

Ye Shi’s Ideas of Neo-confucianism and Literature Thoughts

【作者】 郑慧

【导师】 张恩普;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 叶适是永嘉学派的集大成者,他继承了薛季宣、陈傅良等人的思想,将未成形的永嘉之学发展成为一个令朱熹都感到忧虑的思想体系。叶适不但在学术思想上发扬了永嘉学派,而且积极参与文学创作与文学活动,获得了“集本朝文之大成者”的美誉。叶适可谓兼具了政治家、学者和文人三重身份的一代大师,他的思想也是兼容并蓄的一个复杂有机体,不同的思想在叶适的体系中相互碰撞、融合。本文以叶适的学术思想与文学思想之间的关系为主要研究论题,首先,分析了叶适对理学家继承儒家之道的正统的问题提出的质疑,指出叶适以“推见孔氏之学以上接圣贤之统”为目的,批评了理学家的“道统”论。在此基础上,叶适继承了儒家道统的治道思想,奠定了注重经世致用的学术基础。叶适以永嘉学派的学者身份参与到了文学创作与文学理论活动中,对文道关系问题提出了独特的见解,形成了“合周程欧苏之裂”的文道观,并且在文学实践中形成了为文有益教治的文学思想和“为文不能关教事,虽工无益”的作文原则。其次,论述了叶适与道学、心学的辩论过程中提出的唯物主义的观点,这些观点是永嘉事功思想形成的基础。他认为道存在于现实的物中,以辩证的发展观认识世界,并以辩证发展的观点进行文学批评活动,针对理学家的“尊古”诗论,提出了“尊古不陋今”的发展文学观。他的发展文学观突出表现在对南宋后期“永嘉四灵”的提携和奖掖方面。再次,探究了叶适道德与功利统一的思想所折射出的“德艺兼成”的文学批评观。叶适的学术思想以道及道统的探寻为理论出发,在人的生活和实践过程中不断向外寻找,同时,外部世界是人内在德性的体现,外部世界与人的内在德性需要和谐统一,人的内在德性需要与社会功利生活相结合,也就是叶适所宣扬的道德与功利的统一。道德与功利的统一,反映在文学批评中,就是既要兼顾内在道德的提高,又要兼顾外在艺术的表现,“德艺兼成”是叶适的文学批评观。在这一文艺观的指导下,叶适形成了崇律体、倡唐诗的诗学取向。最后,阐释了叶适的“中和”思想特征与平淡的文学创作追求。叶适思想的“中和”特征影响了他的审美追求,他追寻着我国传统社会最高审美标准的“中和之美”,表现在他的文学创作和文学批评中对“温柔敦厚”诗教思想的充分认同。“中和”的精神内涵十分丰富,平淡而自然的审美追求是“中和”之美的具体表现。叶适作为南宋时期一位伟大的思想家、文学家,他的思想是一个巨大的宝库。研究他的学术思想与文学思想不仅可以为传统思想注入新的生机和活力,也为文学批评研究拓展了新的领域。在深厚的文化背景下,多元化、立体化的考察一位人物的学术思想与文学思想,是跨领域、跨学科研究日益发展的学术背景下的一个可行之举。

【Abstract】 YeShi is a master of Yongjia School, he inherits a thought of Xue Jixuan, Chen Fu Liang,and he helps to develop the Yongjia School from the shapeless one to a system of thoughtwhich can even makes Zhu Xi worried. YeShi not only carries forward the academic ideologyof Yongjia School, but also actively participates in literary creation and literary activities,gaining the reputation of “man who masters the great achievement of this dynasty”. YeShican be described as a politician, a scholar as well as an author. His thought is also a complexorganism. Different ideas in his system collide and integrate with each other.In this paper, it chooses the relationship between philosophy and literary thought ofYeShi as the main research topic. Firstly, it analyzes the doubt that YeShi questioned aboutthe Neo–Confucianist inheriting "Taoism" of Confucianism. On this basis, Yeshi inherits“Taoism” of the Confucian orthodoxy. He has laid a foundation of academic which focus onhumanistic pragmatism. He participates in the activities of literary creation and the theoryclaim in the process of writing article with the identity of Yongjia School scholar. He putsforward his unique insights into the relationship of Literary logic, forms the concept of"combine Zhou Cheng and Ou Su cleft ", and forms the literary thought of “writing is usefulto the treatment and education” as well as the composition principle of “if writing has norelation to the education, all the work will be useless.”Secondly, it discusses the materialist view of Ye shi’s. These ideas form the basis ofUtilitarianism of Zhe dong-school. He thinks Tao exists in the reality of the matter. Heunderstands the world with the dialectical concept of development, and criticizes theliterature from perspective of the dialectic development. According to the Neo–Confucianist’s idea of "the tend respected for the Old-style Poetry", he proposes thedeveloping literature view of "respect for both the Old-style and the modernism". Hisdeveloping literature view has the outstanding performance in the guide and support of"YongjiaSiling" in the late Southern Song.Thirdly, it has explored Ye Shi’s ideology of unification of morality and utility, showinghis literary criticism viewpoint of “equal emphasis on both moral education and artisticexpression”.External world is the expression of the moral education of poetry. The externalworld and the moral education of poetry need to be unified. The moral education of poetryneeds to combine with social utilitarian life. This is the unification of virtue and utility whichYe Shi advocates. The unification of virtue and utility reflects that within the literary criticism.It means not only improving of internal virtue should be taken care of but also the artisticexpression of poetry.“Equal emphasis on both moral education and artistic expression” is Ye Shi’s literary criticism viewpoint. At this guidance of literary concept Ye Shi forms his poeticideal followed the style of late Tang Dynast.Finally, it has explained YeShi’s ideological characteristics of “Zhong-he”and his plainpursuit of literary creation. Characteristics of YeShi’s ideology of “Zhong-he” affect hisaesthetic pursuit. He pursues “the style of Zhong-he” with highest aesthetic standard in ourtraditional society. It shows that he fully agrees on the poem teaching concept of“BeingTender, Honest and Sincere” during his literary creation and criticism. The spiritualconnotation of “Zhong-he” is very rich. The literators’ literary pursuit is the concreteexpression of “Zhong-he”.As a thinker and a writer of Nan dynasty, YeShi’s ideology is a huge treasury. The studyof his academic ideology and literature ideology can not only inject vitality and energy intotraditional concept but also expand new field for literature research and criticism. Under theprofound literature background, pluralistically and comprehensively investigating theacademic ideology and literature ideology of a great man is a feasible way especially at thebackground of studying the developing academic across the fields and subjects.

  • 【分类号】B244.92;I206.09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】315
  • 攻读期成果

