

【作者】 康晨

【导师】 阎树群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 党的农村基层组织是农村各种组织和各项工作的领导核心。改革开放以来,随着村民自治政策广泛推行,农村实行由中央推行的基层民主管理的政权组织形式。农村基层党组织建设就成为党在农村执政的关键。从社会管理层面看,党的农村基层组织是农村社会各种组织的领导核心。从国家层面看,党的农村基层组织是农村各项工作的领导者。从党执政的层面看,党的农村基层组织是党在农村开展一切工作活动的组织基础。是党联系广大农民群众的桥梁和纽带。因此,党在农村基层组织的坚强稳固无论是对于党执政的基础、国家的管理以及社会的稳定都具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。论文通过对马克思主义经典作家关于农村基层党组织建设思想的梳理,分析马克思主义经典作家关于农村党建的共性与个性。剖析不同时代背景下农村基层党组织建设的时代任务与理论贡献。回顾了当建立以来的历史进程。按照农村基层党组织的能力建设为主线,分析了改革开放以来农村基层党组织建设着力点。总结了我国农村基层党组织建设的基本经验。在对随机抽取的西部农村个案调研的基础上,分析西部农村基层党组织建设的工作运行状况。在事件分析的基础上,提出了我国农村基层党组织建设面临的问题与挑战。最后,在理论研究、实践调研以及深度分析的基础上,提出加强与完善我国农村基层党组织建设的工作思路、基本原则、基本方案、需要处理好的关系以及具体措施。论文由八章组成,绪论主要介绍选题的理由与意义,研究现状,研究目标、主要内容和难点,研究方法、创新和不足。第二章农村党的基层组织建设的理论基础。第三章回顾党的农村基层组织建设的历史进程。第四章改革开发以来党的农村基层组织建设的着力点。第五章党的农村基层组织建设的基本经验。第六章以西部农村为例,对党的农村基层组织建设进行实践分析。第七章农村基层党组织建设面临的问题与挑战。第八章加强完善农村基层党组织建设的制度设计。本文认为,在市场经济逐步深化的条件下,我国农村基层党组织建设在理清总体工作思路的前提下,处理好与乡镇党委、村委会以及其他民间组织的关系。在此基础上,建立和加强西部地区农村基层党组织,一是市场经济条件下加强完善农村基层党组织建设的制度设计。包括建立和完善农村基层党组织建设原则,坚持党要管党、从严治党、坚持围绕中心、服务大局、坚持突出重点、整体推进、坚持与时俱进、开拓创新的原则。二是构建农村基层党组织整合和动员社会的方案,首先,实现执政党政党化的复归:从行政化走向社会化;其次,重建执政党与社会互动的机制:从封闭走向开放;再次,改变执政党基层干部的行动逻辑:从“为我”走向“为他”。三是建立和完善农村基层党组织的具体措施,包括七个方面。以落实党建工作责任制为重点,解决“谁来抓、抓什么”的问题;严格落实党建工作责任制两级机构。村支书亲自主管,各党小组具体实施。把村党支部日常工作纳入目标考核。以党建工作为动力,把村党支部的建设放到全村经济社会发展的全局中去谋划和考虑,建立问题整改、督察指导制度,形成“书记抓、抓书记”的责任机制。以加强村“两委”班子管理为重点,解决“履什么职责、达什么标准”的问题;采用考核制度进行管理。加强村“两委”班子管理,以农村发展的实际需要把村级各项管理事务细分,围绕着建设有中国特色的社会主义新农村的目标将村级各项事务的管理科学设置。要求村“两委”班子严格按照星级标准履职尽责,通过客观公正科学评估领导干部的德才表现和工作实绩,奖勤罚懒扶差,促进村级领导干部加强自身建设,提高自身素质和办事效率,大力倡导执行文化树立良好形象。以推进村级组织决策议事民主化为重点,解决“谁组织议事、怎么议事”的问题;严格管理制度,责任具体落实到人。在行政村中全面推行“四议两公开两报告一监督”工作法,规定所有涉及群众利益的重大事项、重要问题的决策议事过程,都必须在村级党组织的领导和组织下,按照工作程序实施,规范议事制度。党支部应制定《村级议事决策制度》,对村民议事进行规范化管理。以加强基层党建基础设施建设为重点,解决“硬件建设不完善、利用率不高”的问题;加强农村基础设施的完善。尽快改变农村基础设施滞后的状况,坚持统筹城乡发展,充分重视对农村基础设施建设的支持力度。多方筹集建设资金,多渠道增加对农村的投入,逐步建立合理、稳定和有效的农村基础设施建设资金投入机制。农村基础设施的建设应先进行科学规划,科学的运用已有的基础设施资源,真正服务农民、农村与农业生产,提高农村基本公共服务均等化的水平。以提高村干部待遇为重点,解决“报酬不高、队伍不稳”的问题;制定《村干部报酬发放办法》,保证村干部报酬按时足额发放。解决村干部付出与所得失衡,后顾之忧难解,影响工作热情,村干部选拔困难,结构老化的问题。根据实际需要,逐步提高村干部待遇,稳定村干部的队伍。以完善村干部奖惩机制为重点,解决“鞭打快牛、懒牛无忧”的问题;完善奖励机制。制定相关规章制度,实施高额奖励措施,并注重完善各项惩处措施。把村“两委”干部的绩效报酬与村“两委”班子星级评选等次挂钩,建立健全奖惩机制。建立择优汰劣机制。实行实绩突出进位制、工作后进移位制。形成能者上、平者让、庸者下的择优汰劣机制。建立问责机制。对决策失误、管理不善、未履行相关审批手续造成村级“三资”流失、增加村级债务的责任人,将依照有关法律规定,追究相关责任人的责任。以畅通村干部队伍出路渠道为重点,解决“有为无位、有位无为”的问题。创新村干部流动机制,推进干部队伍出路多元化。主要采取消化、转任、考录、吸收、引导等办法,为村干部个人发展畅通渠道,拓宽出路。实行有为者有位。建立正常的任用干部秩序,必须坚持有为者有位,无为者无位。选拔干部必须严格按照干部任用条例,选拔村干部,必须看他在群众中的工作能力,坚持看实绩、看能力提拔干部。没有工作成绩的干部,就应该给那些“有为”者腾出位置。确保能者上、庸者下。

【Abstract】 The CCP’s Rural grassroots organizations is the core of leadership of all kinds of organizations and the work in the Country Side. Since the reform and opening up, the communist party of China adheres to Marxist theory of the party with the building of rural grass roots party organization under the condition of the practice with the reform and opening up. Efforts to explore the rule of the new period the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction, Constant innovation organization setting form, Improve the ability of development to lead the rural economic and social, to fully play function of the core of leadership of the party organization. Along with the villager autonomy policy widely practiced, rural implement Regime organization form of Democracy at the grassroots level management with the central government to promote. The rural grass roots of CCP organization construction as the key of the party in the countryside ruling. From the CCP’s ruling perspectives the rural grass roots party organization is the organization foundation of CCP to carry out all work activities in the rural areas, is the bridge and the link of CCP with the farmers. From the national perspective, the rural grass roots party organization is the core of leadership of the rural work. From the Angle of social management, the rural grass roots party organization is the leader of the various to organize all kinds of organizations. Therefore, the CCP in the countryside basic-level organization’s strong either for the party’s ruling foundation; the management of the national and social stability has a very important practical significance and Far-reaching historical significance.This paper by combing the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction thought of Marxist classical writers, analysis commonness and individuality of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction thought of Marxist classical writers.Analyze Era task with theoretical contribution of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction from the different background.Reviewed the history process of CCP Since its establishment. According to the ability construction of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction as the main line.Analysis the focus of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction since the reform and opening up.Summarizes the basic experience of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction about our country.Analysis of the west region operational status of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction, based on the research of the case of random sample. Put forward the problems and challenges about the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction in our country based on event analysis.Finally, submit strengthening and perfecting work ideas、the basic principles、basic programmed、relationship needs to deal with and the specific measures of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction in China.This paper includes eight chapters. The introduction mainly introduces reason and the significance of selection of the subject, research status, research objectives, the main contents and difficulties, research methods, innovation and the insufficiency.The second chapter the theoretical foundation of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.The third chapter reviews the historical process of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.The fourth chapter focus of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction Since the reform and opening.The fifth chapter the basic experience for the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.The sixth chapter takes the western rural areas as an example, Practice analysis the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.The seventh chapter the issues and challenges faced by the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.The eighth chapter system design to strengthen the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction.This paper argues, under the condition of market economy gradually deepened, the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction of our country should take " five good branch as the goal, with standardized construction as the focus, by means of leasing management, To performance appraisal mechanism, Comprehensively enhance the overall level of the village-level party organization" The overall working train of thought. Handle with relationship of township party committee, the village committee and other non-governmental organizations. On this basis, set up and strengthen the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction of west area in our county. The first is to strengthen and perfect the system design of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction under the condition of market economy. Include establishing and perfecting the rural grass-roots party organization construction principles, Adhere to the party strictly management party, refers to Strict party governance, around the center, services to the general situation, adhere to highlight the key, the whole advancement, insist on keeping pace with The Times and the principle of innovation.In a market economy gradually deepening conditions, It concludes that, the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction of our country Should clear up the thoughts. Deal with township party committee, the village committee and other folk organization relationship. On this basis, to establish and strengthen the rural grass roots party of CCP organization in the western.region, one is to strengthen and improve system design of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization under the condition of market economy. Establishing and perfecting the principle of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction. Adhere to Party management itself, strictly manage, focus on the central task, serve the overall interests, strong emphasize, whole propulsion, and keep pace with the times and the principle of innovation. The second is to build integration and mobilize social plan of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction. First of all, To realize the ruling party partisanship turn of reset:From the security administration to socialization; Secondly, Reconstrut mechanism of the ruling party and social interaction:From the close to the open; Again, Change action logic of the ruling party grass-roots cadres:From "me" to "for him"; Three is to establish and perfect specific measures of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization.Including seven aspects.In order to implement system of responsibility for the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction as the key point, to solve the "who will catch, catch what"; Strictly implement system of responsibility for the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction of two levels. Communist party head of the rural in person. The group Implementation of the specific work, Take daily work of the rural grass roots party of CCP organization into Target assessment. With the party’s construction as the core, has the rural grass roots party of CCP organization construction in the village economic and social development in the global planning and consideration, To establish problem is corrected, inspectors guidance system. In the form of "Party secretary catch, catch Party secretary" responsibility mechanism.In order to strengthen the village "two committees" group management as the key point, to solve the "shoe what responsibility, to what standard". Assessments system for management. To strengthen the village "two committees" team management, with the development of the countryside actual need to village management affairs segmentation, Around the construction has the Chinese characteristic socialism new countryside goal will be the village affairs management science Settings. Request village "two committees" group in strict accordance with the standards of stars resumption, responsible, through the objective and fair evaluation of leading cadres scientific political integrity and professional competence and work performance. Prize industry Penalty lazy Help lag behind, promote village leading cadres to strengthen self-construction, to improve their own quality and work efficiency. Advocates of executive culture, establishing good image.In order to promote the village-level organization decision the democracy as the key, to solve the "who the organization and how discuss official business". Strict management system, responsibility specific fulfill person. In the administrative villages in the full implementation of the "four discussion two public two report one supervision" execution of work. Provisions in the interests of the masses of the process of decision-making of major issues and the important problem. Must be leadership and organization of the village party organization’s, carried out according to the program of work, regulate the system. The party branch should formulate the village the decision system.To standardization discuss official business for the villagers.In order to strengthen base installation construction of the party at the grass-roots level as the key point,to solve the "hardware construction is not perfect, utilization rate is not high"; strengthen the improvement of the rural infrastructure. As soon as change the rural infrastructure lagging situation. Adhere to the coordination development of urban and rural, Pay attention to the construction of rural infrastructure support. To raise the construction funds, multiple channels to increase rural investment, gradually establish a reasonable, stable and effective rural infrastructure construction fund input mechanism. The construction of rural infrastructure should be scientific planning, use of the existing infrastructure resources scientific, real service farmers, rural areas and agriculture production, Improve level of the countryside equal access to basic public service.In order to improve the village cadres’ remuneration as the key point, to solve the "reward is not high, the team instability"; Make the village cadres’ remuneration issue way ", Ensure village cadres’ remuneration payment timely and full. Resolution imbalances of village cadres’ pay and income, trouble back at home of tricky, influence work enthusiasm, village cadres’ selection difficulties, Structure of the aging problem. According to the actual need, gradually improve the village cadres’ remuneration, stability of village cadres’team.To improve the mechanism of rewards and punishments village cadres as the key point, to solve the "whipped fast cattle, lazy cow unconcerned". Perfect reward mechanism. Formulate relevant rules and regulations, implement high incentives, and pay attention to perfect the punishment measures. Link up with the village "two committees" cadre performance remuneration and village "two committees" group star selection order, establish and perfect the mechanism of rewards and punishments. Establish mechanism of eliminating the bad. The outstanding performance scale, work in shift system, form ability as an important position, the general result is let, an inactive person count goes down. Establish accountability mechanism. To decision error, mismanagement, fails to fulfill relevant approval formalities village by foreign-funded erosion, increase the village-level debt owner, will be in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, relevant responsible persons shall be investigated for responsibility.To clear village cadres team outlet channel as the key point, to solve the "Have a ability no position, Have a position no result" problem. Innovation of village cadres flow mechanism, Advance the cadre troop diversified way. Mainly take digestion remained as, examinations, absorption, lead the way such as, for the village cadres’ personal development broadens the way out. Has position for have a ability. To establish the normal order of the appointment of cadres must adhere to position for active person, an inactive person no position. Selection of cadres must be accordance with the employment ordinance cadres strictly. The selection of village cadres, must for his working ability, persist in promote cadres for performance and ability. No achievements cadres should have position to the ability person. Ensure that position for the ability, inactive person no position.


