

【作者】 尕丹才让

【导师】 李忠民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 党的十八大中称生态文明是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。三江源区关系到黄河9省98个县和长江11省122个县以及澜沧江中下游的用水安全,“中华水塔”名符其实;据专家估计,1997年的黄河断流造成流域粮食减产300万吨,而工业方面的损失为农业损失的10倍以上,青海社科院孙发平研究员的研究,源区的生态价值逾10万亿;根据源区发展的远景规划,保持13.37万人口的目标,还有近37万人口要移民,是一期移民的6倍多,所以,研究生态移民,总结正反两方面的经验教训,为以后更多的移民搬迁做好铺垫;其外,三江源区是全国贫困程度最深、面最广,也是最难扶贫的地区,实施生态移民,不论是建设生态文明、脱贫致富方面意义重大。本文以田野调查为基础,以国家正式出版的统计资料为标准,通过经济学相关理论,应用定性和定量研究相结合,案例相辅助,运用Excel、SPSS软件和图表分析法等方法,以城镇化为平台,以增加人力资本存量为核心,充分利用金融、自然资源以及生态补偿为外力,促进移民由“输血”式发展到“造血”式的自我发展,确保生态、资源和人口的协调发展。首先,通过对内蒙古、新疆、宁夏等民族地区实施生态移民以及三峡移民安置的经验概括和总结,结合三江源区一期移民整体搬迁安置,就业困难,后续发展不足,政府主导的移民模式,缺乏市场因素,“一刀切”式移民,对没有发展能力的移民来说,是一种无法逾越的困难,对政府来说是一种负担,投资的效率低,成果难以巩固,提出人力资本先导式的安置思路,扩大安置范围,改变政府驱动型的移民,重在移民的质量,而非数量。其次,通过对83户(有效75户)生态移民搬迁前后收支情况的实地调查,经SPSS19.0统计软件分析,根据生活成本增大,城镇消费攀升,贫富差距拉大,贷款困难等现实问题,提出继续加大移民的培训力度,重视二三代移民的教育,创新补偿方式,提高工资性收入,加快转产的速度,扩大收入来源。再次,三江源区自然资源丰富,但受国家生态功能区划及高寒缺氧等气候限制与影响,污染企业及水土不服的企业关闭停产,数量、规模不断缩小,现代服务业尤其是金融业,体系结构不全,缺乏股份制银行及外资银行,以政策银行及农村信用合作社为主,处于封闭的垄断状态,竞争性及服务性变差,移民借存贷款成本高。利用较好的是冬虫夏草,其收入在总收入中的比例逐年升高,一般达到30%-70%,是仅次于畜牧业的第二大特色产业,现从业人员达50万,成交金额高达250亿人民币,创外汇近80亿元。只要蝠蛾繁殖幼虫并且有其生存的环境条件,是可更新的自然资源,条件是一定要保护好环境基础之上的利用。第四,据考古发现,早在1万到5万年的旧石器时代,在三江源区上就有古人类活动,藏族是原始土著居民。为了响应政府的号召,牧民们搬离世代居住的草原到城镇生活,住房及部分费用由政府提供,但失去生产资料的移民,生活水平不同程度的下降了。根据生态环境的外部性理论,仅有政府补偿是不可持续的,也是不科学的,加强横向市场补偿,特别是通过碳汇交易,发达国家(地区)冲减了CO2排放额度,发展中国家(欠发达地区)可得到一笔资金补助,用于生态建设和改善人民生活,是一种不错的选择。第五,生态移民安置地的城镇化是与中国经济社会发展阶段相适应的选择,方便了群众的就医、就学等生活难题,改善了生产生活的环境,提高了公共资源的利用率,调整了人口的空间布局和经济结构,又为移民自我发展提供了良好的平台。基于源区内城镇发展现状与生态移民生产生活中难点,分析了二者良性发展的内在机理,提出了基于城镇化的生态移民自我发展的粗浅看法。总之,生态移民是集政治、经济、社会、生态等学科为一体,是一项十分庞大的系统工程,也是社会资源、经济资源、人文资源、环境等资源重新整合的过程,研究、总结移民的经验、教训,可以为后来移民提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 According to the report of Eighteenth CPC National Congress, the ecological civilization concerns the relationship between the people’s well-being, national future long-term strategy. Sanjiangyuan area relates to the9provinces along the Yellow River98counties in11provinces and122counties, and the middle and lower reaches of the lancang river and the Yangtze river’s water security, and so became known as "Chinese water tower". Cause Yellow River blocks the flow of the river basin in19973million tons of grain production, and industrial aspects of the loss of agricultural losses of more than10times. Source area ecological value of more than10trillion. According to the source area of the development of the vision, keep the target of133700, there are nearly370000people to immigration, more than six times the issue of immigration. The study summarizes the experience and lessons of the pros and cons, for future more immigrants moving elsewhere; Three-river source area is the deepest degree and most national poverty, is also the most difficult areas for poverty alleviation, and as a result, ecological migration in the region to do systematic research, in terms of ecological civilization construction and the rich is of great significance.Through Inner Mongolia, ningxia, xinjiang and other ethnic minority areas implementing ecological immigration and the three gorges immigrant resettlement of empirical research, combined with the Sanjiang Yuan area in the issue of immigration, such as the overall relocation, employment difficulty, the subsequent development is insufficient, lack market factors "one size fits all" type of immigration issues, put forward the human capital settlement way of thinking of guiding type, expanding the scope of the resettlement, the migration patterns of existing government driven, focused on the quality of immigrants, rather than the quantity.In the immigrant income field, balance of the before and after the relocation of83ecological immigration, field survey after the relocation cost of living increase, urban consumption rising, the gap between rich and poor widening, the loan is difficult, to solve these problems, put forward to enhance immigration efforts in training, education, pay attention to two or three generations immigration compensation mode innovation, increase wage income, to speed up production speed, to expand revenue sources.In the industry transformation aspect, the Sanjiang Yuan area rich in natural resources, but the national ecological function zoning and alpine hypoxia restriction and influence, such as climate, pollution and soil and water disaffected enterprises shut down production, quantity, size has shrunk, modern service industry especially financial industry, the architecture is not complete, lack of joint-stock Banks and foreign Banks, policy Banks and rural credit cooperatives is given priority to, in a closed state of monopoly and competition and service lags behind, immigration deposit and high cost. Good use is Chinese caterpillar fungus, their income in total income the proportion is increasing, generally reached30%-70%, industry is second to the livestock industry characteristics.In the resource environment aspect, according to archaeological discoveries, as early as10000to50000in old Stone Age, ancient human activities in the Sanjiang Yuan area, the Tibetan is the original native inhabitants. Herders moved from generations of living grasslands to urban life, housing and fees are provided by the government, but lost the production data of migrants, different levels of living standards declined. According to the ecological environment of the externality theory, unsustainable government compensation, therefore, strengthen the horizontal market compensation, especially the compensation is obtained by carbon trading, and used for ecological construction and improvement of people’s life, it is a feasible choice.Adapted to China’s economic and social development stage, ecological migration settlement of urbanization trend. For residents, as a decline in the cost of living, education, transportation improved utilization of public resources, and are beneficial to the population of the space layout and the matching of the economic structure, and self development provides a good platform for immigrants. Based on source area in the urban development present situation and the ecological emigration in many production and living problems, analysis of both the inner mechanism of the benign development, put forward the development strategy of ecological migration based on urbanization.Ecological immigration involves political, economic, social, ecological and other disciplines, which is a very huge system engineering, and social resources, economic resources, to the process of the integration of human resources, environment resources, research and summing up the experience of the immigrant can provide reference for future research on immigration.


