

Research on Digital Watermarking Model and Algorithm for Raster Geographic Data

【作者】 符浩军

【导师】 朱长青;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 栅格地理数据是地理空间数据的主要组成部分之一,其在国民经济、国防建设、人类生活中发挥着重要的作用。随着栅格地理数据的“数字化”和“网络化”进程不断加快,栅格地理数据的安全问题也变得日益严峻,数据安全事故层出不穷,诸如数据泄密、版权侵犯、非法使用和分发等现象屡禁不止。而仅仅依靠传统的数据安全技术和当前法律法规,并不能有效遏制诸如此类的数据安全事故。作为新兴的信息安全前沿技术,数字水印技术在栅格地理数据安全领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。基于此需求驱动,本论文结合栅格地理数据特点、精度特征和应用要求等,运用相关数学工具,对栅格地理数据数字水印技术进行了深入的研究。论文具体的研究成果如下:(1)结合栅格地理数据特点,分析了栅格地理数据数字水印技术的特征,重点剖析了图像水印技术与栅格地理数据水印技术的主要区别,总结了栅格地理数据水印攻击方式,探讨了不同水印攻击方式对栅格地理数据水印算法产生的影响及其对策。(2)提出了两种二值栅格地理数据水印算法。结合二值栅格地理数据的水印嵌入特征,引入游程长度编码思想,通过修改编码数据的游程长度,提出一种基于游程长度的二值栅格地理数据水印算法;通过分析几何变换过程中分块栅格地理数据的变化特征,提出了抗几何变换的二值栅格地理数据水印算法。较好的解决了当前二值栅格地理数据水印容量低和算法鲁棒性较差等问题。(3)建立了精度可控的栅格地理数据变换域水印模型。从变换域水印算法的设计角度考虑,结合灰度级/彩色级栅格地理数据的特点,构建了一种精度可控的适应于变换域的栅格地理数据水印嵌入和提取/检测模型,对于栅格地理数据变换域水印算法的设计具有较好的参考和指导意义。然后在所提出模型的指导下,设计并实施了一种基于小波变换的栅格地理数据水印算法。(4)针对栅格地理数据拼接处理和切割处理过程中的水印特征,设计了相应的水印方案。在所提出模型的指导下,以进一步提高算法鲁棒性和降低最大水印误差为目标,提出了一种抗几何变换的栅格地理数据变换域水印算法;并以此为原型算法,引入四叉树分块递归判断的思想,设计了一种抗拼接处理的栅格地理数据水印检测方法;最后,基于栅格地理数据的精度特征,提出了一种适合于小尺寸栅格地理数据的抗切割处理水印算法。(5)构建了面向多级分发的栅格地理数据水印模型。在对地理空间数据多级分发的现状及其存在的安全隐患进行深入总结和分析的基础上,构建了一种较理想的面向多级分发的栅格地理数据水印模型,此模型主要对多级分发中的栅格地理数据文件访问权限控制、流向标识、多版权保护、使用跟踪等问题予以考虑和解决。(6)建立了一种基于字节流的栅格地理数据水印算法。在充分剖析数据加密技术与数字水印技术各自优缺点的基础上,结合栅格地理数据的存储和流通特性,将数据加密思想引入到水印算法的设计中,建立了一种基于字节流的栅格地理数据水印算法。较好地解决了面向多级分发的栅格地理数据水印模型中对数据流向标识、使用权限控制等问题。(7)设计了三种栅格地理数据多级水印算法。采用量化区间分区的策略,设计了基于量化分区的栅格地理数据多级水印算法;采用水印信息分段的策略,设计了基于水印信息分段的栅格地理数据多级水印算法;采用栅格地理数据分块的策略,设计了基于数据分块的栅格地理数据多级水印算法。所设计的水印算法较好地解决了面向多级分发的栅格地理数据水印模型中对数据多级版权保护、使用跟踪等问题。(8)基于所研究的水印模型与算法,采用面向对象思想进行设计与开发,同时面向接口编程,实现了栅格地理数据水印原型系统。

【Abstract】 Raster Geographic data, a main part of geo-spatial data, plays an important role in thenational economy, national defense construction and human life. With the accelerating process ofraster geographic data digitalization and network, its security problem has become increasinglyserious, data security incidents emerge in an endless stream, such as data leakage, illegal usage,copyright infringement and so on. However, rely solely on traditional data security technologyand the current laws and regulations, suchlike phenomenon cannot be effectively curbed.As a rising frontier technology in the information security field, the digital watermarkingtechnology is becoming more and more crucial in the security area of raster geographic dataprotection. Based on this demand-driven, combining with the data feature, precisioncharacteristics and application requirements of raster geographic data, applying some pertinentmathematical tools, in-depth research on raster geographic data digital watermark technologywas conducted in this paper. The specific research results are as follows:(1) In combination with the characteristics of raster geographic data, the feature of digitalwatermarking technology for raster geographic data was analyzed, which focused on the majordifference between the natural image watermarking technology and the raster geographic datawatermarking technology. The attacking methods of raster geographical data watermarking weresummed up, their different effects on the raster geographic data watermarking algorithm and thecorresponding countermeasures were explored.(2) Two kinds of binary raster geographic data watermarking algorithm were proposed.Based on the characteristics of binary raster data watermarking embedding, by introducing theidea of Run-Length Encoding (RLE) and modifying the run length of the encoded data, a binaryraster geographic data watermarking algorithm based on the run length was proposed. Byanalyzing the variation characteristics of the blocking raster data in the geometric transformationprocess, an anti-geometric transformation binary raster geographic data watermarking algorithmwas presented. The two algorithms effectively solved the problems of the low watermarkingcapacity and the poor robustness of current binary raster geographic data watermarkingalgorithms.(3) A watermarking model for transform domain raster geographic data was established.From the design perspective of transform domain watermarking algorithm, combining with thecharacteristics of raster geographic data, a new watermarking embedding and detection modelfor raster geographic data was built, which adapted to the transform domain, being of goodreference and guidance significance for the design of transform domain raster geographic datawatermarking algorithm. Under guidance of the proposed model, a raster geographic data watermarking algorithm based on wavelet transform was designed and implemented.(4) Based on the watermarking feature of raster geographic data in the splicing and cuttingprocess, a corresponding watermarking algorithm was proposed. Under the direction of themodel advanced, aiming to further improve the algorithm robustness and reduce the maximumwatermarking error, a robust watermarking algorithm for geometric transformation for rastergeographic data in transform domain was presented; then taking it as a prototype algorithm andintroducing the idea of quad-tree block recursive judgment, an anti-splicing raster geographicdata watermarking detection method was designed; finally, an anti-cutting raster geographic datawatermarking algorithm was proposed based on the precision characteristics of raster geographicdata.(5) Oriented to multi-level distribution, a raster geographical data watermarking modelwas constructed. Based on the in-depth summary and analysis of the status of geospatial datamulti-level distribution and its security risks, an ideal multi-level distribution oriented rastergeographical data watermarking model was constructed, which preferably solved the problemssuch as the flow direction identifier of raster geographic data, file access control, data copyrightprotection and use track in the multi-level distribution process.(6) A byte stream-based raster geographic data watermarking algorithm was established.Based on the fully dissection of the respective advantages and disadvantages of data encryptiontechnology and digital watermarking technology, combining with the storage and flowcharacteristics of raster geographic data and introducing the data encryption idea into the designof watermarking algorithm, a byte stream-based raster geographic data watermarking algorithmwas built. The algorithm provides a good solution for the flow direction identifier of rastergeographic data in the multi-stage circulation process, the access control and other issues.(7) Three kinds of multi-level watermarking algorithm for raster geographic data wereproposed. Adopting the quantization interval division strategy, the watermarking informationsegmentation strategy and the raster geographic data blocking strategy respectively, accordingly,a quantization division-based, a watermarking information segmentation-based and a datablocking-based multi-level watermarking algorithm for raster geographic data was proposed.Those three watermarking algorithms effectively solved the data multi-stage copyright protection,flow direction tracking and other problems in the multi-level distribution oriented rastergeographic data watermarking model.(8) On the basis of the studied watermarking models and algorithms, using theobject-oriented thought in the designing and developing process and adopting the interface-oriented programming, a watermarking prototype system for raster geographic data wasperformed.

  • 【分类号】P208;TP309.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】254
  • 攻读期成果

