

Research on the Communist Party of China to Deal with Emergencies During the Period of Democratic Revolution

【作者】 牟蕾

【导师】 郑德荣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国是一个突发事件高发的国家。突发事件的频繁发生,不但给国家、社会和人民群众造成巨大的损失,还破坏社会的良性运行和协调发展,并严重阻碍了社会主义现代化建设和全面建成小康社会的步伐。如何及时有效地应对突发事件,尽可能地减少突发事件的发生和最大限度降低已经发生的突发事件的负面影响,已经成为今后一定时期内党和政府必须高度重视的关键性问题。本文以“民主革命时期”为时限跨度,以“中国共产党应对突发事件”为研究对象,基于大量历史文献,系统梳理总结民主革命时期中国共产党应对突发事件的对策和经验,形成了“厘清事件的发展过程——探究事件的发生原因——找出应对事件的对策方案(政治、军事、组织、舆论四方面)——总结经验教训”的研究思路和方法。并力图实现梳理历史、总结经验、把握规律、指导实践的研究旨意。按照以上研究思路,本文共计六章。第一至第五章选取民主革命时期较具代表性的五大突发事件进行分析。分别对这五次事变的发生演进及对国际国内造成的影响进行了系统的梳理阐释。然后研究中国共产党在这些突发事件发生前的应急准备,事变发生后的应急处置以及对事变的后续处置。并且试图从政治、军事、组织、舆论四个方面探索研究中国共产党是如何应对这些突发事件的。第六章全面总结中国共产党民主革命时期应对突发事件的宝贵历史经验和现实启迪。各章主要内容概述如下:第一章论述大革命时期国民党反动派制造了血腥的四一二反革命政变,成为“清党”运动的开端。年幼的中国共产党面对突如其来的血腥屠杀和强大凶恶的敌人,没有应对突发事件的经验,只能被动应对。政治上右倾思想占主导没有正确的应对策略,军事上没有自己领导的有力武装,舆论攻势较弱。在反动势力的疯狂绞杀之下,大革命走向失败。第二章论述日本帝国主义企图独占中国为其殖民地而悍然发动九一八事变。面对日本帝国主义的侵略,国民党蒋介石的不抵抗政策和所谓依靠国联严重损害了中华民族的利益。中国共产党在政治上始终以国家民族利益至上,坚持独立自主,依靠广大人民群众;军事上加强革命武装建设;组织上扩充党组织的规模和力量;舆论上宣传发动反对日本帝国主义还加紧反对派别的斗争。并且中国共产党在事变发生后及时总结应对工作,进行自我批评,找寻不足之处,进而优化策略。第三章论述在长征途中发生张国焘南下分裂事件。毛泽东和党中央充分运用马克思列宁主义原则的坚定性和策略的灵活性相统一的原则,以大局为重,多次规劝张国焘,并做出妥协,但张国焘一意孤行,南下竟成事实,还另立所谓“中央”。针对张国焘的错误,中央坚定不移地奉行“党指挥枪”,坚决揭露批判其错误,军事上紧急北上,舆论上争取红四方面军广大官兵,消除负面影响。而后又借共产国际一臂之力。最终使南下分裂这一严峻危急的错综复杂的突发事件得以解决,并最终彻底战胜张国焘右倾分裂主义,维护了党和红军的统一。第四章论述由于蒋介石实行“攘外必先安内”的政策,使中华民族的利益不断被侵犯,中国的领土不断丧失。在民族危亡的历史关头,张学良、杨虎城为拯救国家和民族,逼不得已采取“兵谏”,扣留了蒋介石,爆发了震惊中外的西安事变。中国共产党面对事变,政治上以民族大义国家安危为前提基础,提出和平解决西安事变的方针,并作为一方直接参与和谈,军事上积极部署严防突袭,舆论上以反对造成新的内战为基本立场,组织上积极配合。最终实现了西安事变的和平解决。且在事变后努力推动时局的继续良性发展。第五章论述抗日战争进入相持阶段后蒋介石冒天下之大不韪直接发动了皖南事变,致使共产党遭受巨大损失,内战一触即发,给共产党提出了严峻的挑战。中国共产党在事变发生前就已经科学预见未来,做了较为充分的准备。而后面对危局,力挽狂澜,采取政治上大反攻,军事上采守势,组织舆论积极配合的策略,进行了有理有利有节的有效斗争,最终战胜了国民党顽固派,且在国民参政会上打了漂亮的一仗,维护了抗日民族统一战线,扩大了自身的影响。第六章基于民主革命时期中国共产党对各类突发事件的应对策略,找出普遍性的规律,总结其宝贵历史经验和现实启迪。主要是七个方面:维护国家民族和人民群众的根本利益是应对突发事件的根本出发点和落脚点;牢固树立忧患意识是应对突发事件的基本前提;努力驾驭突发事件是应对突发事件的重要原则;原则的坚定性和策略的灵活性相结合是应对突发事件的有效手段;一切从实际出发,总揽全局抓住主要矛盾是应对突发事件的根本方法;利用舆论动员争取社会力量是应对突发事件的可靠途径;提高主要领导者应对突发事件的能力是应对突发事件的重要保证。

【Abstract】 China has a high incidence of emergency. Frequent occurrence of emergencies,not only causing property losses, but also destroy the social benign operation andcoordinated development, has seriously hindered the Chinese characteristic socialismand well-off society. How to effectively deal with various emergencies and how toreduce the occurrence of unexpected events and maximum negative influence ofincident has occurred, as much as possible,has become a certain period of time in thefuture the Communist Party of China must attach great importance to and major issuesto correct processing.Based on the " democratic revolution " as the time definition," the CommunistParty of China to deal with emergencies " as the research object, based on lots ofliteratures, systematically summed up the Chinese Communist emergency measuresand experience, formed the reason to clarify the developing process of events----findsolutions (politics, military, organization, public opinion)--Summary the experiencesand lessons. This is my Research ideas and methodology. And try to achieve theresearch purpose: to sort out the history, summarize the experience, grasp the law,guide the practice of research.According to the above research, this paper includes six chapters. The first to thefifth chapter chooses the five events during the period of democratic revolution.Thenarrative of the five incident occurred and the domestic and international influencehas carried on.Then, emergency preparedness research before the emergencies,emergency disposal after the incident and the subsequent disposal. And try to knowthe Communist Party of China how to deal with these emergencies from the fouraspects of political, military, public opinion research.The sixth chapter is the valuablehistorical experience and realistic enlightenment of a comprehensive summary.Themain content of each chapter is as follows:The first chapter discusses the Kuomintang reactionaries tried to " purge ",somanufacturing a bloody four one two counter-revolutionary coup, become " purge "the beginning of the movement. The young communist party face unexpectedlybloody slaughter and powerful enemies, without the correct guiding ideology, withouthis leadership of the armed forces, no experience in handling emergencies, only apassive response. Under the joint strangulation of reactionary forces both at home and abroad, the revolution to fail.The second chapter discusses the Japanese attempt to monopolize China, solaunched nine one eight incident. Face the Japanese imperialist aggression, the JiangJieshi nonresistance and so-called rely on the League of nations seriously damage theinterests of the Chinese nation. The Communist Party of China has always been tonational interests first, to stand on one’s own, closely rely on the masses, unite thecountry against the common enemy. The Communist Party of China not only in theincident, propose solutions. And to summarize work, self criticism, and find out theproblems, then optimization strategy.The third chapter discusses after counter-campaigns failed, the Red Army wasforced to March, on the long march happened Zhang Guotao South Division events.Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the party to the overall situation,repeatedly persuade and compromise Zhang, but Zhang Guotao persist arbitrarily, theSouth has become fact. Then established the " central ". Mao Zedong and the CentralCommittee of the party make full use of the strategy of the principle of Marx Lenin,adopt various flexible tactics of struggle, the south division solved, and finallycompletely defeat the Zhang Guotao separatist, maintain the unity of the Party and theRed Army.The fourth chapter discusses the because of Jiang Jieshi implement “Suppressionof enemy must maintain a country” policy, the interests of the China nation has beeninfringed, the territory of China lost. In the nation historical juncture, Zhang Xueliang,Yang Hucheng for the state and national salvation, take " remonstrance ", detainedJiang Jieshi, Xi’an shocked the world. The Communist Party of China facing theincident, politically to national interests as the premise and foundation of nationalsecurity, actively deployed to prevent raids, public opinion against caused a new civilwar as the basic standpoint, finally puts forward the peaceful settlement, directlyinvolved in the talks, achieve the peaceful resolution of Xi’an incident. After theincident the situation to continue efforts to promote the benign developmentThe fifth chapter discusses the Anti-Japanese War entered the Stalemate Stage.Jiang Jieshi launched the southern Anhui Incident, the Communist party suffered hugelosses, the civil war be triggered at any moment. This emergency presented a seriouschallenge to the Communist party. Face this crisis the Communist Party of Chinaturn back the powers of darkness, take the political counterattack, the military adoptdefensive strategy, effectively fight rational and restrained, eventually defeated the Kuomintang diehards, and fought a good fight in the National Political Council,maintaining the anti-Japanese national united front, and expanded the beneficialeffects of their own.The sixth chapter base on the Communist Party of China on all kinds ofunexpected events coping strategies during the period of democratic revolution, tofind the universal law, and then summarize the valuable historical experience andenlightenment. Mainly seven aspects: To deal with emergencies: Safeguard thefundamental interests of the nation and the people is the basic starting point andfoothold. Crisis into opportunities, challenges for power is an important principle ofemergency. Combined with the consistency and flexibility of tactics of principle phaseis an effective means.Everything from set out actually, overall grasp the principalcontradiction is the basic method. Mobilization and strive for the support of social allcircles is a reliable way.Prove the main leaders and collective decision-makingscientific emergency decision making is an important guarantee.


