

Study on Kindergarten Teachers’ Professional Ethics

【作者】 王小溪

【导师】 姚伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在工具理性至上的时代,教师专业伦理的失落令人堪忧,本研究致力于呈现和思考此种现状并呼吁教师专业伦理的提升。教师专业化不能忽略教师专业伦理,由于学前教育的特殊性,幼儿园教师专业伦理更应该成为幼儿园教师专业化过程中首要的、基本性的要求。幼儿园教师的专业伦理建设应从抽象、笼统、专业特性模糊走向具体化、细化、具有可操作性。研究首先从本体论的角度对幼儿园教师专业伦理的概念进行界定,分析其功能、伦理学基础和具有的特征;在此基础上,进入幼儿园教师专业伦理的实践场域进行观察记录与访谈,发现幼儿园教师专业伦理存在的问题并分析其影响因素;在发现问题的基础上以幼儿园师幼伦理为场域,结合文献阅读,构想幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的制定;提出幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的内化路径。具体来讲,本研究的基本内容如下:导论从研究缘起出发,指出伦理所处的时代背景和教育中教师专业伦理的失落,从理论和实践两个方面陈述研究的价值。研究搜集了与论文相关的许多文献,从伦理、教师专业素养、教师专业发展、教师专业伦理、师幼关系五个方面进行了研究综述,以期为研究提供借鉴和启示。导论最后明确了研究的方法论和研究方法,确定了研究的边界。第一章幼儿园教师专业伦理理论分析。研究在对伦理与道德、职业伦理与专业伦理、教育伦理与教师专业伦理、教师专业伦理与教师专业伦理规范四对概念进行辨析的基础上,对幼儿园教师专业伦理的概念进行了界定。在此基础上,进一步分析了幼儿园教师专业伦理的功能,认为其具有以下三方面的功能:使幼儿园教师成为以伦理行事的行动者;推进幼儿园教师的专业化进程;提升幼儿园教师的社会地位。之后论述了幼儿园教师专业伦理的伦理学基础。第二章幼儿园教师专业伦理特征解析。研究从幼儿园教师专业伦理的性质和现实中的实践形态出发,结合伦理学的相关概念,认为幼儿园教师专业伦理是规范与德性共融的伦理;是以追求幼儿园教师的“善”为核心精神的伦理;是幼儿园教师的底线伦理。第三章当前我国幼儿园教师专业伦理存在的问题分析。研究运用观察法和访谈法力图对当前我国幼儿园教师专业伦理存在的问题进行分析,发现当前我国幼儿园教师专业伦理存在的问题是:忽视幼儿表达的权利,权威——服从的师幼关系,基本的伦理行为失范。并且从幼儿园教师、幼儿园管理和社会氛围三方面进行了影响因素分析。第四章幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的制定构想——以幼儿园师幼伦理为场域。幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的制定是幼儿园教师专业伦理建设的重要组成部分,也是解决当前幼儿园教师专业伦理存在问题的主要策略。研究试图探讨幼儿园师幼伦理规范设定的应然并昭明其依据,集中论述了幼儿园师幼伦理规范的制定原则、制定步骤并且构想了幼儿园师幼伦理规范的框架。第五章幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的内化路径。从对幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的制定到对幼儿园教师内在德性养成路径的追寻,是研究主题的进一步提升。研究认为幼儿园教师专业伦理规范的内化路径包括:加强幼儿园教师专业伦理教育;关注幼儿园教师的专业伦理需要和情感;给予幼儿园教师更多的伦理关怀。

【Abstract】 In the era of the supremacy of instrumental rationality, people start to worry the losingof teachers’ professional ethics, the study is devote to present and think about this situation,and appeal to the promotion of teachers’ professional ethics. While people focus on teachers’specialization, we cannot ignore teachers’ professional ethics. Owing to the particularity ofpreschool education, kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics should become the first andbasic requirement for kindergarten teacher specialization process. The construction ofkindergarten teachers’ professional ethics should be from abstract, general, from vague toconcrete of professional characteristics, refined, and operable.The study firstly defines about the concept of kindergarten teachers’ professional ethicsthat uses the perspective of ontology, and analyzes its function; it’s basis of ethics andcharacteristics. On this basis, the researcher uses observation and interviews in thekindergarten teachers’ professional ethics practice field, which found the problems existing inthe kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics and analyzes its influencing factors. From thebasis of the problem, the research uses the kindergarten teacher-child ethics as the field,which goes through the reading literature developing the concept of kindergarten teachers’professional ethics and proposing the kindergarten teachers’ professional ethicsinternalization method. Specifically, the basic contents of this research are as follows:The introduction of study is from research perspective which points out the erabackground and the losing of teachers’ professional ethics in education. This study uses boththeoretical and practical aspects to state the value of the study. The study collected manydocuments and papers which related of the thesis. From the ethics, professionalism of teacher,teachers’ professional development, teachers’ professional ethics, and teacher-childrelationships literature review, in order to provide study references and inspiration. Finallythe introduction clarifies the research methodology and methods, and determines theboundaries of the study.The first chapter: The theoretical analysis of kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics.On the basis of discriminating the concept of ethics with morality, occupation ethics withprofessional ethics, education ethics with teachers’ professional ethics, teachers’ professionalethics with teachers’ professional ethical codes, which define the conception of kindergartenteachers’ professional ethics. Based on this to do further analysis of the kindergarten teachers’professional ethics function, which has three functions: the kindergarten teachers becomeethic actors; promote the professionalization process of the kindergarten teacher; improvekindergarten teachers’ society status.Then discusses the kindergarten teachers’ professionalethics ethics basis. The second chapter: The ethics characteristics analysis of the kindergarten teachers. Thestudy based on the nature and the reality of the practice patterns of kindergarten teachers’professional ethics, which combines the related concept of ethics to consider aboutkindergarten teachers’ professional ethics is a communion of ethical codes and virtues; thekindergarten teachers’ professional ethic primarily pursuits “good” as the core spirit; thisethic is the base line for kindergarten teacher.The third chapter: Analyzing the existing problems of kindergarten teachers’professional ethics in our country.The study used observation method and interview methodwhich tried to analyze the current problems of the kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics.The study finds the existence problems of kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics in ourcountry are: ignoring child’s right of expressions, the relationship between teacher and childof authority with abidance, fundamental ethical misconduct as well. The study used theaspects of the kindergarten teacher, kindergarten management and social atmosphere oanalyze the influencing factors.The fourth chapter: Conception of the kindergarten teachers’ professional ethical codesformulation-use kindergarten teacher and children ethics as field. Formulation ofkindergarten teachers’ professional ethical codes is an important part of the kindergartenteachers’ professional ethics construction, is also the main strategy to solve the currentkindergarten teachers’ professional ethics problems. The study attempts to explore thekindergarten teacher and children ethical codes ought, setting and showing what it’s based on,Focus on the kindergarten teacher and children ethical codes principle, procedures andconception of the kindergarten teacher and children ethical codes framework.The fifth chapter: The internalized method of kindergarten teachers’ professional ethicalcodes. The study topic has been enhanced by formulating the kindergarten teacher’s ethicalcodes, and researching on the inherent virtue of kindergarten teacher. The study suggests thatthe kindergarten teachers’ professional ethical codes internalization path includes:strengthening the kindergarten teachers’ professional ethics; pay attention to kindergartenteachers’ professional ethics needs and emotions; give more ethical care to kindergartenteachers.


