

【作者】 张建忠

【导师】 孙根年;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 体验时代,遗产旅游开发的精髓就是创造和设计遗产文化体验,以独特文化内涵和足够的体验吸引旅游者。中国陵墓众多,帝陵是上品中的极品,是丧葬文化的集中代表,帝陵遗产成为认识帝王文化的窗口,认识中国历史的文化载体。我国帝陵文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值,体现着中华民族的生命力和创造力,是各朝各代、各民族智慧的结晶,更是全人类文明的瑰宝,蕴含着深厚的历史文化价值。同时,由于帝陵大都处在风景秀美的“形胜之地”,形成各具特色的旅游资源,具有重要的旅游利用价值。本文在界定相关概念、分析国内外相关文献的基础上,辨析旅游与文化的辩证关系,梳理风水理论与帝陵建造,遗产旅游体验理论,遗产活化理论等,提出帝陵文化遗产分层活化思想。依据遗产旅游体验理论、遗产活化理论和风水文化理论等相关理论,运用文献考证、田野调查、体验研究以及因子分析等方法,以关中三陵(黄帝陵、秦始皇陵和乾陵)为典型案例,对中国帝陵的文化价值与旅游利用模式进行了从理论到和实证的系统研究。第一,从历史发展和空间分布两大维度,分析中国丧葬制度的起源与帝陵遗产的时空分布。中国帝陵发展演变历经商、周、秦、汉、唐、宋、元、明、清等朝代,呈现不同特色;中国帝陵遗产从空间分布上来讲,总体分布不均衡,呈现带状、组团状分布,与历史时期都城的分布有着密切的关系;省域范围层面,帝陵分布与传统农业社会密切相关;同时大部分分布于腾冲-黑河线东南侧。中国帝陵具有重要的历史文化价值、风水文化价值以及建筑文化价值。第二,关中自古帝王都,西安帝都对关中帝陵形成有至关重要的影响。关中有“13朝古都”之称,但帝陵遗存主要是周秦汉唐等帝陵。关中帝陵文化遗产主要分布在陕西省关中盆地相对富裕的平原地,其地理分布呈片状、带状、线状及点状结合,相对集中。是中国帝陵密集分布的富集区,帝陵文化遗产旅游资源丰富。关中帝陵遗存数量之多,全国罕见,具有重要的历史遗存价值;具有较高的建筑文化价值以及风水文化价值。关中帝陵,墓主和帝陵的知名度都较高,能够形成名人效应,环境优美自然成为遗产旅游发展的首选地。第三,通过田野调查,问卷分析、深度访谈等方式,运用相关理论深入分析关中3陵旅游绩效以及政策应对。提出了三种帝陵旅游利用模式。中华寻根-祭祖的符号导向模式是黄帝陵遗产旅游利用的重要方式;大唐盛世-帝陵园林导向模式是乾陵遗产旅游利用的模式;大秦帝国-遗址公园符号导向模式是秦始皇帝陵遗产地旅游利用模式。文章试图在以下几个方面有所创新:1)研究视角的创新。帝陵遗产旅游是国内专家学者尚未更多涉足的领域,专家学者更多的从消极保护的视角入手分析,尚未构建全国性的帝陵遗产图谱。文章通过文献考证,绘出陵墓遗产的时空分布,全面分析了陵墓历史文化价值图谱。帝陵遗产的总体分布特征表现在地域格局和省域分布以及沿“腾冲-黑河线”分布差异等方面。2)研究理论创新。提出了遗产活化分层理论,并通过典型地区案例分析,为帝陵遗产旅游提供了一种新思路,新方法。遗产“活化”要突出“文化信息”这个核心要素,这是文化遗产的价值源;要突出“无形文化载体”(非物质)和“有形文化载体”(实物)要素。3)提出了帝陵旅游的应时模式。旅游利用模式就是解决文化遗产在旅游利用过程中如何实现有效保护和合理利用关系的经验总结,是阐述文化遗产如何活化的问题和如何增强旅游可体验性的一种理论思考。帝陵遗产地的旅游利用模式也是不同的。中华寻根-祭祖的符号导向模式的帝陵旅游利用模式是黄帝陵遗产旅游利用的重要方式,构建“人文初祖、祖陵圣地”旅游是黄帝陵旅游利用的一种重要途径。大唐盛世-帝陵园林导向模式是乾陵遗产旅游利用的方向,以乾陵遗址森林公园模式来展示乾陵的文化内涵是重要途径。“珍稀乾陵,唐陵之冠”就是兼具意象两个向度的高度结合和统一。大秦帝国-遗址公园符号导向模式是秦始皇帝陵遗产地旅游利用模式,“秦风、秦韵、秦始皇”的文化遗产主题是秦始皇帝陵的核心文化层。对陕西省帝陵文化遗产旅游的研究涉及到历史文化、风水文化、社会文化、旅游开发、文化创意等多个领域的内容,所以对帝陵文化遗产驾驭起来有相当的难度。本文的研究还存在局限与不足。对中国帝陵历史文化的研究深度不够,可能影响对帝陵文化精神、文化内涵的准确把握;鉴于文本样地仅仅局限于陕西省三大帝陵旅游地,研究结论有待完善;对于文化遗产体验的研究还需进一步深入。

【Abstract】 The essence of the development of heritage tourism in the experiencing epoch is to create and design heritage cultural experience and to attract tourists through unique cultural connotation and adequate experience. There are numerous mausoleums all over china, among which the emperors’ mausoleums are the best and most typical representative of the funeral culture and they are regarded as a window to the knowledge of the emperor culture and the cultural carrier of Chinese history. A unique Chinese spiritual value is imbedded in the Chinese emperor mausoleum cultural heritage, embodying the Chinese national vitality and creativity; the Chinese emperor mausoleum cultural heritage is an accumulation of various Crystallization of the wisdom of peoples and epochs and it could be even described as a Treasure of all mankind civilization that contains huge historical and cultural values. Further more, due to the fact that most emperors’mausoleums are located in beautiful Advantageous terrain, they create spectacular tourist resources and are of great tourist utilization values.On the basis of defining relevant concepts and analyzing the pertinent Domestic and foreign literature, this dissertation differentiates and analyzes the dialectical relationship between tourism and culture, Carding geomancy theory and the construction of the emperors’mausoleums, the Heritage tourism experience theory and the Heritage activation theory; thus the concept of the classified activation of the emperor’s mausoleum cultural heritage is advanced. According to the theories such as the Heritage tourism experience theory, the Heritage activation theory and the geomancy theory, by using the methods of field survey, experience study and factorial analysis, the dissertation carries out the theoretical and practical research systematically in the typical case of the three emperors’mausoleums on the central Shaanxi Plain (Huangdi mausoleum, Emperor Qin’s Mausoleum and Qianling Mausoleum).Firstly, the dissertation analyzed the origin of Chinese funeral system and the space and time distribution of the emperors’ mausoleums in the dimensions of historical development and space distribution. The evolution of Chinese emperor mausoleums have gone through the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang, song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, showing various characteristics. in the spatial distribution of the Chinese emperors’mausoleum heritage they are not distribute evenly, demonstrating a distribution of zone and cluster, this state is closely related to the capitals’geographical positions in history. On the provincial level, there has always been a close connection between the spatial distribution of the Chinese emperors’ mausoleum and the traditional agricultural society. Mostly the Chinese emperors’ mausoleums are to the South-east along the Tengchong-Heihe Zone. The Chinese emperors’mausoleums are of great historical and cultural values, the geomantic cultural values and cultural value of architectureSecondly, Central Shaanxi Plain used to be the locations of ancient capitals, therefore the ancient capital Xi An has always been playing a vital role in the development of the cluster of ancient emperors’ mausoleums. Central Shaanxi Plain is entitled as the capital of thirteen ancient dynasties, but the emperors’ mausoleums are mainly the mausoleums of the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties. The emperors’ mausoleum heritage of Central Shaanxi Plain is chiefly located in the comparatively wealthier areas of level land in the Central Shaanxi Basin, showing the geographic shape of a combination in sheets, zones and spots.Over the Central Shaanxi Basin scattered a lot of Chinese emperors’ mausoleums which is a rich tourist resource of the emperors’mausoleum heritage. The quantity of Chinese emperors’mausoleums in the Central Shaanxi Basin are so huge that it ranks the first nationwide. The Chinese emperors’mausoleums possess enormous Value of historical relics, higher architectural culture value and geomantic culture value. For the emperors’ mausoleums in the Central Shaanxi Plain, the tomb owners and the mausoleums are well-known, thus celebrity effect could be easily formed; owing to the beautiful advantageous terrain, the location naturally falls into the top alternative of Heritage tourism development.By way of field investigation, questionnaires, depth interview, the tourist performance and policies of the above-mentioned three mausoleum area are discussed according to relevant theories. Three tourism utilization patterns are suggested:The image orientation of the emperors’mausoleum heritage tourism utilization pattern is a major approach to Huang Di Mausoleum tourism; the forest park orientation pattern is applied to Qianling heritage tourism utilization pattern and the relic park orientation pattern is adopted in Emperor Qin’s mausoleum heritage tourism utilization pattern.Original ideas in the dissertation:1. New perspective in research. The emperors’mausoleum heritage research is a field domestic scholar seldom implored, usually most researchers are more interested in the perspective of passive protection of them and the national mapping of the emperors’ mausoleum heritage has not been constructed yet. This thesis gives out the time and space distribution of the emperors’ mausoleum heritage by way of documentation. It analyzes the whole mapping of historical and cultural values of the emperors’ mausoleum heritage. The general distribution characteristics of the emperors’mausoleum heritage lie in the regional pattern and provincial distribution; they have a distribution difference along the "Tenchong-Heihe line".2. New ideas in the research theory. The thesis advances the heritage activation hierarchy theory and creates a new concept and way for the emperors’mausoleum heritage tourism through typical area case analysis. The activation of heritage emphasizes the central factor of the cultural message, which is the value origination of the cultural heritage. The initial carrier element of the intangible cultural carrier (non-material) should be stressed, as well the multi-carrier elements of tangible cultural carriers. The subject is consisted of cultural message and both intangible and tangible cultural carriers (media or subject). 3. The idea of the seasonal pattern of the emperors’ mausoleum heritage tourism. The tourism utilization pattern is the experience summery of solving the problem of achieving the goal of effective protection and reasonable utilization of the cultural heritage in the course of tourism utilization. It is also a theoretical explore in account of the activation of cultural heritage and enhancing the tourist experience. The tourism utilization pattern of different emperors’mausoleum locations vary. The image orientation of the emperors’ mausoleum heritage tourism is a major approach to Huang Di Mausoleum tourism. The concept of "Early human progenitor, ancestral tomb shrines" applies to Huang Di Mausoleum tourism; the forest park orientation pattern is applied to Qianling heritage, Qianling relics forest park pattern is an important way to display the cultural connotation of Qianling; the statement of "Rare Qianling, the top of Tang emperors’ mausoleums" is a perfect combination of meaning and image. The relic park orientation pattern is adopted in Emperor Qin’s mausoleum, the cultural heritage theme of "Qin style, Qin Music and Emperor Qin" accounts for the cultural core of Emperor Qin’s mausoleum.The research of the Emperors’ mausoleums cultural heritage in Shaanxi province involves the subjects of history culture, geomancy culture, social culture, tourist development and cultural creativity; therefore, it is quite difficult to deal with. This thesis is sure to have its limits and disadvantages, such as; it has not explored deep enough the Chinese emperors’ mausoleums history and culture, which could be an impediment to the precise understanding of the Chinese emperors’mausoleums ethos and its cultural connotation. Due to the restriction of research area (the three emperors’ mausoleums tourist locations in Shaanxi Province), the research conclusions are to be updated and the research on cultural heritage experience is to be continued.

  • 【分类号】G122;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2250
  • 攻读期成果

