

【作者】 那岚业

【导师】 郝文武;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 学校品牌是学校名称、标识与学校独特文化内涵的结合,是学校在长期实践中过程中形成的以教育教学质量为基础的得到社会认可的无形资产。基础教育学校品牌建设是素质教育发展的需要,是基础教育均衡发展的需要,是基础教育发展到一定阶段的必然选择。在品牌建设过程中应充分借鉴企业品牌建设理论、复杂科学、传播理论、学校文化理论等,应充分考虑中小学生心理发展特点。基础教育学校品牌是以育人为目的的品牌,是为学生的成长奠定基础的品牌,是具有独特文化个性的品牌。目前,基础教育学校品牌建设实践呈现出标签化、表面化、过度化、短期化的倾向,出现了忽视品牌建设主体的倾向,如何解决这些问题是摆在教育工作者面前的难题。在基础教育学校品牌研究领域,学者们对品牌建设的必要性与可行性还存在质疑,基础教育学校品牌建设的独特性、整体性、系统性有待进一步挖掘。基础教育学校品牌的构成要素包括:理念系统、行为系统和视觉系统,其中理念系统是学校品牌的核心与基础,行为系统是其在行为方面的表现,视觉系统是其在视觉方面的展现。理念识别系统是由教育本质观、教育目的观、课程观与教学观、教师观与学生观以及教育管理观构成;行为系统是由教育政策法规、学校章程、组织机构设置以及综合性的规章制度构成;视觉系统本文主要从学校名称设计、校徽设计、学校标准色设计、学校网站设计以及学校建筑设计等方面进行分析;三个系统相互协调、相互统一,共同构成基础教育学校品牌。基础教育学校品牌建设可以围绕质量建设、学校文化建设以及学校形象建设来进行。质量建设是基础教育学校品牌建设的基础,学校文化建设是基础教育学校品牌建设的保障,学校形象建设是基础教育学校品牌建设的依托。从学校品牌角度出发,提升学校的办学质量可以通过切合实际的学校品牌定位、科学合理的学校品牌评价以及学校品牌创新来实施。其中定位是从社会公众的角度出发,通过科学分析确定学校在教育教学实践中的发展目标和方向,并得到学生和家长的理解和支持,定位常常采用SWOT分析法、内外环境分析、学校动态定位模型等方法,可以采用首席定位、变革定位、历史定位、特色定位、理念定位以及空档定位等策略。基础教育学校品牌评价发挥着导向作用、诊断作用、服务作用;评价的主体主要包括:学校自我评价,上级主管部门评价,有资质的第三方机构(认证中心)评价;评价过程中应在质的评价与量化评价之间寻求一个合理的平衡点,在形成性评价与终结性评价之间寻求一个结合点。学校品牌创新的动力源于学校品牌有其“生命周期”、兄弟学校的激烈竞争、学校内外环境的变化等因素,可以通过设立机构、加强制度建设、开展教育科研等策略促进学校品牌创新。学校文化建设是就是要以精神文化为基础确立先进的办学理念,以制度文化为保障规范师生的行为,以物质文化为基础打造学校品牌视觉系统。基础教育学校品牌传播与学校品牌危机的防范是一枚硬币的两面,共同塑造学校品牌形象。可以通过树立全员传播意识、开展人际传播,根据学校品牌传播的内容和目标来选择大众传播媒介,有效利用媒体的议程设置功能开展常规性活动的传播,利用事件营销开展专题宣传活动等方式进行学校品牌传播。在传播过程中应注重传播学校品牌的文化内涵,注重传播学校品牌公益性,注重学校品牌传播的统一化和序列化。在学校品牌建设过程中应注重学校危机的防范,建立危机防范的预防机制、应对机制和恢复机制。

【Abstract】 School brand is a combination of the school’s name, its logo and unique cultural connotation. It is also the intangible assets, which is based on the quality of education and social recognition, is formed in the long-term school education and teaching practice. Basic education school brand construction is the need of the development of quality education, is the need for balanced development of basic education, basic education development to a certain stage of the inevitable choice. In the process of brand building should make full use of the enterprise brand construction theory, complexity science, communication theory, the theory of school culture, should fully consider the characteristics of psychological development of primary and middle school students.Basic education school brand, with the purpose of educating people, brand, is to lay the foundation for the growth of the students of the brand, is a unique cultural personality of the brand. At present, the practice of building the brand of basic education school show label, superficial, excessive, short-term tendency, appeared a tendency to ignore the brand construction main body, how to solve these problems is a difficult problem in front of the educators. In the field of basic education school brand, necessity and feasibility of scholars of brand building is in doubt, basic education of the school brand building unique, holistic, systematic further mining.Including elements of basic education school brand:idea system,behavior system and visual system, the concept of system is the core and basis of school brand, the behaviour of the system is its performance in terms of the behavior of the visual system, in the visual aspects of the show. Concept recognition system is composed of educational essence, educational objective, curriculum and teaching, teachers and students and the educational management view; the behavior of a system is composed of education policies and regulations, the articles of association of the school, organization setting and comprehensive rules and regulations; visual system this paper mainly from the school name, logo design design, color design, standard school school website design and school building design are analyzed; the three systems of mutual coordination, mutual unity, together constitutes brand basic education schools.Basic education school brand construction can be focus on the quality of construction, construction of school culture and the school image building. Quality construction is the foundation of basic education of the school brand building, the construction of school culture is the foundation of education of school brand construction, the image of the school building is the foundation education of the school brand building based on. Starting from the angle of school brand,school brand evaluation of school brand positioning, scientific and reasonable to enhance the quality of running a school through practical and school brand innovation to implement. The location is starting from the perspective of the public, through scientific analysis to determine the school development goals and direction in the practice of education, and get students and parents to understand and support, position often use SWOT analysis method, the internal and external environment analysis, school dynamic positioning model, can be used to positioning, positioning, chief change history the concept, characteristics, location and positioning strategy. Basic education plays a guiding role of brand evaluation, diagnosis function, service function; evaluation of the main include: school self-evaluation, the superior departments in charge of evaluation, a qualified third party agencies (CA) evaluation; should seek a reasonable balance between the qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation of the evaluation process, to seek a balance between the formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The school brand innovation impetus to school brand has its "life cycle", the brother school competition, the school environment changes and other factors, can through the establishment of institutions, strengthen the system construction, education and research strategies to promote school brand innovation. The construction of school culture is the spiritual culture as the foundation is to establish the advanced idea of running school, the cultural system for regulating the behavior of teachers and students, to material culture to build school brand visual system. Prevention of basic education brand communication and brand of school crisis are two sides of the same coin, common to create a school brand image. Through establishing a full communication consciousness, develop interpersonal communication, mass communication media to choose according to the content and the goal of the school brand dissemination, the effective use of the media agenda setting function to carry out regular activity spread, school brand dissemination using event marketing to carry out special campaigns etc.. In the dissemination process should pay attention to the dissemination of school brand culture connotation, pay attention to the dissemination of school brand public school, pay attention to the brand dissemination of unification and serialization. In the development process of school brand, we should pay attention to prevent school crisis, and establish prevention mechanism, coping mechanism and recovery mechanism.


