

【作者】 李权

【导师】 王俊拴;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 十七大以来,我们党提出了保障民生和改善民生的执政理念,从而使民生成为社会发展的热点问题。目前,可以说人们已经普遍意识到我国的政治生活已经进入到了民生政治时代。正是在这样的背景下,人们从不同的角度探索了民生政治问题,形成了关于民生政治的各种学说认识和理念,但是随着民生政治实践的不断深化,需要人们进一步深化认识民生政治是什么、为了谁、怎么办及其为什么的问题,需要进一步研究民生政治的一般性规律,系统回答民生政治实践过程中提出的一系列问题。本文试图就民生政治的基本问题予以探讨。论文由导论、正文和结语三部分构成。导论部分大概说明了本研究的缘起及其意义、国内关于民生政治的研究现状、民生政治的研究方法、本文的基本内容等,总体上回答了本选题的意义、为什么研究本选题及其以什么样的方法进行研究的问题,为本文的全面展开奠定了基础。正文共分六章。第一章《民生政治的学理解读》。民生政治既不同于以往人类社会发展中存在的民生思想,也不同于社会主义国家建国初期的民生建设实践,它是人类社会特定时期、特定背景下的政治理论、意识形态及其政治实践,与奴隶社会、封建社会和资本主义社会形态的民生思想及其实践具有本质上的区别。论文回答了什么是民生政治、民生政治的应然诉求以及可能出现的类型。第二章《中国政治的当代转向》。中国政治的当代转向部分试图从民生政治在人类社会历史发展的一般形态中提炼出民生政治的一般性规律,主要回答民生政治在当代的本质是什么即民生政治的实践主体是谁以及为了谁的问题、为什么的问题以及民生政治是历史发展的必然结果的问题。从人类社会历史发展的角度说明在人民主体性为根本前提条件下、以公平正义为追求的民生政治是人类历史发展的必然。第三章《民生政治理论形态的比较》。民生政治作为新型的政治理论和政治实践,其理论形态与以往的人类社会历史形态的政治意识有所区别,也与我国1949-1999年的民生建设既有区别又有联系。民生政治理论形态的比较部分试图重点说明民生政治与封建社会的民生思想、孙中山先生的民生思想以及生活政治理论的本质区别与联系,从理论形态的角度回答了不同社会形态对民生问题的本质解读以及区别与联系,进一步说明了民生政治的本质以及在当代中国构建的现实意义。第四章《民生政治在当代中国的多维建构》。理论研究要关照现实生活,这是理论研究的主要目的和意义。本文从政治、文化、经济和社会四位一体全景式地展现了民生政治在当代中国的建构,说明了民生政治在当代中国如何实践的问题。其中重点是寻求民生政治在当代中国实践的普遍性规律,提出普遍性建议。第五章《民生政治的全球性趋势》。从横向角度来看,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,对民生问题的关注已成为世界发展的一个潮流。民生政治的全球性趋势部分试图说明全球政治发展由统治阶级或者部分政治集团决定的政治态势已经成为过去,而由民众决定的政治及其对民众的公平正义问题的关注成为当今世界政治发展的一个主流。民生政治是全球性的发展趋势。第六章《民生政治的未来发展样态》。作为新型的理论认识和实践形态,民生政治将走向何方、目的何在等问题是迫切需要回答的问题,该部分正是对这一问题的回应。民生政治的未来发展样态既立足于现实,又超越于现实,是理想与现实的高度结合,主要回答的是民生政治的走向及其为何实现的问题。结语部分是对全文的总结与升华。进一步总结了本文研究的重点和难点及其深化研究的基本思路,并再次强调民生政治构建的基础是公平正义,重申了民生政治构建的逻辑基础。并呼吁更多的人关心民生政治、实践民生政治、为实现人自由而全面的发展作出自己及其当下的努力。

【Abstract】 Since the17th CPC National Congress, our party has put forward the ruling ideology of guaranteeing and improving the people’s livelihood. People’s livelihood has become a hot issue in social development. At present, people become generally aware that the political life of our country has entered into the era of livelihood politics. It’s against such a background that people, after exploring the problems on livelihood politics, form various theories and concepts about livelihood politics. But with the continuous deepening of the practice of livelihood politics, people need to further deepen their understanding of such questions as what livelihood politics is, for whom it is, how it works and why it is necessary. They also need to further their research on the general rules of livelihood politics and to systematically answer a series of questions during the process of practicing livelihood politics. This dissertation attempts toprobe into the fundamental questions about livelihood politics.The dissertation consists of three parts, namely, introduction, main body and conclusion.The part of introduction briefly states the origin and the significance of the research, domestic research status on livelihood politics, research methods of livelihood politics and the content of the dissertation. It generally answers the significance of the chosen topic, why and with what methods the research is done on this topic, which lays a foundation for the later detailed discussion in the paper.There are six chapters in the main body. The first chapter is "Academic Interpretation of livelihood politics". Livelihood politics usually takes on different connotations in different contexts. It is different not only from the thought of people’s livelihood existing in the development of human society, but also from the practice of building people livelihood in the early years since the founding of socialist countries. It is a political theory, an ideology and the political practice of that ideology formed during a specific time period and against a certain background of human society, which distinguishes it in essence from the thoughts of people’s livelihood and its practices in slave society, feudal society and capitalist society. The paper answers what livelihood politics is, what features it possesses and what possible types will emerge.The second chapter is "The Modern Turn of Chinese Politics." This part tries to extract the general rules of livelihood politics from its general form in the development of the history of human society, to answer such questions as what the essence of livelihood politics in modern times, that is, who the practical subject is in livelihood politics, whom livelihood politics is for and why it exists, and to explain from the perspective of the development of the history of human society that it is inevitable the existence of livelihood politics with people’s entity as its fundamental premise and with fairness and justice as its basis.The third chapter is "Comparison and Contrast among Forms of Theories of Livelihood Politics". Livelihood politics as a type of politic theories and practices takes on a theoretical form which is different from political consciousness of the past historical forms of human society. There are both differences and connections between livelihood politics and construction of people’s livelihood during the period from1949to1999. This chapter focuses on the essential differences and connections between livelihood politics, the thought of livelihood in feudal society, the thought of livelihood put forward by Sun Yat-sen, and the theory of life politics. From the perspective of forms of theories, it reveals the nature of interpretations of people’s livelihood in different social forms and their differences and connections. It further explains the nature of livelihood politics and the practical significance of its construction in modern China.The fourth chapter is "The Multi-dimensional Construction of Livelihood Politics in Modern China." Theoretical research should give attention to our real life, which is also its main goal and significance. This part, with the four-in-one panorama view from politics, culture, economy and society, presents the construction of livelihood politics in modern China, and explains how it works in modern China. The focus is on seeking for the common rule of livelihood politics in modern China practice and offering universal suggestions.The fifth chapter is "The Global Trend of Livelihood Politics." From the horizontal point of view, the concerns about people’s livelihood, whether from developing countries or developed countries, is a trend of world development. This part attempts to illustrate that passed has the political trend that the worldwide development of politics is determined by the ruling class and partial political groups. In stead, politics determined by people and its concerns for fairness and justice among people has become the main trend of the worldwide development of politics. Actually, Livelihood politics is the global trend of development.The sixth chapter is "The Form of Livelihood Politics in Future Development". Where livelihood politics as a new type of theoretical knowledge and form of practice will move forward and what its purpose is needs to be answered urgently, which is discussed in this chapter. The forms of livelihood politics in future development is grounded in reality and also beyond reality. As the combination of ideals and reality, it answer the questions like what direction livelihood politics will take and how to realize it.The conclusion part is the summarization and distillation of the whole paper. It further summarizes the emphasis and difficulties in the research and the basic ways of thinking in the in-depth research, emphasizes again that the basis of the construction of livelihood politics is fairness and justice, reiterates the logic basis of the construction of livelihood politics, meanwhile, appeals to more people for their concerning for and practicing livelihood politics and their joint efforts to develop livelihood pHitics in order to realize people’s freedom.


