

On the Cultivation of Virtue

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 赵继伦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文是对德性养成的文化哲学阐释,德性是一个人的内在本质规定。德性使人成其为人,是人之所以不同于禽兽的关键所在。是人在文化的滋养下,内在的、稳定的品质,德性不是强加的,是自觉自愿的行为。是文化“人化”的过程。德性是如何养成的?中外哲学家伦理学家众说纷纭。在市场经济发展的今天,社会提倡和谐、文明,尊重人的主体性,追求人的自由全面发展,时代呼唤加强道德建设。什么样的德性才符合社会发展的标准?已经成为现代社会发展的突出难题,也是精神文化建设必须要解决的问题。本文主要以文献研究的方法,梳理了中外哲学家、伦理学家对德性的论述,从文化哲学的视阈对德性生成、主体实践、德性养成的误区进行了论述,提出了关于德性养成的时代建构。全文分为五部分。第一部分,引论。界定了德性和德性养成的概念。德性是一个人的真正的内在本质规定,是在人性的基础上形成的一种获得性人类品质,一种表现为人在实践活动中所形成的较为稳定的品质和能力定势。德性养成是人类在文化的滋养中,形成的较为稳定的人的本质。是个体以自身内在为根据,又包含多重实践的历史形成过程;以生活实践为本源,由自发到自觉进而走向人的自由全面的发展。德性养成价值包含了三个方面:一个是德性养成的个体价值即人格价值,一个是德性养成的文化价值,一个是德性养成的社会价值即人生价值。第二部分,德性生成的文化阐释。梳理了东西方关于德性养成的研究成果,阐述了马克思关于德性的理论,文化哲学关于德性养成的理论。在德性的养成中,德性以真、善、美为人格的构成要素,以知、情、意的全面发展为内涵,体现着价值理性与工具理性的统一。德性主体的内在文化生成,是由于主体实践活动的内化、价值理性的确立、文化修养的提升实现的。同时,德性的养成也离不开:伦理关系和道德环境的影响、经济关系与价值理性的影响、政治关系和政治思想的影响、生态关系和文明意识的影响。第三部分,德性养成的主体实践。人在实践活动中获得了德性,同时又在实践活动中实现了德性的目的。德性养成的价值尺度表现为寻真的科学理性、向善的道德良心、求美的理想目标。以个体实践的行为尺度和社会群体实践的尺度以及社会发展的尺度作为客观标准。德性的养成是由内部因素和外部环境因素共同作用、共同决定的。第四部分,德性养成的误区。社会道德主体的多样性,市场经济利益最大化,致使社会道德约束在人们心中日趋淡化,这将极大的影响社会的协调发展。当代道德危机与德性迷失表现为:主体德性修养的缺失、行为的扭曲和德性与德行的分离;市场经济条件下,德性养成的困境是:工具理性的夸大和价值理性的迷失;德性教化真实效应的缺乏,表现为:自我观念的缺失、德性教育内容的僵化、德性教育形式的教条化。第五部分,文化哲学视阈下的德性养成实践。文化主体意识的确立、主体的自我反省、主体的行为实践构成了文化主体的文化自觉。通过弘扬社会主义核心价值观,在优秀民族文化传统的滋养下,吸纳世界先进文化的元素,重构道德调控模式,有效利用大众传媒方式等,就会养成德性,实现人生价值,实现中华民族的中国梦。

【Abstract】 The aim of this paper is the illustration of culture and philosophy upon virtue. Virtue isan inner stable quality of a person. It is the key point which makes human be real human anddistinct from animals. Instead imposing on someone, it is a volunteering behavior.Philosophers and ethicists at home and aboard point vary on how virtue cultivated. Nowadays,as the developing of market economic, harmonious society, culture, respecting human’s entityand pursuing human’s free development in an all-around way are advocated. Andstrengthening moral construction is appealed. What kind of virtue will accord with thestandard of social development have become an obvious challenge to modern societydeveloping and a problem must be solved for spiritual and cultural construction.With the method of literature research, this paper presents the virtue’s viewpoint ofphilosophers and ethicists at home and aboard. From the perspective of cultural philosophy, itputs forward the construction of eras about virtue’s cultivation. The full paper divides intofive parts altogether.The first part, introduction, defined the concept of virtue and virtue’s cultivation. Virtueis a human’s real inner essence regulation, an acquired human character based on humanity, acomparatively stable quality and ability set which formed in practice. And virtue’s cultivationis a relatively stable essence factor nourished by human culture, a process of history formingwhich relied on individual himself and concluded multiplex practice, a free comprehensivedevelopment which comes from spontaneity to consciousness and stems from daily practice.The value of virtue’s cultivation contains three aspects: the first one is individual value ofvirtue’s cultivation that is the value of personality. The second one is the cultural value ofvirtue’s cultivation and the third one is the social value that is the value of life.The second part is cultural illustration of virtue’s cultivation. It sorted out researchachievement about virtue’s cultivation from the East and the West. And it illustrated virtuetheory of Marx and virtue’s cultivation theory on culture and philosophy. During thecultivating of it, virtue takes the true, the good and the beautiful as component factors ofpersonality, the knowledgeable, the emotional, and the meaningful as connotations ofall-around development and represents the unification between value rationality andinstrument rationality. The inner culture formation of virtue’s subject is accomplished byinternalizing the subjects’ practice, establishing the value rationality and improving thecultural standard. Meanwhile, the cultivation of virtue also have something to do with theinfluence of ethic relationship and moral environment, the affection of economic relationshipand value rationality, the impaction of political relation and political thought, the impressionof ecological relationship and civilized awareness.The third part is the subject of practice of virtue’s cultivation. Human gained the virtue from the practical activities; they also achieved the purposes of virtue at the same time. Thevalue of virtue’s cultivation is behaved that looking for the scientific senses, goodness ofvirtual conscience, and the beautiful ideal target and regards the behavioral yardstick of theindividual practice, the measurement of social practice as the measurement of the socialdevelopment. Human virtue is cultivated by internal factors and external environmentalfactors.The forth part is misunderstanding of virtue’s cultivation. The diversity of socialmorality’s subject and the maximum of market economy benefit make social morality’sconstraint more weaken in the hearts of human. This will extremely influence socialcoordination and development. The contemporary moral crisis and lost of virtue areperformance for the deficiency of the subject of virtue’s cultivation, warping of behavior andthe separate of virtue and moral integrity. Under the condition of market economy, thepredicament of virtue’s cultivation is the exaggeration of the tool rationality, the maze ofvalue rationality. The insufficiency of real effect on the education of virtue’s cultivation showsthe deficiency of self concept, ossification of virtue’s educational content and the dogmatic ofvirtue’s educational pattern.The last part is virtue’s cultivation practice under the cultural philosophy. Theestablishment of the subject of cultural consciousness, the subject of auto-criticism, thesubject of behavioral practice are making up of the cultural consciousness of the subject ofculture. By propagating socialism core values, nourishing under the excellent culturaltradition, absorbing the advanced culture of the world, regenerating the pattern of moralregulate, effective utilizing the mode of public communication, and so on; the subject ofculture will cultivate the virtue, achieve the value of life, come true the China Dream of theChinese nation.

【关键词】 文化哲学德性德性养成文化主体实践
【Key words】 Cultural philosophyVirtueVirtue’s cultivationCultureSubjectPractice

