

Fast Building and Refreshing Three-dimensional Models of Geological Entity

【作者】 翁正平

【导师】 吴冲龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着“玻璃地球”(GE:Glass Earth)建设的风潮在国内外迅速发展,作为“玻璃地球”建设的关键技术之一的三维可视化地质建模技术越来越受到人们的关注。地质体三维模型是开展地质空间分析、地质现象的解释、地质过程数值模拟、矿产资源评价、地下空间利用等的基础。但是,由于存在地质结构的复杂性、地质现象的不确定性、地质数据的海量性、地质应用的多主题性,导致地质体三维模型快速构建、表达和动态更新十分困难,成为地质信息系统技术领域中长期未能攻破的瓶颈问题。经过近十多年来的研究,三维地质建模在理论研究和软件开发方面已取得了可喜的成果,但其理论、方法和技术仍然尚不成熟,所存在的主要问题有:①地质体三维可视化模型数据结构可操作性不强,难以实现特殊而复杂的地质现象和工程现象的精细表达;②地质体模型构建过程复杂,其快速建模和动态更新困难,难以适应不断新增的勘探数据的自适应模型需求;③三维地质模型的空间分析功能还不能充分满足地矿勘查工程应用的需求。本文的目的就是要通过研究能适应勘查数据精细化的复杂地质体三维模型的表达方法及其数据结构,结合地质空间插值、地质体矢量剪切、三维空间索引等多项技术方法,研究地质体三维模型的快速构建及更新技术,探索解决地矿勘查工作信息化中存在的地质体建模困难并且难于更新的瓶颈问题,从而实现三维地质体结构和成分的表达可视化、分析可视化和过程可视化。这项研究将大大提高复杂地质体三维模型的构建效率和灵活性,对地矿工作信息化中的地质体三维模型的研究及其快速构建和更新等关键技术的突破,有望克服地质信息系统三维实体模型及其软件实现的技术瓶颈,在矿山开采、城市地下空间利用、石油勘探等诸多领域都有可观的应用潜力和经济效益。本文在分析了国内外三维地质建模领域研究现状的基础上,针对复杂地质体三维模型快速构建、表达和动态更新十分困难的问题,从地质数据及地质体、地质现象、地质过程的本质特征出发,研究了顾及几何、拓扑、语义关系的复杂地质体三维可视化数据模型,探索了基于地质空间插值、地质实体布尔运算与顾及地质空间关系的空间推理等技术的地质体快速建模方法,研究了基于地质空间索引且顾及地质要素特征的三维地质体模型更新算法。论文的主要研究工作成果如下:1)概括了地质数据的本质特征,阐述了地质数据是多尺度且尺度差异较大的空间、时间、属性等多维数据综合体,具有多元复杂性、整体连续性而局部差异性等特点,由此决定了地质体模型的表达、可视化、构建、更新都应兼顾地质空间的几何形态、空间位置、拓扑关系和地质语义;2)针对地质体的三维空间数据模型,研究了点状、线状、面状、体状及组合形态的地质体三维可视化模型的地质实例、数据结构、可视化表达模型及其实际应用中的派生形态类型;设计了使用面元表达地质体表面,用体元表达地质体内部物性特征的混合体元地质体几何模型,能够表达具有复杂结构和几何形态的三维地质体;3)面向地质应用,研究了地质空间的几何关系、拓扑关系及语义关系的内容和表达方式,提出了顾及几何、拓扑、语义关系的复杂地质体三维可视化数据模型。该地质体模型通过几何层、拓扑表达层、地质语义层这三个层次的有机集成,使地质体三维模型的“数”、“形”、“意”贯通起来;在此基础上,针对矿山资源勘查工作,探讨了矿山矿体、褶皱、断层、岩脉、透镜体等较为典型的复杂地质体的具体模型表达方法;4)在分析了地质体模型三维可视化的目的、属性及分类的基础上,讨论了地质体模型的表达、分析、过程、设计、决策可视化的内容及其计算机科学可视化关键技术,总结了复杂地质体三维模型在地质空间分析中的应用,为人们分析地质体、地质现象、地质过程中的实体形态、关系、内在本质规律提供了“即可看,又可用”的模型空间;5)针对三维地质建模人工参与工作量较大的问题,提出了基于地质空间插值、地质实体布尔运算与顾及地质空间关系的空间推理等技术的地质体快速建模解决方案。针对矿山资源储量估算和开采方案设计专题,研究了矿山地质建模的体系及一般过程,探讨了三维地质建模的一些关键技术,包括地质空间插值、地质实体布尔运算等,并面向矿山地质建模,提出了一种顾及了地质空间关系的空间推理地质建模方法,提高了地质建模的效率;6)针对地矿勘查工作对三维地质体模型更新的需求,提出了一种顾及三维地质体要素特征的多层次混合空间索引。其一级索引为格网索引,按照地理范围划分格网,能够快速定位空间位置;二级索引为针对不同要素特征的Grid格网索引、R树、X-List等空间索引的综合:对于道路、井巷等连续型要素采用Grid格网索引;对于地上、地下建筑物、矿体等离散型要素采用R树索引;对于岩性模型、品位模型、断层等含有复杂拓扑关系及语义的要素采用X-List动态广义表空间索引。这种多层次混合空间索引兼顾了地上下各类空间实体特征,自适应地选择合适的空间索引方法,通过由粗到精的优化选择,提高了空间索引效率,具有查全查准、速度快、多级过滤等特点;7)通过对地质体数据的调度及地质体模型空间位置、几何形态、拓扑关系和地质语义的更新,探索了多源数据环境下的三维地质体模型随着地矿勘查工作逐步精细化而动态更新的方法。这种地质体模型更新方法根据地质数据更新的范围,通过多层次混合空间索引技术快速确定落在更新范围内的地质体要素,基于地质体要素的几何关系、拓扑关系和语义关系,采用先更新地质界面模型,再在地质界面模型的限制条件下,针对不同地质要素类型,更新目标范围内的其它地质体模型,并同时更新其拓扑关系和语义关系。这种地质体模型更新方法兼顾了地质体空间特征和地质语义,提高了地质体模型更新的准确性和效率;8)基于本文的地质体模型表达、构建及更新方法,采用组件式架构,设计并开发了基于QuantyView的三维地质建模分析原型系统,并以紫金山金铜矿区的矿山勘查工作为例,实现了构建及更新矿区地表、矿体、品位、露采坑、岩性、排土场、巷道等综合模型,很好地支持了矿山资源储量估算和矿山开采方案设计工作。该系统在城市地质、地质灾害防治等其它专题中也得到了成功的应用和检验。综上所述,本文立足于地质应用专题以及地质数据的本质特征,研究了地质体空间几何模型的表达方法,设计了统一的混合体元地质体几何模型结构,提出了一种顾及几何、拓扑、语义关系的复杂地质体三维可视化模型;研究了地质空间插值、地质实体布尔运算等地质建模关键技术,提出了一种基于地质空间关系的空间推理地质建模方法;针对地矿勘查工作对三维地质体模型更新的需求,提出了一种顾及三维地质体要素特征的多层次混合空间索引,探索了多源数据环境下的三维地质体模型随着地矿勘查工作逐步精细化而动态更新的方法;基于QuantyView平台,采用组件式架构设计并开发了三维地质建模分析系统,通过在福建紫金山金铜矿区的矿产资源储量估算及矿山开采方案设计的实例应用,验证了本文所提出的复杂地质体三维可视化快速建模及更新技术的可行性和有效性,为矿山企业紧跟市场动态进行科学生产、科学管理、科学发展提供了直观的、实用的辅助决策支持工具。其中,论文的主要创新点有:1)将地质体的几何表达、拓扑关系、地质语义等三个层次有机集成,设计了基于地质要素特征的统一混合体元模型结构,支持了地质体三维模型的表达可视化、分析可视化、过程可视化、设计可视化与决策可视化,为复杂地质体模型快速构建及更新提供了空间数据模型基础;2)采用自适应于地质要素的多层次混合空间索引技术,提出了基于地质空间关系的空间推理地质建模方法,通过部分替代人工建模工作,提高了复杂地质体模型构建及更新的效率,为解决适应地矿勘查数据精细化的复杂地质体建模及更新困难的问题提供了可行的方案。本文针对复杂地质体三维模型快速构建及更新困难的难点问题,系统研究了复杂地质体的三维建模理论和方法,提出了顾及地质要素特征的地质体模型表达、构建、更新的解决方案。本文的研究成果已经成功应用于国家863计划重点项目、国家重大科技专项等科研课题,以及矿山勘查、城市地质、水利工程建设、地质灾害防治等地质专题,从理论、技术和软件系统上推进了我国地矿工作信息化的发展。

【Abstract】 3D visualization geology modeling technique, a key technique of Glass Earth building, has been increasingly concerned as the storms of Glass Earth develop rapidly. The geology3D modeling is the basis of geology spatial analysis, geology interpretation, mathematic modeling of geology process, resources evaluation, subsurface space usage and so on.3D geology modeling has yielded heartening fruits in the field of theoretical research and software development through decades of recent research, but the theory, method and technique are still immature with three main problems as follows:①the maneuverability of data organization in geology3D visualization modeling is too weak to realize the precise representation of special and complicated geological and engineering phenomenon; the building of geology body model is complex and the difficulty of fast modeling and dynamic updating makes the adaption of requirement of adaptive model of increasing exploration data impossible.③the spatial analysis of3D geological model can not fully meet the demand of mineral exploration engineering.Through the research of expressing methods and data organization which can fit complicated3D model of geological body with more precise exploration data and the combination of the technique of geological spatial interpolation, geological body vector shearing and3D spatial index, this article seeks to quest the settlement of the difficulty of geology body modeling and updating in mineral exploration informationization and realize the visualization of expression, analysis and procedures about organazaion and component of3D geological body.This research will improve the efficiency and flexibility of3D modeling about complicated geological body. The study of geological3D model and the breakthrough of fast modeling and updating in mineral informationization are expected to overcome the technique bottleneck in full-sized scale modeling and software implementation of geological information system and creat considerable application potential and economic returns in various fields as mining, utilization of urban underground space and petroleum exploration.Based on the analysis of the research status of3D geological modeling at home and abroad,this article aimes at the difficulty of fast building, expressing and dynamic updating in3D model of complicated geological body from the essential quality of geological data, body,phenomenon and process. The3D visualization data model of complicated geological body considering the geometrical, topological and semantic relation has been researched, and the fast modeling of geological body based on geological spatial interpolation, geological entity Boolean operation and techniques as spatial reasoning considering geological spatial relation has been explored, and then an updating algorithm of3D geological body model based on geological spatial index and consideration of geological element characteristics has been studied. The major academic achievements of this thesis are as follows:1) The substantive characteristics of geological data have been summarized and the fact that geological data is a multidimensional data complex of Multi-scale and different space, time and attribute. The characteristics of polynary complexity, entirety continuity and local heterogeneity decide that the expression, visualization, building and updating of geological body model should take the geometry, spatial location, topology and geological semantics of geological space into considerations.2) Aiming at geologic body3D visualization model, the geological examples, data structure, visual expression model of geological body3D visualization model of point, line, polygon, planar,body shape and the combined form and its practical application in derived morphological type has been studied. A geometric model of mixed vexel geological body using surface element and vexel to express geological surface and internal physical characteristic of the geological body respectively has been designed to express3D geological body with complex structure and geometry.3) Facing to geological application, the geometric and topological relationship and the content and presentation of the semantic relations of geological space has been researched, and the complicated3D visualization data model taking into account the geometry, topology, semantic relationships has been proposed. By the organic integration of geometry layer, topological representation layer and geological semantic layer, the "quantity","shape""meaning "of3D geological body can be linked up. Based on this, aiming at the mining exploration work, the expression of specific model of typical and complex geological body like mine ore body, folds, faults, dykes, lens and other more has been discussed;4) Based on the analysis of the purposes, properties and classification of3D visualization of geological models, the expression, analyze, process, design, decision-making visualization of geological model and its visualization key technologies of computer science. The application of3D model of complex geological body in geological spatial analysis has been summed up. A geological space which can be seen and used has been provided for people to analyze the solid shape, relationship, inherent nature of geological body, geological phenomenon, and geological processes.5) As there is too much work that man has to participate in3D geological modeling, a fast modeling solutions based on geological spatial interpolation, geological entities Boolean operations and spatial reasoning taking geological spatial relationships into account has been proposed. Aiming at mine reserves estimation and exploration plan design, mine geological modeling system and the general process has been studied. Some of the key technology of3D geological modeling, including the geological spatial interpolation, geological entities Boolean operations and so on, has been discussed. Oriented to mine geological modeling, a spatial reasoning geological modeling method taking geological spatial relationships into account has been raised to improve the efficiency of the geological modeling.6) According to the demanding of3D geological model-refreshing in geological and mineral exploration, this paper presents a kind of multiple levels mixed spatial index method on considering3D geological body feature. In this method, the first level is grid index, its grids are divided by geographical range, and it can locate the spatial location quickly; the second level is a composite of spatial index, which is aiming at different feature characteristics of Grid Index, R-Tree Index, X-List Index and so on, in this level, successive type feature should use Grid Index, such as road and roadway; discrete type feature should adopt R-Tree Index, such as above-ground structures, under-ground structures and ore body; for the types of lithology model, grade model and fault which contain complicated topology relation and semantics features, it need using X-List dynamic generalized spatial index. This kind of multiple levels mixed spatial index method contained all kind of above-ground and under-ground spatial entity characteristics, self-adaption choosing appropriate spatial index methods, and optimization selection from rough to fine, it could improve the efficiency of spatial index, and has the merits of comprehensive, accuracy, fast and multilevel filter.7) By means of refreshing the control of geological body data, as well as the spatial position, geometrical morphology, topological relatioinship and geological semantics, it explored a new way about3D geological model dynamically refreshing with refining of mineral exploration work in multiple sources data. It basing on the range of refreshing geological data, and using multiple levels spatial index, it could ensure geological feature quickly confine to the update range on account of the geometrical relationship, topological relationship and semantics relationship about geological feature, and updating geological interface model firstly, secondly, refreshing other geological model in the target scope in which under the restricted condition of geological interface model, and aiming at diferent feature, updating the topological relationship and semantic relationship at the same time. This method contains the spatial characteristics and geological semantics, in addition, it improvs the accuracy and efficiency of geological model.8) Basing on this kind of geological expression, construction and refreshing method, by using COM framework, it designed and developed3D geological modeling and analysis system, moreover, making mineral exploration work of Zijinshan Gold and Copper Mine as an example, and realizing a comprehensive model which include constructing model, refreshing surface, ore body, grade, open-pit, lithology, spoibank, roadway, etc. This model is well supporting the work of resource and reserves estimation and mining scheme design. Finally, the system has been used and tested successfully in urban geology, geological disaster prevention and other geological thematics.In conclusion, in this paper, it established in geological thematics and geological substitutive characteristics, studied the expression of geological spatial geometrical model, designed unified mixed geological geometrical model construction, and proposed a complicated geological3D visual model which consisted of geometric, topological and semantic relationship. In addition, it studied the key geological modeling technologies of geological spatial interpolation, geological entity Boolean calculation, etc. And basing on this, it proposed a spatial reasoning geological modeling method according to geological spatial relationship. Aiming at the refreshing requirement of3D geological model from geological and mineral exploration, it proposed a multiple mixed spatial index, in which it considering3D geological body feature, and explorated dynamically updating3D geological model with the refinement of geological and mineral exploration in the circumstance of multiple resource data. Basing on QuantyView platform, it used COM framework, designed and developed3D geological modeling and analysis system, and it has been used in mineral resource reserves evaluation and mining scheme design in Zijinshan Gold and Copper Mine in Fujian, testified its feasibility and availability, and as an aid decision making support tool for scientific production, scientific management, scientific development with market dynamics to mine enterprise.Whereby, the innovation points of this paper are:1) Integrating geometric expression, topological relationship and geological semantic of geological body, it designed unified and mixed model construction of geological characteritics feature, so it could support express visualization, analysis visualization, process visualization, design visualization and decision visualization to geological body model, and provid a spatial data model basic for quickly constructing and refresh complicated geological model.2) It adopts self-adapting multiply levels mixed spatial index about geological feature, proposing spatial reasoning geological modeling method basing on geological spatial relationship, improving efficiency of geological model constructing and updating through partly replacing manual modeling, so as to provide a feasible method to settle the difficulity of complicated geological and mineral exploration modeling and updating.Aiming at the problem of complicated geological and mineral exploration modeling and refreshing, it studies the theory and method about complicated geological and mineral exploration modeling, proposes a solution about geological expression, construction and refreshing by considering of geological characteristics. The achievements of this paper have been successfully used in National High technology Research and Development Program of China (863Program), Important National Science&Technology Special Projects and other scientific research tasks, as well as some geological thematics about mineral exploration, urban geology, the construction of water conservancy project and the prevention and treatment of geological disaster, so as to improving our geology and mineral resource information system in the aspects of theory, thchnology and software in China.


