

A Study of Andong General Administering Institution in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 辛时代

【导师】 刁书仁;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 总章元年(668),唐朝灭掉高句丽。高句丽灭亡后,唐朝在高句丽旧地设置安东都护府,次年,安东都护府辖治范围扩大到百济旧地。唐罗战争直接导致安东都护府治所从平壤北迁新城。唐朝起用高藏、泉男生、高德武等高句丽权贵,协助安东都护府管理高句丽遗民。营州之乱中,粟末靺鞨人大祚荣等率领叛军向东逃窜,在遭到安东都护府的顽强抵抗后,退入安东都护府东南部,建立靺鞨民族政权。在东北亚有利形势的推动下,安东都护府在唐朝东北亚的战略地位被边缘化,开元二年(714),安东都护府从新城迁到平州。平卢节度使设立后,安东都护府改隶平卢节度使,薛泰成为第一个押领两蕃的安东都护主。开元八年(720),安东都护薛泰统率蕃汉军兵,干涉契丹内部事务,结果作战失利。以开元八年之战后,安东都护府的押蕃职能在军事色彩被淡化后转变外交与民族事务机构。颍王李澐在开元十五年(727)至天宝十四年(755)遥领安东都护,安东地方事务由安东副大都护具体负责。安史之乱中,安东都护府联手平卢军同叛军进行了激烈的斗争,严重地威胁着安史集团的大后方。安东都护府在唐懿宗时期罢废。安东都护府最初设有九个都督府、四十二个州。在《旧唐书》四个都督府、十个州基础上,可补国内州、屋城州、多伐岳州、北扶余州、东栅州、贡州、礼州。安东都护府的官僚体系由直属官僚系统与地方官僚系统组成。安东都护府地方长官的选拔有三个特点:一是安东地方长官的选用重视军事能力。二是征战东北、担任边州长官的经历以及高句丽贵族身份是进入安东地方长官的主要途径。三是随着安东都护府及周边形势的变化,唐朝选拔安东地方长官的类型不尽相同。安东都护府控制下的高句丽国王,已经不再是国家政权的君王而是唐朝羁縻机构中的精神领袖,唐朝通过对其册封与羁縻,来绥抚高句丽遗民、稳定东北边疆。安东都护府在唐代东北经略中的历史作用主要有三个方面:一、管理羁縻州、统治高句丽遗民,保证边疆稳定;二、积极介入周边事务,发挥外交职能;三、在东北亚政治、经济、文化交流中的桥梁作用。

【Abstract】 The first year of zongzhang (668), Tang Dynasty end of the Gaogouli Kingdom.After the fall of The Gaogoli kingdom,the Tang Dynasty set Andong generaladministering institution where Gaogoli Kingdom had been placed, the following year,Andong general administering institution is supporting the government’s rulingextended to where baekje had been placed.The war between Tang dynast and Silla leddirectly to Andong general administering institution moving from Pyongyang, toLiaoDong, and then moved to Xincheng. after the war between TangDynasty,Gaochang, Quannansheng, Gao dewu the Gaogoli Kingdom nobles has beenpromted by the Tang Dynasty, help Andong general administering institutionManagement of Gaogoli survivor.During the rebellion around the state Ying, Such asMohe people’s congress for pharmacists Ron east, led by the rebels, fled to Andonggeneral administering institution’s territory. After stubborn resistance by Andonggeneral administering institution, they were forced to the eastern part of Andonggeneral administering institution and establishment of Mohe national regimes. Drivenby strong position in Northeast Asia, Andong general administering institution’sstrategic position was marginalized, The2th years of Kaiyuan(714), Tang dynasty,Andong general administering institution relocated from Xincheng to Pingzhou. AfterGoverner PingLu set, Andong general administering institution was attached toGoverner PingLu, XueTai is the first Andong general administering institutionofficial of supervision of double Nationalities. The8th years of Kaiyuan (720), theevent of expulsion of Khitan khan occurred, Xue Tai__Andong general administeringofficial command Nationalities, interference in the internal affairs of the Khitan, XueTai was defeated and captured. The function of supervision of double NationalitiesFrom the Fading of miliitary have been down for foreign affairs and national affairsagencies. Emperor of ying--liyun remote controlled Andong general administeringinstitution official in the15th years of kaiyuan (727) to1th years of tianbao (755),most of Andong’s local affairs by Andong deputy official in charge. On the14th yearsof Tianbao (755), Anlusan rebeled in the FanYang. Andong generaladministering institution joint Ping Lu troops with a fierce struggle against the rebels,seriously threaten the rear of the rebels.Andong general administering institution isabrogated during the Period of Tang yizong.Andong general administering institution was originally covered with9provinces and42states, On the basis of4provinces and10states according to the oldbook of Tang,we can make up for the domestic province, housing province, Duofayuprovince,North fuyu province, the East Gate province, courtesy state,Gongstate.Andong general administering institution directly under the bureaucracy ofGovernment House by the bureaucratic system and the local bureaucratic system.selection of Anton general administering Governor has three characteristics: First,itpaied attention to the military capability;Second, the Battle of the north-east, servingas the state executive experience, as well as the Gaogoli Nobility is the main way intothe Anton general administering Governor.Third, as Andong general administeringinstitution and the surrounding situation changed, different types of selecting andAnton Governor Tang Dynasty.The King of Gaogoli state under the control of Andong general administeringinstitution is no longer king of the state power g, but the Puppets in the TangDynasty Management Agency.Tang dynasty needed appease Gaogoli Dynasty andstabilize the situation of north-east frontier by the knight and monitering,In order to strengthen supervision of double Nationalities, In the early Tangdynasty, Tang dynasty had been set up with the Dongyi captain administeringinstitution, Dongyi general administering institution, Anton general administeringinstitution, Ping Lu force manager, Ping Lu force official. XueTai is the first Andonggeneral administering institution official of supervision of double Nationalities. The8th years (720) of Kaiyuan, supervision institution of double Nationalities withdrawalinto inland from double Nationalities, the function of supervision of doubleNationalities From the Fading of miliitary have been down for foreign affairs andnational affairs agencies. Emperor of ying--liyun remote controlled Andong general administeringinstitution official in the15th years of kaiyuan (727) to1th years of tianbao (755),most of Andong’s local affairs by Andong deputy official in charge.After the outbreakof ansi rebellion, Prince Heng Li continue supporting remote control Andong generaladministering institution official.Andong general administering institution under the jurisdiction of Huaiyuan andBaoding forces Andong general administering institution deputy most ofadministering and lead Baoding army, Andong general administering institutionguarded by Andong general administering institution Governor and collar. Andongmilitary forces had a wasteland around town, with a management officials andrelevant evaluation system, its annual basic use-rice, millet, salt grass, silk, cloth,salt.With event of the war between Tang Dynasty and the event silla and the EmperorXuanzong given territkry as the marker, south Territories of Andong generalmonitoring institution retreated to the Korean Peninsula Water A; as the Bohai Searegime gradually powerful, the period from Emperor daizong to Emperor dezong inthe Tang Dynasty, East Territories of Andong general administering institutionwithdrawed to the Great Wall Qin Dynasty; after the evacuation of pinglu forces, theKhitan and Xi tended to intrude from Northwest Territories of Andong generaladministering institution, and into Andong general administering institution’s areanamed LiaoDong in the rule period of Emperor Yizong.Domestic and foreign policyof Tang Dynasty and the sequential rise of Silla, Bohai, and the Khitan supportGovernment House for Andong general administering institution’s jurisdictionchanged to critical. Andong general administering institution in the historical functionof the Tang Dynasty on Planning and Controlling the Northeast There were threemain aspects: first, it always managed Detaining State, the rule of Gaogoli Dynastyto ensure stability in border areas; second, the active involvement of the surroundingaffairs, to play diplomatic functions; and in the political, economic, and culturalexchange in northeast Asia bridge.

  • 【分类号】D691.2;K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】653
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