

The Research on Literature of Southern Dynasty Royal

【作者】 于欧洋

【导师】 曹书杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 重视文学是中古皇室家族的共同特征,尤其是在南朝,“善属文”、“美文辞”已然成为当时评判士人才能的重要标准。自公元420年刘裕废黜司马德文建立刘宋政权,到公元589年隋文帝杨坚灭陈统一南北,前后仅170年的时间里,中国南方大陆的版图上共经历了宋、齐、梁、陈四个朝代,先后有24位帝王登基。在这个乱中有治,杂而求同,旧里追新的时代中,皇室贵族对于文学艺术的喜恶爱尚与自觉追求,都对当时,甚至是整个中国古代文学的发展起到了不可忽视的重要影响。探讨南朝皇族文学,对于理解南朝乃至隋唐文学的审美风貌和发展走向,具有一定的学术价值和意义。鉴于以上认识,本文将南朝皇族文学置于历史与文化的大背景之下,在充分占有原始文献资料的基础上,结合文学、史学、文献学及文艺学等研究方法,对南朝皇族文学进行整体观照,从时代背景、思想文化、审美风格、文学成就等方面进行深入研究。本文主要分为四个部分:一是绪论,二是总论,三是专论,四是附录。论文主体共六章,具体情况如下:绪论:对以往南朝皇族文学相关研究成果进行梳理总结,阐述该领域的研究意义。总论:第一章《南朝皇族文学文献考察》:从宏观角度对南朝皇族文学进行整体观照,全面考察南朝皇族文学的文献存佚情况。第二章《南朝皇族文学的思想文化土壤》:论述在思想文化领域内,玄学与儒学的消长融合,佛教与道教的繁荣兴盛,对南朝皇族文人活动及文学创作产生的深远影响。第三章《南朝皇族文学的创作风格演进》:阐释在文学革新求变的大环境下,南朝皇族文学也随着当时“形式美学”范式的日渐成熟,由俚俗走向典雅,并最终确立了雅俗共赏的整体审美风格。第四章《南朝皇族与文坛的文学互动》,讨论了南朝皇族与当时文坛的文学交流活动,以及他们对南朝文学发展的重要影响。专论:第五章和第六章:以家族为单位,分别选取了刘宋皇族代表作家——孝武帝刘骏、临川王刘义庆、江夏王刘义恭、南平王刘铄;齐梁萧氏代表作家——齐竟陵王萧子良、齐宁都侯萧子显、梁武帝萧衍、梁简文帝萧纲;陈氏皇族代表作家——后主陈叔宝等人为重点研究对象,以诗文创作为主要研究内容,总结诸人的文学成就和影响。附录:一《南朝皇族文学要事年表》;二《南朝皇族世系表》。

【Abstract】 Pay attention to literature is the common features of medieval royal family,especially in Southern Dynasty,“good at writings&dictions” has become animportant standard to judge. From420A. D, Liu Yu deposed Sima Dewen andestablished Liu Song Regime, to589A.D, Yang Jian, Emperor Suiwen destroyedChen Dynasty, then unified north and south. During the170years, South Chinamainland territory was experienced Song, Qi, Liang, Chen four dynasties, and24Emperors. Moreover, during the hundreds of years, Southern Dynasty royalsflourished many literary talents. In Southern Dynasty, Seemingly random, actuallyorganized, Miscellaneous but seeking common, persuing new from old, the royals’like or dislike of the literature and art influenced almost the whole ancient Chineseliterature development trend. Discussing Southern Dynasty royal literature has certainacademic values. To understanding Southern to Sui Tang dynasties literary aestheticfeatures and development trend, it also has much academic significances.In view of above, this research put the southern royal literature under thebackground of history and culture. In the foundation of wealthy original documentsmaterial, combined with literature, history, philology and literature research methods,it take a whole survey of Southern Dynasty Royal Literature. It carries on the furtherresearch from the era background, ideology and culture, aesthetic style, literaryachievements and so on.This research is composed of four parts; the introduction is followed by Pandect,then the Monographs, and the Appendix. There are eight chapters, the details are asfollows:Introduction: Review and summarize the research results of Southern Dynasty RoyalLiterature in the past, and illustrate the research significance.Pandect:The first Chapter: The Investigation of Southern Dynasty Royal Literature.Take a whole observation of Southern Dynasty royal literature from the macroscopicpoint of view, and carefully investigate the preservation of Southern Dynasty royalliterature.The Second Chapter: Southern Dynasty Royal Literature Thoughts andCultural Soil. Discuss the ebb and flow of metaphysics and Confucianism, theprosperity of Buddhism and Taoism in the ideological and cultural field which impressed Southern Dynasty royals activities, and literary creation a lot.The third Chapter: The Evolution of Southern Dynasty Royal Literature WritingStyle. Interpretate the literature at that time to change innovation, the royal literature ismature day after day with the paradigm " form aesthetics". From vulgar to elegantgradually, and finally established the whole aesthetic style—the popular taste.The fourth Chapter: The Literature interaction Between Southern DynastyRoyals and the literary world.Monograph:The fifth to the eighth chapters: This article, based on a royal family unit,separately selects the representative writers of Liu Song Dynasty—Emperor XiaowuLiu Jun, Emperor Linchuan Liu Yiqing, Emperor Jiangxia Liu Yigong, EmperorNanping Liu Shuo and the representative writers of Xiao Family in Qi&LiangDynasties—Emperor Qijingling Xiao Ziliang, Xiao Ziyan, Emperor Liangwu XiaoYan, Emperor Liang Jianwen Xiao Gang. Moreover, it also selects the representativewriters of Chen Family—Chen Shubao and so on as the key research object.Appendix:Chronicler of Southern Dynasty Royal Literature Activities;Chronological Table of Southern Dynasty Royals


