

【作者】 何善平

【导师】 李国庆;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文①从教育哲学和教育法学角度,运用文献研究法、案例研究法、哲学反思法等方法,梳理了我国学前教育领域侵犯3-6岁儿童受教育权的主要现象及原因。论文围绕3-6岁儿童受教育权的渊源与保护的终极目的、3-6岁儿童受教育权利体系的构建、保护主体与保护举措等内容展开。通过研究促进我国学前教育立法进程,发挥学前教育法律的指引、评价、激励作用,让学前教育找到自己应有的价值定位、复归它自己应有的本质。从而使学前教育成为成人之真、成人之善、成人之美的教育,使3-6岁儿童幸福和快乐的存在方式在真正的学前教育中实现。保护3-6岁儿童受教育权的直接目的是促进他们全面、自由、自主、有特色的发展,终极目的是让他们在学前教育实践中实现自己的本质,实现社会正义。保护是基础,解放是目的。从自然性、道德性、法律性和目的性四个方面确立了3-6岁儿童受教育权的逻辑渊源,即源于自然规律而产生的在受教育方面“是”的权利,基于学前教育理想或终极关怀而产生的在受教育方面“应该是”的权利,由于道德确认而存在的在受教育方面“就是”的权利,因为法律保障而存在的在受教育方面“必须是”的权利。四者在理想层面的逻辑关系是,“是”=“应该是”=“就是”=“必须是”。综合已有研究成果,结合学前教育的终极价值关怀、3-6岁儿童受教育权的渊源、正义理论以及法律是权利的法律的观点,对3-6岁儿童受教育权进行了学理界定,认为这种权利是3-6岁儿童对国家、对社会、对幼儿园、对家长的权利,是对正义的诉求,是“儿童权利第一”这一目的性诉求和价值性追求的体现,核心是游戏权。3-6岁儿童受教育权本质上是在简单平等与不干涉平等两个原则指导下,按照“合理地满足3-6岁儿童合理的学前教育需要”理念,对学前教育物品的合理分配。综合比较分析国际法与国内法关于3-6岁儿童受教育权体系构成的共同性要素与差异性要素,以及国内外已有研究成果,依据3-6岁儿童受教育权的定义、保护目的,结合中国学前教育立法要求,设计了我国3-6岁儿童受教育权体系。3-6岁儿童要实现其受教育权,必须在受教育过程中具有平等、人格、健康、条件、收益和救济等六个方面的利益。这一体系建构突破了传统上关于受教育权构成研究局限于受教育本身、局限于实体权利的现象,集合了3-6岁儿童实现其受教育权过程中所有相关利益,做到了实体权利与程序权利的有机整合。由于3-6岁儿童自身生理心理条件的局限以及民法对他们权利能力的限制,他们自己无力进行权利主张,也无法开展私力救济和诉求公力救济。因此必须为他们设置完整的受教育权实现的保护主体。论文分别讨论了国家、教育行政机关、幼儿园、教师、父母与监护人、社会六类保护主体的主体资格、权利来源与保护手段。六类保护主体使由“目的-依据-基石-手段”四要素构成的3-6岁儿童受教育权保护机制得以运转和由主动防御手段、被动救济手段、私力救济手段和社会救济手段组成的救济手段体系得以发挥效能,实现保护受教育权的目的,促进3-6岁儿童的发展。

【Abstract】 From the perspectives of philosophy of education and educational law, used methodology of literature research, case study, philosophical reflection, etc, this research enumerates some major phenomena of infringement of the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old in the field of China’s pre-school education, and analyzes reasons of assault. This research will focus on the solutions at some points: origins and the ultimate purpose of protection of the right to receiving education of, the content of the right to receiving education of, the subject of protection of, and the protection mechanism of the right to receiving education of the children aged3-6years old. The aim of this research is to push the agenda of china’s preschool legislation, to enhance the role of guiding, evaluating, encouraging of pre-school education laws, to correct the deviation of current pre-school education, which has been developed inclining to primary school, academic, adult education, and so on. Thus the pre-school education finds their proper value orientation, reverts to its own essence, and becomes the education to bring out the true, the good, and the beautiful. Consequently it will bring happiness and joy to children aged3-6years old in pre-school education. The immediate goal of protecting the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old is to promote their full, free, independent, distinctive development. The ultimate goal is to make them realize the irnature and social justice in pre-school. The protection is basis, and liberation is the goal.The four aspects of naturality, morality, legality and intentionality are the logical origins of the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old, which mean the right as "being" derived from the laws of nature; the right as "should being", based on ideal or ultimate concern of pre-school education; the right as "surely being", based on confirmation of morality; the right as "must being", based on being guaranteed by laws. The ideal logical relationship of these four aspects is:"being"="should being"="surely being"="must being". According to existing research results, combined with the care to ultimate value of the pre-school, the origins of the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old, a theory of justice and the idea of laws are for legal rights, this research theoretical gives a definition of the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old, and thinks that such rights are to the state, the community, the kindergarten, and the parents. It is the demand of justice, and embodies the value of pursuit of "the priority of children’s right". The essence of the right to receiving education of children aged3-6years old is the reasonable allocation of pre-school education resources, under the principles of brief equality and nonintervention equality, according to the idea of "reasonably meeting the needs of pre-school children aged3-6years old".Comprehensive and comparative analysis of international law and domestic law about3-6years old children’s right to education system of commonality and difference elements, and the existing research results at home and abroad, on the basis of the definition of3-6years old children’s right to education, the purpose of the protection, combined with China’s pre-school education legislation requirements, thus, designs the3-6years old children’s right to education system of our country. Their rights to education of3-6years old children, in the process of education, include six aspects: enjoy equality, personality, health, conditions, benefits and remedies. Such construction system breaks through the phenomenon in tradition, on the right to education confined to constitute the education itself and the entity rights, in the process of all the relevant rights also combine the3-6years old children to realize their right to education and do the organic integration of the entity right and program right.The3-6years old children couldn’t request for rights and also unable to carry out a private aid force and appeal relief, because of restrictions on physiological and psychological conditions and civil capacity to its limits. Therefore, we must set up the full right to education to realize the protection of the subjest. Paper respectively discusses the state, education administrative organs, the kindergarten and the teachers, parents and guardians, mainly social protection source of subject qualification, rights and protection. Six types of protection subject made by "purpose-basis-foundation-means" four elements of3-6years old children’s educational right protection mechanism to function and by legislation protection, active defense, passive relief means and system of social relief means of relief means to function, achieved the purpose of protecting the right to education and promoted the development of3-6years old children.

  • 【分类号】G40-011.8;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1578
  • 攻读期成果

