

Study on Dong Zhongshu’s Cultivation Thoughts

【作者】 康喆清

【导师】 季芳桐;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国自古就有重教化的传统,教化不仅对个人内在身心起着规范作用,也对国家政权和社会秩序具有重要意义。董仲舒是西汉时期儒家学派的代表人物之一,他继承传统儒家教化学说,在此基础上融合先秦诸子思想,并依据汉代社会的实际情况,阐述了自己独到的教化思想理论。董仲舒教化思想的提出也标志着传统中国社会中的教化体系得以确立,并且借助汉代统一帝国的历史条件,完成了儒家学说由原典理论向现实化、实践化的转变,进而对后世社会产生着深远的影响。董仲舒生活的时代对其教化思想的形成至关重要。一方面,在经济和政治领域经历了汉初的恢复与发展之后,汉代社会又出现了诸如社会差距拉大、地方分离势力猖獗等新的社会问题,这促使董仲舒在教化层面思考与探索解决之道;另一方面,西汉初期的思想文化氛围较为宽松,这使得先秦诸子的学说得以复兴并表现出逐步融合的态势,这种学术思潮的出现对董仲舒改造儒家学说有所启示。在汉初特殊的时代背景下,董仲舒以先秦儒家的教化思想为本,整合借鉴其他诸子学说中的合理内容,以其独特的天道哲学观及人性学说作为理论基础,系统地提出了以教化思想为主线而贯穿始终的儒家治国理论,最终在与汉武帝的对策中获得认同。至此,儒学在汉代的意识形态领域取得了独尊地位,成为官方的指导思想,董仲舒也借以正式展开其教化思想体系的内容。关于教化的目标,董仲舒认为包括提高人性修养、培养国家栋梁以及维护社会稳定等三个方面;关于教化的原则,董仲舒提出了他著名的“三纲五常”理论,并在“三纲”思想中重点突出了“君为臣纲”的思想,在“五常”思想中对先秦的道德伦理学说进行了一定的突破与创新,由此形成对中国封建社会产生深刻影响的道德原则;关于教化的功能,董仲舒通过对秦朝灭亡的深刻反思,认为教化具有堤防作用,意义在于稳固社会统治,这就赋予教化以政治内涵,从而上升为一种治国策略。董仲舒教化思想的显著特点之一在于受教对象的广泛性,包括社会中的所有人,上至君王,下至普通民众,都有接受教化的必要。首先,君王在国家中居于首要地位,要通过学习儒家典籍,以身作则,成圣成善,在此基础上施行王道教化,从而教导万民成善;其次,各级官吏作为主要的施教者,上承君王,下启社会民众,通过教化与选官制度之间的渗透及相关制度性安排,董仲舒提出以儒家政治伦理提升官吏道德水平;最后,对社会民众的教化直接影响到王朝的统治,具有重要意义,董仲舒主张通过君王的示范作用、官吏的施政作用、地方学校的教化以及乡里教化等多种途径完成对社会民众的教化。通观董仲舒的教化思想,在形式、功能、内容和方法等方面都表现出自身的突出特点,构建出封建教化的完整体系,对西汉社会乃至后世封建王朝都产生了深刻的影响,对儒家学说的传承与民族精神的形成也做出过贡献,但同样不可否认的是,董仲舒的教化思想也存在一些明显的局限性。以史为鉴,充分发掘传统文化中的现实意义,是本文的出发点与最终落脚点,基于董仲舒教化思想的丰富内涵以及古代教化思想与当代思想政治教育之间的内在关联,可以得到一些值得当代思想政治教育借鉴的历史启示,本文拟从三个大的方面进行研究,即对当代思想政治教育在功能方面的启示、在内容方面的启示以及在方法方面的启示。总之,与先秦时期的传统儒家思想相比,一方面,董仲舒在理论层面有了较大的突破和发展,使其教化理论成为后世国家的治国范本;另一方面,也是更为重要的是,通过一系列的制度设计,董仲舒促成了儒家教化理想在社会实践层面的落实,因此董仲舒的教化思想是值得深入研究的课题。本文希望通过对董仲舒教化思想的研究,洞悉汉代教化发展的状况,并归纳总结其历史经验教训,为我们今天开展思想政治教育工作提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 China has the tradition of cultivation since ancient times, cultivation not only for regulate the personal moral and ideas, but also has a great significance on political power and social order. Dong Zhongshu is one of the representatives of Confucian in the West-Han Dynasty, He inherited the traditional cultivation theories of Confucian and integrate many other theories in Pre-Qin Period, Elaborated his original cultivation thoughts Based on the actual situation of the West-Han Dynasty. Dong Zhongshu’s cultivation thoughts mark that the cultivation system has been established in traditional Chinese society, on the Background of National unity, Dong completed the transformation of Confucian from the original theory to the reality and practice, it has an important influence on Later dynasties.The situation of West-Han Dynasty has an important impact on Dong’s thoughts. On the one hand, West-Han Dynasty encounter some new troubles like social gap and local separation after the recovery and development in early years; on the other hand, loosely culture atmosphere makes thoughts in Pre-Qin Period revival and integrated gradually, this academic trend have implications on Dong Zhongshu’s research. On the background of early West-Han Dynasty, Dong absorbs other thoughts in Pre-Qin Period based on the cultivation thoughts of traditional Confucian, and uses the philosophy of heaven and the theory of humanity as his theoretical basic, he presentation the cultivation thought systematically, and was finally recognized by the Emperor Han Wu. Thus, the "oust others doctrines, the overwhelming Confucianism." was established, based on it, Dong expanded the contents of his cultivation system.About the objective of cultivation, Dong lists three aspects:improve humanity cultivation, personnel training and maintaining social stability.About the principle of cultivation, Dong proposed his famous theory of "three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues", and give prominence to the "ruler guides subject". Dong developed the ethical theory in Pre-Qin Period. The theory of "three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues" has a far-reaching impact on the whole feudal society. About the function of cultivation, Dong compared cultivation as an embankment, it can consolidate the power, so cultivation has political meanings, and it’s a political strategy.One of the notable features of Dong’s cultivation thought is the generalization of educated, including everyone in society, from emperor to ordinary people, they all have the necessity to accept cultivation. First, emperor is the primacy of a dynasty, he should study the classics of Confucian, practice what he learn and become a saint. Then, the emperor can implement the cultivation to guide the people to become educated. Second, officers between emperor and the ordinary people, they are major teachers, so Dong proposed to enhance the level of their moral by the ethic rules of Confucian. The last, the cultivation of ordinary people affects the stability of the dynasty, so Dong proposed to cultivate ordinary people by the demonstration of emperor, administration of officials, education of local schools and the cultivation by etiquette and music in rural area.Dong’s cultivation thought demonstrate some outstanding characteristics on the aspect of form, function, content and methodology, it constructs the complete system of cultivation in feudal society, it have had a profound impact on the West-Han Dynasty as well as the later feudal dynasty, it also contribute to the heritage of Confucian and the formation of the national spirit. On the other side, it’s undeniable that there are some obvious limitations in Dong’s thoughts. Learning from history, the starting point and ultimate point of this article is to fully explore the practical significance of traditional culture. After the analysis of Dong’s cultivation thought, and the relationship between ancient cultivation thought and contemporary ideological and political education, we can get some revelation. In this paper, there are three aspects:first, the inspiration for ideological and political education in terms of function; second, the inspiration for ideological and political education in terms of content; last, the inspiration for ideological and political education in terms of method.In short, there are two. different points compared with the traditional Confucian in Pre-Qin Period. First, Dong has made significant breakthrough and development in the theoretical level, his cultivation thought also become the model of later feudal dynasty. On the other hand, which is more important is that the ideal of Confucian cultivate become a reality by a series of system design of Dong. So, the cultivation thoughts of Dong Zhongshu is a subject that worthy of study. This paper is to study the cultivation thoughts of Dong Zhongshu, understanding the situation of cultivation in West-Han Dynasty, summarize the historical experiences and lessons. At last, this paper provides some references for ideological and political education.


