

A Research on the Stages and the Realism of Citizenship Education of Contemporary China

【作者】 王英杰

【导师】 臧宏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 公民教育是世界各国普遍开展的一项教育实践活动。新中国成立以后到改革开放前,我国的公民教育基本被政治教育所取代,没有得到真正意义上的发展。当代中国公民教育真正意义上的开展是在改革开放以后。党和国家的一系列重要文件对公民教育都有过明确的要求和规定。在中小学的课程体系中开展了公民教育。研究当代中国公民教育的实践,我发现在国家发展的不同时期对公民和公民教育的要求是不同的。这就是公民教育的取向发展。而不同的公民教育要求的背后是社会需要的不同,公民发展水平的制约以及社会可容纳程度的差异。这就是公民教育取向发展的现实性。本文试图对当代中国的公民教育发展做出三个阶段的划分,认为公民教育的发展经历了公民素质教育、公民道德教育、公民意识教育三个阶段。在不同的发展阶段,公民教育的要求是不同的,这是公民教育的取向及其发展。研究公民教育取向的发展其目的是揭示公民教育取向发展的现实性,为我国公民教育的现实性开展提出现实性的构想。对此,本文围绕着五个方面展开论述:第一章公民教育的一般理论研究。公民教育是对公民的教育,是关于公民的教育,是关于如何做个好公民的教育。公民教育与思想政治教育内容范围不同,教育要求不同。通过研究公民教育的一般理论,将公民教育与思想政治教育做以比较,能清楚地鉴别出当代中国哪些教育是公民教育,其与思想政治教育的关系如何。公民教育具有全民性、终身性、多样性、时代性和政治性的特征。从本质和特征两个角度研究公民教育,是本文的基础性工作,是本文研究得以开展的理论基础。第二章当代中国公民教育取向的发展阶段。公民教育的取向发展阶段及其现实性是本文研究的核心部分。本章首先交代清楚什么是公民教育的取向,什么是公民教育取向的发展,划分公民教育取向发展的依据是什么。本文以国家提出公民教育的背景性文件为标准将当代中国的公民教育划分为公民素质教育阶段(二十世纪八十年代中期至二十世纪末)、公民道德教育阶段(2001年至十七大以前)和公民意识教育阶段(2007年十七大至今)三个阶段。在这三个阶段国家分别强调公民素质教育、公民道德教育和公民意识教育,表明我国公民教育的发展是一个由低级到高级、由边缘到内核的发展过程。第三章公民教育取向发展的国际借鉴。本章分别从东方和西方选择了两个国家作为国际借鉴的对象,即英国、美国、日本和新加坡。首先本文认为以上四国其公民教育发展的阶段性很明显,并详细划分了以上四国公民教育取向发展的阶段。在此基础上,我发现公民教育是社会现实需要的反映,而公民自身的水平和现状切实影响了公民教育取向的转换。第四章当代中国公民教育的现实性思考。本章是前文研究的结论,也是本文研究的核心之一,更加是本文研究的皈依所在。本文认为,首先公民教育因社会需要而产生。公民教育出生于社会需要,公民教育取向的发展也源于国家和社会发展的需要。同时,社会现实制约公民教育的发展。社会现实是确定公民教育目标的根据,社会现实为公民教育提供条件和物质支持,政治需要是公民教育发展的一贯动力。其次,公民自身的水平和发展程度是公民教育发展的对象性制约因素。公民是公民教育的主体核心。公民教育是对公民的教育,是为了公民的教育,是依靠公民的教育。公民的发展水平也是制约公民教育进程的因素。公民现状是现实教育的出发点,公民的自我意愿和能力对公民教育进程有很大的影响。最后,社会发展的现实性满足是公民教育演进的边界性规定。公民教育取向是社会现实的期待,需要社会现实做好准备,并且公民教育取向有着社会现实容纳的边界规定。第五章我国公民教育取向的现实构想。理论研究必须服务于实践才能具有价值。本文提出,首先公民教育取向必须以现实为基础。现实社会需要是现实基础的内核,公民发展水平现状是现实基础的重要参照,还需要社会对公民发展水平有一定程度的准备。其次,公民教育的内容要体现公民的本质。公民知识是现代公民意识教育的基础,公民能力和技巧是现代公民意识教育的重点,公民权利义务即公民责任是公民意识教育的核心。当然,公民意识教育尤其民族性的特点,需要利用其本土资源。最后,公民意识教育的路径选择上,应以学生课堂教育为基本渠道,同时在公民实践和法制建设中进行。

【Abstract】 Citizenship education is commonly conducted of all countries in the world.After the founding of new China to the reform and opening-up, the citizenship education of our country was replaced by political education.The true meaning of citizenship education in contemporary China’s development is in after the reform and opening up. A series of important documents of the party and country of citizenship education have clear requirements and regulations.There were citizenship education in primary and middle schools curriculum system.Through concerning the practice of citizenship education in contemporary China, I found that in different period of national development there were different understanding and practising of citizen and citizenship education.It is the development orientation of citizenship education.By researching the development of citizensip education,I found that there were different social needs,different development level of citizens, the constraints of the society. All of this I call it the reality of citizenship education development.This paper attempts to make a division of the development of civic education in contemporary China, that is stage of the citizen’s quality education, citizen’s moral education, civic education.In different stages of development, requirements for citizenship education are different, this is the orientation and development of citizenship education. The purpose of research on the development orientation of citizenship education is to reveal the reality orientation of citizenship education development, as the reality of the citizen education of our country to carry out the conception of reality.For this, this paper focuses on five aspects:The first chapter studied on the general theory of of citizenship education.Citizenship education is education on the citizens, is education about citizenship, is about how to be a good citizen. Comparing to the ideological and political education,citizenship education has different education requirements and different content.By comparing them we can clearly identify what contemporary education in China is citizenship education and the relationship bettwen citizenship education and the ideological and political education.Characteristics of citizenship education is that it is universal, lifelong, diverse, timely and political.Revealing the nature and characteristics of citizenship education is the basis of this work, also the basis of carrying out this study.The second chapteris the stagea of development citizenship education orientation of contemporary China.Orientation of the development stage of citizenship education and its reality is the key part of this paper.This chapter first made clear what is the orientation of citizenship education, what is the development orientation of citizenship education, what is the basis for the development of citizenship education orientation.The main part of this chapterr is the stages of citizenship education in coontemporary China.Based on the national background of citizenship education,I chose national file concerning citizenship education as the standard.So the stages of citizenship education in contemporary China will be divided into three stages:the stage of the citizen’s quality education (nineteen eighties middle to late twentieth Century), the stage of moral education of citizens (2001to17before) and Citizenship Education (Party Congress in2007to so far).Respectively emphasized the citizen’s quality education, moral education and civic education in the state of these three stages, showed that the development of citizenship education in our country is a from lower to higher, from the edge to the corel.The third chapter is the international comparing of citizenship education development.In this chapter I chose four countries as the object of international experience,namely the United States, Britain, Japan and Singapore.First, I divided the phases of citizenship education development of the above four countries.Based on this basis, I found the citizenship education is a reflection of social reality needs, and the level and status of its citizens influenced the conversion of citizenship education orientation.The fourth chapter is the realistic thinking of the citizenship education of contemporary china.This chapter is the conclusion of the study, and is also one of the core of this paper.Firstly,citizenship education was born in the need of the society. The need of the development of citizenship education orientation also comes from the national and social development.At the same time social reality is determined according to the target of citizenship education, social reality determine the citizenip education conditions and provide material support.Political needs are always power for citizenship education.Secondly, the citizen’s own level of development is the objective constraints the development of citizenship education.Citizen is the main body of citizenship education.Citizenship education is education on the citizens, for the citizens and it is education relying on citizens.Factors of the development level of citizen also restrict the citizenship education process.Citizenship status is the starting point of realistic education, self will and the ability of citizens has a great influence on citizenship education process.Finally, to what content the reality of social development to meet the provisions of citizensip education is the boundary of the evolution of citizenship education.Orientation of citizenship education is the social realistic expectations.Citizenship education needs the social reality to prepare, and there is boundary for orientation of citizenship education,that is the regulations of social reality. The fifth chapter is the realistic thinking of the construction of citizenship education in China.Theoretical research must serve the practice,that is the value of it.In this chapter firstly the orientation of citizenship education must be based on reality.Our society is the realistic foundation of the kernel, the present level of citizen development is the important reference basis in reality, but also there is certain degree of preparation on the development level of citizens.Secondly, the content of citizenship education should embody the essence of citizens. Civic knowledge is the foundation of modern citizenship education, civic competence and skills is the focus of modem citizenship education, consciousness on rights and obligations of citizens is the core of citizenship education. Of course, the citizen consciousness education especially ethnic characteristics, needs to use the native resources.Finally, the path to citizenship education, classroom education for students in primary and junior school should be the basic channel.Simultaneously citienship education should be conduceted in civil practice and legal system construction.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】849

