

Optimization Research on Running Organization of Railway Out-of-gauge Freight Trains

【作者】 王新宇

【导师】 陈治亚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 公路运输的限速和限载使得越来越多的货物,尤其是超限超重货物回流至铁路,大量的超限车运行严重干扰正常运输作业,已成为制约铁路运输能力瓶颈,超限车运行组织是一项复杂的系统工程。随着我国快速铁路网的逐步形成,亟需对铁路超限车运行干扰机理、超限车运行决策优化和运能损失评估问题展开系统的研究。论文选题对完善超限超重货物运输组织理论体系、提高超限车运行效率具有重要的理论和应用价值。论文按纵向逐步深入的思路,从以下几个方面对超限车运行组织优化问题进行系统研究和深入探索:(1)全面阐述铁路超限车运行组织现状及其运行过程,提出不同类型的超限车越行和禁会停留时间计算方法,系统分析超限车越行、禁会和限速运行对铁路通过能力与输送能力的影响,明确超限车运行干扰机理,探索超限车运行干扰本质特征。(2)深入分析超限车运行决策优化问题,设计超限车装载综合轮廓算法,构造超限车装载加固实例匹配初次评价条件集合与经典域物元,设计超限车装载加固实例匹配原理,提出超限车运行决策优化算法,有效解决超限车运行决策优化问题。(3)提出拟双车道多车开行问题,设计单线铁路列车运行更新规则,分析超限车越行前、后元胞状态,构建单线铁路列车运行仿真模型和超限车运行对单线铁路运能损失评估模型,提出超限车运行对单线铁路运能损失评估原理和基于进路的车站咽喉通过能力计算方法,阐明超限车运行对单线铁路运能损失机理。(4)设计双线铁路列车运行更新规则,构建基于CA的双线铁路列车运行仿真模型和超限车运行对双线铁路运能损失评估模型,设计相应求解算法,提出超限车运行对双线铁路运能损失评估原理,明确超限车限速运行和禁会区间设置对双线铁路运能的影响,阐明超限车运行对双线铁路运能损失机理。(5)给出超限车运行决策与能力评估系统的设计原则,设计基于B/S模式的三级体系结构及相适应的数据组织方式,提出铁路限界管理、运行决策管理和能力损失评估子系统的实现方式,开发出基于B/S模式的铁路超限车运行决策与能力评估系统。

【Abstract】 Speed and loading limitation for road transportation pushes goods, especially out-of-gauge and over-weight goods back to railway transportation. Large quantity of out-of-gauge freight trains interfere the regular transportation seriously, which becomes the obstacle for the development of railway transportation capacity. The running organization of out-of-gauge freight trains is a complex engineering system. Along with the national railway fast-network progressive forming, the interference mechanism, running decision-making optimization, influence on transportation capacity lost caused by out-of-gauge freight trains running on single and double lines are fully studied. This study helps to construct the theoretical system of out-of-gauge and over-weight freight transport organization and enhance efficiency for out-of-gauge freight trains running which has great theoretical and practical value. Thus, with step-down thinking, the paper explores running organization of railway out-of-gauge freight trains, from the following aspects:(1) Out-of-gauge freight trains running organization status and running processes are fully analyzed. Also, the calculate methods for overtaking and non-intersection stop-time with different styles are put forward. Then, the influence of overtaking, non-intersection and limit speed running on capacity of through train traffic and railway transportation capacity are all analyzed systematically. Thus, the out-of-gauge freight trains running interference mechanism is clarified and its basic features are also explored actively.(2) Running decision-making Optimization Problem of railway out-of-gauge freight trains are analyzed systematically. A comprehensive outline algorithm for out-of-gauge freight trains loading is designed. The primary evaluation conditions set and classical domain matter-element of loading reinforce example matching for out-of-gauge freight trains are both constructed. Then, loading reinforce example matching theory for out-of-gauge freight trains is designed. Also, running decision-making optimization algorithm of out-of-gauge freight trains are put forward to solve out-of-gauge freight trains running decision-making optimization problems effectively.(3) Similar-double-track and multi-train running problem is put forward and single line train running renew-rules are designed. Also, unit cells status before and after out-of-gauge freight trains overtaking are analyzed deeply. Then, railway trains running simulation model for single line, as well as single line transportation capacity lost evaluation model are constructed. The evaluation theory for single line transportation capacity lost and calculation method for carrying capacity of station throat are both put forward to clarify transportation capacity lost mechanism caused by out-of-gauge freight train running on single line.(4) Double-line train running renew-rules are designed, and train running simulation model with double lines based on CA, as well as the evaluation model and algorithm for the transportation capacity lost on double lines are all constructed. Then, the evaluation principle for double lines transportation capacity lost is put forward to clarity its influence on transportation capacity caused by out-of-gauge freight train running and location for non-intersection district. Thus, the transportation capacity lost mechanism caused by out-of-gauge freight train running on double lines is clarified.(5) Design principles of out-of-gauge freight trains running decision-making and capacity evaluation system are given. Also, three-level system construe and relatively data organization structure are designed based on B/S mode. Besides, railway gauge management, running decision-making management and capacity lost evaluation sub-systems realization methods are all put forward to develop the system based on B/S mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

