

A Study on the Regional Promotion Models of Russia’s Educational Modernization

【作者】 乔桂娟

【导师】 张德伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以系统论、现代化理论、制度变迁理论、区域发展理论作为研究的理论基础,以“区域研究”作为研究的方法论基础,旨在通过对俄罗斯教育现代化的推进过程进行整体性、动态性的把握,分析教育在区域层面上运行的条件和逻辑、发展和限制、优势和劣势等方面的特征,力图更全面、更深刻地认识和揭示俄罗斯教育现代化的特质,并阐明当前俄罗斯教育现代化的推进机制和实现路径。这一研究无疑具有十分重要的理论意义和实际价值。整篇论文共分为七个部分。引言由选题缘由与研究意义,文献综述,概念界定,研究目标、研究内容与研究方法等几方面组成。第一章对理论基础进行了多元探讨,综合论证了教育现代化区域多样性模式存在的客观必然性及其现实依据。以系统论为视角,可以将教育现代化看作是一个多面体,不同国家和地区及其不同发展阶段,在教育现代性的增长方面并不均衡,并决定了其教育现代化的进程各具特色和路径各异。以现代化理论为视角,表明教育现代化有许多共性的特征,但教育现代化的发展模式是多样的,其进程也是多形态的,不存在一个世界共通的现代化模式。以制度变迁理论为视角,说明教育改革或教育现代化正是教育制度变迁或创新的过程,实际上是教育方面利益变化和分配的制度化,变革的过程异常复杂。以区域发展理论为视角,进一步证明教育作为人类社会活动的形式,教育系统作为社会的子系统,它的发展必然呈现区域性的特征。第二章首先对俄罗斯不同历史阶段的教育现代化变迁过程加以梳理和分析,并简要概括了每一时期所具有的特征。在此基础上,对当前俄罗斯教育现代化的政策动向和推进策略进行了整体把握。通过分析发现,在俄罗斯历史上,教育现代化的推进基本是由国家主导的,地区作用的发挥是有限度的。苏联解体后,联邦体制基础改革和各地区的“去中心化”运动导致了教育明显的区域化,如教育管理体制的分权化和自治化,三级课程管理体制的实行,民族和区域性高等教育的大力发展,这一切说明了俄罗斯过去由国家主导的教育现代化推进方式或机制已经发生了变化。第三章主要考察了别尔哥罗德州教育现代化的推进模式。别尔哥罗德州是俄罗斯教育事业发达的地区之一,也是教育资源相对集中和充足的地区。目前,别尔哥罗德州教育现代化的工作重心主要是在普通教育领域,旨在通过各项综合改革方案的实施,即实行新的教师薪酬制度、引入标准定额拨款机制、发展区域教育质量评价体系、优化区域普通教育机构网络和扩展教育管理中的公共介入,建立起现代化的普通教育体系,以保证为全州公民提供普及的优质教育。在实施各项改革方案时,它充分考虑了自身的区域特点和现有的教育发展状况,分阶段扎实地推进教育现代化的改革和发展。其教育现代化呈现出了鲜明的时代特征:以创新性思维引领教育改革和发展;以综合改革方案推动教育现代化进程;以教师专业化发展带动教育质量提升。第四章主要考察了克拉斯诺雅尔斯克边疆区教育现代化的推进模式。克拉斯诺雅尔斯克边疆区是俄罗斯教育事业发展最先进的地区之一。当前,克拉斯诺雅尔斯克边疆区主要以加快完成产业结构布局调整、推动社会全面进步、促进经济多样化发展为目标和动力,普通教育转向以优质均衡和提高质量为重点,初等、中等职业教育增强适应性、多样性、社会性,探索高等职业教育与区域经济的互动机制。从推进教育现代化的实践来看,克拉斯诺雅尔斯克边疆区在发展教育中坚持全面进步,坚持重点发展,坚持创新探索,走出了一条具有鲜明现代化特征和区域特色的现代教育发展之路。第五章主要考察了萨哈共和国教育现代化的推进模式。萨哈共和国是俄罗斯最大的联邦主体,也是俄罗斯目前最为活跃的教育发展区。教育基础薄弱,教育对象层次多,学习要求迫切,教育资源不足,是制约萨哈共和国教育发展的“瓶颈”。在现有的条件下,萨哈共和国采取了“双管齐下”的办法,即一方面积极争取和充分利用外部支持,另一方面深入挖掘各种各样的本地能力,加强教育基础能力建设,扩充教育资源供给,提升教育发展水平,以适应和满足不同群体的多样化教育需求。第六章基于历史与现实、国家与区域等角度的思考,阐明教育现代化区域推进机制在俄罗斯目前已初步形成,而新时期的政治体制变革,区域经济政策的调整,多元化的民族文化结构,则是促使这一机制形成的主要社会因素。建立统一的教育空间以实现教育现代化一直以来都是俄罗斯的教育追求,但由于地区差异性的存在,在具体实施的过程中,还是注意结合了各地区的实际情况。当前,俄罗斯解决教育现代化问题的基本思路是:借助各地区的教育改革和教育创新来推动;鼓励和支持地区间开展教育合作;探索并形成联邦和地区协同解决教育问题的新合作机制。

【Abstract】 The thesis analyses the characteristics of education on the conditions and logic, thedevelopment and limitations, strengths and weaknesses at regional level through thecomprehensive and dynamic grasp on the regional promotion process of Russian educationmodernization, which is used the system theory, modernization theory, institutional changetheory and regional development theory as the theoretical basis and used regional research asthe methodological basis. The thesis aims to recognize and reveal roundly and profoundlythe characteristics of education modernization in Russia, and to clarify the mechanism forpromoting and realization of the education modernization in Russia. This study has veryimportant theoretical and practical values.This paper is divided into seven sections.The first part is the introduction. It introduces why choose the topics and thesignificance of this topics, literature reviews, concepts definition, the objective, intent andmethods of this studies.The first chapter discusses on the theoretical basis, and demonstrate comprehensivelythe objective necessity and the realistic basis of regional diversity pattern of the educationmodernization. Based on the System Theory, the education modernization can be seen as apolyhedron, and different countries and regions has its different development stages. It is notbalanced in terms of the growth of education modernity, which leads to the differentcharacteristics in the process of education modernization. Based on the modernization theory,the modernization of education has many common characteristics, but the developmentmode is diversed, and the process is polymorphic. There is no one global model ofmodernization. Based on the institutional change theory, education reform or educationmodernization is the process of education system change or innovation. In fact, the interestsof education and the institutionalization of distribution make the process of changeextraordinarily complexly. In terms of regional development theory, education as a form ofhuman social activities, education system as a subsystem of society, its development mustappear regional characteristics.The second chapter shows the different historical stages of the education modernizationin Russia, and presents a brief summary of the characteristics in each period, and overallygrasp the current policies and promote strategies of Russian education modernization. Theanalysis reveals that in the history of Russia the promotion of education modernization isstate-dominated, regional role is limited. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reformof federal system and regional decentralized movement led education obviously regionalized, such as decentralization and autonomy of the education management system, theimplementation of the three-level course management system, the vigorously development ofnational and regional higher education, which indicates education modernization in Russia inthe past is led by the state, but now its promotion mechanism has changed.The third chapter examines the promotion models of Belgorod education modernization.The Belgorod is one area of the best education in Russia, and of the relatively sufficienteducational resources. The emphasis of Belgorod’s education modernization is generaleducation in order to establish a modern general education system to ensure high qualityeducation for the statewide citizens through the implementation of comprehensive reformprograms, such as the new system of teachers’ salaries, the standard fixed fundingmechanism, the regional education quality evaluation system, the optimization of regionalcommon network, the expansion of public involvement in education management. In theimplementation of reform programs, the regional characteristics and the educational realitiesis taken full consideration, and the reform and development of education modernization issolidly pushed forward. The education modernization has the distinctive characteristics oftimes: innovative thinking leading the education reform and development; comprehensivereform programs promoting the process of education modernization; teacher professionaldevelopment enhancing the quality of education.The fourth chapter examines the models of regional promotion of educationmodernization in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Krasnoyarsk Krai is one of the most advanced regions inthe development of education in Russia. Krasnoyarsk Krai has completed to speed up theadjustment of industrial structure and layout, and to promote overall social progress andeconomic diversification development. General education focuses on high quality balancedand the quality improved. Elementary and secondary’s vocational education enhance theadaptability, diversity, sociality in order to explore the mechanism of interaction betweenhigher vocational education and regional economic. On the perspective of the practice ofeducation modernization, Krasnoyarsk Krai’s education adhere to the all-round progress, tothe key focus, and to innovation and exploration, carrying out modern education withdistinctive modern characteristics and regional characteristics.The fifth chapter shows the models of regional promotion of education modernizationin the Republic of Sakha. The Republic of Sakha is the largest part of Russia’s Union, and isthe most active area of education. It is the "bottleneck" of educational development in YueSaha Republic that Education foundation is weak, education level is varied, learning requiresis urgent, educational resources is insufficient. In the conditions, the Republic of Sakha hasadopted a "two-pronged" approach which is on the one hand, we need to actively seek andthen take full advantage of external supports, on the other hand, we need to dig a widevariety of local capacity and to strengthen the education infrastructure capabilities, to give more supplies of resources, to promote the education level in order to adapt and meet thediversified educational needs of the different groups.Based on thinking of the history and reality as well as national and regional, the sixthchapter illustrates that the regional promotion mechanism of education modernization haspreliminary formed in Russia, while the main social factors of the formation mechanism ispolitial system change in the new period, the adjustment of the regional economic policy andthe diversified structure of national culture. There has long been a Russian education’spursuit to establish a unified educational space in order to realize the educationmodernization. However, because of the regional differences, it has paid attention tocombining with the regional actual situation in the specific implementation. At present,Russia’s basic idea to solve the problem of education modernization is taken by promotingthe regional education reform and education innovation, encouraging and supportting theeducation cooperation between regions and exploring and formming new cooperationmechanism between the federal and regional to solve the problem of education.


