

Study of the Deposit and Loan Crimes

【作者】 胡洪春

【导师】 顾肖荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为一名长期从事金融刑事审判工作的法官,常常在合起卷宗后问自己:为什么同样的金融案件,刑事判决会与民事判决不一致?究竟是民事判决影响刑事判决,还是刑事判决影响民事判决?老百姓眼里的诈骗和刑法规定的诈骗罪之间的界限究竟在哪里?这些具体的问题又延伸出一些更基础、更宏观的问题:如何看待刑法的地位?如何完善现有刑法以便其产生更强大的正能量等等。于是乎,在工作之余积淀了些思索。恰好在金融海啸后我国金融业正面临全面加快改造以增强自身竞争实力的历史性转轨期,而如何运用刑法为创建上海国际金融中心添砖加瓦又是热点问题。由此机缘和背景,遂动笔撰成此文。本文从存贷款犯罪的概述发起。首先提出了存贷款犯罪的概念,并在概念之下对于何谓存款、贷款进行了阐述,继尔列举了存贷款管理法规,后对于应受刑罚处罚性予以结尾。其次,根据以存款、贷款为犯罪对象和以侵犯我国存贷款管理法律制度为重要标志和主要特征确定了存贷款犯罪的范围,即以下7个罪名作为研究对象:非法吸收公众存款罪、吸收客户资金不入帐罪、集资诈骗罪、高利转贷罪、骗取贷款罪、违法发放贷款罪和贷款诈骗罪。最后,提出了刑法核心性的观点,认为无论是“先刑后民”,还是刑法最后性,都不足以全面概括或者反映刑法与其他法律的关系;刑法当然不是最优先的法律,但也非最后的、从属的和补充的;正确的刑法地位应当是核心性,即刑法处于法律体系的核心地位。在对存贷款犯罪进行概述后,本文以1979刑法和1997刑法为分界,将我国存贷款犯罪的立法演变分为三个阶段,分别进行了宏观式探析。在此基础上,本文从犯罪学的角度对我国存贷款犯罪的现状、特点和原因进行了粗线条的探析,以此增加对我国存贷款犯罪的感性了解。此后,本文又列举了两大法系和港澳台地区的相关立法情况,并在比较区别后引申出在犯罪早期化、犯罪概念等方面的观点。本文第五章、第六章和第七章是全文的重点。这三章分别以存贷款犯罪构成中的共性问题、个罪论述和立法、司法完善作为研究视角,从而对存贷款犯罪进行了全方位、深层次、递进式的研究与探讨。在存贷款犯罪共性问题中,按犯罪四要件分为主观方面、主体、客体和对象、客观方面4节,分别展开论述。其中,对于主体中的实际控制情形、个人公司、客体和对象中的被害人的认定以及客观方面中的欺诈行为等作出独特的研析。在个罪论述中,按个罪罪名逐一进行分述,且在每一罪名分述中均引入了典型案例,使其能与理论分析相结合。个罪中的疑难问题则是该章节的重点,尤其是如集资诈骗罪的死刑探讨具有相当深度。在立法和司法完善中,先是从立法模式、罪状、罪名、刑法、刑事诉讼等方面对立法完善提出了自己的观点;后是从司法解释、赃款赃物分配原则、利益衡平等方面对司法完善提出了独有的建议,从而形成较为完整的完善体系。由于本文系将我国存贷款犯罪这一类罪作为研究对象,且受限于笔者自身理论水平不足,因而不可避免地存在体系庞大但深度不够,甚至谬误等缺陷。然而,笔者愿意以此文为铺路石,希翼能用自身对存贷款犯罪浅薄的研究为刑事审判工作提供些许助力,为我国金融业茁壮发展提供些许帮助,为创建上海国际金融中心贡献点滴力量。

【Abstract】 The international financial situation since the financial tsunami in2007requirefinancial institutions in China accelerate the comprehensive transformation andenhance their competitive strength, in order to meet the challenge of foreign financialinstitutions in the historic transition period, then achieve the purpose of thesimultaneous development with the international financial industry. I have engaged inthe criminal trial for more than sixteen years, the long-term contact with economiccrimes especially financial crime make me accumulated quite a lot of questions andthinking about crime for deposits and loans, and the thesis of study of the moderndeposit and loan crimes is written in this context.The thesis initiate from the overview of the deposit and loan crimes and viaexplore the changes of deposit and loan crimes to summarize and summer up thecurrent situation and characteristics of deposit and loan crimes. Secondly, the thesiscompare the Chinese and foreign legislation and then do difficult exploration on thecommon problems in the constitution of deposit and loan crimes and specific crimesas two research analysis angle. Lastly, the thesis end by the perfection of legislation ofdeposit and loan crimes. There are totally seven chapters in the thesis which do round,deep, progressive research and investigate on deposit and loan crimes. The part of theoverview of deposit and loan crimes do comprehensive explanation on the basicconcepts, scope and factors of the deposit and loan. The part of the Changes in depositand loan crimes tells the story of the legislation evolution of deposit and loan crimesin three different stages which is divided by the1979Penal Code and the1997PenalCode. The part of the current situation and characteristics of the deposit and loancrimes highlights the current situation of deposit and loan crimes in china, and thengeneralizes and summarizes the main features. The part of the contrast between deposit and loan crimes in Chinese and foreign legislation is based on the introductionof deposit and loan crimes in the foreign Criminal law. The purpose of this part is toexamine the differences in Chinese and foreign legislation in comparative lawperspective. The part of the common problems of crime constitution is based on thecrime constitution. This part analysis the common problems in the subject、subjective、object and objective aspects of the deposit and loan crimes. The part of the researchon specific crimes focuses on seven specific crimes of deposit and loan crimes, anddiscusses the difficult problems for each crime which worthy of research and analysisin-depth. The part of the perfection of legislation of the deposit and loan crimes ismainly composed of the perfection of legislation and judicial. The part of perfectionof Legislation proposes the perfect idea of the legislation system of deposit and loancrimes. The part of perfection of judicial proposes the new ideas of applyinginjunction and personal bankruptcy system and other new ideas from aspects ofjudicial interpretation and judicial application.In a Word, author not only expect to combine and sublimation the shallowresearch on deposit and loan crimes by seven parts exposition while playing a goodguide role to judiciary,but also provide a little help to financial institutions, thenmake some contributions for building the Shanghai financial center, even for buildinga stable, healthy financial order of China.


