

【作者】 吴苌弘

【导师】 顾肖荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 信息化社会的迅猛发展,使我们社会的各个领域发生了深刻的变化,相伴而来侵犯个人信息的情况也不断发生。由于对个人信息的侵犯方式和手段渐趋多样化,对公民个人信息的保护变得既迫切又困难。公民个人信息的法律保护已经成为当前国际社会关注的立法热点问题,然而,我国刑法对个人信息的立法却相对滞后。本文在全面收集我国个人信息保护理论的著作以及国内外相关资料的基础上,通过考察个人信息保护立法起源、推广的背景,以比较法为视角,从我国个人信息犯罪及立法保护的现状作为切入点,剖析了侵犯个人信息犯罪的立法及其影响,对我国当前的个人信息保护刑事立法存在的问题做出分析,最后概括了立法完善中尚存在的障碍及价值冲突,从而提出相应的立法建议。全文分为五章,第一章对个人信息的概念、分类进行了界定。第二章从宪法、民法、行政法及刑法对个人信息的保护入手,阐述个人信息刑法保护的必要性和可行性,并对个人信息刑法保护的法理基础进行分析。第三章对具有代表性的几个国家和地区如美国、德国、丹麦、英国、日本以及中国台湾地区的个人信息刑法保护的现状及立法模式等进行比较分析,从而对我国个人信息的保护研究提供可资借鉴的思路和方法。以比较刑法为基底对我国侵犯个人信息犯罪的规定进行了预备性考察,反思了现行刑事立法的诸多疏漏。第四章对有关侵害个人信息行为的现状及立法中的犯罪构成进行了梳理,在借鉴以往理论成果基础上,立足于中国现实,以规范刑法为视角对侵犯个人信息犯罪的构成要件展开分析,对其中不足之处加以概括总结。第五章分析了当前我国个人信息保护法律体系存在的问题,对由网络反腐等社会热点问题而引发的价值观念冲突展开了分析,最后提出了完善立法的相应建议。本文认为,立法部门一方面要一方面明确将严重侵权个人信息的行为犯罪化,另一方面要兼顾“权利保护”与“自由流动”之间的和谐与平衡,恪守刑法最低限度干预原则,秉承合理控制犯罪圈的审慎立场。在个人信息刑法保护的制度构建中,通过扩大主体范围、调整罪刑结构,加强与行政法、民法等法律手段的互动,加快制定《个人信息保护法》立法进程,建立更加严密的个人信息保护法律体系。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of informational society, all social fields haveexperienced great changes, which bring about increasing intrusion of personalinformation. The ways and methods of intrusion tend to be more diverse, and theprotection of personal data becomes urgent and difficult. How to legally protectpersonal information has turned out to a hot issue which draws international attention.However, the criminal law in China has not enacted due legislation on personal dataprotection. Based on the relevant theories and documents at home and abroad, thisdissertation has explored the backgrounds as well as the present situation oflegislation of personal data protection. With a comparative method, the author of thisdissertation has also attempted to analyze the impacts of legislation of personal dataprotection and its existing problems, summarize the difficulties and conflicts in theprocess of legislation, and consequently put forward some suggestions concerninglegislation. The whole dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter one has definedthe concepts and classifications concerning personal data. Chapter two has exploredthe constitution, civil law, administrative law and criminal law. Based on thesejuridical logics, the author has expounded the necessity and practicality of legalprotection of personal data. Chapter three has comparatively analyzed the existingsituation and legislation modes of personal data protection in the US, Germany,Denmark, the UK, Japan and Taiwan of China, so as to provide some effectivereferences for personal data protection studies. This chapter has also investigated thepersonal data crimes in China and reflected the flaws in Chinese criminal lawconcerning the protection of the personal data. Chapter four has reviewed the existingpersonal data intrusion and its criminal constituency. Based on the past theoreticaloutcome, and rooted in Chinese realistic facts, the author has in this chapter analyzedaspects of the personal data criminal constituent, and hence generalized someblemishes in Chinese criminal law and relevant regulations. Chapter five has probedinto the imperfection of Chinese legal system concerning personal data protection,expounded the value conflicts brought about by network anti-corruption, and put forward some suggestions for the perfection of legislation. The author of thisdissertation believes that the legislative branches should, on one hand, make clear towhat extent the intrusion of personal data is criminal behavior, and on the other handcoordinate the relationship of “right protection” and “free migration”, adhering to theprinciple of minimal intervention, so as to take a stance of sound control of thecriminal circle. In the process of constructing legal system to protect the personal data,we should expand the subject scale, adjust criminal structure, and enhance theinteraction of criminal law, administrative law, and civil law. We should speed up theprocess of enacting “Personal Data Protection Law” and build up a sound personaldata protection legal system.


