

Research on Model of College Students’ Network Moral Education Based on Technological Ethics

【作者】 王渊

【导师】 丁振国;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 计算机网络技术是20世纪人类最为璀璨的科技景观,它的普及和深入拓展使人类迅速地进入到网络化时代。面对如火如荼发展的互联网给人们带来的巨大影响,中央领导多次强调要关注、研究和利用好互联网。因此,就如何进一步加强和改进网络道德教育,引导大学生确立坚定的理想信念,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,增强其网络道德意识,规范其网上行为,争做网络新人,有效克服网络社会带来的各种负面影响,已成为思想政治教育工作者必须研究和解决的战略性课题,它对于我们培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义事业建设者和接班人,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。自二十世纪八十年代以来,以互联网为标志的信息革命深刻地改变着人类物质生活和精神生活的几乎一切领域。人们也开始反思一个沉重的现实问题:科技的发展、应用与人类伦理道德方面的激烈冲突。作为理论上的回应和应用伦理学的一个分支,在世界范围内兴起了针对种种因科技进步而产生的相关道德问题的科技伦理学的研究。伦理学向来是学校道德教育实施的理论基础,在网络时代,应用伦理学研究发生重大转向的同时,高校德育也应做出自己的反应。大学生是民族精英和国家未来发展的希望,随着他们网络使用范围的不断扩大,其表现出的网络道德失范问题也日益突出,而大学生的网络道德水平直接关系到全社会网民的网络道德能否健康发展。所以,切实加强大学生的网络道德教育应该成为新时期高校思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分。那么,从科技伦理的视角进行大学生网络道德教育模式研究就是时代的要求。全文由三部分组成,第一部分(1—2章)提出问题:选题的研究意义及相关重要概念解析;第二部分(34章)分析问题:通过问卷调查获取数据进行原因分析,并结合国外学习经历开展有关本选题的中美比较研究;第三部分(5—7章)解决问题:我国大学生网络道德教育模式研究。具体内容概括如下:第一章运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点,较全面地梳理了网络道德和大学生网络道德教育研究的理论成果。第二章是对大学生网络道德教育相关重要概念的解析,以及有关理论基础和开展本研究的意义、必要性的阐释。本章首先介绍了道德、科技伦理、网络道德的概念,并界定网络道德的基本范畴和特殊范畴,网络道德的特征,同时,论述了网络道德与应用伦理学及科技伦理的关系。指出:大学生网络道德教育模式是在有关伦理学和思想政治教育学理论的指导下,以一定目标为前提,通过有效的策略、方法、体系建构起来的一种比较稳定而简明的程序化过程。这种模式运用科学思维方法和操作程序,解决实际生活中大学生的网络道德发展性问题,使之成为易于理解和接受的道德教育范式,并运用于具体的德育实践过程。另外,还探讨了基于科技伦理视角进行本研究的意义:首先,科技发展与道德进步有着良性互动的关系;其次,网络道德是科技伦理学研究的一部分;再次,科技伦理具有丰富的大学德育意义。第三章是大学生网络道德教育的比较研究,包括网络道德教育与我国传统德育的比较和中美大学生网络道德教育比较两部分。首先,我们对网络道德与现实道德的关系进行了比较,认为,网络道德以现实道德为基础;同时又对现实道德具有反作用;而且网络道德规范的建设比现实道德复杂的多。其次,提出了应该实现网络道德教育与我国传统德育的有效互动,主要在于:更新大学生的道德观念;明确大学生的道德评价标准;提高大学生网络道德的自觉性和自律性。最后,是中美大学生网络道德教育比较。第一,介绍了美国大学生网络道德教育的目标、内容、具体实施方法。第二,比较中美大学生网络道德教育的差异,从而得出美国大学生网络道德教育的经验:一是通过信息素养教育推动网络道德教育;二是通过网络道德教育的形式,对上网大学生进行价值观的教育,提高大学生对网络的认识以及对人生意义与价值的思考;三是美国特别注意对黑客的引导。我们应该学习他们的优点,摈弃缺点并弥补不足,在实践中促进大学生健康道德人格的形成,加强网络道德教育工作。第四章是大学生网络道德现状的调研,以及分析大学生网络道德失范的主要问题和原因,并给出典型案例。通过问卷调查,我们对大学生的网络道德状况进行了描述,从调查结果显示,多数大学生还是对网络问题持有正确的认识,并具备一定的网络控制能力,但他们在网上违法和不道德的行为状况不容乐观,须引起我们的重视。通过调查,我们得出结论:开展网络道德教育十分具有现实意义和社会价值,我们应适当采纳大学生自己提出的建议,将其理论化、系统化,设计出一套行之有效的大学生网络道德教育模式,应用于高校德育的实践中。接着,我们总结了大学生网络道德失范的主要问题及危害,并从主体、心理、社会和制度四个方面对大学生网络道德失范的原因进行了分析。最后,选取了两个比较有代表性的案例进行评析,并给出启示。第五章是对大学生网络道德教育目标和任务的具体阐述。首先,概述了网络社会的道德转型:即从封闭型向开放型道德转变、从依赖型向自主型道德转变、从一元化向多元化道德转变。其次,规定大学生网络道德教育的对象,包括网络道德主体的范围和网络道德主体的权利、义务。再次,提出了大学生网络道德教育三个层次的目标:一是基本目标:网上与网下“自我”的统一;二是最终目标:慎独;三是理想目标:在网上形成较高的道德水准,以此促进现实道德水平的提升。最后,指出大学生网络道德教育的根本任务在于扎根生活,关注个体的实践,以个人生活经验为切入点,帮助大学生解决生活中的困惑和现实问题,进而理解生活的目的、价值和意义,并引导他们在个体实践中形成完整的精神生活。体现在三个方面:第一,树立大学生的网络道德意识;第二,提高大学生的网络道德判断和选择能力;第三,引导大学生形成良好的网络道德行为习惯。同时,我们还提出了大学生网络道德教育对传统道德的溯源传承问题,即必须追寻中华民族道德文化的精魂,结合时代需要,借鉴儒家传统思想中的有益成分。首先要有修身成人的理想人格追求;其次是有人伦互动的和谐社会理想追求。第六章是对大学生网络道德教育内容规定的建议。首先是确立网络道德的基本原则,制定网络道德行为规范,这是本论文的创新点之一。其次,是关于大学生网络道德主体意识的培养,这里涉及基本道德意识和原则教育、网络公共行为准则和文明礼仪教育、网络道德规范教育三个方面。第三,是对大学生进行个体网络道德行为选择教育,这里讨论了道德行为选择中的自由与必然的关系,以及道德冲突处境下的行为选择方案。第四,是大学生个体道德品质与道德境界教育,其中阐述了个体道德与社会道德的关系,论证了大学生个体网络道德品质与道德人格的塑造,以及道德境界教育的主要内容。最后,我们还指出了大学生网络道德教育应重点关注的几个问题:“平等观”教育;责任意识教育;“诚实守信”的行为准则教育;合理的“义利观”教育等。第七章从方法、路径和保障体系三个层面具体探讨了大学生网络道德教育的实践运行,这是论文的第二个创新点。从方法层面来讲,大学生要规范自身的网络言行,“从我做起”,潜心修炼,形成自我道德品质;培养网络道德情感,塑造网络道德人格;还要坚持自我锻炼的方法,达到高尚的道德境界;同时,加强“慎独”自律,实现道德境界的升华;另外,还要重视舆论渲染,营造积极的育人环境。从实现路径层面来讲,首先是实施网络道德行为规范的正面教育,要让网络行为规范教育“进教材、进课堂、进头脑”。其次是多渠道地利用网络平台开展教育活动,充分发挥网络技术的优势。第三,是拓展数字化环境中灵活多样的教育新途径,及时准确地把握大学生的思想动态,因势利导地开辟高校法制与思想道德教育的新空间。第四,必须实现网络道德话语体系的微观转换。第五,要引导大学生树立正确的网络主体意识:这里就包括帮助大学生树立正确的网络学习观、健康的网络交往观和给予大学生道德体验和行为选择的尊重。从保障体系层面来讲,通过法制建设、技术控制、建立网络信用体系、注重环境调节和人文关怀五个方面的努力来要求政府及社会各界高度重视大学生网络道德教育,从而真正把握网络育人的主动权。通过这一研究,希望能为我国大学生网络道德教育的实践提供一定参考,拓展德育空间。同时,能够规范网络行为,提高大学生信息素养,以促进网络社会的良性和可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Computer network is the most brilliant technological invention of the human in20th century, which brought us to the cyber age rapidly beyond our imagination. With overwhelming influence of the Internet, central leaders emphasized repeatedly that we should pay more attention to and make good use of it. So further strengthening and improving network moral education has become a strategic issue to the ideological and political education workers, which guide the college students to establish firm ideals and beliefs and have the right world outlook, philosophy and viewpoint of value. If we can deal with this problem efficiently, we would get the builders and successors of the socialism who are the students with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. These students will enhance the network moral consciousness consciously, and regulate their behaviors online, and overcome the negative impacts from the network society. It has a very important practical and far-reaching historical significance.Since the1980s, the Internet as a symbol of information revolution has profoundly changed human life in almost all areas. People began to reflect a heavy problem about the fierce conflict between technology development and the human ethics. As the response of theory and a branch of applied ethics, the study has been risen about technological ethics related to moral issues with all kinds of scientific and technological progress in the worldwide. Ethics has always been the theoretical basis of the implementation of moral education in schools. In the Internet Age, important shifts have been taken in applied ethics, and meanwhile, moral education in universities should give their own reaction. Therefore, the research about college students’ network moral education model from the view of technological ethics is the requirement of the times.College students are the elites and the hope of national future. With the continuous expansion of using networks, their network demoralization issues are more prominent, college students’ network moral level is directly related to the whole society and helpful to its health. So, the college students’ network moral education should be the important part of ideological and political education in the new era.This dissertation consists of three parts. Part One (Chapter1-2) Questions:topics of research significance and the introduction of important concepts; Part Two (Chapter3-4) Analysis of the problem: obtain the real data through a questionnaire survey and analyze it, at the same time, take comparative study between US and China about the topic with my learning experiences abroad; Part Three (Chapter5-7) Solve the problem:research of Chinese college students’network moral education model. It may be briefly summarized as follows.Chapter1, with the view of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we summarized the theoretical achievements of computer ethics and college students’ network moral education.Chapter2, on the one hand, we introduce the concepts of morality, technological ethics, network morality, and define network morality common domains and its special domains, the network morality characteristics. Then, the relationship of network morality, applied ethics and technological ethics is discussed. We point out that college students’ network moral education model is a stable and concise program. This program is the system with certain goals through effective strategies and methods, it’s under the guidance of ethics and the ideological and political education theory. This model will use the scientific thinking and operating procedures, and solve the network moral development of college students in real life, then, it also will to be the paradigm of moral education which is understood and accepted easily and applied to specific moral education practice. On the other hand, we discuss the significance of this study based on technological ethics. Firstly, there is a positive interaction between technological development and moral progress. Secondly, the network morality is a part of study in technological ethics. Thirdly, technological ethics has rich meaning of university moral education.Chapter3, first of all, network morality and practical morality are compared. We believe that the network morality is based on and counteract to real morality, the construction of network morality is more complex than the real morality. Then, network moral education and traditional moral education should have the effective interaction. It’s basically behaved in:update college students’moral values; clear their moral evaluation criteria; raise the college students’ network moral consciousness and self-discipline. In the end, there is the comparative moral education of the college students between America and China. First, it describes the objectives, content, specific implementation method of the college students’ network moral education in the U.S. Second, we compare the differences of Chinese and American college students’ network moral education, then arrive at the American experiences. The American government thinks highly of information literacy education through with the network moral education, and they want to improve college students’ understanding of the network as well as the meaning and value of life. Furthermore, the U.S. pays special attention to the hacker’s guidance. We should learn from their advantages, and abandon the shortcomings, and then promote the formation of the moral personality of college students in practice.Chapter4, we describe the network moral status of college students through the questionnaires. The survey results show that the majority of college students hold correct understanding of network problems, but their illegal and immoral behavior online are not optimistic. Through the investigation, we can conclude that network moral education takes very practical significance and social value. We should adopt the recommendations which are put forward by the students themselves appropriately, and design a effective moral education model of college students, then apply it to the practice of university moral education. Furthermore, we summarize the main problems and hazards of college students’ network demoralization. And we also analyze the cause of demoralization from four aspects:the subject, psychological, social and institutional. Finally, we select two representative cases and give the inspiration.Chapter5, first of all, we sum up the moral transformation of the network society, which is the transition from a closed to an open, from dependent to autonomous, and from unified to diversify. Second, the objects of network moral education is formulated, including moral subjects’range, their moral rights and obligations. Third, we put forward the three level target of network moral education, the basic goal:"Self" unifying online and offline; the ultimate goal: observing morality even when he is alone; the ideal goal:forming high moral standards online, so as to promote the moral level of real life. Fourth, we point out the fundamental task of college students’network moral education:take root in life, focus on the individual’s practice. The personal life experiences should be a starting point. We need guide students to solve the problems and confusions in the life. And they are taught to understand the value and significance of life, then they will form a complete spiritual life in the individual practice. It’s reflected in three aspects:firstly, establish the network moral consciousness; secondly, improve the students’ network moral judgment and selective power; thirdly, guide college students to form good network moral behaviors.At the same time, we also propose traditional morality heritage issues of network moral education. We must pursue the spirit of traditional ethical culture of China, and combine it with the needs of the times, then learn from beneficial ingredients of the Confucians. Just like the pursuit of ideal personality and harmonious social interaction.Chapter6, it’s the content of network moral education. Firstly, we establish the basic network moral principles and network moral conducts. This is the first innovation in this dissertation. Secondly, it’s about the college students’ network moral subjective consciousness. It involves the basic education of moral sense and principles, public decency and netiquette and then ethical norm education on the Internet. Thirdly, it’s about the college students individual behavior choice of network morality. We discuss the ethical behavior selection between freedom and necessity, then behavioral options in the situation of moral conflict. Fourthly, it’s about the college students’individual moral virtue and moral realm education. We describe the relationship between individual morality and social morality, and demonstrate the shape of college students individual network moral virtue and moral personality, as well as the main content of the moral realm education.Finally, we also note that the college students’ network moral education should focus on several issues:"Concept of Equality" education, Responsibility Education, conduct education of "Honest and Faith ", reasonable education of "Justice and Interests" etc.Chapter7, we explore the practice running of college students’ network moral education from three aspects about the method, path, and security system. This is the second innovation in this dissertation.In terms of the method, college students should restrict their own words and deeds on the Internet, and form their moral virtue with concentrated practice, then cultivate moral sentiment and shape the network moral personality. Then they have to insist on self-training method, and achieve the lofty morality. At the same time, college students need to strengthen the self-discipline, furthermore, sublimate the moral realm. In addition, we should pay attention to the public opinion and propaganda, and create a positive educational environment. In terms of the path, first, it’s need to implement the network moral conduct education positively, so as to let it into teaching materials, classroom and the mind of students; Second, the multi-channel network platform should be used to carry out educational activities, and play the advantages of network technology; Third, teachers must develop new ways flexibly in digital environment, in order to grasp the ideological trend of college students timely and accurately, as well as open up a new space of the university legal and moral education. Fourth, we should guide college students to establish the correct subjective consciousness, there are three sides:ask students to establish the right network learning concept, the health network communication outlook, and give respect to the experience and behavior of college students’ moral practice. In terms of security system, through the efforts about five areas such as legal system, technical controls, establishment of the network credit system, focusing on environmental regulation and humane care, we want to ask the government and the community attaches great importance to the college students’network moral education. So we can grasp truly the initiative of network education.We hope this research would provide a reference for the practice of Chinese college students’ network moral education, and expand traditional moral education field. Meanwhile, it would be able to regulate the college students’ network behaviors, and improve their information literacy. Finally, the network society will get the healthy and sustainable development.


