

The Impetus to and the Mechanism of Theoretical Innovations of Marxism Chinazation Since the China’s Reform and Opening-up

【作者】 建新

【导师】 孙堂厚;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义中国化的实质就是马克思主义的基本原理同中国具体实践、实际情况及时代特征相结合,从而不断实现马克思主义的中国化、本土化的历史性飞跃的过程。马克思主义通过与中国具体实际相结合而走向中国化,形成中国化马克思主义的理论新形态,对于中国共产党及其领导的革命、建设和改革事业来说,是极其重要的,可谓名副其实的核心工程、灵魂工程。马克思主义中国化并不是自发产生的,它必须诉诸于中国先进分子和中国共产党人不断进行的自觉理论努力,这种理论努力最显著的表现就是经由马克思主义普遍原理同中国具体国情相结合而实现的对马克思主义的理论创新。由于中国的具体实践和时代特征随着时间的推移而发生着不断地变化,对马克思主义中国化的理论创新也必将是一个不断结合、永无止境的过程。改革开放以来,正是在马克思主义中国化理论创新成果:邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观等一系列重大战略思想的指导下,我们开辟了中国特色社会主义建设的新阶段、取得了举世瞩目的历史性成就,并在新世纪新阶段,在开辟了马克思主义中国化新境界的同时,更在实践中大大推进了社会主义物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、社会文明以及生态文明等五位一体的中国特色社会主义事业的发展。“马克思主义中国化”这一命题的提出最早可以追溯到1938年10月中共六届六中全会的政治报告中,而马克思主义中国化的实际进程早在此之前就已经开始了。中国共产党自其成立以来,从没间断过对马克思主义中国化的探索。近年来,随着马克思主义理论及建设工程的提出以及马克思主义一级学科的设置,学术界、理论界对马克思主义中国化及其理论创新的相关研究越加丰富起来,马克思主义中国化越来越受到党和国家的关注和重视的同时,也越来越受到学术理论界的热议。本论文坚持以马克思主义基本原理为指导,坚持宏观的历史透视与微观的历史剖析相结合,坚持目的与手段、真理与价值的统一,从政治学、马克思主义理论、社会学、历史学等各学科交叉整合的视角,运用辩证唯物主义的思维方法以及信息梳理与分析、理论联系实际、研究的系统性与重点性相结合、多学科交叉整合等研究方法,通过分析改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的依据和前提基础,厘清改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的历史脉络与发展逻辑,揭示其创新动力与创新机制,在肯定已获得主要成果及其价值的基础上,总结经验,并对其面临困境及其根源进行思考。论文分为五个部分进行论述。第一部分,坚持历史梳理与现实把握相结合,对改革开放马克思主义中国化理论创新的依据进行了分析。提出改革开放马克思主义中国化理论创新的理论依据是对马克思主义基本原理的科学继承、历史依据是对社会主义实践经验的科学总结、现实依据是对中国特色社会主义的基本经验的科学总结、时代依据是对国际局势和时代特征的准确把握;在此基础上概括了改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的制度基础、思想基础和政治基础。第二部分,以时间和内容为线厘清改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的历史脉络与发展逻辑。将其分为三大历史阶段,即邓小平理论的提出与确立是社会主义建设理论的突破性创新阶段;“三个代表”重要思想的形成与确立是共产党执政理论的重大创新阶段;科学发展观等重大战略思想的形成与确立是社会主义发展理论的整体性创新阶段。第三部分,分析和阐述了马克思主义中国化理论创新的动力:马克思主义世界观、方法论及共产主义理想是马克思主义中国化理论创新的精神动力;人民群众的社会实践是马克思主义中国化理论创新的根本动力;党的理论创新的优良传统是马克思主义中国化理论创新的内在动力;解决新情况、新问题及重大突发性事件的需要是马克思主义中国化理论创新的现实动力。第四部分,分析和阐述了改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的机制:调查研究机制、党内民主机制、不断学习机制和学术创新转化机制,揭示了马克思主义中国化理论创新各要素的内在机理。第五部分,总结并揭示了改革开放以来马克思主义中国化理论创新的基本经验,提出马克思主义中国化理论创新必须坚持马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际的有机结合、必须坚持实践是检验真理的唯一标准、必须坚持尊重群众的首创精神、必须坚持以马克思主义的宽广眼界观察世界、必须积极培育有利于理论创新的社会环境和氛围。分析了包括理论与实践、“文本解读”与“时代解读”、坚持与发展、继承与创新、马克思主义中国化与世界化等在内的推动马克思主义中国化理论创新必须面对和正确解决的几对关系。最后从现实思考的角度,对当前马克思主义中国化理论创新面临的困境及其根源进行了分析,并运用学科交叉整合的方法对解决问题的路径进行了阐释。

【Abstract】 The nature of Marxism Chinazation is to integrate the basic principles of Marxism withChina’s specific practice, actual situation and the characteristics of our times, so as to realizecontinuously the Chinazation and localization of Marxism, which is a historical leap. Throughthe integration with China’s specific practice, the Marxism is sinicized and reformed as a newtheoretical model, which is an extremely important core project and spiritual work as regardsthe Communist Party of China (CPC) and the revolution, construction and reform under itsleadership. The Marxism Chinazation does not come into being spontaneously, but for thesake of the advanced elements and CPC members’ endless and initiative endeavor to conducttheoretical practice. The most remarkable effort is Marxism theoretical innovation as a resultof integrating its general principles with China’s specific national situation. With the ongoingchanges of China’s specific practice and characteristics of times, theoretical innovation ofMarxism Chinazation is going to be an endless integration. Since China’s reform andopening-up, under the guidance of fruitful innovations, like Deng Xiaoping Theory, ThreeRepresents Theory and its main ideas, as well as Scientific Outlook on Development andother strategic thoughts, we have explored a new phase of Socialism construction withChinese characteristics, and made historical achievements of world interest. On a new stageof the new century, we have opened up a new sphere for Marxism Chinazation. What’s more,in practice we have promoted the development of Socialism with Chinese characteristics as anintegration of the Socialist material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization,social civilization and ecological civilization.The concept of “Marxism Chinazation” has been first proposed in the Report of theCPC’s Sixth Session of the Six Plenary Session of Central Committee in October,1938.However, the actual progression of it has already begun long before. Since the establishmentof CPC, its members have never ceased to explore Marxism Chinazation. In recent years, withthe idea of Marxism construction and the establishment of the Marxism primary discipline,more diversified analyses concerning it and its theoretical innovations have emerged both inacademic and theoretical fields. It turns out to be a heated topic for academic researcherswhile receiving more and more concerns and attention from our Party and country.Under the guidance of basic Marxist political principles, this paper sticks to theintegration between macro-historical perspective and micro-historical insight, purpose andmethod, truth and value, from the trans-disciplinary perspectives of Politics, Marxism,Sociology, History etc. By dialectical materialism thinking and information processing andanalyzing, this study puts theory into practice, and adopts a trans-disciplinary method. Fromthe analysis of its theoretical innovation’s bases and prerequisites since China’s reform andopening-up, this paper intends to make clear the historical path and development logic ofMarxism Chinazation, and to reveal its impetus and mechanism so as to summarizeexperience and to have a deep though on its obstacles and ultimate causes, on the basis of itsmain achievements and significance. This paper is divided into5parts.Part One, with the integration of historic study and current analysis, analyzes the bases for the theoretical innovation of Marxism Chinazation. The theoretical basis is a scientificinherit of Marxist basic principles; the historical basis is a scientific summary of Socialistpractical experience; the actual basis is a scientific summary of primary experience ofSocialism with Chinese characteristics; the era basis is an accurate decision on theinternational conditions and features of times. Based on the above, a generalization is madeabout the system basis, ideological basis and political basis of its theoretical innovation sinceChina’s reform and opening-up.Part Two, with the timeline of reform and opening-up, explores the historic path anddevelopmental logic of the innovation. There are three historic phases: Deng Xiaoping Theorywas proposed and set up as a symbol for the breakthrough of innovation of Socialistconstruction theories; and then Three Represents Theory came into being and was establishedas the significant innovation of CPC’s ruling theories; finally, the Scientific Outlook onDevelopment as well as other strategic ideas emerged and set up as a holistic innovation ofSocialist development theories.Part Three is a scientific generalization and summary of the impetus to innovation:Marxist Worldview, methodology and the ideal of Communism are the spiritual impetus; thepeople’s social practice is the fundamental impetus; the fine tradition of our Party’s theoreticalinnovation is the existing impetus; the need to resolve new problems in new situations andurgent issues is the practical impetus.Part Four summarizes the mechanism of innovations since China’s reform andopening-up as the mechanism of survey and research, the mechanism of democracy with theParty, the mechanism of ongoing study and the mechanism of the academic innovationtransformation. This part offers a revelation of inner mechanism of each element in MarxismChinazation theoretical innovation.Part Five concludes and reveals the basic experience of Marxism Chinazation theoreticalinnovation since China’s reform and opening-up, and proposes that its innovation requiresthat we must adhere to the organic integration of the basic Marxism principles with China’sspecific situations, and to the statement that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, andto the fact that people are endowed with pioneering creativity which deserves respect, and tothe practice that we view the world from Marxist far-sighted viewpoint, and that we mustactively foster the social environment and atmosphere beneficial to the theoretical innovation.The final part discusses several relations, like theory and practice,“textual interpretation” and“contemporary interpretation”, persistence and development, inherit and innovation,Marxism Chinazation and globalization, etc. which need to be faced with and deal withappropriately if we want to proceed with the theoretical innovation. Last, from the perspectiveof practical thinking, Part Five analyzes the difficulties and ultimate causes for innovation andinterprets the path to the solutions by adopting a trans-disciplinary and blended method.


