

Controlling Factors of the Potential Reservoirs Within Low Diagenetic Stage of Dongying Formation in the in Laoyemiao Oil Field, Eastern Hebei Province

【作者】 曹中宏

【导师】 焦养泉;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 冀东油田老爷庙地区是渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷重要油气分布区,多年的油气勘探和开发工作证实该地区主力产油层东营组储层具有极强的非均质性,储集砂体、储集物性横向变化非常大,严重制约了油气的成藏及富集。以往大量研究往往关注储层沉积学的相关研究,尤其重视在勘探和开发工作中潜在储层的宏观预测,而忽视了储层精细的沉积组构、成岩组构及成岩作用等方面的研究,导致在该地区深入勘探和开发过程中遇到一些挑战,例如采用何种技术手段能尽可能准确描述储层非均质性、如何解释东营组原油油品好而产量却不稳定的原因等等。要解决这些问题需要从储层非均质性定量表征和甄别制约储层品质的主控地质因素入手。从成岩作用演化阶段上看,老爷庙地区东营组储层处于中成岩A期和早成岩的B期,属于低成岩演化阶段。这种低成岩演化阶段的储层在我国中东部含油气盆地非常普遍,例如大民屯凹陷、歧口凹陷、泌阳凹陷等。对于这类储层而言,储层品质除了受沉积作用控制外,成岩作用的影响往往也是不可忽视的。鉴于此,本论文试图以冀东油田老爷庙地区处于低成岩演化阶段的东营组储层为研究对象,从多因素综合分析的角度,深入揭示低成岩演化阶段储层发育的制约因素,服务于油气勘查和开发工作。论文通过测井资料、岩心资料、地震资料及粒度分析等资料,对冀东油田老爷庙地区东营组储层沉积体系进行了分析,查明了沉积体系类型及空间配置规律,刻画储层宏观沉积学特征,利用大量薄片镜下观察和鉴定资料,对东营组储层中碎屑颗粒的大小、分选性、磨圆度、颗粒之间的接触关系等沉积组构进行了半定量和定量的表征,进一步刻画储层微观沉积学特征;利用镜质体反射率和伊蒙混层中蒙脱石晶层的百分含量对储层成岩阶段进行了确定,通过偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、阴极发光等测试手段,对储层成岩作用类型和特征进行了分析;在解剖单井成岩作用类型组合的空间分布基础上,开展了连井剖面成岩相分析,明确成岩相的时空分布规律,并且利用胶结物类型及含量、粘土矿组合及含量定量表征储层成岩组构;通过铸体鉴定和储层物性测试等,查明储层孔隙结构和物性特征;在此基础上,分别探讨沉积作用和成岩作用对储层物性的影响,甄别制约储层品质的主控地质因素:最后通过沉积作用、成岩作用和储层物性综合分析,对老爷庙地区东营组储层进行了分类评价,并结合系列相关石油地质条件对老爷庙地区油气有利勘探区块进行了预测。所取得的主要结论和认识如下:(1)建立了老爷庙地区东营组沉积体系类型的识别标志,恢复了沉积体系域面貌,总结了研究区东营组储层沉积模式,并在基础上,对储层沉积组构进行了定量-半定量表征。通过典型钻孔岩心观察、单井垂向序列、粒度分析、地震相和地震属性分析等手段,在老爷庙地区古近系东营组内部识别出三种主要沉积体系类型:扇三角洲沉积体系、湖泊沉积体系和浊积体系;扇三角洲沉积体系主要分布于研究区北部,总体上由北向南推进,分布最广,对该地区影响最大,湖泊沉积体系主要分布于研究区的南部,分布范围较大,浊积沉积体系多分布于研究区西南部,范围最小;总体上看,从东三下亚段到东一段,呈现先退积、后进积的沉积序列,东二段受湖泊影响最为明显。东营组储层整体上以分选中等,磨圆度较差,但从东三下亚段到东一段,储层分选性略有所变好,颗粒接触关系由点线式为主转变为以点接触为主;储层的陆源碎屑颗粒以石英、碱性长石和岩屑为主,含少量斜长石,其中各组分含量在各个层位上的变化不大,可能说明反映东营组在沉积时具有相对稳定的物源供给。(2)确定了老爷庙地区东营组储层成岩作用阶段,总结了储层成岩作用类型、成岩相空间分布规律,并对储层成岩组构进行了定量表征。根据老爷庙地区多个钻孔的粘土矿物、镜质体反射率等资料分析,将本地区储层成岩阶段划分为早成岩阶段晚期(B期)和中成岩阶段早期(A期),其中,在早成岩阶段晚期对应于东一段和东二段上部,埋深一般小于3500m,而中成岩阶段早期对应于东三段和东二段下部,埋深一般大于3500m。通过薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、阴极发光等测试分析发现,研究区东营组储层成岩作用类型主要有压实作用、方解石胶结作用、白云石胶结作用、粘土矿物胶结作用、硅质胶结作用、长石溶蚀作用、碎屑矿物溶蚀作用,方解石溶蚀作用等等;成岩相研究显示,东三段和东二段下部(中成岩阶段A期)成岩作用类型以强压实作用、硅质胶结、方解石胶结、少量碎屑矿物和长石溶蚀为特色;而东一段和东二段上部(早成岩阶段B期)成岩作用类型以弱压实作用、碎屑矿物和长石溶蚀,少量粘土胶结、白云石胶结作用为特色。老爷庙地区东营组胶结物含量和组成呈规律性的变化:对相同层位而言,分流河道和水下分流河道砂体或粒度偏粗砂体具有低的方解石胶结物,而对相同成因相而言,上部层位方解石、硅质胶结物含量低,而白云石、自生粘土、菱铁矿含量相对较高。对相同层位而言,分流河道和水下分流河道砂体或粒度偏粗砂体具有相对高的高岭石含量,而对相同成因相而言,上部层位高岭石含量高、绿泥石和伊利石含量低,即从下往上高岭石含量有增高的趋势,而伊利石和蒙脱石含量有降低的趋势。(3)查明了老爷庙地区东营组储层的孔隙结构特征,总结了东营组不同成因相和不同岩石类型储层物性特征。老爷庙地区东营组储层孔隙类型主要有粒间孔隙、粒内孔隙、铸模孔隙、晶间孔隙和微裂隙等,这五类孔隙类型在东三下亚段、东三上亚段、东二段和东一段具有分布。储层孔隙度、渗透率、平均孔候半径、最大孔半径等参数呈规律性变化:对于相同的成因相或岩性而言,从东三下亚段到东一段,这些参数整体呈逐渐增大的趋势;对于相同的层位而言,在分流河道和水下分流河道、粒度较粗的储层中这些参数值较大。具体而言,对相同层位而言,分流河道和水下分流河道储层物性较好,而对相同成因相而言,上部层位物性较好;对相同层位而言,中粗砂岩储层物性较好,而对相同岩性而言,上部层位物性亦较好。从储层物性剖面分布来看,垂向上储层物性受层位和深度的控制,东一段和东二段上部物性明显好于东三段和东二段下部,平面上储层物性向南东方向变差。(4)分别讨论沉积作用和成岩作用对储层物性的影响,系统的总结了优质储层发育的制约因素。从沉积组构上看,东营组储层岩石结构对物性影响明显,粒度相对较粗、分选相对较好、磨圆以次棱角-次圆状或次圆状为主、碎屑颗粒含量越高、杂基含量越低的储层物性明显较好,而这类储层成因往往为扇三角洲平原上的分流河道和前缘的水下分流河道。从成岩组构上看,成岩作用类型、成岩作用阶段对储层物性具有明显的影响:随着胶结物含量(尤其是钙质胶结物)的增大,储层物性明显降低,而随着白生粘土中高岭石含量的增多,储层物性明显变好;在早成岩阶段B期,储层中粘土矿物和长石的大量溶蚀,造成了大量粒间孔隙、铸模孔隙的形成,大大改善了储层物性,相反在中成岩阶段A期,储层中方解石胶结作用和压实作用非常明显,造成大量原生或次生孔隙的减小或堵塞,导致储层物性的明显变差。从成岩作用与孔隙演化角度看,老爷庙地区对储层原生孔隙影响明显的主要是压实作用和方解石胶结作用,它们直接导致原生孔隙的减小,而长石和碎屑矿物的溶蚀作用往往是研究区次生孔隙发育的关键地质因素,与长石和碎屑矿物的溶蚀作用相伴生的往往是高岭石等粘土矿物的产生。总的来说,东营组潜在储层发育受沉积作用和成岩作用的控制,沉积作用影响储层的物质成分和结构,进而决定成岩作用的路径和程度,进而影响储层物性。(5)在综合分析老爷庙地区沉积条件、成岩作用和储层物性的基础上,对研究潜在储层进行了分类评价,指出了油气勘探的有利区带。老爷庙地区东营组储层属于低成岩演化阶段,储层品质受沉积作用和成岩作用两个方面的制约。从沉积学角度看,扇三角洲平原的分流河道物性最好,其次为三角洲前缘的水下分流河道和近端河口坝;从成岩作用角度看,东一段处于早成岩B期,以发育长石和碎屑矿物溶蚀作用为主,储层物性最好;东二段和东三上亚段处于早成岩B期或中成岩A期,以发育碎屑矿物和少量长石溶蚀和粘土胶结为主,储层物性较好;东三下亚段处于中成岩A期,以发育方解石、白云石和粘土胶结和少量碎屑矿物溶蚀为主,储层物性较差;从已有储层物性数据分析来看,总体上东一段以Ⅱ-Ⅲ类储层为主;东二段-东三上亚段以Ⅲ-Ⅳ类储层为主;东三下亚段以Ⅳ-Ⅴ类储层为主。以此为依据,对该地区潜在储层进行预测,指出,老爷庙地区最佳潜在储层(Ⅱ-Ⅲ类)主要分布于东营组一段,空间上位于研究区北部(庙北地区):较好的储层(Ⅲ-Ⅳ类)位于东营组二段和东三上亚段,空间上位于研究区北部(庙北地区)和南部(庙南地区);较差的储层(Ⅳ-Ⅵ类)位于东三下亚段,空间上位于研究区南部(庙南地区)。在此基础上,结合构造条件、石油地质等条件分析,对老爷庙地区有利勘探区块进行了预测,指出,庙北背斜主体发育断鼻构造、构造-岩性、断层遮挡岩性油气藏,储集砂体以扇三角洲平原分流河道和前缘水下分流河道为主,钻井密度大,勘探程度高,为I类有利区带;庙南断裂构造带以断层遮挡、岩性构造油气藏类型为主,储集砂体以扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道和河口坝为主,为ⅡA类有利区带;庙北背斜尾部和两翼以断层遮挡、火山岩遮挡和岩性为主,为ⅡB类有利区带;西南庄下降盘裙边构造发育构造油气藏,储集砂体以浊积砂体为主,物性较差,为Ⅲ类有利区带。通过以上研究,论文取得了以下的主要创新性成果:①以冀东油田老爷庙地区处于低成岩阶段的东营组储层为例,系统阐明了沉积作用、成岩作用对储层品质的影响,为甄别制约储层品质的主控因素奠定了基础,研究成果对于老爷庙地区东营组潜在优质储层的评价和有利勘探区带的预测具有重要指导意义。②通过系统的储层沉积学、成岩作用、储集性能方面的研究,深入揭示了低成岩阶段储层的非均质性特征及潜在优质储层发育的制约因素。这种沉积作用、成岩作用及储集性能一体化的研究思路,将为同类型储层非均质表征及优质储层成因研究提供重要的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Laoyemiao area of Jidong oilfield is important oil and gas distribution area in the Napu sag of the Bohai bay basin, and Dongying formation is the main production layer of this area, it has been proved that Dongying formation reservoir is of strong heterogeneity by many year’s hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation. Previous study mainly focused on reservoir sedimentology, especially paid attention to the prediction of potential reservoir in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation; however, the fine study of reservoir on sedimentary fabric analysis, diagenetic fabric analysis and diagenesis has been ignored by previous study, which resulted in several challenges in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation of this area, such as Dongying formation’s crude oil is of good quality but low outputs, and reservoir physical properties varies laterally. The sources of these problems maybe lie in the ambiguous understanding on controlling factors of Dongying formation reservoir. On diagenetic period, the Dongying formation of Laoyemiao area are in the early period of middle diagenetic stage (A stage) and the late period of early diagenetic stage (B stage), which belong to low diagenetic stage. The reservoirs in low diagenetic stage are very general in China, such as Damintun sag, Qikou sag, Biyang sag and such on, and the reservoir quality of this type is controlled by both sedimentation and diagenesis. In view of this background and condition, this dissertation takes Dongying formation reservoir in low diagenetic stage of Laoyemiao area as the research object, and makes known the controlling factors in low diagenetic stage reservoir by comprehensive analysis of many factors, which gives service to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation.Based on the geophysical logging data, core data, seismic reflection data and granulometric analysis, the dissertation makes an analysis on Dongying formation reservoir sedimentary system, finds out the sedimentary system types and spatial distribution rules, and depicts the reservoir macro-sedimentary characteristics. By the thin-section observation and identification, this dissertation makes a semi-quantitative and quantitative characterization on sedimentary fabric of Dongying formation reservoir, such as terrigenous clastic grain size, sorting, clast roundness, contact relationship between clastic grains and so on, which depict the reservoir micro-sedimentary characteristics. The dissertation divides the reservoir diagenesis stages by vitrinite reflection and montmorillonite’s percentage content in montmorillonite and illite mixed layer, and makes an analysis on reservoir diagenesis types and characteristics by means of many testing technology, such as polarization microscope, scanning electron microscope and cathodoluminescence micrography. On the basis of spatial distribution on single-well diagenesis type, the author makes combined well diagenesis analysis, and makes known the time and spatial distribution rules of diagenetic facies, and makes a quantitative study on reservoir diagenetic fabric analysis by the studies of cement type and content, together with clay minerals assemblage and content. Based on the microscopic-analysis on casting thin sections and reservoir physical properties test, we can find out the reservoir pore texture and physical properties characteristics. On the basis of this, the author discusses the influence of reservoir physical properties caused by sedimentation and diagenesis individually, which helps judge the main controlling factors on reservoir quality. The main understanding and conclusions have been obtained as follows:(1) Established the recognition mark of Dongying formation’s sedimentary system in Laoyemiao area, recovered the sedimentary system tracts, and summarized the reservoir sedimentary model, and on the basis of this, the author made a quantitative to semi-quantitative study on reservoir sedimentary fabric.By the means of typical well core observation, single-well vertical sequence, granulometric analysis, seismic facies and seismic attribute analysis, the author recognized three main sedimentary systems in the interior of paleogene Dongying formation in the Laoyemiao area. They are fan delta sedimentary system, lacustrine sedimentary system and turbidite sedimentary system. The fan delta sedimentary system mainly distributed in the north part of the study area, it progressed from north to south in general, and it spread widely and had an important influence to the study area; the lacustrine sedimentary system mainly distributed in the south part of the study area, it also spread relatively widely; the turbidite sedimentary system mainly distributed in the southwest part of the study area, it was characterized by a small range of extension. In general, the stratigraphy was presented with retrogradation to progradation sedimentary sequence from Lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation to Member-1of Dongying formation, and the Member-2of Dongying formation was affected obviously by the lacustrine sedimentary system. As a whole, the Dongying formation reservoir is of moderately sorted and poorly roundness, the sorting of reservoir is getting a little better from Lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation to Member-1of Dongying formation, and the contact relationship between grains in a dominant position transformed from point-line contacts to point contacts. The terrigenous elastics of Dongying formation reservoir are consisted of quartz, alkali feldspar and rock debris, together with a small quantity of plagioclases, the content of these terrigenous clastics in different members of Dongying formation are basically stable, which maybe revealed that Dongying formation had a relatively stable source supply during the sedimentary phase.(2) Ascertained the reservoir diagenetic stages of Dongying formation in the Laoyemiao area, summarized the reservoir diagenesis types, diagenetic facies in time and spatial distribution rules, and made a quantitative study on reservoir diagenetic fabrics.Based on clay mineral and vitrinite reflection analysis of several drilling cores from study area, the author divided the reservoir diagenetic stages of the study area into two stages, the first stage is in the late period of early diagenetic stage (B stage) and the second stage is in the early period of middle diagenetic stage (A stage), and the late period of early diagenetic stage is corresponding to the first member of Dongying formation and the upper part in second member of Dongying formation, and the burial depth is less than3500m, whereas the early period of middle diagenetic stage is corresponding to the third member of Dongying formation and the lower part in second member of Dongying formation, and the burial depth is more than3500m. With the help of thin-section observation, scanning electron microscope and cathodoluminescence micrography, the author makes a conclusion that the reservoir diagenesis types are mainly consisted of compaction, calcite cementation, dolomite cementation, clay minerals cementation, siliceous cementation, feldspar dissolution, detrital minerals dissolution, and calcite dissolution. The single-well diagenetic facies study indicated that the diagenesis types of the third member of Dongying formation and the lower part in second member of Dongying formation (the early period of middle diagenetic stage) are characterized with strong compaction, siliceous cementation, calcite cementation, little detrital minerals dissolution and calcite dissolution; whereas the diagenesis types of the first member of Dongying formation and the upper part in second member of Dongying formation (the late period of early diagenetic stage) are characterized with weak compaction, detrital minerals dissolution, calcite dissolution, little clay mineral cementation and dolomite cementation. The cement contents and types of Dongying formation reservoir of the study area varies regularly, for the same horizon, the distributary channels and under-water distributary channels sandstone or coarse sandstone has low content of calcite cement, for the same genetic facies, the upper part has low content of calcite cement and siliceous cement, whereas has relatively higher content of dolomite cement, authigenic clay minerals and siderite. For the same horizon, the distributary channels and under-water distributary channels sandstone or coarse sandstone has relatively high content of kaolinite, for the same genetic facies, the upper part has high content of kaolinite and low content of chlorite and illite, which means that the content of kaolinite increases from the lower part to upper part, whereas the content of chlorite and illite decreases from the lower part to upper part.(3) Ascertained the pore structure characteristics of Dongying formation reservoir in the study area, and summarized reservoir physical properties of different genetic facies and different rock types.The reservoir pore types of Dongying formation of the study area are mainly intergranular pore, intragranular pore, moldic pore, intercrystalline pore and microfissure. These five pore types distribute in Lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation, upper part of Member-3of Dongying formation, Member-2of Dongying formation and Member-1of Dongying formation. The reservoir parameters such as porosity, permeability, the average pore throat radius and the maximal pore radius varies regularly. For the same genetic facies or lithology, these reservoir parameters increase gradually in whole from Lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation to Member-1of Dongying formation. For the same horizon, these parameters in distributary channels and under-water distributary channels or coarse sandstone reservoir are relatively larger. Specifically, for the same horizon, the reservoir physical properties in distributary channels and under-water distributary channels sandstone are better, whereas for the same genetic facies, the reservoir physical properties are better in the upper part; for the same horizon, middle-coarse sandstone’s reservoir physical properties are better, whereas for the same lithology, the reservoir physical properties are also better in the upper part. From the reservoir physical properties section distribution, the author makes a conclusion that reservoir physical properties are both controlled by horizon and depth in vertical direction, the reservoir physical properties of Member-1of Dongying formation and upper part of Member-2of Dongying formation are evidently better than Member-3of Dongying formation and lower part of Member-2of Dongying formation, and the reservoir physical properties are getting worse toward southeast in plane.(4) Discussed the influence of reservoir physical properties caused by sedimentation and diagenesis individually, and summarized the controlling factors on good-quality reservoir systematically.For the sedimentary fabric, the Dongying formation reservoir rock structure has an evident influence on reservoir physical properties, the reservoir physical properties are evident better when the clastic grain sizes are of relatively coarse and moderately well sorted as well as subangular to subrounded roundness or subrounded roundness, together with high content of clastic grain and low content of matrix. This type of reservoir with good-quality are commonly developed in these genetic facies, such as distributary channels of fan delta plain and under-water distributary channels of fan delta front. For the diagenetic fabric, the reservoir physical properties are affected evidently by both diagenesis types and diagenetic stages, with the increasing of cement content (especially the calcareous cements), the reservoir physical properties gets worse evidently, whereas with the increasing of kaolinite content, the reservoir physical properties gets better evidently. In the late period of early diagenetic stage, the clay minerals and feldspar are in a state of dissolution, and then form many intergranular pore and moldic pore, which enhance the reservoir physical properties largely, conversely, in the early period of middle diagenetic stage, calcite cementation and compaction are extremely evident in reservoir, and the primary porosity or secondary porosity decreases or has been jammed by these destructive diagenesis, which result in reservoir physical properties getting worse evidently. From the aspect of diagenesis and porosity evolution, the diagenesis which has the evident influence on reservoir primary porosity are compaction and calcite cementation, they directly result in the decrease of primary porosity, and feldspar dissolution and clastic minerals dissolution are the key geological factors to the development of secondary porosity in the study area, with the company of them are usually the formation of the clay minerals such as kaolinite. In general, the potential reservoir’s development is controlled by both sedimentation and diagenesis, and the sedimentation affects the reservoir’s material composition and fabrics, which determine the pathway and degree of diagenesis, and then affect the reservoir physical properties.(5) On the basis of comprehensive study of sedimentation, diagenesis and reservoir physical properties in the study area, the dissertation makes a classified evaluation on the potential reservoir in the study area, and points out the favorable zone of hydrocarbon exploration. The Dongying formation reservoir is in the low diagenetic stage, and the reservoir quality is controlled by both sedimentation and diagenesis. The reservoir physical properties of fan delta plain are best from the aspect of sedimentology, and then the under-water distributary channels and proximal sandy mouth bars of fan delta front. From the aspect of diagenesis, the Member-1of Dongying formation is in the late period of early diagenetic stage, the diagenesis is mainly consisted of feldspar dissolution and clastic minerals dissolution, and the reservoir physical properties are the best; the Member-2and upper part of Member-3of Dongying formation are in the late period of early diagenetic stage or the early period of middle diagenetic stage, the diagenesis is mainly consisted of clastic minerals dissolution and little feldspar dissolution together with clay minerals cementation, and the reservoir physical properties are relatively better; the lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation is in the early period of middle diagenetic stage, the diagenesis is mainly consisted of calcite cementation, dolomite cementation, clay minerals cementation and little clastic minerals dissolution, and the reservoir physical properties are relatively worse. On the analysis of known reservoir physical properties data, the dissertation points out that the Member-1of Dongying formation reservoir is mainly the reservoir of Ⅱ-Ⅲ type; the Member-2and upper part of Member-3of Dongying formation is mainly the reservoir of Ⅲ-Ⅳtype; and the lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation is mainly the reservoir of Ⅳ-Ⅴ type. On the basis of this, the dissertation makes a prediction on the potential reservoir in the study area, and points out that the best potential reservoir(Ⅱ-Ⅲtype) in the study area is distributed in the Member-1of Dongying formation, and distributed in the north part of the study area in spatial; the better potential reservoir(III-IVtype) in the study area is distributed in the Member-2and upper part of Member-3of Dongying formation, and distributed in the north and south part of the study area in spatial; the worse potential reservoir(IV-VItype) in the study area is distributed in the lower part of Member-3of Dongying formation, and distributed in the south part of the study area in spatial. Based on the previous study above, combining with structural condition and petroleum geology analysis, the dissertation makes a prediction on the favorable zone of hydrocarbon exploration, and points out that main body of anticline in the north part of Laoyemiao area develops fault-nose structural oil and gas reservoir, structural-lithology oil and gas reservoir and fault-blocked lithology oil and gas reservoir, and the reservoir sandstone are mainly distributary channels sandstones in fan delta plain and under-water distributary channels sandstones in fan delta front, this area is of high density of drilling and of high degree of hydrocarbon exploration, and it is the best favorable zone(Ⅰ type); the faulted structure zone in the south of Laoyemiao area mainly develops fault-blocked lithology oil and gas reservoir and lithology-structural oil and gas reservoir, and the reservoir sandstone are mainly under-water distributary channels sandstones and mouth bars sandstones in fan delta front, this area is the secondary favorable zone(ⅡA type); the tail part and both flanks of anticline in the north part of Laoyemiao area mainly develops fault-blocked lithology oil and gas reservoir, volcanic rock-blocked lithology oil and gas reservoir, this area is the third favorable zone(ⅡB type); the downthrown side of Xi’nanzhuang fault develops skirt-like structural oil and gas reservoir, the reservoir sandstone is mainly turtbidite sand body, the reservoir is of poor quantity, and this area is the last favorable zone(Ⅲ type).The dissertation has made the following major innovative achievements through the above studies:①Take the Dongying formation reservoir in low diagenetic stage in the Laoyemiao area of Jidong oilfield for example, the dissertation systematically illustrates the influence of reservoir quality caused by both sedimentation and diagenesis, which makes a foundation for distinguishing the main controlling factor on reservoir quality, and the researches provide an important value on the assessment of potential reservoir of good quality of Dongying formation in the Laoyemiao area, and they are also helpful to predict the favorable zones for hydrocarbon exploration.②By the systematical study on reservoir sedimentology, reservoir diagenesis and reservoir physical properties, the dissertation deeply reveals the reservoir characteristics and heterogeneity in low diagenetic stage, as well as points out the controlling factor in potential reservoir of good quality. The dissertation puts sedimentation and diagenesis and reservoir physical properties as a whole to study, and the research method can be used for reference to the same type reservoir’s heterogeneity research and genesis of good-quality reservoir.


