

The Study on the Inner-Party Power Operating Mechanism of the CPC

【作者】 石学峰

【导师】 田克勤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 自2002年中共十六大以来,中共中央不止一次提出:要健全和完善中国共产党党内权力运行机制这一重大的理论命题和实践课题。为此,理论界断断续续对该课题进行了初步争鸣和探讨。然而,由于该课题所涉及的学科的交叉性和课题本身的复杂性以及敏感性,因而从总体上看,目前学界对该项课题的研究仍然没有取得较大进展,尤其是在中共党史领域内尚显薄弱。基于此,本文从一个新的视角——以建国后党政关系发生的整体性变化为视角,综合运用多种研究方法,较为系统性地研究了建国后党政关系发生四次整体性变化下的中国共产党党内权力运行机制的不同特征,并从理论上分析了中国共产党党内权力运行机制的不同特征与党政关系发生的四次整体性变化的关系,最终揭示出全国执政时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制与党政关系密切关联这一条客观规律和重要启示。本论文包括引言及六章共七个部分。引言部分阐释了问题缘起及研究意义,对相关文献和学术研究现状进行了精炼性评述,对研究框架及研究重点和难点、研究方法以及研究的创新点和不足之处作了必要性的说明。指出:就中国共产党党内权力运行机制的研究现状而言,目前学界尚未对中国共产党党内权力运行机制的内涵、构成要素、功能以及理论特征等进行科学而规范的理论建构,存在重视理论剖析与探讨而轻视史实梳理与归纳的缺陷和问题以及尚缺乏新的研究视角和新的研究思路;开展这项研究,无论对优化中国共产党党内权力运行机制,还是拓宽中共党史研究领域,都具有十分重要的现实意义和学术价值。第一章从理论建构出发,指出,所谓中国共产党党内权力运行机制,就是指:在合理配置和科学划分中国共产党内部进行政治活动的一系列权力实体的职责基础之上,为保证中国共产党党内权力科学、高效、公正运作,通过一系列制度规定和制度安排而形成的中国共产党党内各权力实体之间相互关联、相互制约、相互协调、相互作用的配置模式以及运行方式;中国共产党党内权力运行机制主要由权力运行授予机制、权力运行决策机制、权力运行执行机制和权力运行监督机制四个构成要素相互衔接、相互联系、有机构成;中国共产党党内权力运行机制的基本功能由内向性功能和外向性功能两部分构成;根据文本的相关规定,透过现象分析本质,透过枝叶抓其主干,从理论上看,中国共产党党内权力运行机制具有以下几个鲜明的理论特征,即:它是一种集体领导和权力共享机制、它是一种上级与下级权力的双向互动机制、它遵循特定、规范而又严密的运作程序。第二、第三、第四、第五章从建国后党政关系发生的整体性变化为研究视角出发,指出:从1949年10月新中国成立至1956年社会主义改造基本完成这一历史时期,中国的党政关系发生了建国后的第一次整体性变化——“形变”,主要表现为:先后形成了中国共产党对国家政权的“间接领导”模式、中国共产党对国家政权的“直接领导”模式以及中国共产党党委对国家政权的“分口领导”模式三种模式。基于党政关系发生“形变”的视角下,从整体特征研究这一历史时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制,发现,中国共产党党内权力运行机制几乎没有发生根本性变化,而是始终呈现出一种非常“稳定”或者说“未变”特征。笔者从历史给予的既成客观事实中得出:中国共产党党内权力运行机制的这种“未变”特征与这一历史时期党政关系发生的“形变”密切关联;从1956年社会主义改造基本完成至1966年“文化大革命”爆发前夕这一历史时期,中国的党政关系发生了建国后的第二次整体性变化——“实变”,主要表现为:先后形成了“党政适当分开”模式、“党政不分”模式、“党政有限调整”模式。基于党政关系发生“实变”的视角下,从整体特征研究这一历史时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制,发现,中国共产党党内权力运行机制相应呈现出一种非常强烈的“剧变”特征。笔者从历史给予的既成客观事实中得出:中国共产党党内权力运行机制的这种“剧变”特征与这一历史时期党政关系发生的“实变”密切关联;从1966年“文化大革命”爆发至1978年中共十一届三中全会召开前夕这一历史时期,中国的党政关系发生了建国后的第三次整体性变化——“病变”,主要表现为:党政领导系统遭到全面破坏,党政权力运行失去依托;由“三结合”组成的革命委员会,将党政不分推向极端。基于党政关系发生“病变”的视角下,从总体特征研究这一历史时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制,发现,中国共产党党内权力运行机制相应呈现出一种“畸变”特征。笔者从历史给予的既成客观事实中得出:中国共产党党内权力运行机制的这种“畸变”特征与这一历史时期党政关系发生的“病变”密切关联;从1978年中共十一届三中全会召开以来这一历史时期,中国的党政关系发生了建国后的第四次整体性变化——“良变”,主要表现为:先后形成了“党政职能分开”模式、“以党领政”模式以及“科学执政、民主执政、依法执政”模式。基于党政关系发生“良变”的视角下,从整体特征研究这一历史时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制,发现,中国共产党党内权力运行机制相应呈现出了一种“制变”特征。笔者从历史给予的既成客观事实中得出:中国共产党党内权力运行机制的这种“制变”特征与这一历史时期党政关系发生的“良变”密切关联;第六章依据新中国成立后中国共产党党内权力运行机制在党政关系发生“形变”、“实变”、“病变”和“良变”这四次整体性变化下所分别呈现出的“未变”、“剧变”、“畸变”和“制变”特征和客观事实,笔者运用归纳法,从中归纳和揭示出一条具有真理性的客观规律,即:全国执政时期的中国共产党党内权力运行机制始终与党政关系密切关联。由这一客观规律出发,笔者认为,在优化中国共产党党内权力运行机制时应该把处理好党政关系作为重要一环,同时应把“机制”本身的优化作为根本。

【Abstract】 Since the16thCPC National Congress in2002, the CPC central committee put forwardmore than once:to improve and perfect the Chinese communist party in power operationmechanism of this great theoretical proposition and the practice topic.Therefore, the circle offand on to this topic has carried on the preliminary of debate and discussion. However, due tothe subject involves the subject and the complexity of intersectional subject and sensitivity,therefore, from the overall perspective, academic circles at present to the topic research stillnot have made great progress, especially in the history of the communist party of China in thefield of weak is explicit. Based on this, this paper, from a new perspective based on the rulingperiod-the relationship between party and government four integrity significant changeperspective, the integrated use of various research methods, relatively systematic research therelationship between party and government ruling period of four major changes happenedintegrity of Chinese communist party in power of the operation mechanism of differentcharacteristics, and theoretically analyzed the Chinese communist party in power of theoperation mechanism of different characteristics and the relationship between the party of thefour major changes associated with integrity, and finally reveals the ruling period of theChinese communist party in power operation mechanism and the relationship between partyand government closely related this one objective laws and important enlightenment.This article covers7parts, including a preface and6chapters.The introduction part explains the origin of the problem and the research significance,the reference and research status of refining are reviewed, the research framework andresearch emphasis and difficulty, research methods and research the innovation points andshortcomings for the necessity of the instructions. Think, the communist party of China partypower of the operation mechanism of research status is concerned, at present, most of scholarshas yet to the communist party of China party power of the operation mechanism ofconnotation, components, function and characteristics of the theory of scientific andnormative theory modeling, there to take the theory analysis and discusses the historical factsand despise comb and inductive defects and problems and lack of new research perspectiveand new research ideas. Points out that, to carry out the study, no matter for optimization ofthe communist party of China party power operation mechanism, or broaden the history of thecommunist party of China research field, have very important realistic significance andacademic value.This paper first chapter starting from the theory modeling, it is pointed out that, theChinese communist party in power operation mechanism, which means that: in the reasonable configuration and classification of the communist party of China political activities within aseries of power entity duty basis, to ensure that the communist party of China party powerscientific, efficient, fair operation, through a series of rules and system arrangement and theformation of Chinese communist party in power between the entity relationship andrestraining each other, mutual coordination, the interaction of configuration mode andoperation mode; The communist party of China party power operation mechanism is mainlycomposed of power operation awarded mechanism, power operation decision-makingmechanism, power operation execution mechanism and power operation supervisionmechanism four concreteness elements connected, mutual connection, organic composition;The communist party of China party power of the operation mechanism of important functionmainly consists of introversion and extroversion sexual function of two components;According to the relevant provisions of the text, through the analysis of the phenomenon ofessence, through the branches grasp its trunk, theoretically, the communist party of Chinaparty power operation mechanism has the following several distinct characteristics, namely: itis a kind of collective leadership and power sharing mechanism, it is a kind of superior andinferior power the bidirectional interaction mechanism, it follow a certain, standard and strictoperation procedure.In the second, third, fourth, fifth chapter from the ruling party and governmentrelationship between the period of four major changes the perspective of integrity, and pointsout that,From1949to1956, basically completed the socialist transformation of the seven yearshistorical period, party and government happened after enter the national ruling first integritysignificant change--"deformation", has formed the ruling party to the government’s "indirectleadership mechanism, the ruling party to the government’s" direct leadership mechanism aswell as the ruling party committee "points mouth leadership mechanism three modes. Thecommunist party of China and the government based on the relationship between the firstmajor change happened integrity-"deformation" perspective, from the overall characteristicsto study the historical period of the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism,and found that the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism almost noradically change, but always present a very "stable" or "unchanged" characteristics. Theauthor from the historical give established objective facts and abstract bear theorycrystallization is: the Chinese communist party in power of the operation mechanism of "notchange" characteristics and the history of the party and the relationship between the firstmajor change integrity-"deformation" close association;From1956to1966, the comprehensive construction socialism this ten years historicalperiod, party and government relations happened after enter the national ruling the secondmajor change integrity-"real variable", has formed a "party and government appropriate separate" mode,"regardless of party and government" model,"party and government limitedadjustment" mode. The communist party of China and the government based on therelationship between the second great changes happened integrity-"real variable" perspective,from the overall characteristics to study the historical period of the Chinese communist partyin power operation mechanism, and found that the Chinese communist party in poweroperation mechanism never as1949to1956party and government relations occur after enterthe national ruling first integrity significant change--"deformation" period of history thatalways keep a kind of "not change" features, but presents a very strong "upheaval"characteristics. The author from the historical give established objective facts and abstractbear theory crystallization is: the Chinese communist party in power of the operationmechanism of "upheaval" characteristics and the history of the party and the relationshipbetween this second integrity major change-"real variable" close association;From1966to1978this historical period, party and government relations happened toenter the national governing the third integrity significant change--"disease". The communistparty of China and the government based on the relationship between the third great changeshappened integrity-"disease" perspective, from the general characteristics of study thehistorical period of the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism, and foundthat the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism is neither like1949to1956party and government relations occur after enter the national ruling first integrity significantchange--"deformation" period of history that always keep a kind of "not change"characteristic, also do not have as1956to1966party and government relations occur afterenter the national ruling the second major change integrity-"real variable" period of historythat presents a very strong "upheaval" features, but presents a kind of "distortion"characteristics. The author from the historical give established objective facts and abstractbear theory crystallization is: the Chinese communist party in power of the operationmechanism of "distortion" characteristics and the history of the party and the relationshipbetween this third time integrity significant change--"disease" close association;Since1978this historical period, party and government relations happened after enterthe national ruling the fourth integrity major change-"good change", has formed a "party andgovernment function separate" mode,"to the party brought political" mode,"scientificgovernance, democratic governance, to rule by law""three ruling" model. The communistparty of China and the government based on the relationship between the fourth majorchanges happened integrity-"good change" perspective, from the overall characteristics tostudy the historical period of the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism,and found that the Chinese communist party in power operation mechanism is neither like1949to1956party and government relations occur after enter the national ruling firstintegrity significant change--"deformation" period of history that always keep a kind of "not change" state, also do not have like1956to1966party and government relations occur afterenter the national ruling the second major change integrity-"real variable" period of historythat presents a very strong "upheaval" condition, the more there is no one like1966to1978party and government relationship between the national governing the third integritysignificant change--"disease" period of history that presents a kind of "distortion" status, butgradually to the institutional--"system change". The author from the historical giveestablished objective facts and abstract bear theory crystallization is: the Chinese communistparty in power of the operation mechanism of "system change" characteristics and the historyof the party and the relationship between the fourth integrity major change-"good change"close association;The sixth chapter in this paper according to after the founding of the communist party ofChina party power operation mechanism in the party and government relationship between"deformation" and "real variable","disease" and "good change" the integrity of four majorchange respectively under the present "unchanged","change","distortion" and "systemchange" characteristics and the objective fact, to conclude and reveals a has the objective lawsof truth, namely: the national ruling period of the Chinese communist party in poweroperation mechanism has always been closely linked with party and government relations.From the start the objective law, the author thinks that, in the optimization of the communistparty of China party power operation mechanism should deal with the relationship betweenparty and government as an important premise, and at the same time, the optimization ofshould be the mechanism itself as a fundamental.

【关键词】 中国共产党党内权力运行机制研究
【Key words】 CCPinner-party PowerOperating Mechanismstudy

