n=29). However, only the average water level of July was a significant predictor factor, and accounted for27.7%of the population number dynamics (R2=0.277,df=28, F=10.322, P=.003).6. According to the occurrence frequency and number of6rare bird species during1998-2011, we used fuzzy assessment method to assess the importance of80lakes as wintering habitat, find the hotspots of bird species diversity, make gap analysis for rare bird species conservatioin. Banghu, Dachahu and Dahuchi were the most important lakes for wintering waterbirds, all located inside the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve. In the Poyang lake,70.1%f lakes were covered inside the nature reserves; of them,22.5%f lakes were inside the national nature reserves,18.8%ere inside the province nature reserves,28.8%ere inside the county nature reserves. Of the most important30lakes,12lakes were inside the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve and the Nanji Wetland National Nature Reserve, that is, about40.0%f these lakes were inside the National Nature Reserves.


