

Research on Judge’s Judicial Ability

【作者】 宗会霞

【导师】 谭世贵;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为与党的执政能力相伴生的一个概念,司法能力一经问世便受到广泛关注。从司法能力诞生的历程及背景不难发现,这一概念自一开始便带有了极强的政治色彩。对司法能力的解读,便极可能因为泛政治化而局限于党政政策实施层面。而事实上,纵观近几年有关司法能力的学界研究成果,或多或少都有着政治政策的影子,总体上呈现出以司法能力建设方案架构代替司法能力本身的研究的现象。也正因为对司法能力本身研究不够,导致对司法能力建设的研究也落入俗套:即把司法能力建设机械的划分为司法审判能力、调解能力、管理能力、服务能力、认定证据能力、适用法律能力等等部分,分门别类的提出应对的方案。这种悬空的视角使得方案本身可行性大打折扣,这种研究的价值也就仅仅限于司法能力的政治呐喊上。对此,本文试图跳出这种拘囿,从司法能力本身着手研究,来为司法能力基础理论乃至司法能力建设的基础依据厘清思路。就司法能力这一概念而言,放眼全球,并不是一个普适性的词语。据笔者掌握的相关资料显示,国外法学理论界并未有司法能力这一专业概念,在实践运用层面只是偶有提及:欧洲开放社会研究院实施的“加人欧盟跟踪计划”,就加人欧盟10个中、东欧国家的司法改革情况出版的两个评估报告之一即是有关司法能力的报告。欧盟与成员国之间有相关的司法能力建设合作项目。此外,国外关于司法能力并没过多述及,由此,对司法能力这一概念的阐释,将开创法学研究的又一视角,对国内及国际上都将产生积极意义。“中国法学的最大误区是将学术和政治不加区分,学者不是从事客观的学术活动,而是动辄将自己的政治观点强加进自己的学术研究中。”对于著名法学家陈瑞华先生的劝诫,笔者颇有感触,深表认同。对此,笔者将避开党的执政能力这个着眼点,把视角放在法官职业素养能力上,对司法能力进行梳理分析,并试图总结出法官司法能力的构成及规律,以期在法学领域构架司法能力的基础理论。全文以职业能力为视角,以解构式的研究方法探析了法官司法能力的内涵和外延。在初步形成法官司法能力理论体系的基础上,反观国外法官司法能力提升的有益经验及相应的社会、文化环境,通过审视我国法官司法能力现状,提出了适应我国时代特征的法官司法能力提升的思路和路径。全文共分七部分。第一部分,绪论。该部分阐述了法官司法能力这一课题的选题意义(包括理论意义、实践意义)、国内外文献综述、研究方法、创新观点等问题。第二部分,法官司法能力的概念界定。对司法能力的理解首先应该从司法的性质人手,然后根据司法活动本身的规律来寻找司法能力的规定性。司法是一种职业,司法能力究其实质应该是一种职业能力。任何职业都有一定的工作任务要求,工作任务的胜任力是职业能力的题中之意。思维和语言是法官这一职业区别于其他职业的集中展现,那么,法官司法能力这一概念在本文中的界定为:法官司法能力是指法官在特定思维的指引下,运用特定语言完成审判任务的胜任力。第三部分,法官司法能力的构成与表现。法官思维能力和法官语言能力构成了法官司法能力的核心内涵。法官思维能力。包括逻辑思维能力、法律思维能力、经验思维能力和社会思维能力。其中逻辑思维能力是法官思维能力的基础,有助于法官建立和把握法律判断;法律思维能力是法官思维能力的核心,也是法官区别于其他职业的集中体现;经验思维能力指的是法官以普通大众的角色身份进行思维来认定案件事实的能力。法官的经验思维能力受自身直觉、情感、人格、善断等前见的影响,主要体现于对经验法则的理解及运用上。法官语言能力。法官在行使司法权审判案件时,对语言的运用和掌控直接影响着司法形象,甚至关涉人们对司法公正的认知。总体而言,法官的语言水平包括法官应当及如何在履行职务过程中使用语言。法官使用的语言包括司法口语和书面语言。法律的实施和运用依赖于司法口语和法律文书的书面语言交替使用来完成。法官司法能力外在展现于法官处理案件中的各个环节,包括事实认定能力、法律适用能力、诉讼调解能力、庭审驾驭能力、裁判文书制作能力等方面。第四部分,国外法官司法能力的考察与启示。本部分概览了国外有关法官司法能力的相关标准,探析了各国提升法官司法能力的共通性举措,并立足国内环境汲取国外的有益经验与启示。第五部分,我国法官司法能力的现状、问题及原因。论文以我国的任职资格为切入点,通过归纳法官的年龄、学历、性别等构成勾勒出我国法官司法能力相对不高的现状。并从法官思维能力和语言能力两个维度思索了我国法官司法能力中存在的问题,并进一步分析了问题的根源性成因,即司法独立程度不高、法官遴选机制不科学、法官惩戒制度不完善、法官管理行政化、法官培训形式化等。第六部分,提升我国法官司法能力的基本思路。法官司法能力的提升,关键在于法官自己有提升能力的内源动力,同时离不开制度保障和司法环境的改善。提升我国司法能力的基本思路应当是,以增强司法职业道德为导向,改善现有司法环境,重视和加强制度保证。第七部分,提升我国法官司法能力的若干构想。本部分是论文的重心,提出了具有操作意义的提升我国法官司法能力的若干方案。如实现法院独立与法官独立相结合;构建中国特色的法官遴选制度;实现法官在职培训的专业化、规范化;建立他律模式的法官惩戒制度;改革司法能力语境下相关配套制度,等等。

【Abstract】 As a concept which is concomitant with the party’s ruling ability, the judicial ability has attracted much attention when it comes. From the history and background of the birth of judicial ability, it is not hard to find that this concept is with a strong political understanding from the start. The interpretation of judicial ability is most likely to be limited to the party and government policy implementation level because of the politicization. As a matter of fact, throughout the academic research results on judicial ability in recent years, there is more or less the shadow of political policies, The current situation in the study of judicial ability is overall to take solution architecture instead of study itself. Because the research on the judicial ability is not enough, Study on judicial ability construction is also formulaic:namely judicial ability is divided into judicial judgment, mediation ability, management ability and service ability, ruled evidence ability, applicable law ability, etc., and to be proposed corresponding solutions. The impending perspective makes the feasibility of the plan diminished, So the value of these research is limited to political battle cry for the judicial ability. This paper attempts to jump out of the box and work on judicial ability itself, for clear thinking of judicial ability construction on the basis of basic theory. In terms of the concept of judicial ability, around the world, is not a general word. According to the relevant data from the author, foreign jurists did not have the professional concept of judicial ability. In practice only occasionally mentioned:" add the EU track planning" implementation of the open society institute, one of the two assessment report is about the ability of the judicial of10the European Union, eastern European countries. There are cooperation projects relevant to judicial ability construction between member states and the EU. In addition, judicial ability is not too much in foreign, and, as a result, the interpretation of the concept of judicial ability, will create another view of law research, will have a positive significance on the domestic and international."The biggest mistake of Jurisprudence in China is will make no distinction of academic and political, scholars do not objective academic activities, but often impose their own political views into their own academic research."For Mr. Chen ruihua, a famous jurist’s exhortation, the author has a good agreed feeling. To this, the author will avoid the party’s ruling ability, put the perspective on the judge’s professional ability, and tries to summarize the structure and rules of judge’s judicial ability, in order to frame the basic theory of judicial ability in the field of law. The full text is divided into seven parts. The text view new definition of the concept of judge’s judicial ability in vocational ability. On the basis of analyzing the composition of the judge’s judicial ability and the external form of expression. at the same time of Examining standards of judge’s judicial ability abroad, analyzes the main measures to promote judge’s judicial ability abroad, combined with present situation of judge’s judicial ability our country and existing problems, to put forward the basic concept and the specific architecture to promote judge’s judicial ability in our country.


