

Theory and Practice of Karst Water Control and Prevention in Iron Mining Area,in South China

【作者】 陈彦美

【导师】 陈植华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地下水科学与工程, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 金属矿产是国民经济赖以发展的支柱,我国金属矿产有一半以上分布长江以南的岩溶发育地区。南方岩溶金属矿区往往岩溶强烈发育、水量巨大,水害几乎成为唯一制约矿区安全开采的的因素;而疏干排水又严重破坏地下水资源,为地质环境留下无穷后患。金属矿床受其矿体成因控制,分布范围一般较小。我国的金属矿区勘察,大多集中在上世纪七八十年代,受当时勘察技术限制,勘察的深度也有限。随着国民经济发展的需求增大,金属矿床开采的规模不断扩大,一些原认为不适应开采的大水矿区也纳入开采范围,而原有矿区也大都通过技改扩大开采规模,向深部延伸,使矿区防治水工作难度加大。矿区防治水的关键在于水文地质条件的查明,而进行大规模的水文地质补充勘察耗资巨大,致使矿区水文地质条件的研究几乎停止不前。因此,如何利用矿区生产过程中积累的水文地质资料,增加简单、实用的新理论、新方法,进一步查明矿区水文地质条件,将成为南方岩溶金属矿区防治水工作的重点。马坑铁矿位于福建省龙岩市,具有储量大、层位稳定、可选性好等特点,已查明矿体储量达4.2亿吨,是华东地区第一大规模的铁矿。马坑矿区分布面积小,仅4.5km2;矿体埋藏深度达400~800m,主矿体在分布在+200m~-200m水平。矿区目前开采规模为100万t/a,开采水平延伸至+250m水平,基建水平已达+100m水平。2010年矿区通过新增《马坑铁矿新增500万t/a采选工程项目申请报告书》,预计至2017年,产量增至300万t/a,之后逐步增加至600万t/a。开采水平逐步延伸至+200m水平、Om水平,直至-200m水平。马坑矿区断裂构造错综复杂、平均岩溶率达6.02%。井巷掘进过程中涌、突水事故频发。马坑矿区为水文地质条件复杂的顶板岩溶直接充水矿区,是南方岩溶金属矿区的典型代表。在马坑矿区进行地下水防治研究,是保证矿区安全生产的必要措施。也可在南方岩溶金属矿区地下水防治工作起到重要的示范作用。笔者自2006年至今,长期在马坑铁矿从事水文地质条件及防治水方法研究,并走访了我国多个南方岩溶金属矿区,如广东凡口铅锌矿,马鞍山白象山铁矿、南京栖霞山铁矿、江西武山铜矿等,根据资料收集及实践过程中积累的大量数据为基础,从而完成了该篇论文的编写。本文以地下水系统理论为指导,提出从整体上对南方岩溶金属矿区岩溶水系统进行分析。从勘察钻孔、采掘工程揭露资料、水位、水温、水化学、示踪试验等多源信息中挖掘矿区岩溶水系统的信息:圈定了马坑矿区岩溶含水系统边界;分析了岩溶含水系统结构特征;揭示了岩溶含水系统与岩溶流动系统的关系;掌握了开采条件下岩溶流动系统的演化规律;查明了开采条件下岩溶水系统补给量的变化;定量或半定量地查明了大气降雨、上部砂岩裂隙水、花岗岩低温热水对岩溶水的补给作用及集中补给通道;针对性地提出了矿区岩溶水防治措施。本文取得的主要认识和结论如下:(1)对含水系统边界的圈定可促使研究者的研究范围突破原勘察范围的限制,对岩溶水系统进行整体把握,同时也可确定矿区岩溶水疏干影响地下水资源枯竭及环境破坏的范围。矿区地下水含水系统的圈定是以对矿坑有充水意义的含水系统为目的。利用勘察阶段阶段积累的水文地质资料,绘制穿过可能边界的水文地质剖面,是确定岩溶水含水系统边界的有效方法之一。马坑矿区岩溶水含水系统以溪马河断层、F1断层及天山凹断层、无名断层、陈坑至崎濑断层为边界。(2)以断层作为边界的岩溶含水系统,边界断层外侧岩性及其裂隙发育情况决定了边界的性质。马坑矿区岩溶含水系统除上部边界为相对隔水边界外,其它均为弱透水边界。(3)岩溶含水系统内部的断层及岩溶是造成岩溶含水系统非均质性的重要因素。利用遥感解译、地表构造行迹调查、井巷断层破碎带调查、地表物探等资料,对马坑矿区断裂构造发育有了进一步的认识;通过对不同开采水平上下钻孔岩溶率的统计,绘制了不同开采水平岩溶发育规律图,掌握了矿区岩溶发育规律。(4)岩溶水系统流场图及剖面图是岩溶水流动系统重要的表现形式。利用天然条件F的岩溶水系统流场图及剖面图,说明马坑矿区岩溶水流动系统具有层次性,泉1、泉3为矿区岩溶水系统上部局域流排泄点,而崎濑泉为岩溶水系统区域排泄点。(5)不同疏干状态下岩溶水系统流场图说明,随着岩溶水系统排泄途径的改变及岩溶水位的下降,马坑矿区岩溶水系统不断演化,岩溶水流动系统原有层次性被打乱,平面上逐渐呈现出强烈的非统一性。岩溶水流动系统受含水系统结构的控制。岩溶水含水系统及流动系统的相互关系对矿区地下水防治具有重要意义。岩溶水含水系统结构控制着岩溶流动系统的演化;而岩溶水流动系统的演化可促使研究者更深入、更精细的研究含水系统结构。(7)岩溶水补给条件是决定岩溶水能否预先疏干的关键因素。岩溶水系统边界的性质决定着岩溶水补给特征,岩溶水系统的水位动态特征说明,2010年雨季开始岩溶水系统补给量增大,岩溶水系统补给来源大多集中矿区东部。大气降雨为马坑矿区岩溶水系统主要补给来源,因开挖出露地表溶洞、采空塌陷裂隙、褐铁矿开采地表扰动及沟谷堵塞等是引起大气降雨入渗补给量增加的主要原因。(8)岩溶水系统排泄点的水化学、水量、水位及水温特征在一定程度上显示着补给来源的特征。采掘工程引起的岩溶含水系统的变化,使岩溶水系统补给条件发生改变。马坑矿区井巷揭露的断层破碎带(9)在利用流量断面法初步查明地表水系渗漏段的基础上,利用高精度示踪试验可对地表水渗漏段进行验证,可详细查明地表水系的渗漏情况。溪马河在2号、3号、4号流量监测站间存在渗漏,示踪试验证实该段渗漏发生在溪马河与F2断层交汇段,沿F2断层向ZK614方向集中径流;根据溪马河与F1断层交汇段河床扰动时,附近ZK557孔水位波动情况,说明溪马河在与F1断层交汇段存在渗漏。(10)利用岩溶含水系统及流动系统非均质性,有的放矢的进行矿区岩溶水防治,可使防治工作更合理、有效。对马坑矿区岩溶水系统进行分期、分区疏干,针对断层、岩溶等岩溶水含水系统结构布置疏干放水孔及探水孔;对已查明的大气降水、上部砂岩裂隙水、下部花岗岩裂及溪马河水进行堵截,可有效提高矿区岩溶水疏干效率。本文的特色体现在:(1)提出了以地下水系统理论为指导,进行南方岩溶金属矿区水文地质条件研究的思路与方法;(2)重视矿区基础水文地质资料的积累与分析,探索了从多源信息中提取矿区岩溶水含水系统、流动系统特征、岩溶水系统补给条件的方法;(3)探索了遥感、物探、自动监测技术、水化学分析、高精度示踪试验等新技术、新方法在矿山防治水中的综合应用;(4)为南方岩溶金属矿区水文地质勘察及防治水工作提供了一种新思路、新方法。

【Abstract】 Metal ores is the backbone of the national economy’s development, more than half the metal ores distribute in the south of the Yangtze River in China, where karst development. Karst water is called "water tiger", in karst development mining area, because the huge amount of karst water; karst water dewatering damages groundwater resources, leaving endless troubles to geological environment. Metal ores generally has smaller distribution range, due to the control of the genesis of ore bodies. The investigation of metal mine are mostly in the seventies and eighties of the last century, in China. the depth of investigation is limited because of the survey and technical limitations at that time. Metal deposits mined expanding, with the increase of the needs of national economic development. Some mining areas, which were recognized not suited to mining before, for the karst water, are mining now; and some mining areas, that had been mined, are extending to the deep, to expand the scale of mining. The mining water prevention and control work become harder. Identification of the hydrogeological conditions is the critical to karst water prevention and control. The study of hydrogeological conditions in mining area almost stopped, because the large costly. Therefore, how to use of the hydrogeological data accumulated in the mining production process, to identify the hydrogeological condition in mining areas with karst water, with simple and practical theories and methods, becomes the critical work in karst water prevention and control work, in metal mining area with karst water, in China.Makeng Iron Mine locates in Longyan, Fujian province, is the largest one in East China, with an identified iron ore reserves of420million tons. Makeng IronMine covers an aera of4.5km2, and the buried depth of the ore body is from400m to800m. The main ore body is distributed from-200to200m above the mean sea level. Currently, the production of the Makeng Iron Mine is around1million tons per year. The mining level now extends to the level of+250m, and the infrastructure facilities reach to the level of+100m. According to the proved report in2010, it designed that the production will be increased to300million tons per year in 2017, and finally reach600million tons per year. The mining level is also planned to reach the levels of+200m,0m, and-200m, gradually. Because of the complicated geological structure in the Makeng Iron mining area, the average karst rate as discovered in the boreholes is as high as6.02%, and accidents due to groundwater flow into the tunnel during construction are encountered with high frequency. These are the typical characteristics of the Metal Mine areas in the karst area in South China. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the research on the hydrogeological conditions of the area and guarantee the safety in production of mine. The research results can also play an important role in underground mine water prevention and control in the southern metal mine area.The author has been studied the hydrogeological conditions and the prevention methods in Makeng Mining area, since2006, and visited some iron mines like:Fankou Lead mine in Guangdong, White Xiangshan iron mine in Anhui, and Wushan Copper Mine in Jiangxi. This paper based on the experience gained in the process of collection and practice.The theory of groundwater system was used as a guide in this paper, analyzed the karst water system as a whole. Mining the information of karst water system from investigation data, mining and excavation expose data, water level, water temperature, water chemistry and groundwater tracer test, mining and excavation expose data. The boundaries of karst aquifer system were delineated in Makeng mining area; analyzed the structural characteristics of karst aquifer system; revealed the relationship between the karst aquifer system and karst flow system; identified the evolution of the karst flow system during mining period; found out the role in recharge and the concentrate recharge channel quantitative or semi-quantitative. Proposed measures of karst water prevention and control.Conclusions were got in in this paper are as follows:(1)The delineation of the groundwater system in Mining Area should be based on the groundwater system. It should be for the purpose that has a direct significance to the groundwater system of the pit. Making use of the accumulated hydrogeological data in the phase of exploration and drawing a hydrogeological profile which traverse the possible boundary is an effective method to determine the boundary of the karst water aquifer system. The boundaries of MaKeng Mine Area are the fault of XiMa River, F1, TianShanAo, Nameless, ChenKeng-QiLai.(2) The lithology outside the fault of the boundaries and the situation of its fracture development decide the boundaries’ properties. The upper boundary of MaKeng Mine Area is relative water insulation, and other boundaries are weakly permeable.(3)Internal faults and karst water-bearing in karst system are important factors causing karst aquifer heterogeneity. The use of remote sensing interpretation, surface structure investigation, track roadway fault investigation and surface geophysical exploration makes us have further understanding of the fault structure’s development in MaKeng Mine Area.we counted the karst rate in different working level during50meters, and we drew maps of the karst development in level+420, level+300, level+200and level+100meters. Besides, we found that the karst in the Mine Area mainly distributes along the fracture zone of F1, F2, F10and F15; Vertical karst development from the shallow and deep, developed from strong to weak, most of them are above level+200meters, and below+200meters, it merely develops around the fracture zone of high angle fault.(4)The flow field and cross-sectional view of the karst water system is an importantmanifestation of the karst water flow system.Karst water aquifer system and the relationship of the flow system have a great significance to the prevention and control of underground mine water.Using maps and cross-sectional view of the flow field of karst water system under natural conditions,Ma Hang mine karst water flow system is layered,Spring1spring3should be the upper part of the mine karst water system the local stream excretion point,Qilai spring is karst water system areas excretion.(5) The flow field diagram of Karst water system Under different unwatering state illustrates Ma Hang mine karst water system is evolving. With the underground water points are emerging and karst water level dropped,The original level of the karst water flow system has been disrupted, The plane gradually showing a strong non-uniformity.(6) Karst water flow system is under control of the structure of the aquifer system, he flow field diagram, hydrogeological cross-sectional maps and leaking water points dynamic indicate, faults, karst, local impermeable belt control the strong runoff controls the flow system, espcially fault F15, F10fault; However, the blocking effect of the part impermeable belt fault F3,western igneous strength the non-uniformity of the karst water flow system and control the evolution of the karst water flow system. The part impermeable belt can be used as the basis for prevention and treatment of different stages of the mining area of karst water.(7)The condition of groundwater recharge in karst area is the main factor to decide whether or not karst water drainage in advance, while the boundary condition of karst system determines the characteristics of karst water supplies。The characteristic of water level dynamic in karst water system shows that groundwater recharge increased from the rainy season in2010, which mostly concentrated in the eastern mining area. Precipitation is the main replenishment source of groundwater in Makeng mining area. Surface caves exposed by excavation, fracture collapsed by mining, surface disturbance because of mining limonite and the plugs in the valley are the main reasons for the increase of precipitation infiltration recharge.(8)Water chemistry, water level and water temperature characteristics of water discharge point in Karst water system shows the features of replenishment source to some extent. The change of the karst aquifer system caused by mining engineering brought about karst water system replenishment conditions change, the characteristics of water chemistry, water level and water temperature shows:the upper jiafu group (Pj1) sandstone fissure water supplies karst water system through the fault fracture zone.Water chemistry simulation results shows that the mixed water point W100-1is made up with sandstone fissure water and karst water,its mixed ratio is1:2.W-40-2water point is mixed by the deep granite fissure water and karst water According to temperature characteristics, tracer test results reveal atmospheric rainfall near Tian Shan Ao fault concentrated into the exposed surface of the karst cave, then flow to W-40-2rapidly.(9)Karst water system flow chart displays that the Xima river supplied karst water system under mining conditions.Automatic monitoring system of surface water discharge reveals:river leakage existed among stations2,3,4.Tracer tests confirmed this leakage occurred in the intersection between Xima river and F2fault, it flew along F2fault and concentrated into ZK614direction.when the intersection between Xima river and F2fault disturbed, water level fluctuations nearby ZK557indicate leakage existed in the intersection between Xima river and F1fault.(10)Use the heterogeneity of karst water system and flow system, we need to drain the Makeng mining by stages and partition, for the fault,karst and any other karst water system structure, put the drainage hole and the ground hole; For the Identified atmospheric precipitation, upper sandstone fissure water, lower granite fissure and Xima river,to block them, which can effectively improve the efficiency of drainage of the karst water in mining area.The characteristic of this article is featured in:(1) the instruction is the Groundwater system theory, on the whole analyzing Makeng mining area of karst water system, and selecting the boundaries of the karst aquifer system.(2) Extracting the characteristics of water system and flow system of the mining area from the multi-source information,which has revealed the relation of karst water system and the flow system.(3) Comprehensive utilizating new technology, new methods, such as the underground water level, water temperature automatic monitoring technology, the surface water automatic monitoring technology, water chemistry and high-precision tracer test to find out the supply condition of karst water system that from the external water.(4) Design the project of karst water control and prevention, based on the structural features of karst water system and recharge condition of the karst water system, made the project much effective.


