

An Empirical Research on the Recognition and Influencing Factors of College Student’s Internet Consumer Preference

【作者】 黄飞

【导师】 黄健柏;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:2012年中国网民数量达到了5.38亿人,其中学生网民占比为28.6%。随着网络使用的日益频繁和普遍,网络消费对人们生活的深刻影响也越发彰显出来。大学生是网络消费的重要群体,他们的网络消费习惯对于网站运营甚至网络产业的发展都有着直接的影响。他们的网络消费观念、消费方式和消费结构的巨大变化也将对社会产生深远的影响。大学生网络消费虽然是个人的事情,却受到社会价值、文化发展、政治、经济和学校教育方式、家庭等因素的影响。为此,深入研究大学生的网络消费偏好及影响因素将是一项基础性工作。在梳理已有研究及相关理论基础上,本文采用自编问卷对153名大学生进行预试调查和710名大学生展开正式施测,通过项目分析、因素分析(探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析)、相关分析、信效度分析等方法对处理数据,最终形成网络消费偏好问卷。探索性因素分析的结果表明,问卷包含网络购物偏好、休闲娱乐偏好、网络沟通偏好和信息获取偏好四个维度,具有较好的结构效度和良好的实证效度;四个维度的内部一致性信度依次为0.79、0.78、0.74和0.69,达到了测量学的要求。验证性因素分析的结果进一步确证了大学生网络消费行为的四种偏好类型。本文依托畅体验理论,就国内外目前对网络畅体验的相关研究结果,提出了四项主要影响因素的假说,即风险因素、信任因素、条件因素和主体特点因素。通过问卷法,我们对这四项因素进行了分解,并形成了标准化的问卷。以这个结构化的标准问卷对以上四类因素的影响情况进行了测量。在验证了我们提出的假说的基础上,运用结构方程模型构造了大学生网络消费偏好的影响因素模型。对于大学生网络购物偏好而言,信任因素和风险因素的影响程度更大;在信任因素中,网站知名度和网站安全保障程度起到主要作用;在风险因素中,经济风险和效果风险起到更为主要的作用。对于大学生信息获取偏好而言,信任因素和条件因素的影响程度更大;在信任因素中,网站知名度和网站口碑起到更为主要的作用;在条件因素中,网站互动感和网站的权威感是更为重要的影响因素。对于大学生休闲娱乐偏好而言,条件因素和大学生因素的影响程度更大。在条件因素中,网站的互动感和娱乐性是更为重要的影响因素。在大学生因素中,好奇心和娱乐倾向是更为重要的影响因素。对于大学生网络沟通偏好而言,条件因素和大学生因素的影响程度更大。在条件因素中,网站的互动参与和技术支持的影响力更大;在大学生因素中,网络经验和好奇心的影响力更大。依据以上研究结论,本文提出了有关科学引导大学生网络消费行为的建议和如何提升网站运营竞争力的建议。从科学引导大学生网络消费行为的角度来看,本文认为:一是要正确认识大学生网络消费行为,政府和高校都应以开放心态对待大学生网络消费行为,并用科学的方法来分析这类行为背后蕴含的规律。二是要强化对网络市场的规范化管理,在这方面主要是要健全网络法律法规体系,推进虚拟社区诚信体系建设,健全虚拟社区管理的领导机构和组织,培育网络社会中介组织。从提升网站管理运营竞争力方面来看,本文认为:一是网站必须在科学分析受众网络消费行为偏好及其主要影响因素的前提下,真正落实差异化的营销。二是商业网站必须将核心竞争力建设放在网站建设的关键位置上,而大学生网络消费行为偏好及其影响因素模型,则为核心竞争力的培育提供了一个较好的视角。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Survey shows that the amount of Chinese netizen has reached538million by the end of June in2012. And among all netizens, there are about28.6%of them are student users. Internet consumption has play an important role in people’s daily life.College students are important Internet consumer groups, whose Internet consumer habits and attitudes plays an important role in the whole society and the development of the whole network industry. College student’s way of Internet consumption, Internet consumption structure and consumption concepts are now exert far-reaching influences. Although college students Internet consumption are personal things, it is always being affected by social value, culture development, political and economical things and universities and families. To study Internet comsumption of college students, is an foundamental work.This essay adopts a questionnaire which invent by this essay to a formal survey in710students. The essay treat the data by project analysis and factor analysis, and finally find that the college students Internet consumer preference includes four dimension which are preference of information access, preference of communication, preference of leisure and preference of network shopping. The internal consistency validity of the four dimensions are0.79、0.78、0.74和0.69. These dimensions has a good structure validity and empirical validity which verificate the four main preferences.The essay proposed four main influencing factors hypothesis based on the network flow theory and existing papaers. The four main influencing factors are:risk, turst, condition and characteristics of students. The essay invent a standard questionnaire and proposed a survey in students. The survey data verfified the four hypothesis, and the essay built the model of influencing factors of college students network consumer preference by the structural equation modeling.As for preference of network shopping, the factors of risk and trust are more important. In factors of risk, economic risk and effects risk are more important; In factors of trust, popularity of the website and the security degree of website are more important.As for preference of leirure, the factors of condition and characteristics of students are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and entertainment are more important. In factors of trust, popularity of the website and evaluation of website are more important.As for preference of information access, the factors of trust and condition are more important. In factors of trust, popularity of the website and evaluation of website are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and autority are more important.As for preference of conmmunication, condition and characteristics of students are more important. In factors of condition, interaction and techniques are more important. In factors of characteristics, experiences and curiosity are more important.This essay give some advices on how to induce the college students’ network behavior and how to strengthern the competition of website as an operator.On inducing the college students’network behavior, the essay insist that:firstly, the government and the university should understand the network consumption of college studengt correctly and openly. Second, the government should strengthern the management of the network market, build a sound system of laws and regulations of the network market, build up credit system of virtual community, build up the leadership and organizations of virtual community, training the network society intermediary organization.On strengtherning the competion of website, the essay insist that: firstly, website should implement the differentiated marketing on base of scientific analysis of the network consumer preferences. Secondly, website should pay more attention to the core competition, and this essay gives a good solution of what is more important for a demand analysis of consumers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期
  • 【分类号】C913.3;C913.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】7391
  • 攻读期成果

