

【作者】 贺雯婧

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 阮籍,作为魏晋时期的著名诗人,他的八十二首《咏怀诗》深受后世学者推崇,在中国文学史上具有十分重要的地位。早在齐梁之时人们已开始对《咏怀诗》进行研究,直至现当代,产生的相关研究论著数量已是颇为壮观。自20世纪以来,对《咏怀诗》的各方面研究已取得了不小成绩,尤其是在一些热点问题如意象、风格、地位、影响等诸方面上研究较为细致深入。但是,从目前的研究整体状况来看,大多数学者研究成果重复性强,研究范围也较为狭窄,真正深入文本、从文本中发现新问题的研究成果数量也还不多。因此,笔者认为继续对阮籍五言《咏怀诗》作一些新的研究,是有可能、也是极为有必要的。绪论部分,共分三节。主要从西晋到明清时期以来阮籍《咏怀诗》研究现状、20世纪中阮籍《咏怀诗》各方面研究所取得的重大成果及研究现状还存在的问题及缺憾等方面入手,阐释了继续研究《咏怀诗》的必要性与可能性。第一部分笔者主要从题材方面入手将《咏怀诗》内容分为:“咏史、怀古”类、“游仙”类、“咏怀”类、“女性题材”类。并对这四类诗歌分别进行了简要评说。第二部分探讨了阮籍《咏怀诗》中的意象。第一节中笔者对《咏怀诗》中的众多意象进行了分类,并试图将这些意象放在流变的文学大背景下进行分析。第二节对阮籍《咏怀诗》中的意象组合方式作了大致分析。对比式的意象组合方式最为普遍,除此之外还有寄托式、点缀式、叠加式、递进式、景物意象与议论等组合方式。第三节中主要对《咏怀诗》意象所具有的深沉蕴藉、圆融高妙、个性鲜明、主观性强等不同特征做了简要论述。第三部分中主要探讨了《咏怀诗》中所具有的“真美”、“朦胧美”、“悲哀美”、“慷慨悲壮之美”等不同审美特征。首先,在时代独特美学风潮的影响下,阮籍进行诗歌创作时往往都力求做到“真”。对外在形象描述上,诗人通常采取略形求真的表现手法。在语言方面上,两个名词中间加入动词的安排也只为凸显事物所具有的真实精神与性格。其次,魏晋时期随着人的觉醒,对生命本意的忧患意识成为了一种巨大的社会心理思潮,在这种思潮的冲击下阮籍在《咏怀诗》中通过悲剧人物形象的塑造、悲剧意象的刻意选择及独特句式的运用等多种手法为我们呈现出了诗歌所具有的悲哀美。第三,对于阮诗所具有的朦胧美,历代学者早已不自觉的给予过肯定。造成阮诗朦胧美的原因是多方面的,在此笔者主要选取了时代背景、创作手法、意象等三方面入手,对阮诗中的朦胧美进行了简单分析。第四慷慨雄壮之美。受黑暗时代的迫害,为了保命全身使得阮籍在处世方面以至慎为主。但实际上他内心中充满豪情壮志,这从他发“时无英雄,使竖子成名”感慨、赋《豪杰诗》等行为中便可看出。因此,《咏怀诗》中某些诗篇内容上也不乏具有慷慨悲壮之美,而这种美同样震撼心灵。第四部分《咏怀诗》语言特色。第一节形象生动的动词。阮籍诗中所出现的动词以平中见奇为归宿,让司空见惯的普通字变得形象鲜活起来,增强了语言内在的张力与弹性,注入一种生机与活力,激发出文字本身的一种挥发性,创造出一定的艺术氛围和独具特色的景象,当是阮籍用字措辞的一种主导趋向。第二节中对阮诗中的连绵词做了详细分析与研究。第三节为复句研究。据笔者粗略统计阮诗中出现复句次数大致为五次,并对这些复句进行了简要分析。第五部分阮籍《咏怀诗》的成就及影响。第一节《咏怀诗》的成就。第一、推动了文人五言诗的创作发展,第二、进一步确立了五言诗体制,第三、丰富了五言诗的抒情内涵,第四、开拓了玄言诗的诗体形式,第五、避免了五言诗语言过早走向“风华有余,骨肉不足”的局面,第六、进一步实现了意象式的写作方式。第二节《咏怀诗》的影响。首先从命题方面来说,阮籍是第一个以“咏怀”为命题进行诗歌创作的诗人。其次,在内容和风格上,阮籍《咏怀诗》对后世诗人的诗歌创作也产生了深远影响。如左思、郭璞、陶渊明、陈子昂、张九龄、李白等诗人。

【Abstract】 Yuan Ji is an eminent poet in the period of Wei and Jin. His82poems of "revealing the inner most of my feelings" are highly adored by scholars specialized in literature and occupy a very important position in the temple of Chinese Literature. The studies of those poems started in the period of Qi and Liang Dynasties and the relevant research outputs today have accumulated into a huge volume. Since the20th Century, some outstanding achievements have been made in the research of the "Revealing the inner most of my feelings", with some in-depth and more delicate understanding in regards of aspects such as intentionality, style, status, influence and etc. However, generally speaking, the research focuses of most of the scholars have considerable overlapping parts, their horizon is relatively narrow. Rarely have any studies deeply probed into the text and explored new ideas, consequently, the author believes that we should further our exploration of the poems, and to probe into them more deeply is of great necessity and practicability.The introduction of this paper consists of3parts, majorly introducing the researches on poems of "Revealing the inner most of my feelings". Through analyzing the researches on the poems achieved in20th Century, as well as their achievements and defects, this paper elaborate the necessity and possibility of furthering the related studies.In Chapter1, the author classifies the poems into the categories of "singing the history","meditating on the past","traveling in the deity space","revealing the inner most of his mind" and "female related topics" according to the themes of the poems. This paper also briefly comments on each type respectively.In Chapter2, the author discusses the intentionality of the poems. In section1, the study classified the intentionality into many types, analyzing such types from the perspectives of the changing literature. In section2, this study makes the overall analysis on the combination of the intentions. According to this study, the comparative combination is most usual in the poems, besides, combinations of entrusting, overlapping, decorating, progressing and scenery-with-comments are also very notable. In section3, this paper also briefly analyzes the intentionality’s characteristics of being cultured and refined, ingeniously harmonious, clear-cut stylish, strongly subjective and so on and so forth.In Chapter3, this study majorly introduces the different aesthetic features appeared in the poems, such as "Real Beauty"," vague Beauty","grieved Beauty""heroic Beauty" and etc. first of all, under the influences of his time, Ruanji attempted to pursue reality during writing his poems. For the descriptions of the external images, the poet employed the strategies of skipping the form while pursuing the reality. As far as the language is concerned, the poet chose the structure of one verb embedded in two nouns with the purposes of highlighting the real spirits and characteristics of the things. Second, with the rise of public’s awareness, people began to worry much about the real meaning of life, and such anxieties have even become a huge social psychological trend, under the impact of which Ruanji Displayed a special grieved beauty through creating the tragic figures, deliberately selecting the miserable intentionality and applying the syntactic structures of special styles.Third, as for the vague beauty of Ruan’s Poems, many scholars have affirmed such a style consciously or subconsciously. Many reason give rise to such a style of vague beauty. The author chooses to analyze such vague beauty very briefly from the3perspectives of historic background, creation techniques, and intentionality. Third, the Heroic Beauty, under the oppressing political environment, Ruan had to behave very prudently in order to protect himself. However, his mind was full of great aspirations. We can see such a fact from his famous sentence,"No hero at that time, and such an ordinary person could ever make his fame!", as well as his writing the "Poems of the heroes". Therefore, we can clearly discern the heroic beauty from his poems; such beauty is also soul-touching.In Chapter4the author analyzes the language features of the poems "Reveal the inner most of my feelings". In section1, the study analyzes the verbs used by Ruan. The verbs used by Ruan appear to be ordinary; however, the ordinary verbs once arranged ingeniously by Ruan, they appear to be very active and vivid, which enhances the tension and flexibility of the language, as well as activating and vitalizing the poem. The volatility of the language is therefore greatly encouraged and Ruan managed to create a special art environment as well as a unique scenery in his poems. All of these are of the major trend of Ruan’s word choosing styles. In section2, this study made a detailed analysis on the binomes used by Ruan. In section3, this paper scrutinizes the composite sentences used by Ruan. According to the surveys made by this study, Ruan has used the composite sentences for at least5times. The study makes brief analysis on such sentences.In Chapter5, the author reviews the achievements and influences of "Revealing the inner most of my feelings", In section one, the paper lists5of the poems’major achievements. First, it greatly promoted the development of5-character-a-line poems in China; second, it further consolidates the structure of the5-character-a-line poems, third, it enriches the emotion expressing of the5-character-a-line poems, fourth, it further develops the structure of the metaphysical poems, fifth, it barriers the trend of the development of the5-character-a-line poems into the styles of being "excessively elegance but inadequate contents", sixth, it further realizes the intentional writing style of the poems. In section2, the paper discusses the influences of the poems. First, from the perspective of the subject, we can see that Ruanji was the first poet writing poems with the subjects of revealing one’s real emotions. Second, as for the content and styles, Ruanji’s work exerted a profound influence on the succedent poets such as Zuo Si, Guo Pu, Tao Yuanming, Chen Ziang, Zhang Jiuling, Li Bai and etc.


