

Sedimentary Response to Tectonic Evolution of the Central Guizhou Uplift and Its Adjacent Areas

【作者】 崔金栋

【导师】 郭建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质资源与地质工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 油气勘探在我国经济的发展中所发挥的作用越来越大,海相碳酸盐岩具有很大的勘探潜力,黔中隆起及周缘是我国南方勘探走出四川盆地的重要接替战场。前人对该区进行了一定程度的研究,但在层序地层对比、岩相古地理、构造分析和油气地质方面存在一些不足。本文以黔中隆起及周缘奥陶系、志留系为主要研究对象,同时涉及中晚古生代地层,进行了层序地层、沉积体系、岩相古地理、断裂构造和构造演化方面的综合研究。借助野外露头、钻测井资料进行了层序地层详细研究,在奥陶系中识别出了10个三级层序边界,划分为9个三级层序,这些界面中OsB1、OSB3、OSB4、OSB5和OsB9为Ⅰ型层序边界,其它均为Ⅱ型层序边界。在志留系中识别出了5个三级层序边界,将其划分为4个三级层序,SsB1、SsB2、SSB3、SSB4和SsB5为Ⅰ型层序边界。基于层序地层划分和地震剖面分析,对黔中隆起的形成时间进行了研究,发现黔中隆起的形成是一个反复的过程,最早为奥陶纪桐梓期的水下隆起阶段,直至湄潭期早期才第一次隆出水面,其后又被海水淹没,湄潭期晚期再次隆出水面,直至奥陶纪五峰期晚期才最终抬升成陆。通过对断裂带的空间展布特征、运动学特征的研究,分析了黔中隆起周缘4条边界断裂对两侧沉积、岩相的控制作用。遵义断裂燕山期才开始活动,对两侧的奥陶系、志留系沉积没有控制作用,对黔中隆起的形成演化没有影响。垭都-紫云断裂在都匀运动期间开始活动,导致了滇黔桂古陆的解体,对黔中隆起的沉积具有明显的控制作用。赫章-遵义断裂在奥陶纪对断裂带两侧的沉积岩相和古生物有一定的控制作用,志留纪对两侧的控制作用更加明显。镇远-贵阳断裂都匀运动时期对断裂两侧的沉积产生明显的控制作用,广西运动时期断裂基本上控制了黔中隆起南缘志留系的沉积边界。借助大量的野外露头剖面,辅以钻测井资料和地震资料,在黔中隆起及周缘识别出了滨海、陆棚、碳酸盐台地、斜坡-盆地4种沉积体系,每一种沉积体系又进行了进一步的细分。应用Dickinson三角投点图法并辅以重矿物进行了物源分析,发现黔北斜坡、武陵坳陷、黔南坳陷的物源来自研究区西侧的牛首山古陆,经黔中隆起运移而至,而黔南坳陷的物源同时受东南部的雪峰隆起的影响。选择品质较好的地震剖面对黔南坳陷的地震相进行了研究,在奥陶系中识别出了4种地震相,志留系识别出了3种地震相。在层序划分对比、沉积体系研究,沉积相连井对比、地震相研究的基础上,以露头层序地层学为指导,结合钻井、地震等资料,以三级层序体系域为时间单元,编制了黔中隆起及周缘奥陶系、志留系岩相古地理图。黔中地区在OsQ3TST时期的水体开始变浅,OSQ3HST时期初次露出水面,OSQ4HST、OSQ5HST时期黔中隆起两次露出水面,至OSQ8HST时期地理格局由北西高南东低演变为南高北低。OSQ9TST时期黔中地区已经完全隆升为陆,且与黔南连成一体,形成滇黔桂古陆。SSQ2TST时期海水侵入,导致了滇黔桂古陆的重新解体。黔中隆起开始于郁南运动,云开地块与黔桂-北越地块的碰撞使息烽-织金一带水体相对变浅,奥陶系桐梓组为大套白云岩沉积,为水下隆起阶段。都匀运动使研究区进一步抬升,至奥陶纪湄潭期沉积时期,黔中地区基本露出水面,成为陆上隆起,并且和由西部侵入的滇东古陆相连,晚奥陶世都匀运动进一步加强,并最终使黔中、黔南上升成陆,缺失晚奥陶世、早志留世沉积。广西运动使黔中隆起得到继承性加强,隆起范围进一步扩大,使黔中、黔南整体继续隆升,其上缺失上志留统-下泥盆统,甚至部分地区石炭系大塘组和奥陶系湄潭组直接接触。分析了黔中隆起及周缘的麻江古油藏、瓮安古油藏的生储盖特征、油气成藏与破坏规律和地质储量。发现烃源岩发育具有多层系性,寒武系牛蹄塘组、志留系龙马溪组为主要烃源岩,中泥盆统泥岩及泥灰岩、中石炭统泥岩、二叠系泥岩、灰岩及煤系为次要烃源岩。储层主要有下寒武统明心寺组顶部砂岩、奥陶系下统碳酸盐岩、志留系砂岩。发现黔中隆起及周缘有3套区域性盖层和2套局部盖层。3套区域盖层为下寒武统牛蹄塘组-金顶山组、金顶山组-清虚洞组和中下志留统上部,2套局部盖层分别为黔中隆起和黔北斜坡的寒武系中上统膏岩、黔南贵定-三都-黄平范围内残留的中奥陶统泥岩类。黔中隆起及周缘主要有3套生储盖组合。优选出了黔中隆起及周缘的有利油气勘探区,安顺凹陷为油气保存条件最佳区块。图233幅,表29个,参考文献148篇。

【Abstract】 The oil and gas exploration takes an increasingly role in China’s economic development, marine carbonate rocks has a great potential for exploration, the Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas are the important succeed battlefield that southern China exploration goes out of the Sichuan Basin. Predecessors have done certain research in this area, but there are some deficiencies in the comparison of sequence stratigraphy, lithofacies paleogeography, structural analysis, and petroleum geology.This paper taked Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas Ordovician, Silurian as the main research object, also the late Paleozoic strata was involved, and conducts a comprehensive study of the sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, lithofacies palaeogeography, fault structure and tectonic evolution. The detailed study of sequence stratigraphy was carried out with outcrop and drill logging data,10three-order sequence boundaries were identified in the Ordovician, and divided them into9three-order sequences, of these interfaces, OSB1, OSB3,OSB4, OSB5and OSB9are type Ⅰ sequence boundary, and other sequence boundaries are type Ⅱ sequence boundary.5three-order sequence boundaries were identified in Silurian, and divided them into4three-order sequences, of which SSB1, SSB2, SSB3, SSB4and SSB5are type Ⅰ sequence boundary. Based on the sequence stratigraphic classification and analysis of seismic facies, the formation time of Central Guizhou Uplift was studied, and found that the Central Guizhou Uplift formation was not done overnight but by repeated times, the earliest time was the Ordovician Tongzi Period, it was underwater uplift stage, it first exposure of the water until the early Meitan Formation, then it was flooded by seawater, and rose out of the water again in the late Meitan Formation. The Central Guizhou Uplift was finally lifted into land until the late Wufeng Formation.By studying the the spatial distribution characteristics and kinematic characteristics of the fault zone, the controlling action of the four boundary faults in Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent for facies and deposition was analyzed. Zunyi Fracture had no controlling action on the deposition of both sides, and no affect on the formation, evolution and deposition of the Central Guizhou Uplift. Yadu-Ziyun Fracture started its activities during the Duyun Movement period, leading to the disintegration of the Dianqiangui Ancient Land, and played a significant controlling role in the deposition of the Central Guizhou Uplift. Hezhang-Zunyi Fracture had controlling action on the sedimentary facies and paleontology of both sides in fault zone in Ordovician, and the controlling role was more significant in Silurian. Zhenyuan-Guiyang Fracture played a significant controlling role in the deposition of both sides in fault zone during the Duyun Movement period. During the Guangxi Movement period, the fracture essentially controlled the sedimentary boundary of the Silurian in the southern edge of Central Guizhou Uplift.With a large number of outcrop section, drilling logging data and seismic data,4kinds of sedimentary system-coastal deposition system, shelf sedimentary system, carbonate platform sedimentary system, slope-basin sedimentary system were identified in the Central Guizhou Uplift and its Adjacent Areas, and each sedimentary system was further subdivided. Provenance analysis was conducted by Dickinson triangular cast point diagram method while supplemented by heavy minerals, it was found that the provenance of Northern Guizhou Slope, Wuling Depression, Southern Guizhou Depression was from Niushoushan Ancient Land, also the provenance of the Southern Guizhou Depression was affected by Xuefeng Uplift in the southeast. High quality seismic facies were selected to study the seismic facies of southern Guizhou depression, four kinds of seismic facies were identified in Ordovician, and three kinds of seismic facies were identified in Silurian. Based on division and correlation of the sequence, depositional systems, and sedimentary connected well correlation, seismic facies study, taking outcrop sequence stratigraphy as the guidline, combining with drilling and seismic data, and taking the three system tracts as time unit, the lithofacies paleogeographic map of Ordovician and Silurian in Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas was established. The Central Guizhou Region experienced the shallowing of OSQ3TST period, it was exposured of the water surface for the first time during the OSQ3HST period, during the OSQ4HST period the Central Guizhou Uplift was exposured of the water surface again, the geographical pattern evolved into the southern high northern low situation from the situation that the north west was high and south east was low during the OSQ8HST period. When it came to the OSQ9TST period, the Central Guizhou Uplift was completely uplifted into land, and it fused with Southern Guizhou and formed into Dianqiangui ancient land. During SSQ2TST period, the sea water was intrused, which led to the redisintegration of Dianqiangui ancient land.Yunan Movement was the start of the formation of the Central Guizhou Uplift, the collision of Yunkai Block and Qiangui-Beiyue Block caused the water of Xifeng-Zhijin was relatively shallow, the Ordovician Tongzi Period was a set of domolite deposition, it was the underwater uplift stage. Duyun Movement caused the study area to further uplift, the Central Guizhou Region was basically out of the water, becoming onshore uplift and connected the Diandong ancinet land which was the invasion by western. In the period of Late Ordovician, Duyun Movement further strengthened, and ultimately made the Central Guizhou, Qiannan rising into land, the deposition of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian was omission. The Central Guizhou Uplift was inheritance strengthened by Guangxi Movement, the scope of Central Guizhou Uplift further expanded, the Central Guizhou, Qiannan overall continued to uplift, its upper miss Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian, and even part of the Carboniferous Datang Group and the Ordovician Meitan Group directly contact.The characteristics of source-reservoir-cap, the reservoir forming and damage and the geological reserves of Majiang ancient reservoir, Weng’an ancient reservoir in Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas were analyzed. It was found that the development of hydrocarbon source rocks has a multi-storey department, the Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Silurian Longmaxi Formation were main hydrocarbon source rocks, while the Sinian Doushantuo Formation mudstone, the middle Devonian shale and marl, Carboniferous shale, Permian mudstone, limestone and coal measures were minor hydrocarbon source rocks. The reservoirs were mainly Upper Sinian Dengying Formation, the sandstone at the top of the Lower Cambrian Mingxinsi Formation, the carbonates in Lower Ordovician, the sandstone in Silurian. It was found that the Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas had3sets of regional seal and2sets of local seal. The3sets of regional seal were the Lower Cambrian Niutitang-Jindingshan Formation, the Jindingshan-Qingxudong Formation and the upper of the middle-lower Silurian. The2sets of local seal were Cambrian Marketing gypsum rock of Central Guizhou Uplift and Northern Guizhou Slope, the Middle Ordovician mudstone class remained in Guiding-Sandu-Huangping in southern Guizhou. The Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas mainly had3sets of reservoir combination. Favorable oil and gas exploration area in the Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas was selected, and the Anshun depression is the best blocks in hydrocarbon preservation conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

