

Research on Geologic Hazards Mechanism and Comprehensive Prevention Disaster in Hunan Province

【作者】 马文瀚

【导师】 戴塔根; 方先知;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 国土资源信息工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,湖南省地质灾害的频繁发生,对人民的生命财产构成越来越严重的威胁。因此,开展对湖南省地质灾害的研究具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。地质灾害孕灾机理及地质灾害综合防治研究已经成为环境地质学领域的前沿课题和学术界研究的热点,防灾减灾已经成为各级政府的重要职责。本文在湖南省地质灾害详细调查编录和数据库建设的基础上,系统研究了湖南省地质灾害的孕灾环境、时空分布规律及其与地质环境的相关性定量分析。本研究是借助国土资源部和财政部下达的“湖南省县(市)地质灾害调查与区划综合研究”(任务书编号:财政部财建[2008]303号)项目,结合作者近十年来参与的湖南省1:10万地质灾害调查,在整合湖南省多源地质灾害数据和空间数据库建设的基础上,通过对湖南省地形地貌、岩土体类型、地质构造、地震、河流水系、大气降水、人类工程活动等地质环境孕灾背景系统研究,阐明崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷等地质灾害发育特征,分析地质灾害与地质环境孕灾背景关联性,应用基于支持向量机(SVM)算法进行宁乡县煤炭坝地面塌陷区地质灾害综合防治研究,建立湖南省地质灾害防治管理系统,提出科学实用的区域突发性地质灾害气象预警预报理论新方法,为湖南省地质灾害的预警预报、防治处理等提供可靠的理论依据。本文借助3S技术,在湖南省地质灾害详细调查编录和数据库建设的基础上,实现了地质灾害多源数据的一体化集成,结合空间数据库技术,构建了湖南省地质灾害空间数据库,建立地质灾害管理信息综合平台。论文系统分析了湖南省地质灾害时空分布特征和发育规律。近10年来,湖南省共发生造成灾害损失的地质灾害点3002处,存在地质灾害隐患8475处,以滑坡、地面塌陷为主。全省滑坡地质灾害以湘西武陵山区大中起伏山地区为最多,崩塌地质灾害数量相对较少,零星分布于少数县市,泥石流地质灾害主要集中在郴州市、绥宁县和石门县等地区,地面塌陷灾害以采空区塌陷为主,且多发生在中小型煤矿矿山。充分利用GIS空间统计分析、叠置分析和缓冲区分析等功能及DEM建模,结合信息量模型、因子权重叠加模型等评价方法,系统研究了湖南省地质灾害的孕灾环境、时空分布规律及其与地质环境的相关性,实现了湖南省地质灾害与地质环境关联度的定量分析。将支持向量机引入地质灾害危险性评价,采用快速判别分析法,对评价单元进行划分,利用训练样本建立SVM模型,将SVM方法应用于地质灾害危险性评价,并以宁乡县煤炭坝地面塌陷区进行实证研究。将地质环境条件同气象条件相结合,建立信息量法地质灾害预警预报模型,构建湖南省地质灾害气象预警预报系统。同时,通过多普勒雷达图像进行地质灾害气象反演分析和灾害识别分析。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of the national economy construction, the rapid expansion of the size of the city and the construction of engineering projects, the geological hazards occur frequently and cause more and more serious threat to people’s life and properties. Therefore, it has important theoretical significance and practical value to research geological hazards and its early warning mechanism in Hunan province. It has become a leading edge task on environmental geology and a hot spot of research on academic circles to study the formation mechanism and integrate control of geological disaster. It has also been an important responsibility to prevent and reduce geologic disaster occurrence for governments at all levels. Based on detailed survey catalog and database construction of geological hazard investigation in Hunan province, the geological hazard development conditions, distribution were systematically quantitative analysed.This paper is supported by the project:Study on comprehensive integration of geologic hazard investigation and compartment in Hunan province.(Contract serial number:Ministry of finance, financial construction (2008) No.303), which is issued by the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Finance jointly. The author have investigated geological disaster for ten years in Hunan province, based on the integration of geological disasters, multi-source geology data and the construction of spatial database, this paper expounded the development characteristics of geological disasters such as collapse, landslide, debris flow, surface collapse etc and analyzed the relationship between geological disaster and occurring disaster geological background.It also applied Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to study geological disaster prevention in Ningxiang County coal dam of surface collapse area and established geological disaster prevention and control management system in Hunan province and put forward a new method scientifically using meteorological forecast and early warning of regional geological disasters. So it provides a reliable theoretical basis for early warning, prevention and control measures of geological hazard in Hunan Province.With the help of3S and spatial data technology, on the basis of the detailed investigation catalog and database construction of geological disasters in Hunan province, this paper achieved the integration of multi-source data in geological disasters and built a spatial database of geological disasters in Hunan Province.The temporal spatial distribution characteristics and development law of geological disasters in Hunan province are systematically analysed. There have happened3002geological disasters in the past10years, and there still are8475hidden troubles like landslides and surface collapse mainly. Most of the landslides distributed in western Hunan Wuling medium and large mountain area, collapse took place is relatively smaller number scattered in few counties, the debris flow is mainly concentrated in the southern Hunan Chenzhou City, southwestern Hunan the Suining County and northwestern Hunan Shimen County, and the surface collapse is mainly the mining collapse, occured in small and medium-sized coal mine.By making full use of the GIS spatial statistical analysis, overlaying analysis, buffer analysis and DEM modeling, combining with the evaluation methods like information model and factor superposition model etc, this paper studies systematicly the geological disaster formation environment, temporal and spatial distribution law and its correlation with geological environment and realizes the quantitative analysis of correlation degree between geological hazards and geological environment in Hunan province.It applys Support Vector Machine in the evaluation of geological disaster risk.With fast discriminant analysis method, it divides the evaluation unit and constructs the SVM model by training samples. Furthermore, it takes an empirical study on coal dam surface collapse area in Ningxiang County.Combined with the geological environmental conditions into the meteorological conditions and based on the information method geological disaster early warning model, the meteorological pre-warning forecast system of geological disaster is constructed in Hunan province. At the same time, through the Doppler radar image, geological hazard meteorological inversion is analysed and geological hazard identification is researched.Taking the example of Xinshao county on31, May, the retrieval technique and forms the forecasting method of geo-hazard by Doppler Weather Radar is studied. The Weather Radar image was applied to forecast the geo-hazard and the results proved the method to be practicable and precise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

