

An Analysis of American Women’s Employment from the WWⅡto1980s

【作者】 王春侠

【导师】 孙群郎;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 通常,第二次世界大战被认为是美国女性就业呈现变化的分水岭,也是女性大量加入就业队伍的时机,在二战后,社会处于和平发展时期,社会在前进,科技在发展,经济在繁荣,女性就业状况的研究能够反映出常态社会发展中女性的生存状况,对女性生存地位的认识会更加深刻。结合战后女性就业所呈现出的不同以往的特点,美国女性就业历史的变化可以清晰地展现在读者面前。本文关注美国女性二战后至80年代期间的就业变化,以期观察现代社会中美国女性的就业历程。论文的第一章概述了二战前后美国女性就业的状况,以二战为分界点,按照时间发展顺序,分别叙述了战前以及战后美国女性就业的动态发展。归纳了美国女性二战前的就业特点及地位,在二战时女性就业局面转变的阐述中,为女性战后就业变化的对比做以铺垫,继而总结出战后美国女性在各个历史时期的就业变化,从而,读者可以全景性的了解美国女性的就业发展。第二章归纳二战后美国女性就业的特点及意义,认为战后女性从业人员的就业率不断提高,女性从业人员出现行业聚集;就业的范围有所扩大,曾经排斥女性进入的行业领域也有了女性就业的身影;中年女性成为从业女性主体;尤其是已婚女性以空前之势加入就业队伍;加之,女性工作时间呈现多样性,使女性的就业决定具有了选择的空间;不仅如此,就业中实现同工同酬的可能性逐渐增大,女性的就业前景期待向好。从而,女性就业所引发的社会效用应该得到重视。女性就业不仅拉动社会的经济发展,还有助于提高家庭的生活水平;不仅有利于改善女性的生存环境,还会促进子女独立意识的形成和社会风尚的改变;另外,就业还改善了女性的健康状况,有利于社会朝着积极向上的方向发展。第三章分析美国女性就业变化的动因,认为经济收入的刺激依然是鼓励女性参与就业的首要因素;但是实现职业志向的内在需求在战后女性群体意识中有所加强;出生率的下降为女性脱离家庭桎梏创造了条件;经济市场的供需关系也加快了女性就业的步伐;家庭关系、婚姻观念以及家庭职能改变等因素形成了推动女性进入就业大军的助力;社会公众事务与社会思潮的促进,尤其是女权运动的启迪更是加快了女性融入就业行列的速度;家务劳动缓解了家庭对女性的牵制;文化水平的迅速提高又为女性寻找适宜就业机会提供了可能;联邦政府就业政策的扶持最终成为了美国女性就业的有力推手;女性劣势的就业地位反而成为自身从事就业活动的竞争砝码。第四章剖析了美国女性就业仍旧存在的问题:性别歧视仍旧存在;女性薪资所得十分低廉;女性就业遭受婚姻歧视的事实不可否认;晋升机会少使女性就业前景黯然;职业隔离使女性不能得到公平对待;“传统女性气质”和“职业女性气质”的双重重压使女性就业乏力;教育瓶颈的挤压使女性就业处于不利地位;少数族裔女性受种族歧视和性别歧视的双重重压;工作中存在的性骚扰现象使女性对就业产生了畏惧心理;社会舆论反对女性就业的呼声依旧,尤其受到男性工会的排挤;女性对于自身价值的积极认识有待提高;就业压力导致女性的健康状况受损;国家政策未充分为女性平等就业创设条件;女性就业存在替补性质;女性仍旧无法摆脱贫困化的境遇;这些问题都会在此章节中逐一阐述。论文最终得出结论:美国女性就业地位自二战后还是取得了一定的改善,但现实生活中仍旧存在许多问题,阻碍了女性成为真正平等的性别与男性在社会生存中展开竞争。社会、企业应当制定一些机制以助推女性既想拥有事业又想拥有美满家庭的基本愿望的实现。具体的解决办法就是女性和男性都应该享受亲子假,完善休假体制,让子女的健康成长不再只是就业母亲的责任;灵活的工作时间也是利于家庭稳定、促进家庭收入增长、有效优化资源的必要措施,高质充盈托幼体系的健全也会为女性走入就业队伍保驾护航。对于女性就业所引发问题的解决,应该是深远性的根本变革,应该是整个社会乃至全世界思想观念的彻底改变。

【Abstract】 Usually, the WWII is considered as the watershed of American women’s employment.This period of time is the perfect occasion for women’s working. Especially after the war,the society is in the condition of peace, the time being advancing, the technology beingdeveloping, the economy being prosperous. Under such backgrounds, the study onwomen’s employment can reflect their living reality and make the public impressive onwomen’s living status. When contrasting the characteristics of women’s employment whichare different from the previous ones, the historical changes of American women’semployment will be clearly presented to readers.The dissertation concerns about American women’s employment from the WWII to1980s in order that the history of American women’s employment can be observed.The first chapter describes chronologically the dynamite development of Americanwomen labors’ employment from the beginning of early twentieth century to1980s,summarizing American women’s employment characteristics and women’s status beforethe WWII. The statement on women’s employment during the WWII lays the basis for theelaboration of the states of women’s employment after the WWII. Then, the variousemploying features of American women can be concluded. Thus, the panoramicunderstanding of American women’s employment can be offered to readers.The second chapter generalizes American women’s employment characteristics andsignificance after WWII, holding the views that the participating rate women’semployment keeping increasing, female labors assemble in certain professions; the scopeof their employment has been widened with so many female labor employed in theworking fields which once discriminated against them; middle-aged women become themain part female labors; especially married women participate in the work force inunprecedented numbers; women’s working decision can be alternative with variousworking time choices; the possibility of equal pay for equal work gradually becomesrealistic. All in all, the prospect of women’s employment is becoming much better.Therefore, the social effects of women’s employment should be attached great importance.Women’s employment advances the economic development, improving family’s livingstandard, bettering women’s living surroundings, formulating the independence conceptionof children and altering the social morals, perfecting women’s physical conditions. In aword, women’s employment is beneficial to the society’s prosperous development.The third chapter analyzes the reasons why some changes of American women’semployment occur. The economic stimulation is still the main one; the internal need to realize career ambition is strengthened among female labors; the decrease of birth ratecreates the conditions for women to escape from housework; the relation of supply anddemand in the economic market boosts women to enter the employment market; thechanges of family relations, marriage notions and family functions are the ones to drivewomen into the work force; the social affairs and ideological trend, especially theemancipating ideas of feminism accelerate the rate of women’s employment; thehousework relieves the housewives pressure; the improvement of educational levels makeit feasible for women to find proper employment chances; the support of governmentpolicies assist women’s employment; the inferior employment situation makes womenquite competitive in employing activities.The fourth chapter exposes the existing problems of American women’s employment.The problems are: the sex discrimination still exists; women labors’ wages are lower; themarital discrimination can also not be denied; less promotion opportunities make themhopeless in their career; the segregation in working field makes women treated unfairly;the dual stresses from “traditional female temperament” and “working women’stemperament” weaken women’s potential for their employment; the disadvantages ineducation limit women in humble positions; women of minority nationality must bearracial and sex discrimination; the sex harassment in the job makes women fearful andretreated from the professional aspiration; the public consensus against working womenmaintains and especially the male labors from the labor organizations elbow out women’sregistration; women’s understanding to their own value should be deepened; the dualoppositions of families and employment, the deteriorated health condition, the insufficientgovernment policies, the substituting roles women in employment and the impoverishmentof working women, etc.. These issues have been depicted in details in this chapter.The conclusion is that American women’s employment has been improved to some extentsince WWII, but many problems obstacle women to be an equal sex to compete with menin social survival. The society and the entrepreneur should make relevant policies to makewomen’s wishes to own both successful career and happy family come true. Both womenand men should have the right to enjoy parental leaves, the satisfying leave system willallow child care not to be merely the working mothers responsibility. In addition, theflexible working time is advantageous to family’s steadiness, household income and theoptimizing of human resources. High qualified and sufficient Child-Care System wouldguarantee women’s success into entering the labor force. The solution to women’semployment should be profound and fundamental. The ideology of the whole society andeven the world should be totally changed.

  • 【分类号】K712.54;C913.68
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1596

