

Study on Internet Game Addiction of College Student

【作者】 闫宏微

【导师】 叶美霞;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着互联网技术和家用电脑的发展与不断普及,网络已经深入到了当代大学生学习、生活、社交等各个领域,成为大学生学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。对于很多大学生来说,网络不仅仅是一个获取信息的工具、交流沟通的平台、休闲娱乐的手段,更是他们的精神家园。然而,随着网络的普及,越来越多的大学生由于网络成瘾而对学业发展、身心健康而造成负面影响的案例也引起了社会各界的广泛关注,其中最为严重的则是对网络游戏的成瘾,对大学生个人发展成长造成了重大的危害,也产生了深远的社会影响。如何引导大学生合理使用互联网,如何有效预防与矫治大学生网络游戏成瘾这一问题,是摆在我们面前的一道难题。本文在研究中,对游戏与网络游戏这两个核心概念的内涵、分类、特征以及功能进行了学理性的探寻,对成瘾与网络游戏成瘾这两个核心概念的涵义、诊断依据与形成机制进行了深入的探讨。本文坚持以马克思主义人学理论和社会主义核心价值体系理论为指导,充分借鉴了社会学、心理学、传播学、教育学等其他学科的相关学术资源,努力搭建起大学生网络游戏成瘾问题研究的理论框架,为本文的研究提供理论支撑。本文在研究方法上采用了文献研究法、实证研究法、跨学科交叉研究法等展开研究,力求做到宏观审视与微观剖析相结合、理论分析与实证调研相统一。实证研究中,采用二阶段式设计整合量化与质化研究,第一阶段以量化研究的范式和方法主导整个研究过程,先建立研究假设,然后在南京7所高校发放调查问卷1500份,通过调查数据结果验证假设,对大学生网络游戏成瘾者的人口学特征及其网络休闲状况进行了调查分析;第二阶段以质化研究的范式开展研究,通过参与式观察、深度访谈等方式开展研究,对15位辅导员进行访谈,获得了大量的访谈资料以及样本推荐,先后积累了29个网络游戏成瘾的大学生样本,从当事人的视角探寻他们网络游戏成瘾行为的发生原因。对于大学生网络游戏成瘾的原因,笔者从宏观的价值层面、中观的教育层面与微观的个体层面展开多维解析。从宏观价值层面看,我国正处于社会转型期,大学生的价值观出现多元化的趋势,出现了令人堪忧的问题,例如政治信仰的淡漠、理想信念的缺失、错误社会思潮的影响,造成了大学生迷茫无措,失去了奋斗的方向,容易到网络游戏的世界中寻找寄托;从教育层面来看,错误的家庭教育目标与教养方式、应试教育体制下片面的培养目标都忽视了对学生的价值观教育、人格教育与心理健康教育,也对学生休闲、游戏的愿望进行了长期的压抑,造成了部分大学生的厌学情绪,他们把大学当作了多年应试教育之后的休息站,目前高等教育体制下读书无用论的盛行以及大学教育管理中存在的各种问题,也是大学生网络游戏成瘾发生的重要原因;从网络游戏成瘾大学生个体特征来看,网络游戏成瘾大学生通常具有某些特定的人格特质,在出现应激性生活事件时往往会采取不成熟的应对方式,而缺乏良好的社会支持也是网络游戏成瘾发生的直接原因。除了网游成瘾大学生的个人特征外,网络游戏自身的游戏性也与网络游戏成瘾的发生有着直接的联系。在实证调查研究的基础上,笔者对大学生网络游戏成瘾的发生原因进行了多维的探讨,而如何开展对大学生网络游戏成瘾的预防与解决是本文研究的落脚点与最终目标。本文认为,大学生网络游戏成瘾的预防与解决,应该基于马克思主义休闲思想的科学指导,同时离不开正确游戏观的树立。在预防解决大学生网络游戏成瘾问题时,应该把握好“以人为本、科学发展”、“强化疏导、疏堵结合”、“以防为主、防治结合”和“标本兼治,综合治理”四大原则。大学生网游成瘾问题的预防解决是一项系统工程,离不开政府部门的立法与监督,离不开网络游戏企业的自律与社会责任的承担。因此,应当建立起家庭、学校、社会三位一体的长效管理机制。最后,笔者对如何开展大学生网络游戏成瘾的预防与矫治工作提出了一些具体的探索性建议。

【Abstract】 With the development and popularization of Internet technology and the home computer, network has been dept into every field of contemporary college students’ learning, life, and social fields, etc. It becomes an important platform for college students to learn knowledge, exchange ideas, leisure and entertainment. For many students, the network is not only a tool to get information, a platform to communicate with others, a way to relax, it is their spiritual home. However, with the popularity of Internet, more and more college students get obstacles under the influence of Internet addiction, such cases has attracted wide attention from all sectors of society, one of the most serious is to the network game addiction, which caused great harm to the College Students’ personal growth and development, also produced profound social impact. Therefore, how to guide students to use Internet in a reasonable way, how to effectively prevent and correct college students online game addiction this problem, is a problem placed in front of us.This thesis has explored the classification, characteristics and function of two core concepts of game and the network game rationally, and has further discuss about the meaning, basis of diagnosis and formation mechanism of two core concepts of addiction and Internet game addiction. This thesis adheres to the Marx doctrine theory and the theory of socialist core value system as guidance, and makes full use of relevant academic resources of other subject of sociology, psychology, communication, education and so on, to build the network game addiction of college students on the theoretical framework, provide theoretical support for this research.This paper adopts two stage design and integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods in the study. The first stage of the whole process of the research on dominant paradigm and quantitative research methods, first set up the research hypothesis, and then issued1500copies of questionnaires in7universities in Nanjing, and utilize the survey results to verify the hypothesis, analyzes and investigates the demographic characteristics of college students network game addiction and network situation of leisure; the second stage uses the qualitative research paradigm, through participant observation, depth interviews to carry out studies, interviews of15counselors, access to a large number of interviews and sample recommendation, has accumulated29online game addiction of College Students samples, explore the causes of their online game addiction behavior from the perspective of them.The author starts from the aspect of value view of multidimensional analysis, macroscopic educational level and micro level of the individual to fine the reason for the college students online game addiction. From the macro perspective of value, our country is in the period of social transition, the values of college students had a trend of diversification, the worrying problems, for example, the eroded political beliefs, lack of ideals and beliefs, effect of social wrong thought, causing students confused flawless, lost the direction of the struggle, easy to step in the network game world to find sustenance. From the aspects of education, unappropriate family education objective and upbringing pattern, the error of the exam-oriented education system, one-sided goal had ignored students’ values education, personality education and mental health education, the leisure, the game the aspirations of students were long suppressed, so that some college students feel weary, they put the University as a rest stop after years of examination-oriented education. The higher education system useless reading vogue and various problems in the management of university education, were also an important cause of college students online game addiction. From the perspective of individual characteristics of College Students’Internet addiction game, college students who has online game addiction problem usually have a certain personality traits, in the presence of stressful life events often take no Mature coping style, and the lack of direct cause of good social support is network game addiction occurs. In addition to the personal characteristics of College Students’ gaming addiction, play network game itself and network game addiction has a direct connection.Based on the case studies of college students, the author makes a multi-dimensional study of the occurrence of network game addiction, and how to carry out the prevention of college students online game addiction and solution is the end result of this study and the final goal. In this paper, prevention and solution of college students online game addiction should based on Marx’s idea of leisure, and also cannot leave the right game concept and the implementation of quality education. To solve the problems in the prevention of college students online game addiction, we should have a good grasp of the "people-oriented, scientific development","strengthen the guidance, combined with sparse block","giving priority to prevention, combining prevention with control" and "administer thoroughly, integrated governance" four principles. Prevention of Internet game addiction problems of college students is a systematic project, is inseparable from the legislation and supervision of government departments, assume without self-discipline and social responsibility of the enterprise network game. Therefore, we should set up a long-acting management mechanism the Trinity family, school, society. Finally, put forward some concrete proposals on how to carry out the college students online game addiction prevention and treatment work.

  • 【分类号】G641;C913.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】6131

