

Problems and Countermeasures of the Ideological and Political Teachers’ Practical Wisdom

【作者】 李宏昌

【导师】 杨秀莲;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 伴随我国教育教学改革的不断深化与日益发展,关注教师综合素养与学生综合素质的内涵式发展模式正日益取代改善办学条件与扩大招生规模的外延式发展模式。这种内涵式发展模式更关注教育本质与教学价值实现,更关注知识结构的完善与综合素养提升,更关注师生和谐人格生成与和谐关系构建。新时期教师专业化发展要求思想政治教师在具体的教育教学实践过程中要不断感悟、反思和超越自我,在长期的历练中不断生成、丰富与发展自身实践智慧。教师实践智慧是新课程改革的必然要求。新课程标准背景下的教育教学具有鲜明的灵活性与变通性,课堂教学具有生活情境性与动态生成性,这在客观上需要思想政治教师在构建生命化课堂过程中,既要有理论智慧的保障与支撑又要有实践智慧的创造与整合,从而将自身教育教学实践经验与反思、教育教学理性与情感、教师角色定位与融合进行有机统一与科学提升。然而,由于长期受到应试教育的负面影响,我国思想政治教育教学话语系统中弥漫更多的是知识掌握的准确、分数的多少、升学率的高低等语言符号,教师成了知识的搬运工,学生成了分数的奴役,课堂成了知识传递的“流水线”。这种秉承“知识本位”的教育价值取向、升学率至上的教育理念与重知性传递的教育模式使得思想政治教师实践智慧渐趋淡薄,原有的实践智慧也被惯性的教育方式与传统的教学模式逐渐消解,从而导致思想政治教师实践智慧的现实缺失。正是在这样的背景下,本研究在总结与分析当前国内外关于智慧、实践智慧、教师实践智慧研究现状与相关理论成果的基础上,界定了新课程改革背景下思想政治教师实践智慧的内涵并进行了深入解读;分析了思想政治教师实践智慧所具有的实践反思性、注重创新性、动态生成性、个体独特性、多元整合性、情境构建性等主要特征;总结了思想政治教师实践智慧丰富性的主要表现样态,即先进的教育教学理念、健全的学科知识结构、强烈的教师职业认同、和谐的师生之间关系、精湛的教育教学艺术、完备的教育机智健全;阐述了教师实践智慧在彰显思想政治教师独特人格魅力、实现思想政治教育教学中的师生互动和推进思想政治新课程的改革方面所具有的独特价值。以此为逻辑起点,本研究紧密结合现代教育教学理论的新思想、新理念、新观点,积极借鉴中西方相关领域专家与学者关于实践智慧与教师实践智慧的最新研究成果,主要采取文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈研究法、比较分析法,归纳与总结了当前思想政治教师实践智慧存在的主要问题,即先进理念领会肤浅、学科知识结构松散、教师职业认同偏低、师生关系趋于紧张、教育教学艺术匮乏、教育教学机智缺位等。深入剖析了存在上述问题的主要原因,即思想政治教师教学思维方式异化、教学实践反思乏力、深受功利主义影响、职业幸福感较弱、被传统教学所束缚和教育管理制度滞后等。在详尽解析思想政治教师实践智慧存在的主要问题及原因的基础上,本研究有针对性的阐述了新时期培育与提升思想政治教师实践智慧的基本策略:要科学践行思想政治新课标教育教学理念、整合与优化思想政治学科知识结构和积极开发与利用思想政治课程资源以实现思想政治教师理论素养的丰富与夯实;要通过对话合作超越师生二元对立,通过多元主动超越一元被动,通过动态生成超越静态预定,通过多维开放超越封闭单一,从而培育思想政治教师关系性教学思维方式;要通过锤炼教学艺术塑造思想政治教师独特教学风格,通过探究式教学推进思想政治课堂教学方法创新,通过生活化教学情境构建思想政治“生命化”课堂,从而构建思想政治“生命化”课堂教学模式,为思想政治教师实践智慧培育与提升构建一种现实载体;要通过提升职业道德与丰富文化底蕴、遵照责任伦理与创建共同愿景、追求民主自由与实现和谐共荣来积极引导思想政治教师追求高尚的精神境界,从而增强思想政治教师的职业幸福感、职业认同感;要通过注重前瞻性、监控性和批判性的深入教学实践反思与祛除功利性、立足校本课程和强化专业引领的教育教学研究,为思想政治教师实践智慧培育与提升提供强劲动力资源;要通过构建思想政治教师发展性评价制度、改进思想政治教师对话制度、完善思想政治教师的继续教育制度,为新时期思想政治教师实践智慧的培育与提升创设优质的制度环境。通过以上探讨为新时期思想政治教师实践智慧研究的科学性、开拓性与前瞻性提供具有可操作性的建议和意见。实践证明,思想政治教师实践智慧是构建生命化思想政治课堂的源头活水。只有充满“爱”与“实践智慧”的教育教学实践才能彰显思想政治教育价值与思想政治教师的人格魅力。如果说“爱”是思想政治教师职业道德与素养的核心,那么“实践智慧”就是思想政治教师职业道德和素养的精华。本研究真心希望所有的思想政治教师都能以丰富而高超实践智慧,顺利走出思想政治教育教学的现实困境,推动思想政治教育教学的创新与发展,在追求优质、有效的思想政治教育教学理想愿景的进程中,不断推进实然“可信”的思想政治教育教学实践和应然“可爱”的思想政治教育教学实践的有机统一、高度契合与完美呈现,并最终积淀深厚文化底蕴、塑造个性教学风格、彰显独特人格魅力和提升生命价值与人生境界,从而使自己在具体而丰富的教育教学实践中,时刻用“爱”与“实践智慧”来改进教育教学方法、锤炼教育教学艺术、创新教育教学思维、构建教育教学情境,以更好地传授知识、传承文明与传递真爱,并日益成长为具有丰富实践智慧的思想政治教育教学工作者。

【Abstract】 Accompanied by the deepening of China’s educational reform and the growingconcern teachers integrated literacy and overall quality of students connotation modeof development is increasingly replacing the epitaxial development model to improveschool conditions and expand enrollment. The connotative development model ismore concerned about the nature of education and teaching values, are moreconcerned about the perfection of the knowledge structure and comprehensive literacyenhance, build harmonious personality generates more concerned about the studentsand teachers and harmonious relations. New era teachers’ professional developmentrequirements of the ideological and political teachers to constantly sentiment in thespecific teaching practice, reflection and beyond the self, constantly generated in thelong-term experience, enrich and develop their own practical wisdom. Teachers’Practical Wisdom is the inevitable requirement of the new curriculum reform.Distinctive flexibility and adaptability of teaching in the context of the newcurriculum standards, classroom teaching life situations with dynamically generated,ideological and political teachers objectively need protection and support and buildlife classroom should have theoretical wisdom creation and integration of practicalwisdom, the need for ideological and political science teachers can organic unity andscience to enhance their own teaching practice experience and reflection, reason andemotion of teaching, Teachers’ roles and integration, all these objectively need forideological and political teachers have a rich and deep practical wisdom. However,due to the long-term by the examination-oriented education, the ideological andpolitical education in China teaching discourse system diffuse more knowledge howmuch accuracy scores, enrollment rate, the level of language symbols, teachersbecome porters of knowledge, students become a fraction of slavery, the classroombecame the "assembly line" of the knowledge transfer. This adhering to the"knowledge-based" education value orientation and its mode of education, theeducational philosophy of the enrollment rate is still heavy intellectual passededucation mode makes the practical wisdom of ideological and political teachersbecoming weak, original practical wisdom inertia education survival with traditionalteaching mode gradually digestion, leading to the integrity of the lack of ideologicaland political teachers practical wisdom. It is in this context, the research on the summary and analysis of the currentdomestic and international practice the wisdom of the status quo with the theoreticalresults about wisdom, practical wisdom, teachers define the meaning of theideological and political teachers in the new curriculum reform in the context ofpractical wisdom and in-depth interpretation; specific analysis reflect on the practiceof ideological and political teachers practical wisdom, focusing on innovative,dynamically generated, individual uniqueness, multiple integration, situational buildsuch characteristics; summary of the ideological and political teachers patterns mainlyrich practical wisdom, teaching advanced concepts, sound subject knowledgestructures, a strong teacher-student relationship between teachers’ professionalidentity harmony teaching art skills, sound education wit; demonstrate teachersexpounded the practical wisdom of teachers in unique charisma, teacher-studentinteraction in the teaching of ideological and political education and to promoteideological and political aspects of the new curriculum reform has unique value. Asthe logical starting point, this study closely combined with the new ideas of moderneducational theory, new ideas, new perspectives, and actively learn from the expertsand scholars in Western latest research on practical wisdom teachers practical wisdom,mainly to take literature, questionnaire, interview research method, comparativeanalysis method, induction and summarizes the main problems of the currentideological and political teachers practical wisdom, advanced concepts comprehendsuperficial, loose structure of subject knowledge, teachers’ professional identity lowteacher-student relationship needs to be improved lack of teaching art, wit absence ofeducation and teaching. The main reason for in-depth analysis of the above issues,namely the existence of the way of thinking of the ideological and political teachersentity, ideological and political teaching practice reflection of weakness, ideologicaland political teachers by the utilitarian affect less ideological and political teachersprofessional happiness, ideological and political teachers bound by the traditionalteaching and education management system of ideological and political teachers lag.The ideological and political teachers practical wisdom of the main problems andreasons detailed parse this study targeted expounded the basic strategy of the new erato cultivate and enhance the practical wisdom of the ideological and political teachers,that specific teaching practice, ideological and political teachers should foster theconcept of science teaching, improve subject knowledge structures, constantlyoptimize the teaching way of thinking, to open the new classroom teaching, classroomteaching art, innovative classroom teaching mode should always temper, to the moment of the pursuit of the noble spiritual realm, to strengthen teachers’ professionalidentity reflection on teaching practice, to continue to deepen, and strengthen teachingand research literacy, at the same time, but also focus on the support of an institutionalguarantee quality external environment to nurture and improve ideological andpolitical teachers’ practical wisdom. Provide workable suggestions and opinions forthe the scientific pioneering and forward-looking of the ideological and politicalteachers practical wisdom the above study.Practice has proved that the ideological and political teachers practical wisdom isto build the ideological and political life of the classroom Fountainhead. Only full of"love" and "practical wisdom" teaching practice in order to highlight the value of theideological and political education and ideological and political teachers charisma. Ifyou say "love" is the core of the ideological and political teachers ’professional ethicsand literacy,"practical wisdom" is the essence of ideological and political teachers’professional ethics and literacy. The study sincerely hope that all ideological andpolitical teachers can be rich and superb practical wisdom, smooth out the reality ofthe plight of the ideological and political education and teaching, innovation anddevelopment to promote the teaching of ideological and political education, in thepursuit of high-quality, effective ideological and political education teaching idealvision Fact "credible" ideological and political education teaching practice and oughtto be "cute" the organic unity of the ideological and political education teachingpractice in the process, and continuously push forward the high degree of fit with theperfect present, and, ultimately, deeply rooted in the culture, shaping personalityteaching style, highlighting the unique charisma and enhance the value of life and therealm of life, so that their specific teaching practice, always with "love" and "practicalwisdom" to improve education and teaching methods, to temper the art of teaching,innovation and education teaching thinking, build education teaching situation, inorder to better impart knowledge, heritage of civilization, with the passing of true love,and growing ideological and political education teaching workers with a wealth ofpractical wisdom.


